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Tourists are reporting a dramatic surge in harassment by Thai police


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So exactly what is the anti-corruption politician going to do about it? Tourists will stay away from Bangkok and expats will move out the city, the police will be less rich and the local economy will have to look elsewhere for its trade, brilliant thought process! Still live for today eh!

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I think the most interesting thing about this is the claim that because the current government is cracking down on street vendors that police are being forced to turn to a different form of graft, shaking down tourists. Not a good look.

That would be my guess. Every time the new Government moves to eliminate some type of Police Corruption- I have noticed the Police are quick to set up a new method of money making scheme. Their latest- near my condo, has been to set up road blocks- apprehend drunk drivers, and then allow them to pay a "fee" of anywhere from 7 to 40 thousand Baht so they can be released immediately with no ticket and no trouble.


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I was two times extorted (paying at least 1000THB more then officially) that I will only get 15 or 30 days instead of 60 days I should get officially...

This is madness, and I simply don't accept it as true.

How can you say "1000THB more than officially" when officially it's always zero charge.

Tell us which border you have experienced this, I have been through just about every border and airport many time in the last 14 years and it's never ever been suggested that there be any fee at all.


I also have another story, which I posted here. I entered the land border at Nong Khai last year. I should clearly get 30 days but the officer told me that he will give me only 15 days but if I paid (I think it was 500 Baht) he will give me 30 days.

You should read the Visa Section to read more stories like this. I met a nice belgium couple 2 week's ago. They are both retiring in Thailand. He told me horror stories of Koh Samaui Immigration. Officers demanding money and just called it a "new rule"

Another moronic post.

You were entitled to 15 days, you paid 500 baht to get 30 days instead. That's not extortion that's a good deal.

Perhaps the immigration officer should have denied you entry and done us all a favour.

You said you were 2 times extorted "at least 1000baht" and this is the best explanation you can come up with..

Edited by technologybytes
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A 2:00am 'late drink' in Silom presumably means Patpong and in truth you kind of put yourself on offer hanging out there. Easy meat really for the RTP. Like other posters have said I think our man is making much more of this than it is worth.

"Choosing" to drink at silom might not be something I would do, but many ordinary people do when they visit Bangkok. Nothing really wrong with it and it definitely shouldn't be a reason for the scum element to rob tourists.

It's bad enough that this happens but what's worse is that they're allowed to do it with impunity because in fact the authorities don't give a sh*t

They are the authorities duh!!
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So, this is what passes for journalism these days. A drunk copy boy gets busted. Maybe Thailand doesn't want sketchy people anymore. I wouldn't blame them.

And, it's in Time magazine (Time.com). When was the last timewa anybody here read that rag?

You must be mixing up www.time.com and www.thetimes.uk

I never read thetimes from the UK but Time from the USA is well respected, too liberal for my taste but not a 'rag'.

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A 2:00am 'late drink' in Silom presumably means Patpong and in truth you kind of put yourself on offer hanging out there. Easy meat really for the RTP. Like other posters have said I think our man is making much more of this than it is worth.

"Choosing" to drink at silom might not be something I would do, but many ordinary people do when they visit Bangkok. Nothing really wrong with it and it definitely shouldn't be a reason for the scum element to rob tourists.

It's bad enough that this happens but what's worse is that they're allowed to do it with impunity because in fact the authorities don't give a sh*t

They are the authorities duh!!

I think he shot himself in the foot when he approached the cops to ask them what they were doing and "identifying himself" as a journalist. As if that means anything,

Number 1 rule.. mind your own business, especially where the police are involved.

If he'd minded his own business and left at the appropriate time he'd have been OK.

Edited by technologybytes
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More than 10 years ago, on Silom road, they tried to extort me for 2.000 Baht.

Being a non smoker the "cop" accused me of throwing away a cigarette butt.

I walked away into a story without looking back or listen to his shouting.

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The army has closed down many avenues to get their noses into the feed trough. That is why all these scams are happening to foreigners (tourists) as the RTP think they the tourist will know no better and pay up. They are just a mafia endorsed by the government. Nothing more and nothing less.

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Yeah, it's much important to shake down tourists for dropping a cigarette butt on the ground instead of fining the morons who burn garbage day in and day out killing all who breath it in. And of course the highly educated and intelligent Thais who litter the streets and parks with their garbage and beer bottles after all night debauchery is not a problem at all either. But those damn cigaretter butts are a gigantic environmental problem. The French cartoonists are stationed in the wrong country. They should come to Thailand for a day or two and I guarantee you they would laugh their asses off with the cornucopia of subject matter they could draw upon. It would last a lifetime. And it would be hilarious.

