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Where to Buy an Apple Mac in Chiang Mai?

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My Apple Mac "died" without warning and I need to replace it urgently. Any suggestions fro the best place to purchase an Apple Mac in Chiang Mai?


My Apple Mac "died" without warning and I need to replace it urgently. Any suggestions fro the best place to purchase an Apple Mac in Chiang Mai?

How dead is dead - there is an apple service centre in airport plaza now


My Apple Mac "died" without warning and I need to replace it urgently. Any suggestions fro the best place to purchase an Apple Mac in Chiang Mai?

How dead is dead - there is an apple service centre in airport plaza now

Took the Mac to an Apple service place in Kad Suan Kaew and they said that the hard drive was "broken" and couldn't be fixed. The Mac is almost 6 years old and has had a hard life so it is probably the end of the line for it. That said there was some language difficulties so I may look for a second opinion to find out if it is terminally kaput.


I've been a Mac user for last 9 years and do not like the KSK service centre, slow and not polite.

Khun Krit has been recommended on this board for repairs by several folk, I would suggest you contact him on 081 3467051. His shop, with large Mac sign is located in a soi off Huey Kaew between the irrigation canal and CM Uni, left hand side coming down from Uni.

I have bought three iMacs and a laptop from the shop on Sirimankalajarn and have found them polite and helpful over the years, once they could/would carry out repair work.



My Apple Mac "died" without warning and I need to replace it urgently. Any suggestions fro the best place to purchase an Apple Mac in Chiang Mai?

How dead is dead - there is an apple service centre in airport plaza now

I went to the new Apple Service Center at AP. I told them my MacBook was/is infected with a malware/adware and would they clean this out for me? After 3 trips to the back to consult with the technician, the young lady told me that the technician removed it, there is no charge, you can take it home now, goodbye. This was BS, nothing was done that improved or solved the problem. It was just a waste of time, and no fun waiting for my que.


The Apple place in the Airport mall can process your order but will charge you extra for a credit card. If you want to use a credit card Chi Chan or Apple on the web.

I don't know of anyone here in Chiang Mai that will supply you from stock, you will have to wait I think so maybe just use the Apple store?


I bought some stuff online from Apple Thailand and went for their free interest option of monthly payments on the credit card.

I only placed the order late last week and arrival is expected soon.

I was checking my credit card online and see they billed me the first monthly payment and as well the whole total.

I just phoned them. The guy got the story and then left me hanging so I left.

I have instructed the bank that it is a disputed transaction so we will see what happens.


There is no Apple store there? The other day someone said the malls in Chiang Mai were "world class". I would go through the online store too in that case.


You probably know this, but the primary way to sell a whole new computer is for the computer you have hard disk to die. The rest of the computer is ok; the hard disk has failed. A new hard disk replaced will be all you need.

You must back up all your data to thumb drive or external hard disk drive because a real hard disk failure likely will lose some data if not all of it. There are hard disk recovery service companies, some amazingly skilled (probably fired NSA workers), if you want to try recovery.

Good Seagate, Thailand made, HD can be expected to last 3-5 years in daily service. Remember, it is a moving part, not a chip memory.

I have burned up four in my computer usage life and had only one able to get recovery by experts.wai.gif


mac shop KSK or mac shop on sirimankalajarn both resellers

I would recommend Chi Chiang shop on the second floor in the Promenade Mall. They are most helpful and for the last year or so, I have been buying all my electronic items from them. I have never been disappointed by their excellent service and advice.


I only buy online and have shipped to me. So far bought iPad, airport express and MBP, shipped to me, no issues. Even had my MBP checked in the US for free under warranty.
I cannot confirm this, but use caution about obtaining warranty outside of thailand (or maybe even competently inside thailand) when purchasing from a thailand apple retail store.
Read more about apple stores in thailand, they are (imo) a total joke and I will never buy from them.


I bought a mac air from the online store. it was pretty quick and no extra fees/taxes.

I also went threw the app on line store http://store.apple.com/th-en?afid=p238%7Csd6pkNCWx-dc_mtid_18707vxu38484_pcrid_52239988156_&cid=aos-th-kwg-brand and purchased a 21.5 i mac and other goodies. Nobody could match their price, saved 5000 baht. Placed an online order and it was here in 6 days. Shipped DHL and NO duty.

Amazing!--------well done.

Why anyone would spend 50 percent more on a computer chip amazes me!

But there you go.

There is no difference from a chip used in a 230.00$ computer than some Apple cP with the same that costs 730.00$

Silly waste ---But my buddy at HP say's all his personal like Apple. Go figure!


