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Pattaya guard beats foreign tourist unconscious 'out of misunderstanding'


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Ah, great, such news are now pouring in on a daily Basis. laugh.png

Didn't the Thai tourism minister say yesterday that "all problems have been addressed and everything is fine now " ?

Maybe invite that guy (after he recovered if he does) to the next THIS IS THAINESS festival at Suan Lumpinee so to teach him about local custom before things happen ;-)

try drinking in city bar anywhere round the world and then try to fob half the bill off.

not nice he got beat up but we only got half the story. there are some serious mouth merchants from the UK in pattay who think the world owes them a living and the locals they regard with utter disdain.

who knows he may have had it coming

How very true.

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Anyone who has lived here any length of time is aware of the dangers with the night life and thainess in general. But that being said, go to a bar in a eastern european country and walk out without paying the bill and see how many of the locals jump in. Again this is not a problem that is only here in Thailand, Hell growing up I would see stuff like this in my local bars. 1 of the locals got in a fight with someone from out of town the rest of the locals would help out if needed.

I feel for the guy but at the same time, you should have both an idea of how much your have on you and how much you have drunk. I do this no matter where I am drinking, I don't understand why it is a problem here. And I do think the guard, motorbike drives and anyone else who took a swing or kick at the poor guy should be tried for at least felony assault if not attempted manslaughter but of course they don't have that here.

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boycott Honey Bar. dont go there hopefully it goes under.

Although I live in Bangkok, and have only had the "pleasure" of driving through the seaside toilet they call Pattaya ... I must say this is a simple and brilliant idea that would not only go a far way to help solve this issue, but send a clear message to all other bar owners ... we can ... and will ... hit you where it hurts ... right in the wallet.

If the locals would go to the owner and expalain that after he

(1) Fires the bouncer

(2) Apologizes to the guy who almost got killed


Then, and ONLY then, will the foreigners come to dip their spoons in the honey pot.

And if a half dozen or so hovered around and explained to tourists why they should not go in ... it would not take long for him to get the message.

Surely there is no law against wearing matching tee shirts that say, "Boycott the Honey Bar for almost killing a tourist."

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The gaurd called for help ! What a brave man he must have been ! can it never be 1 on 1 in this place?????

I have seen some Thai vs. Farang fights over the years, and it is never one-on-one. When the first punch is thrown, surrounding Thai men will come running, and join the fight with vigor. I attribute this to a stressed-out lifestyle, and the desire to explode at something. I really avoid conflicts with Thai people when they are getting angry, because things can go serious awry. I think the serious consequences in Thai vs. Farang fights are usually because farangs continued to confront an Thai man without realizing what they are about to get into a fight with all the men in area.

This isn't a complaint about Thailand: I don't have these problems because I avoid such conflicts, and situations in which a Thai person might start thinking Thai vs. Farang. If you are a minority anywhere in the world (as farangs are in Thailand), conflicts with the majority will not end well. Physical conflicts will usually end in the party representing the minority group being seriously beaten, and blamed for the altercation.

well they get shit on all their life so few free boots into a Farangs head probably makes them feel better about their life

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Reminds me of what happened a few years ago to a farang friend i know.

He entered a beer bar, a farang customer who was drinking & sitting at a table invited him to sit down. He ordered 1 beer, after chatting for a while he finished his beer & asked to pay his bill. The thai woman gave him the total bill which included the other guys tab. He said no i only had one beer & was only paying for the one beer, the rest was the other guys. But the woman started screaming at him to pay the total, the other farang sat tight saying nothing, maybe in shock, i don't know, next thing the drunk farang owner of the bar came over & without saying a word starting punching him, he retreated outside then they accused him of trying to do a runner, then other thais jumped in to get a kick & a punch in. He got the crap kicked out of him. The other farang must have paid his bill & disappeared. When the police arrived all the thais said he was trying to do a runner & without any farang witnesses he had no leg to stand on. The police let him go after telling him never to try doing a runner again. The cops realised he was innocent but were not going to charge the thai's & bar owner with assault.

Moral of the story is no matter how well behaved & careful you are, S*#T can happen beyond your control anywhere, anytime.