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A 2:00am 'late drink' in Silom presumably means Patpong and in truth you kind of put yourself on offer hanging out there. Easy meat really for the RTP. Like other posters have said I think our man is making much more of this than it is worth.

"Choosing" to drink at silom might not be something I would do, but many ordinary people do when they visit Bangkok. Nothing really wrong with it and it definitely shouldn't be a reason for the scum element to rob tourists.

It's bad enough that this happens but what's worse is that they're allowed to do it with impunity because in fact the authorities don't give a sh*t

They are the authorities duh!!

I think he shot himself in the foot when he approached the cops to ask them what they were doing and "identifying himself" as a journalist. As if that means anything,

Number 1 rule.. mind your own business, especially where the police are involved.

If he'd minded his own business and left at the appropriate time he'd have been OK.

Just above, you angrily called someone else 'moronic', and then tried to correct the person by stating completely false information about visa waivers.

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The people who keep going off about cigarette butts, you read the first paragraph of the article.

The article actually says THIS:

"About 15 minutes later, another police officer produced a bag of white powder, shook it near my face and accused me of buying it. I emphatically denied the claim. Meanwhile, other police officers began helping themselves to drinks from the bar. When the bartender protested, they kicked him in the shins.

Eventually, a police officer took me outside where a Thai woman told me if I paid the equivalent of $15,200, I would be released. I told her I hadn’t done anything and would not pay a cent. I was taken back inside, where officers had now detained another four Westerners present at the bar. They then took all five of us in taxis to a nearby police station without a word of explanation.

Over the next four hours we were individually forced to undergo urine tests for drugs, during which a policeman standing guard in the lavatory taunted me by saying, “You cocaine.” Images from popular books and a TV series on the notorious Bangkwang Central Prison penitentiary, the so-called Bangkok Hilton, flashed through my mind.

Next we were taken to a media room with powerful fluorescent lights. Exhausted and disheveled, having not slept the entire night, and with our urine samples lined in front of us, we were photographed in a setting that made us look guilty as sin.

Some time after dawn we were presented with a typed document — in Thai — and told to sign it. At this, I drew a line and demanded to speak with the Australian embassy. Only then did our tormentors back down, casually informing us we’d all passed our drug tests and would be released — if only we signed on the dotted line. I did so, but I also scribbled, “This is not my signature” on the document before walking back onto the steamy streets of Bangkok at 8 a.m. on Christmas Day, traumatized but elated to be free."

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The litter police are well known and each time I go down Sukhumvit - someone is in the booth getting fined.

As for the "pee in a cup" police - I'm not sure I believe this at all. I think it's 100% media hype.

I've not seen them in action and I don't know a single person that has been stopped and I have plenty of friends living in the area. I think it's just a media story that people are jumping all over.

I'm not saying that people don't get stopped and searched - it's happened to me once in 16 years but I was completely sh*tfaced drunk and wandering down the road at 4am.

But to think that the police are stopping people all day long in in Sukhumvit and getting them to get their tackle out and pee in a cup - well - where is the evidence? One YouTube video?

I hope you don't get shoved into the real world with a bump. Personally I do believe the hype and sukhumvit is (still) a no go area for me

I see - so the "real world" is believing what you read on the internet and not your own personal experiences and those of your friends living in the area?


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In addition to tourists being harassed it happens to Thais also, I have just driven past the old southern bus terminal (Pinklao) there were half a dozen police pulling over vehicles (generally motorcyles) and the drivers standing by a wall, in a stance that appeared as if they were urinating into a cup.

I have never seen this in 6 years of living here, so It looks like the bad publicity may have seen the police mend their ways, or at least move on to new pastures.

I am sure I read in the Bangkok post such test had to be carried out in police stations.

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The litter police are well known and each time I go down Sukhumvit - someone is in the booth getting fined.

As for the "pee in a cup" police - I'm not sure I believe this at all. I think it's 100% media hype.

I've not seen them in action and I don't know a single person that has been stopped and I have plenty of friends living in the area. I think it's just a media story that people are jumping all over.

I'm not saying that people don't get stopped and searched - it's happened to me once in 16 years but I was completely sh*tfaced drunk and wandering down the road at 4am.

But to think that the police are stopping people all day long in in Sukhumvit and getting them to get their tackle out and pee in a cup - well - where is the evidence? One YouTube video?

I hope you don't get shoved into the real world with a bump. Personally I do believe the hype and sukhumvit is (still) a no go area for me

I see - so the "real world" is believing what you read on the internet and not your own personal experiences and those of your friends living in the area?


I see - so people should listen instead to what you say over the internet?


