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Thai Visa, the most popular thai forum?


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i do not like posting a topic sometimes because you just know before you finish writing it that some sad a*******e is going to come on a give a rash negative comment for no reason at all and probably without even reading the topic in full to start with. i have seen that time and time again on here and it really is about time the mods put an end to it. saying that ive had some great advice especially from visa sub forum .

another well known forum based in pattaya, again full of a********es.

Why did you post? Whats the point in your reply? Just kidding. :)

I agree with your post, many time's I've typed a reply and deleted it before posting once a bunch of negativity chimes in before I've even finished.

ThaiVisa is by far the most useful and informative of the current crop of Thai forums.

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It is common knowledge amongst members that


is a far better source of reliable information. I have seen the link to this forum on this forum many times.

A typical example would be the recent thread by a new member about the "floating market cab scam", which attracted several hundred posts here and was eventually rightly shut down by moderation due to the nasty comments directed towards the OP.

The exact same thread on TripAdvisor was replied to respectively. I am sure that even the TVF Mods get the shits with all this stuff, as we all do.

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Yes it's the one that make best $$$

Look we almost cannot read the pages full of ads.

We all appreciate that we do not have to pay for being members and find information and advice in the various local / specialised subforums... the downsize is that adds have to pay for the cost of running such a forum... not sure you are aware what servers and disk space and maintenance of such a site cost? I am an IT professional, I do have an idea and while I agree that the number of adds DID go up in the last years, I do accept it and learned to read around them...

How many forum do you know that charge for membership?

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Yes it's the one that make best $$$

Look we almost cannot read the pages full of ads.

We all appreciate that we do not have to pay for being members and find information and advice in the various local / specialised subforums... the downsize is that adds have to pay for the cost of running such a forum... not sure you are aware what servers and disk space and maintenance of such a site cost? I am an IT professional, I do have an idea and while I agree that the number of adds DID go up in the last years, I do accept it and learned to read around them...

Wow, I would never use the service of such a great IT pro who can reply something so stupid and doesn't even know that this board maybe so huge PROFIT. Ridiculous. I am not an IT pro but I am sure to know the real cost and profit a lot better than you...

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Yes it's the one that make best $$$

Look we almost cannot read the pages full of ads.

We all appreciate that we do not have to pay for being members and find information and advice in the various local / specialised subforums... the downsize is that adds have to pay for the cost of running such a forum... not sure you are aware what servers and disk space and maintenance of such a site cost? I am an IT professional, I do have an idea and while I agree that the number of adds DID go up in the last years, I do accept it and learned to read around them...

Wow, I would never use the service of such a great IT pro who can reply something so stupid and doesn't even know that this board maybe so huge PROFIT. Ridiculous. I am not an IT pro but I am sure to know the real cost and profit a lot better than you...

coffee1.gifcoffee1.gifcoffee1.gif yeah... sure... up to you... certainly you are very handsum also...

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Yes it's the one that make best $$$

Look we almost cannot read the pages full of ads.

We all appreciate that we do not have to pay for being members and find information and advice in the various local / specialised subforums... the downsize is that adds have to pay for the cost of running such a forum... not sure you are aware what servers and disk space and maintenance of such a site cost? I am an IT professional, I do have an idea and while I agree that the number of adds DID go up in the last years, I do accept it and learned to read around them...

Wow, I would never use the service of such a great IT pro who can reply something so stupid and doesn't even know that this board maybe so huge PROFIT. Ridiculous. I am not an IT pro but I am sure to know the real cost and profit a lot better than you...

Would you mind please explaining wtfhyata (What the flippin heck you are talking about) t because in my ignorance your post does not make any sense at all!

It could be that you are saying the ThaiVisa forums make a lot of money and if you are saying that ,then I agree with you.

And of course if you have a busy forum then your costs may well go up, on the other hand the amount of advertising income that has increased over the last few years should more than compensate for the increased amount of invoiced server time or any other associated costs needed

but hang on what part of the increased cost invoice would be appropriated to the amount of advertising income that is going on in the forum.

I would suggest that pro rata running costs are relative and that if you have extra running costs than you also by default have extra income generated by those extra costs.

If this wasnt so the accountants and owners of TV wouldn't allow it to happen in the first place

Its my opinion that the need by the owners and their advisors to make as much money as they can out of the forum is the main reason for costs going up (And I applaud them for getting the balance just about right in the process) but really it has nothing to do with any high costs of running this forum, you can kid the people some of the time but definitely not all the time

In other words any cost increase is definitely not just because of increased posting by posters but by increased advertising by "advertisers" (Never mind what the IT experts says, he is bound to defend the indefensible isn't He?

