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Fury as Indonesia executes foreigners by firing squad

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Capital punishment is outlawed in most civil countries as it should be, guess we have a lot of trolls around from uncivilised places. Executions will never stop the hardened criminals from still committing offenses, look at statistics.

You're going to have to educate those of us who fail to understand how someone who's been executed can subsequently commit so much as a parking violation... What statistic is it exactly that deals with crimes committed by dead people? But only a troll would point us to non-existent statistics, so please share.


Drugs ruin lives. They knew that.

Alcohol and cigarettes each kill many times the people that illegal drugs kill.

And for every life and family ruined by drugs, there's probably a dozen lives and families ruined by the "war on drugs".

Legalize them, control quality and distribution, tax the beejeezus out of them and use some of the proceeds for rehabilitation.

Prohibition didn't work. Neither will the war on drugs.

The only questions are how many lives will be wasted in prisons (and in front of firing squads and on the gallows), and how rich will the drug lords get before we learn from history.

For example, when was the last time you read about a rum-runner shootout, or the tobacco companies taking 43 students out back and murdering them?

Prove your statements....


Google - just in the USA - percentage of prison inmates incarcerated for possession of drugs for personal use. No trafficking, no distribution, no importing.

Just the lower - if not the lowest - members of society caught up in the MADNESS that is the war on drugs.

Most with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and health and social impairments.

There you go.

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I maybe wrong (often am) but I don't think the USA execute folk for drug smuggling.. Most countries in the world take a dim view of other countries executing their citizens. Incidentally the Dutch guy was not smuggling he had a factory making the stuff.

Last Friday the Saudis cut a Burmese women's head off and made a botch job of it by accounts. I have not checked if the Myanmar Ambassador, if one has commented.

Yes and No.

Yes, USA federal law provides for the death penalty for trafficking in large quantities or mixtures of heroin, cocaine, ecgonine, phencyclidine (PCP), lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), marijuana, or methamphetamine drugs.

No, there has never been a federal prosecutor to seek the death penalty in a drug trafficking case that did not also involve the death of a victim.


Google - just in the USA - percentage of prison inmates incarcerated for possession of drugs for personal use. No trafficking, no distribution, no importing.

Just the lower - if not the lowest - members of society caught up in the MADNESS that is the war on drugs.

Most with developmental disabilities, mental illness, and health and social impairments.

There you go.

First off this wasnt about personal use, it was all about trafficking, distribution.

And your google reference does not take into effect other effects drugs have on communities such as crime, deaths both direct and indirect the list goes on and on.


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Drugs ruin lives. They knew that.

Drug laws ruin way more lives than drugs ever did.

Educate yourself.

I never heard of anyone dying from a legal statute overdose.


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Capital punishment is outlawed in most civil countries as it should be, guess we have a lot of trolls around from uncivilised places. Executions will never stop the hardened criminals from still committing offenses, look at statistics.

You're going to have to educate those of us who fail to understand how someone who's been executed can subsequently commit so much as a parking violation... What statistic is it exactly that deals with crimes committed by dead people? But only a troll would point us to non-existent statistics, so please share.

Some countries that permit the death peanlty: USA, India, China, Taiwan, Thailand.

Some countries where allowed by law but has not been the practice for ten or more years: Russia, South Korea, Myanmar

Read more: The Death Penalty Worldwide http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0777460.html#ixzz3PFY4P8kP


People who do not think that drug smugglers, etc. should be put to death are looking at this the wrong way; ...after the fact.

How about looking at it this way... To all of you drug smugglers, etc. out there right now, at this very moment... if you get caught in Indonesia you will be put to death. OK... you've been warned. Anything after this is on your own head. You've got the choice right now to stop. Not doing so condemns you before you've even been caught. End of story.

And to those who sympathize for the families, then perhaps a good look at the families that have been destroyed by the peddlers of this poison might set some balance back into prioritizing sympathy, and where it is placed.

Just my view on that.

I have yet to read or hear about a newly apprehended drug smuggler saying, "Yes... you are right. I am guilty. I did it. It was my intention to assist in the transportation of this poison so that the lives of people out there would be destroyed. I am guilty. I deserve punishment."

Rather instead, they always whine and give sob stories. BS!!!

How about those families out there now, who know their loved ones are dealing and smuggling? Are they demanding that these idiots scum stop? NO! They are not doing a damn thing about it... so, frankly, I have absolutely no sympathy for their sad little hearts when those loved ones get a bullet in the brain for dealing death without no consideration for the damage and carnage they cause in societies trying to rebuild and trying to achieve a level of well-being.

The logic beggars my mind.

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It must be pretty lucrative to smuggle drugs into Indonesia if you're stupid enough to risk a capital offense. I'd suggest drug smugglers stay in the America's (North, Central, South). Might do prison time, but doubt if you'll end up full of holes (well, other than those administered by The Cartels). Interesting though -- capital punishment never seems to be any deterrent to those whom wish to gamble with their lives. So executing people is pretty much just the government indulging in sadism, at least imho. And who wants to go to Indonesia anyway? Naa bura. coffee1.gif


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Drugs ruin lives. They knew that.

Drug laws ruin way more lives than drugs ever did.

Educate yourself.

I never heard of anyone dying from a legal statute overdose.

Six people just died of an overdose of high-velocity lead administered via legal statute. whistling.gif

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The smugglers have been warned ..,.its in your arrival card and announcements in the plane and also in the arrival hall

It's drugs and serve no purpose in normal life unless it is is medicinal

I support the harsh measures as normal families need to be protected from them.

