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Latest Charlie Hebdo cover continues to roil Muslim world

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This is the case of too little too late, radical Islam is well entrenched all over Europe by now

and sleeper cells are poised to strike and reek havoc...

the only actions that might put a damp on it will be a united Muslim world of 1.6 billion Muslims

take a firm stand against those who uses Islam and a guise to advance their murderers agenda

to control and install fear all around the world...

Your premise is based in part that this is radical islam that is entrenched all over Europe by now.

I dont accept a notion of radical islam. I have very rarely ever seen an example where jihadists

behaved contrary to their faith. If someone shows me I am wrong, I will retract and conceded my

error. Someday folks will wake up and stop asking why the silent majority is silent and concede,

now they know why. You have practicing muslims, and "friday muslims." This does not a silent

majority make.


Lets just remember that the jews buddhists and christians where on this planet before the muslims.

The muslims blew up the buddhist images in afghanistan.

They destroyed temples in India.

They blew up borrabodur in indonesia.

They kill people over a cartoon.

They have an iconoclastic history and have attacked and still attack others of different faiths.

They have good people and bad. But they blame others and ask for understanding.

I am happy to give that and respect their beliefs about the prophet.

Will they reciprocate and respect my beliefs?

  • Like 1

It's a sad state of affairs really...

I wonder how it will all end ?

It will end in a series of religious and cultural civil wars within many western countries, which would probably end with the complete banning of Islam in many western countries, those nations who fail to abolish it will succumb to total Islamification and Sharia law.

Yes. This is going to end in a trail of tears for European countries that were stupid enough to

allow massive Muslim immigration. And now countries like Sweden and France have

no go zones where local authorities fear to enter. Now simply expand those zones if

you wish to know the future.....The bold is mine.


Will Durant ( US Historian) 1997

"The Islamic conquest of India is probably the bloodiest story in history. It is a discouraging tale, for its evident moral is that civilization is a precious good, whose delicate complex of order and freedom, culture and peace, can at any moment be overthrown by barbarians invading from without or multiplying within."

  • Like 1
Well, Marco Polo actually said this. Pretty much means that Muslims can do whatever they

want to infidels who do not believe in their god......

"The law which their prophet Mohamed has given to muslims is that any harm done to any one who does not accept their law and any appropriation of his goods, is no sin at all".

I actually like Winston Churchill's outlook on Muslims. As one of the great thinkers of our

times, he is hard to ignore.

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity."

Or how about the great French thinker, Alexis de Tocqueville...... These guys must be rolling over in their graves right now if they could see their countries being taken over by Muslim lunatics..

"I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. As far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself."

Actually, since Muhammad was a bandit, slaver, and a pedophile, you would think at this point

Muslims should be used to taking a bit of flack from normal people.... cheesy.gif

Wow, great post; thanks.


People being people there will always be good and bad in any group.

Given the number of muslims in the world, it's inevitable that there will be a few bad ones but it needs to be remembered that the vast majority of muslims are peaceful and are as disgusted by these acts of terrorism as anyone else.

Having said that, it's irresponsible to make cartoons for the sole purpose of offending others.

What doesn't offend Muslims? The west has been bending over backwards for years to cater to their demands and sensitivity, even when they are guests in the host country. The bottom line is nothing pleases them and their demands are never satisfied.

So true - this so called religion of Peace is a sickness that only has one cure ...

Who cares if muslims get offended - they should leave all western countries and go to their infested holes they came from originally - nobody want them in the West for sure

Certainly not a politically correct point of view, but one that makes sense to me.

Their religion in essence turned their own ME countries into shit holes they all want to flee from,

and now they want the western countries they have fled to, to become Muslim. Too funny for

words....Guess irony is not a widely understood part of their culture. cheesy.gif

  • Like 1

It's a sad state of affairs really...

I wonder how it will all end ?

It will end in a series of religious and cultural civil wars within many western countries, which would probably end with the complete banning of Islam in many western countries, those nations who fail to abolish it will succumb to total Islamification and Sharia law.

If I had to make a choice between living under sharia law or a quick and painless death, quick and painless wins hands down.

  • Like 1

All the "important " people are calling for understanding and diversity training for all but did you ever try to understand a snake or move one into your home ?

The terrorists and all their supporters, like a raging fire , should be extinguished

not coddled !

  • Like 1

All the "important " people are calling for understanding and diversity training for all but did you ever try to understand a snake or move one into your home ?

The terrorists and all their supporters, like a raging fire , should be extinguished

not coddled !