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The Thai people can manage without junta inspired TAT with regards dragging in the tourist numbers every little bit of good news helps attract the right tourists a good beating by 5 thugs will attract the right sort of tourist Thailand wants to attract someone who likes a good scrap at the weekend and after a good weekend out usually wakes up in the police cells these are the type of people we must attract to Thailand so they can have a right good time of it happy days in Thailand.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thailand has a very thin veneer of civility. I have lived here for over 20 years and i am soon to leave - for ever. I can certainly sense that that thin veneer is being stripped away on a daily basis. Many of the poorest Thais that depend on tourism for their living are feeling that life is getting harder but they just don't know and certainly do not have the IQ to articulated why. The easiest targets are foreigners. Which of course ends up propagating their own hardship.

I somehow feel that many Thais think it is open season on foreigners. The level of aggression has increased exponentially over the past few years and it seems that the trend will increase.

I guess there will be some that say - no so. I guess those wannabe Thai types who live in there alternative reality tunnels will find rhyme or reason to dispute what i have said. Usually some fat cockney geezer what is married to a bird called Noi and has a couple of kids that he hasn't noticed are too dark skinned to be actually his. smile.png

Well I'm a fat cockney geezer and my wife's called Ning , but I don't dispute what you say

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Thailand has a very thin veneer of civility. I have lived here for over 20 years and i am soon to leave - for ever. I can certainly sense that that thin veneer is being stripped away on a daily basis. Many of the poorest Thais that depend on tourism for their living are feeling that life is getting harder but they just don't know and certainly do not have the IQ to articulated why. The easiest targets are foreigners. Which of course ends up propagating their own hardship.

I somehow feel that many Thais think it is open season on foreigners. The level of aggression has increased exponentially over the past few years and it seems that the trend will increase.

I guess there will be some that say - no so. I guess those wannabe Thai types who live in there alternative reality tunnels will find rhyme or reason to dispute what i have said. Usually some fat cockney geezer what is married to a bird called Noi and has a couple of kids that he hasn't noticed are too dark skinned to be actually his. smile.png

Well I'm a fat cockney geezer and my wife's called Ning , but I don't dispute what you say

sorry for stereotyping. present company excluded :)

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Not that I usually spend more money than I have on me in a bar or any where for that matter but if I did after reading this I would ask one of the bar staff to walk with me to the ATM and then walk back with them to the bar so all staff can see I paid.

I certainly do not condone the thuggery of the guards and the others, but I have been in this situation a few times over the years and his behavior is begging for a misunderstanding. I would ask a service girl to accompany me to the ATM, and make sure that she explains to anyone intercepting us that all was ok. Just walking out of the bar towards an ATM is not appreciated in any country that I have been to. A little common sense avoids most problems in this country.

I agree with your general point that care is needed anywhere when having to leave a bar to get cash to pay the bill, but nothing, repeat nothing, justifies this savage beating by the guard, let alone the bystanders who joined in.

The constant repetition in the media of these reports which almost invariably include a failure to prosecute and imprison (see here the reference to a "misunderstanding" - what planet are they on) must be having a corrosive effect on Thailand's reputation.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Not that I usually spend more money than I have on me in a bar or any where for that matter but if I did after reading this I would ask one of the bar staff to walk with me to the ATM and then walk back with them to the bar so all staff can see I paid.

I certainly do not condone the thuggery of the guards and the others, but I have been in this situation a few times over the years and his behavior is begging for a misunderstanding. I would ask a service girl to accompany me to the ATM, and make sure that she explains to anyone intercepting us that all was ok. Just walking out of the bar towards an ATM is not appreciated in any country that I have been to. A little common sense avoids most problems in this country.

I agree with your general point that care is needed anywhere when having to leave a bar to get cash to pay the bill, but nothing, repeat nothing, justifies this savage beating by the guard, let alone the bystanders who joined in.

The constant repetition in the media of these reports which almost invariably include a failure to prosecute and imprison (see here the reference to a "misunderstanding" - what planet are they on) must be having a corrosive effect on Thailand's reputation.

Even if he was doing a runner , which he wasn't , that doesn't give them the green light to kick the man unconscious. Cowards the lot of them

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Not that I usually spend more money than I have on me in a bar or any where for that matter but if I did after reading this I would ask one of the bar staff to walk with me to the ATM and then walk back with them to the bar so all staff can see I paid.

I certainly do not condone the thuggery of the guards and the others, but I have been in this situation a few times over the years and his behavior is begging for a misunderstanding. I would ask a service girl to accompany me to the ATM, and make sure that she explains to anyone intercepting us that all was ok. Just walking out of the bar towards an ATM is not appreciated in any country that I have been to. A little common sense avoids most problems in this country.