What the IT expert does not make any comment on is just why is there a need to accommodate more advertisers .

The answer is because of an insatiable demand for more profit.

You are also contributing to the effect of more advertisers with every click on the link to TV forums

Every time you logon you make the place much more attractive to those who advertise on here.

"Moderation" ( Dont you just love that word) in keeping the balance between too much of the now very intrusive advertising will eventually be the deciding factor in whether Thai Visa forums stays at the top of the popularity league In Thai related forums.

For me personally like the UK state pension I hope that it stays in business long enough for me to get both pleasure and benefit out of it, when I gone, well who cares!

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It's certainly enormously negative, and there are a small but rather noisy group of posters who're allowed to dominate the place and shout down anyone they don't like.

I haven't been around long enough to have seen it any other way, though, which is why to me it's just somewhere to come and laugh at the nonsense, rather than the site for useful and/or interesting discussion it may once have been. I imagine a lot of potential new users who come across it these days are put off by the generally unpleasant atmosphere that pervades the place.


Yes and despite their insistence that they live happy,

contented lives in Thailand, their post counts reveal

they're probably married to women they can't talk to

with extended 'family' who still call them 'the farang'

even within earshot. All they can really do is hide

themselves away in a room and post all day to Thaivisa.

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Personally I enjoy the discussions here in the forums, but one has to be a toughy here on Thai visa, not too sensitive and able to defend yourself well, otherwise it can be like throwing yourself into the lions den and there are members that act like a pack of hyenas going in for the kill and at times have seen threads literally destroyed by posters that seem intent on overpowering all the other posters or an OP, spoiling it for everyone else. I have created threads and later regretted it, thinking I`ve really set myself up for a good bashing now.

The part that mostly spoils the enjoyment for me is the ever increasing Thainess fanatics that now seem to crawl out of the woodwork on almost every thread, that has definitely become more prevalent over the last couple of years and I think this can put a lot of members off of participating and not wanting to get involved. I for one would like to see more positive aspects of Thailand on TV rather than the wringers and moaners that I find irritating. But the worrying part is, the Thainess put downers seem to acquire the most likes and be the most popular that I find concerning and is not a good indication of the way things are drifting here on TV.

If I were running Thai visa or a similar forum I doubt if I could do things any differently to how it`s run now. As a whole I believe that Thai visa have created a good formula, basis and format so I guess these forums is how we make them, the actual members and are what we want them to be, manipulated to what suits us. But to be absolutely sincere, I have no complaints and quite content to just plod along with how things are.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Soibiker covered it well above..

TVF has been great for all the usual reasons, but the genuine posters have faded away. That could be because if you post something and upset another member, his 5 other usernames will come after you....lol.

Havent you noticed just lately? Some long time posters are starting to come back...good to see.

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SoiBiker, on 22 Jan 2015 - 15:11, said:

So what if the guy is on an ED visa?

This is exactly the kind of thing that spoils this place. People attacking those they feel aren't 'proper' expats. All should be welcome here, long-termers, those with Thai spouses, those here to work, those here to study, those who're just visiting - or even those who are yet to visit Thailand but want to learn more about the place. Thaivisa should be a welcoming place to them all, not a clubhouse for those who feel they've somehow earned the right to post here.

Bikey what YOU don't get is that no one else wants to live your life. Biking up and down Sukhumvit, going to foodcourts and cleaning the house and washing your own clothes and dishes is not what most red blooded males want.

You are just as guilty as anyone else in imposing your dreary ideas and lifestyle on everyone else.

If someone is on an ED Visa so be it but there are a gang of Pikeys here who openly advise people to flout the law and not attend classes and even overstay and pay the fine on leaving.

Flouting the law and advising people how to beat the system is not what should be openly discussed here. That's why there is so much animosity towards these Pikeys living on their dim wits.

Sorry, what?

When have I ever claimed that anyone else would want to live my lifestyle? The whole point I'm making is that there should be room for all sorts of different people here. The only common ground needed is an interest in Thailand.

How have I imposed my lifestyle on anyone else? I don't go around saying things like 'men only come to Thailand for the cycling'. I don't make out that anyone who claims not to like food courts must be lying, or that anyone who doesn't do the dishes is not a real man. And yet here you are yet again having a pop at me because I don't choose to live the kind of life you feel I should.

Where are these 'pikeys' that a number of you seem so obsessed with? Where are the posts advising people to flout the visa rules?

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