Best to encourage them to put out their own fire. But how?!?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


As a few commentators in the UK have mentioned , the problem may lie in the insecurity felt by many Muslems. Are they really happy in the fact that most Muslem countries are basket cases- on the other hand Western counties allow their citizens to expand their horizons and have free choice in how they shape their lives.

On a totally different point- one presumes the journalists writing the headlines stick to American English- roil referes to turbulent water.

Us pesky Brits would use rile.


Love it! <quote> "Al-Abadi called on all parties to "desist such practices that create an atmosphere of division and rejection." He also reiterated his condemnation of the attacks on innocent victims in Paris, saying that terrorism, "has nothing to do with Islam in any way."

Really? How about this...

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim.

The Beltway Snipers were Muslims.

The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim.

The underwear Bomber was a Muslim.

The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims.

The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims.

The Bali Nightclub Bombers were Muslims.

The London Subway Bombers were Muslims.

The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims.

The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims.

The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims.

The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims.

The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims.

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims.

The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims.

The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims.

The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims.

The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims.

The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims.

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims.

The Bosnian Russian School Attackers were Muslims.

The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims.

The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims.

The Achilles Laura Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims.

The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims.'

and then we have ISIS to add here and much more. BUT Muslims don't even like themselves, they kill each other far more prodigiously than anybody else!

  • Like 2

People being people there will always be good and bad in any group.

Given the number of muslims in the world, it's inevitable that there will be a few bad ones but it needs to be remembered that the vast majority of muslims are peaceful and are as disgusted by these acts of terrorism as anyone else.

Having said that, it's irresponsible to make cartoons for the sole purpose of offending others.

RUBBISH based on Polls in Muslim countries and around the world almost HALF of the 1.6 Billion Musilim population can be called radicals based on theri support for Sharia law which includes death and lashing for Homosexuals Death for Aposthy Cutting of of limbs for theft Death for anyone insulting Islam or Mohammed, Beating of you wife and I can go on and on

I find it remarkable that the left while supporting Islam and Muslims are so stupid and ignornant that while supporting the muslims they are actually supporting killing of homosexuals and treating women like 2nd class citizens



Spot on. Believe me, not all of the left is fooled. I think the European left IS mostly caving to fear of being labeled Islamophobic. I think they are making a bargain that won't work -- we'll humor you with tolerance even when your actions are radically against our western values, we'll join you in irrationally demonizing Israel (we never liked Jews anyway), etc. because you're here in great numbers and we feel there is no other choice but appeasement.

But in the U.S. Bill Maher's views about modern Islam are very popular among the left spectrum of Americans.

Being overly "tolerant" of the behavior of modern Muslims is INDEED implicitly supporting:

Murdering gay people

Oppressing women

Murdering people who leave Islam

Thinking people who are murdered for a cartoon about the Prophet HAD IT COMING

Honor killings of girls and women


In other words, the exact opposite of leftist/liberal modern values.

The west needs to wake up. The problem is both Jihadist Islamic soldiers for Allah and ALSO the large percentage of Muslims who support barbaric values from the dark ages (as above). These values are really quite widespread among modern Muslims and are NOT compatible with modern civilization.

In my view, being intolerant of intolerance (see the list above) is not intolerance -- it is COMMON SENSE.

Well I'm from the left and I agree that far too many muslims are what could be termed 'radical'. Do I have the answer? No. It's a tough one. But I agree with Clinton that Muslim leaders and the general muslim population should fix this problem. And quickly, because the alternative doesn't bear thinking about.


I hate this paper, sorry MY opinion, since the first day I said I am not Charlie, why? Here is the link for many of they carricatures, what do YOU think about it?



I grew up reading Mad Magazine. It was irreverent and also funny. They were never hateful.

These guys are irreverent and baiting. They are hateful.

I don't agree with government limiting free speech, because while now they'll only take an inch, later it will be a mile. But if people don't have the common decency and selflessness to limit themselves, then governments are going to step in, and we are all going to have our rights taken away, methodically, piece by piece.

Absolutely HeijoshinCool, me too I Liked mad Magazine you expressed it well irreverent but never hatefull, this Charlie Hebdo on the contrary almost vomit on anything IMHO at least its not even funny, by the way they were on the verge of bankruptcy.

555 they are not anymore are they?


There irony is, while they are so offended, to express it they are burning bibles and country flags.

Is not there something in Quaran that says to lead by example?w00t.gif


Al-Abadi called on all parties to "desist such practices that create an atmosphere of division and rejection." He also reiterated his condemnation of the attacks on innocent victims in Paris, saying that terrorism, "has nothing to do with Islam in any way."

Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant whose travels are recorded in the Book of Marvels of the World, was the first to leave a detailed chronicle of his travel experience through Central Asia and China. His insight into Islam from eight centuries ago remains relevant today.

attachicon.gifMarco Polo.jpg

Well, Marco Polo actually said this. Pretty much means that Muslims can do whatever they

want to infidels who do not believe in their god......

"The law which their prophet Mohamed has given to muslims is that any harm done to any one who does not accept their law and any appropriation of his goods, is no sin at all".

I actually like Winston Churchill's outlook on Muslims. As one of the great thinkers of our

times, he is hard to ignore.

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity."

Or how about the great French thinker, Alexis de Tocqueville...... These guys must be rolling over in their graves right now if they could see their countries being taken over by Muslim lunatics..

"I studied the Quran a great deal. I came away from that study with the conviction that by and large there have been few religions in the world as deadly to men as that of Muhammad. As far as I can see, it is the principal cause of the decadence so visible today in the Muslim world and, though less absurd than the polytheism of old, its social and political tendencies are in my opinion more to be feared, and I therefore regard it as a form of decadence rather than a form of progress in relation to paganism itself."

Actually, since Muhammad was a bandit, slaver, and a pedophile, you would think at this point

Muslims should be used to taking a bit of flack from normal people.... cheesy.gif

Apropos the Churchill quote, a man called Paul Weston was arrested for publicly reciting it in Winchester last year.

It seems that even the left has had enough now (at least in the UK). Just checked the Guardian's comments section. I expected more hand wringing and apologist comments like 'the vast majority of muslims are peaceful blah blah.''

It's anything but that. It does seem as though that the extremists have commited one too many attacks. They're on their own now and will not find many coming out in defence of their religion anymore. As tolerant as I am, it's now up to Muslim leaders to sort this out once and for all.


I have no problem with Moslems or any religion or political ideology - until they want to use violence, murder, and intimidation to stop free speech, force others to accept their way of life and laws and treat people of different views with contempt. Usually those that do are the biggest violators of what they preach others should do.

Charlie Hebdo cartoons are to die for. ermm.gif

I wonder if the Muslim population every wondered why there wasn't any blowback after the Taliban desecrated and blew up the Buddhas of Bamiyan.

I guess there are religions of peace, and religions of peace. But than again, don't get Myanmar Buddhists too riled, but that's another story.


Slightly off topic, but think about it: If Thailand does pass "Hate Speech" laws, then the mods will be have to delete 50% of the posts from a thread like this. That's a scary thought.


People being people there will always be good and bad in any group.

Given the number of muslims in the world, it's inevitable that there will be a few bad ones but it needs to be remembered that the vast majority of muslims are peaceful and are as disgusted by these acts of terrorism as anyone else.

Having said that, it's irresponsible to make cartoons for the sole purpose of offending others.

I agree almost wholeheartedly, except for the last sentence.

Charlie Hebdo were being deliberately provocative. That is their trademark. Every institution got the same merciless sarcastic treatment. Why should one institution demand special treatment? Secularism and free speech are as sacred to the French as religion, AND it is protected by French law. Religion is not protected from sarcasm under the law.

If you don't like it, criticize, boycott, protest, go on hunger strike even. Butand I can't believe this needs to be saiddon't kill.



Al-Abadi called on all parties to "desist such practices that create an atmosphere of division and rejection." He also reiterated his condemnation of the attacks on innocent victims in Paris, saying that terrorism, "has nothing to do with Islam in any way."

Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant whose travels are recorded in the Book of Marvels of the World, was the first to leave a detailed chronicle of his travel experience through Central Asia and China. His insight into Islam from eight centuries ago remains relevant today.

attachicon.gifMarco Polo.jpg

Phrases like "Militant Islam" and "Moderate Islam" got me thinking: could such terms have even existed in 13th/14th century Venice? I decided to look up this supposed Marco Polo Quote and discovered that it's actually attributed to an obscure philosophy professor named Dr M. Sabieski. I suspect it's a made-up person because I can't find other references to Sabieski. The quote is widely shared at racist, Islamophobe websites.

However Marco Polo, referring to the prevailing legal system in the Persian Empire which he traveled through, possibly might have said something to the effect that any harm done to people who don't adhere to the laws handed down by Mohamed is not a sin. Now this quote, viewed with Islamophobic goggles and taken out of the context of its times can seem, by a huge stretch, a bit like the Sabieski quote.

There's a lot of nonsense on the Internet. Unthinkingly believing everything one reads (especially when it reinforces one's existing biases) and then spreading such nonsense is not helpful to the debate.