I agree with your general point that care is needed anywhere when having to leave a bar to get cash to pay the bill, but nothing, repeat nothing, justifies this savage beating by the guard, let alone the bystanders who joined in.

The constant repetition in the media of these reports which almost invariably include a failure to prosecute and imprison (see here the reference to a "misunderstanding" - what planet are they on) must be having a corrosive effect on Thailand's reputation.

I agree that violence can never be condoned; but you're being a little quick to call for "imprisonment" when the full facts are not known. Unfortunately, you're probably right that a prosecution will never happen.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Not that I usually spend more money than I have on me in a bar or any where for that matter but if I did after reading this I would ask one of the bar staff to walk with me to the ATM and then walk back with them to the bar so all staff can see I paid.

I certainly do not condone the thuggery of the guards and the others, but I have been in this situation a few times over the years and his behavior is begging for a misunderstanding. I would ask a service girl to accompany me to the ATM, and make sure that she explains to anyone intercepting us that all was ok. Just walking out of the bar towards an ATM is not appreciated in any country that I have been to. A little common sense avoids most problems in this country.

I agree with your general point that care is needed anywhere when having to leave a bar to get cash to pay the bill, but nothing, repeat nothing, justifies this savage beating by the guard, let alone the bystanders who joined in.

The constant repetition in the media of these reports which almost invariably include a failure to prosecute and imprison (see here the reference to a "misunderstanding" - what planet are they on) must be having a corrosive effect on Thailand's reputation.

Even if he was doing a runner , which he wasn't , that doesn't give them the green light to kick the man unconscious. Cowards the lot of them

Indeed. It states in the article that he had actually told the bar staff that he need to go to an ATM. I have done exactly the same a dozen times. When i have popped in to a bar for just a couple - then got carried away. Most normal men will understand how that works. Anyways, even if he was doing a runner that doesn't in no way give anyone the right to attempt to kill this poor guy.

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The gaurd called for help ! What a brave man he must have been ! can it never be 1 on 1 in this place?????

No it cant,the reason is to be quite frank They are cowards all of them, Thats the problem,they know that most falangs can take out two or more of them,Thats the reason,nothing but Cowards Period.

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and this is only the stuff that gets reported, only a fraction of these incidents hit the news

Maybe the security guard could have spent his time better by escorting the man to the ATM rather than whacking him over the head

That would have required a person with common sense and one devoid of Thainess.

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Typical story really. One idiot maybe starts something he can't finish. The fragile egoed males are hovering in the background as their women carouse with other men then jump at the chance to vent a bit and beat a lone man into unconsciousness. No wonder their women work bars as they're clearly not man enough to satisfy them.

Just waiting for the apologists to start blaming the tourist......

Yerr big ego Small dicks

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An eyewitness reported that the mob kept kicking the head of the witness even after he lost conscience.

This is an attempted homicide. Hope they all will be held responsible.

Good luck for the victim!

Not condoning violence, or anything like that, but perhaps these thugs will think twice before attacking foreigners if other foreigners helped one who was being attacked!

Several years ago, some hoodlums in the UK were interviewed on TV about the reason they had switched their attacks from West Indians to Pakistanis (neither of which was a good thing). They said that the Pakistanis did not fight back as vigorously as the west Indians!

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An eyewitness reported that the mob kept kicking the head of the witness even after he lost conscience.

This is an attempted homicide. Hope they all will be held responsible.

Good luck for the victim!

Not condoning violence, or anything like that, but perhaps these thugs will think twice before attacking foreigners if other foreigners helped one who was being attacked!

Several years ago, some hoodlums in the UK were interviewed on TV about the reason they had switched their attacks from West Indians to Pakistanis (neither of which was a good thing). They said that the Pakistanis did not fight back as vigorously as the west Indians!

Remember it well, Good old Dr Watson All I can say is,the West Indians could run faster

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In *every* instance where I've needed to go to the ATM, I've either paid up or taken a member of the bar staff with me to the ATM - this guy wasnt to know the risks and the idiots who attacked him should all be jailed, but we all know nothing will change here.