My Apple Mac "died" without warning and I need to replace it urgently. Any suggestions fro the best place to purchase an Apple Mac in Chiang Mai?

How dead is dead - there is an apple service centre in airport plaza now

Took the Mac to an Apple service place in Kad Suan Kaew and they said that the hard drive was "broken" and couldn't be fixed. The Mac is almost 6 years old and has had a hard life so it is probably the end of the line for it. That said there was some language difficulties so I may look for a second opinion to find out if it is terminally kaput.

Ran into the same issue in 2012, out to Kad Suan Kaw repair, same diagnostic, our to iStudio at airport Central Mall for the new MacPro. Think I figured the price difference was not worth worrying about. Old MacPro was about 5 years old. Suspect a power surge might have killed it. Hard drive can be pulled and info can be retrieved and transferred if you did not have it backed up.


Well, there are a number of outlets in CNX, the last 4 machines have been purchased from the Mac store just of Huey Khao, there the staff have been very knowledgeable efficient and polite, but as I need working machines on a daily basis I most certainly will not invest in another Mac here.

The back up service is the worst I have experienced in any country. It used to be reasonably ok when the Apple Care shop was located in Kad San Kaew, unfortunately they have either moved or been taken over by a crew of incompetent nit wits at Air Port Plaza operating under the title iCare; Oh no they most certainly don't g a f.

All my machines have been covered by the Applecare Protection Plan, which isn't cheap, last June in Norway I had problems with a Mac Pro and under the coverage this was repaired in 4 days including zero charge for data storage and re-instalation.Another Mac Pro went on the blink here in CNX and was delivered to i Don't Care on 5.12.14, where I was informed they would check it out and if they couldn't solve the problem it would be sent to Singapore, and to recon on 10-12 days to get it returned. Well at the end of December after 2 days of trying to get an answer on the phone I was informed that they had located the problem and were waitin to order a new hard drive from Singapore and it would be another week to ten days.

Well I have given up now after trying to contact them again by phone, which they never answer . Any other OP´s had a problem with these clowns? They seem to have missed the point and think putting on a black T-shirt in an Apple bannered shop makes you an expert. Hopefuly enough people will complain and send these likely lads back to the cosmetic counters in Robinsons where I am sure they originated from .

Me, finally fed up with Macs and their crappy service so am off to the city to buy a Dell, which will no doubt come in about 20K cheaper and has a noteworthy service program.


Depending on what you're doing with it, a six year old Mac is perfectly usable. Just use Khun Krit mentioned above or some other reliable fellow you may know (doesn't have to be a Mac guy) and have them install a new hard drive (if that is indeed your problemprobably is, because six years is a long time for a hard drive). If you install a .solid State Drive, you will notice significant speed improvements with the same old Mac. For even more improved performance, add extra RAM while you're at it. I have a nine year old iMac that's still running fine after the hard drive replacement, which was two years ago.

For buying, it's best to get one from Apple's online store. If there's any problems, they will replace it. I recently got a MacBook Air from them and an iPad. The iPad was wonky. I sent it back to them, they sent me a new one in a week.



Thanks for all the advice. I'm going to try Khun Krit to find out if the Mac can be repaired for a reasonable price if not I will probably buy online.


...please report back about Khun Krit. I have a 6 year old MBP also...never changed the hard drive so perhaps I should prophylactically do it and save myself some trouble down the road.


...please report back about Khun Krit. I have a 6 year old MBP also...never changed the hard drive so perhaps I should prophylactically do it and save myself some trouble down the road.

Went out to see Khun near the boat restaurant. his English is that good so communication isn't that easy. He really didn't have an idea of what was wrong with the Mac. he said it needed a clean? left it with him for two days. came back to the shop at that time and the computer was pulled apart and I don't think he had really started any work on it. Gave it a clean whilst I was there it was damned dirty inside and said that would do the trick. It didn't still having the same issues. On this performance I couldn't recommend him, that said on other issues he maybe fantastic but in the end wasted a lot of time and 300 baht for no result. I will be buying a new Mac online.

  • Like 1

I actually opened up my Macbook Pro and cleaned out the dust myself...this was following a video on You Tube. Not too difficult and I suppose I'll take a look at replacing the hard drive myself. I'm sure there must be a video for that, too. It helped to have another computer handy to follow the video while servicing the MBP.

  • 3 years later...
On 1/18/2015 at 11:08 AM, outstripp11 said:

I bought a mac air from the online store. it was pretty quick and no extra fees/taxes.

Second this. I spec’d up my Air and bought it through the online store. And when I bought my 7plus I got it cheaper through the online store. Very efficient service.

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