Al-Abadi called on all parties to "desist such practices that create an atmosphere of division and rejection." He also reiterated his condemnation of the attacks on innocent victims in Paris, saying that terrorism, "has nothing to do with Islam in any way."

Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant whose travels are recorded in the Book of Marvels of the World, was the first to leave a detailed chronicle of his travel experience through Central Asia and China. His insight into Islam from eight centuries ago remains relevant today.

attachicon.gifMarco Polo.jpg

Phrases like "Militant Islam" and "Moderate Islam" got me thinking: could such terms have even existed in 13th/14th century Venice? I decided to look up this supposed Marco Polo Quote and discovered that it's actually attributed to an obscure philosophy professor named Dr M. Sabieski. I suspect it's a made-up person because I can't find other references to Sabieski. The quote is widely shared at racist, Islamophobe websites.

However Marco Polo, referring to the prevailing legal system in the Persian Empire which he traveled through, possibly might have said something to the effect that any harm done to people who don't adhere to the laws handed down by Mohamed is not a sin. Now this quote, viewed with Islamophobic goggles and taken out of the context of its times can seem, by a huge stretch, a bit like the Sabieski quote.

There's a lot of nonsense on the Internet. Unthinkingly believing everything one reads (especially when it reinforces one's existing biases) and then spreading such nonsense is not helpful to the debate.


Already addressed in my post # 10

Well, Marco Polo actually said this. Pretty much means that Muslims can do whatever they

want to infidels who do not believe in their god......

"The law which their prophet Mohamed has given to muslims is that any harm done to any one who does not accept their law and any appropriation of his goods, is no sin at all".





Yes, that's probably the quote I was thinking of from Rustichello da Pisa's book derived from the stories that Marco Polo told to Pisa.

It's clear to me that what the quote means is that when in the Persian Empire, one had to follow the law of the land, as laid down by Mohamed. Punishment for breaking those laws, however harsh, does not constitute a sin. *Your* understanding of that quotethat Muslims can do anything they want to infidelsseems rather a stretch.



Oh dear,many muslims are offended.....................Suck it up and deal with it.....there`s hopefully plenty more offence to follow tongue.png !!


They may consider it blasphemos in their country, but we are not in their country, it was printed in a country with free speech and freedom, the same as you can mock religion and royalty in a civilised country and it is accepted, other religious countries don't allow it, well that is fine and up to that country. if you don't like it, don't buy it simple, god is ridiculed all over the world, it is down to how educated you are, to how you will react, come on most of these countries still stone their wives to death, How does anybody know what the prophet looks like, if no one has a picture of him. Christianity is still the biggest religion in the world, and it is mocked every day in every way, but I don't see my educated country bombing people over it, we are above that, we have moved on and evolved.

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Al-Abadi called on all parties to "desist such practices that create an atmosphere of division and rejection." He also reiterated his condemnation of the attacks on innocent victims in Paris, saying that terrorism, "has nothing to do with Islam in any way."

Marco Polo, a Venetian merchant whose travels are recorded in the Book of Marvels of the World, was the first to leave a detailed chronicle of his travel experience through Central Asia and China. His insight into Islam from eight centuries ago remains relevant today.

attachicon.gifMarco Polo.jpg

Phrases like "Militant Islam" and "Moderate Islam" got me thinking: could such terms have even existed in 13th/14th century Venice? I decided to look up this supposed Marco Polo Quote and discovered that it's actually attributed to an obscure philosophy professor named Dr M. Sabieski. I suspect it's a made-up person because I can't find other references to Sabieski. The quote is widely shared at racist, Islamophobe websites.

However Marco Polo, referring to the prevailing legal system in the Persian Empire which he traveled through, possibly might have said something to the effect that any harm done to people who don't adhere to the laws handed down by Mohamed is not a sin. Now this quote, viewed with Islamophobic goggles and taken out of the context of its times can seem, by a huge stretch, a bit like the Sabieski quote.

There's a lot of nonsense on the Internet. Unthinkingly believing everything one reads (especially when it reinforces one's existing biases) and then spreading such nonsense is not helpful to the debate.


Already addressed in my post # 10

Well, Marco Polo actually said this. Pretty much means that Muslims can do whatever they

want to infidels who do not believe in their god......

"The law which their prophet Mohamed has given to muslims is that any harm done to any one who does not accept their law and any appropriation of his goods, is no sin at all".


Well what do you expect from a child molester, I see Muslims never like to talk about him and his young 6 year old wife, Wow what a prophet, now I know where they get all their virgins from

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