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I promised her i'd go see momma in Issan

Gordy Gambino

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OK we had a big public split up and I came home and came to the gross realisation I can't live without her.

Ive rebooked Patts but was going any way.

Ive known her a long time since last year when I was going to marry the other Issan girl.

She tell me I have to go see Momma in Issan.

Am I in trouble here? Like is momma gonna give me that look like I know what you been doing to my daughter type look.

So I send her money via Western Union and I don't even have to tell her where to go to get money.

Am I in trouble here?

So I ring my ex fiancée and say me just give ( bargirl ) money from my home and I want you to see what she does for the rest of the night.

She nearly blew the speaker out of my phone.

Am I in trouble here?

So I ring my tilak and she say she went out and drank 30 tequilas.

Am I in trouble here?

I apologised you know for stuff , the usual something about other girls and ......

Am I in trouble here?

So now she will want more money.

I am totally screwed here. Iv'e fallen in love with a bargirl that is a chronic alcoholic.

This is karma payback crap for all the bullshit I've dished out when I was a better alco than her ( ive been sober 5 years )

She say she not only love me for my money

And folks I kid you not guess what im thinking of buying her !!!

Big family I get 6 Pattaya bargirls thrown in...that's right theres her and 5 farm fresh well some more than other bargirls.

They are a total bunch of sluts theres not a cashier between them.

Ah man this is gonna end so bad.

She wants to marry me that's what this Issan thing is about.


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" Iv'e fallen in love with a bargirl that is a chronic alcoholic..."

Looking for a beer bar in Patts will get you a doppelganger, but perhaps you should consider finding a Thai woman from the other 98%, that don't work in the sex trade..

After all, you never know how many lowest-common denominator farang she had to deal with, before you came on the scene, on the erstwhile white horse..


Many good Thai girls forgo the 3 date rule...giggle.gif ... thinking with the big head also works..

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Welcome in Thailand and man up for God's sake. How old are you?

Next time don't look for a partner in bars, and if you are newbie here definitely not in Pattaya, nana plaza and so on ... well know places.

The best what can you do is to leave, don't say anything and just leave.

You might end up very bad if you stay with her/ them ... naked with no money!!!

In Thailand are many down to earth, kind and nice women/kathoeys.

For example start in cosmetic departments in Robinson stores ...

Good luck

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Few days ago this guy started a thread about buying a beer bar in Pattaya ... it ended up in a very creepy way.

No one, who is able to board the plane, can't be stupid like this.

We should rather keep an eye on him ...

Edited by Matej
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So her mother raised 6 farm fresh, bargirl sluts?. Go for it. This will make a good chapter in your life story... Anxiously waiting for the "wife stole my house & money" thread.

I'm waiting for the 'I cheated on my bargirl gf with three of her sisters - am I in trouble?' thread.
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This is not trolling.

So go see momma is like some form of acceptance ceremony.

The English translation for "go see Momma" is.... "this is how much money her family will expect you to pay them in order to marry their slutty bargirl daughter / your chronic alcoholic girlfriend."

Have your wallet open and be prepared.

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