I never touch the staff in a go-go, even when told that it's 'no problem' by someone I've bought a ladydrink, and I never leave staff in any bar or restaurant thinking that I'm taking a runner, even when I'm well known in the bar. Farang do get up and leave without paying, but the response of the 'security guard' and his motosai buddies was completely OTT. 8 months+ living in Pattaya, a lot of that spent in various bars at night and I havent even been threatened - not sure how these guys manage to get themselves totalled in the course of a two-week holiday, but this guy was clearly in the wrong place at the wrong time. I agree that the bar owner and the staff on duty at the time should also be held to account for this, although I very much doubt that will happen - if anything, the security guy will be the only one in the next set of photos we see on the PattayaOne site. I wish the victim a full recovery and the security guard and his buddies the karmic payback that is waiting for them down the track, but I wont hold my breath waiting for Thai justice.

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Ah, great, such news are now pouring in on a daily Basis. laugh.png

Didn't the Thai tourism minister say yesterday that "all problems have been addressed and everything is fine now " ?

Maybe invite that guy (after he recovered if he does) to the next THIS IS THAINESS festival at Suan Lumpinee so to teach him about local custom before things happen ;-)

try drinking in city bar anywhere round the world and then try to fob half the bill off.

not nice he got beat up but we only got half the story. there are some serious mouth merchants from the UK in pattay who think the world owes them a living and the locals they regard with utter disdain.

who knows he may have had it coming

No makkam the full story (as it is reported anyway) states that the man was on the way to the ATM to get the remainder of the money after stating to bar employees that's what he was going to do. He was hit from behind on the way to the ATM.

He could well have had a beating in store for him. But again a pack of spineless motorbike cabbies booting him in the head when he is on the ground already seems above and beyond the realms of any score settling, even more so when they weren't even involved in any way, shape or form.

So how about reading a little more closely before penning some moronic, speculative BS rant. A sickening mindset on show here. Give your head a shake

Well said! I hate these suppositions made by people who have no idea of what happened or even the nounce to read an article properly.

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An eyewitness reported that the mob kept kicking the head of the witness even after he lost conscience.

This is an attempted homicide. Hope they all will be held responsible.

Good luck for the victim!

Not condoning violence, or anything like that, but perhaps these thugs will think twice before attacking foreigners if other foreigners helped one who was being attacked!

Several years ago, some hoodlums in the UK were interviewed on TV about the reason they had switched their attacks from West Indians to Pakistanis (neither of which was a good thing). They said that the Pakistanis did not fight back as vigorously as the west Indians!

Do you live in Pattaya ? Numerous cases here of Good Samaritans ending up in an even worse condition than the initial victim - for most of us, that translates to 'walk away'. It's easy to take a stance when you have nothing more at stake than a few keystrokes - for those of us who live here, the decision to intervene could be our last.

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An eyewitness reported that the mob kept kicking the head of the witness even after he lost conscience.

This is an attempted homicide. Hope they all will be held responsible.

Good luck for the victim!

Not condoning violence, or anything like that, but perhaps these thugs will think twice before attacking foreigners if other foreigners helped one who was being attacked!

Several years ago, some hoodlums in the UK were interviewed on TV about the reason they had switched their attacks from West Indians to Pakistanis (neither of which was a good thing). They said that the Pakistanis did not fight back as vigorously as the west Indians!

Do you live in Pattaya ? Numerous cases here of Good Samaritans ending up in an even worse condition than the initial victim - for most of us, that translates to 'walk away'. It's easy to take a stance when you have nothing more at stake than a few keystrokes - for those of us who live here, the decision to intervene could be our last.

exactly. any thinking person would never risk their life in such a situation. and that is exactly what they would be doing. this is not some little game. it is life and death.

anyone that uses the term 'hoodlums' doesnt really get out much. 'ooh those nasty hoodlums, let us show them we just won't accept such behaviour'

Edited by jonesthebaker
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boycott Honey Bar. dont go there hopefully it goes under.

Thats exactly what should be happening. Surely there is a an expat community in Pats that can organise boycotts to hit them where it really hurts. Send them an flyer saying 'Youre being boycotted for xyz reason, then carry out the boycott. Waste of time expecting police or official action to do any good.

Great suggestion.

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Ah, great, such news are now pouring in on a daily Basis. laugh.png

Didn't the Thai tourism minister say yesterday that "all problems have been addressed and everything is fine now " ?

Maybe invite that guy (after he recovered if he does) to the next THIS IS THAINESS festival at Suan Lumpinee so to teach him about local custom before things happen ;-)

try drinking in city bar anywhere round the world and then try to fob half the bill off.

not nice he got beat up but we only got half the story. there are some serious mouth merchants from the UK in pattay who think the world owes them a living and the locals they regard with utter disdain.

who knows he may have had it coming

Heart Of Gold. You always get one !!!!

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