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And your google reference does not take into effect other effects drugs have on communities such as crime, deaths both direct and indirect the list goes on and on.

And the cause of this crime ? To make money.

Why can they make so much money ? Because it is illegal.

Why is it illegal ? The war on drugs.

Drugs have never been so cheap, so pure, so available.

Alcohol is a drug. Way-way more people killed by its use than illegal drugs.

But no - let's pick on the poor, the oppressed, the most poor members of society.

Drug addiction and drug use is a mental health, physical health, and social issue. Deal with the causes, not the effects.

Anyone who does not realize this is living in a dream world, or so brainwashed by the criminal justice system that the phrase ..

'Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here' comes to mind

Yup just what I thought the "what came first the chicken or the egg" argument. No need in discussing this any further with you.


It's drugs and serve no purpose in normal life unless it is is medicinal

You drink alcohol ? Glass of wine with a nice dinner ?

Cup of coffee in the morning to 'Get going ?'

Like sugar ?


Some of the posts on this thread ...

Don't know whether I should be appalled by their arrogance or dismayed by their ignorance.


Typical Indonesian hypocrisy. Tommy Suharto gets little more than a slap on the wrist for arranging the murder of the judge who convicted him, the Garuda pilot who poisoned the human rights activist not touched, Abu Bakar Bashir arranged a series of terrorist attacks in which 250 people died ( 9 year sentence) ...but make ecstasy and it's death.

The main problem with handing out the death penalty is.... even the best criminal justice systems among different countries in the world are prone to making mistakes. In the U.S. even, periodically, guys serving sentences on death row are pardoned years later because witnesses recant false testimony given originally, and other reasons, etc etc.

When the criminal justice system makes a mistake and the person is serving a prison sentence, they can be released and compensated for the state's errors. But when the sentence is a carried-out death penalty, there's no reversing it and making amends for mistakes that get made.

And, if anyone thinks the criminal justice systems in Thailand or Indonesia are among the best in the world and immune from making mistakes, well.... not much I can say.

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These countries should be officially punished for their barbarism

Some kind of trade sanction which forces their economy back to the stone age would get their attention.

The EU is very good at the sanction game.

But that would result in profit for Nike etc being affected and we all know that won't happen as they are the entities that are truly in power

Just ask the families of the 1 million Indonesians killed to turn the whole country into a western brand factory


People who chose to run the risks associated with the trafficking of drugs in countries that openly advise of the associated penalties will just have to accept the consequences when they caught.

only a complete brain dead idiot would transport drugs through indonesia! there are sign all over the place and it mnakes the news most every month! those clown got what they deserved.

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It's drugs and serve no purpose in normal life unless it is is medicinal

You drink alcohol ? Glass of wine with a nice dinner ?

Cup of coffee in the morning to 'Get going ?'

Like sugar ?

Are you suggesting that sugar is like cocaine?

Or coffee like heroin?

Alcohol right give you that, it can be addictive and damaging used in excess.

Excess is the operative word.

A glass of wine with a meal is not excess!

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It's drugs and serve no purpose in normal life unless it is is medicinal

You drink alcohol ? Glass of wine with a nice dinner ?

Cup of coffee in the morning to 'Get going ?'

Like sugar ?

Are you suggesting that sugar is like cocaine?

Or coffee like heroin?

Alcohol right give you that, it can be addictive and damaging used in excess.

Excess is the operative word.

A glass of wine with a meal is not excess!

Read the quote. Alcohol, sugar, coffee - all drugs. None medicinal.


It's drugs and serve no purpose in normal life unless it is is medicinal

You drink alcohol ? Glass of wine with a nice dinner ?

Cup of coffee in the morning to 'Get going ?'

Like sugar ?

Are you suggesting that sugar is like cocaine?

Or coffee like heroin?

Alcohol right give you that, it can be addictive and damaging used in excess.

Excess is the operative word.

A glass of wine with a meal is not excess!

Read the quote. Alcohol, sugar, coffee - all drugs. None medicinal.

I gotta say classifying sugar and coffee as a drug is extreme, and yes I had a quick look on the net. Jeeze you might as well say porn is a visual drug!

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I agree with the death penalty for Heroin and Crystal Meth smuggling, cocaine never used it, ecstasy and speed got spiked with them once. cannabis and Magic Mushrooms. I don't do cannabis but I did Mushrooms for over 30 years when they were legal and when they were not. I never did drugs in Thailand mainly because I don't want to be locked up for 30 years. However as a UK citizen I may do mushrooms in the UK now and again because I believe they are harmless and I don't harm anyone else when I'm doing them. I remember reading an article a number of years ago.


Its a case of do as I say and not as I do!


Something just occurred to me about this. It seemed a little strange to me that nearly of all the executed prisoners are foreigners.

Then I remembered that Saudi Arabia has been chopping the heads of Indonesians off for some time now.

The latest Indonesian for the chop was just a few days ago, they hacked her head off in public and there is a video doing the rounds somewhere (liveleak).

Also, check this link out - the Indonesian government paid 'blood money' to the Saudis to prevent the execution of an Indonesian maid last year : http://edition.cnn.com/2014/04/03/world/meast/saudi-arabia-indonesia-maid/

So they appear to be targeting foreigners whilst at the same time attempting to save their own people in a similar situation abroad.

I can't help but feel that there's some kind of political play going on here.


....note to self...: when flying to Indonesia, do not carry 13kg of drugs.....coffee1.gif

What would be a safe limit?

Just saying...

Zero sounds good

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