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Bangkok police harass foreigner who writes about it in TIME
By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Although anecdotal evidence suggests police harassment of foreigners has been on the decline, a Time magazine contributor isn’t convinced.

In a personal account published online yesterday, Ian Lloyd Neubauer tells of the miserable Christmas Eve he experienced last month at the hands of Bangkok police.

It’s a one-sided tale but seems consistent with reports of systematic harassment during the past few months which burst into the public sphere.
Neubauer writes that he was stopped by police while leaving a rooftop bar on Silom Road at 2am:

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2015/01/21/bangkok-police-harass-foreigner-who-writes-about-it-time

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-01-21

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Another reason added to the long long list of reasons not to visit Bangkok or live there, I still do not understand why people choose to live there when there is an entire wonderful country outside of the dirty, chaotic and Westernized mess that is called the city of angels. In a couple of decades it will be under water anyway because sea levels are rising (if you want to say we are at fault or not doesn't matter, they are rising is the important thing), and Bangkok is low lying land, and gets flooded annually as it is, so in the near future it will essentially be F#*!ed.

The Thai police need more $$$ or baht whatever due to the reform and scraping out some of the corruption thanks to the Junta, so these traffic cops and low ranking officers will resort to things such as random stop and searches on foreigners, I would even suggest that some may plant something if desperate enough for money for their double life, but that will be a rarity, however it has been done before and so it shall be done again.

Bangkok, I only ever see you when I need to go to the airport and that is too much for me. It is too big, too busy, too dirty, too expensive, too shabby and now the police are too hands on. Sounds like a great place to settle down, better invest in a boat though.. cheesy.gif

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Again, those are not Thai police but BTS officials and the 2000 Baht fine is a legal one and posted in many places regarding littering. There have been multiple articles over the last few years referring to it as a scam when it is in actuality legal enforcement. But if targeting only the foreigner, then certainly the Governor should step in (again) to do something about it, but no fingers crossed here that will happen.

"LITTERING" Hmm, now there's a word. Yes people should not be irresponsible and throw cigarette buts on the floor, and yes there should be more extinguish bins around like in Singapore.

But, lets look at that magical word "LITTER" there is a huge difference, MASSIVE, between that and they rubbish and foods that are just thrown into piles on the side walks, and the plague of rats (which are not even afraid of humans any more), That scavenge on this from 10pm onwards. bY THE STREET VENDORS. Now that's what I call "LITTER" but, what is done about this?...............NOTHING.

Because of this, and not cigarette buts, Bangkok is a Cess pit, of Rubbish / Litter.


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I was two times extorted (paying at least 1000THB more then officially) that I will only get 15 or 30 days instead of 60 days I should get officially...

This is madness, and I simply don't accept it as true.

How can you say "1000THB more than officially" when officially it's always zero charge.

Tell us which border you have experienced this, I have been through just about every border and airport many time in the last 14 years and it's never ever been suggested that there be any fee at all.


I also have another story, which I posted here. I entered the land border at Nong Khai last year. I should clearly get 30 days but the officer told me that he will give me only 15 days but if I paid (I think it was 500 Baht) he will give me 30 days.

You should read the Visa Section to read more stories like this. I met a nice belgium couple 2 week's ago. They are both retiring in Thailand. He told me horror stories of Koh Samaui Immigration. Officers demanding money and just called it a "new rule"

True for Koh Samui, six months ago I was asked 5,000 Baht for my yearly extension instead of the legal 1,900 Baht. How to fight in any way with an immigration officer, so yes I did paidsad.png

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Lawfully Unfair because these 'Officials' whether Police or Litter Police ONLY pick on visiting Foreigners and Tourists

who are ignorant of the laws. usually spot those that live here as I can.

They can usually detect those that live here as indeed I can.

I actually detest Smoking but the fact is people do smoke in the street so please tell me what they should do to discard a cigarette butt?

There is no choice they have to drop it to extinguish it ( some do ).

Are they then supposed to put it in a bag and take it home! lol

I have never seen any of this in the Silom area where I live but is reported to be rife on Suk Rd.

Then there is the very real fear that they will produce a bag of 'White' and arrest you for carrying Drugs.

Re Passports it has been stated that a copy is sufficient.

Also, it is not a good idea to carry your Passport as if you lose it you have a big problem.

​I am really surprised that the Good General PM has not put a stop to the Scam.

Foreign Newspapers and the Media are now reporting the problems and it has and will effect the number of Visitors.

Edited by metisdead
Unnecessary usage of large bold font removed.
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Well dropping cigarettebutts on the street is a problem but why are there no bins? Is the fear of a bomb in a bin still that high? Then tourists should know about that.

dropping a cigarette is not a problem, the world will never be perfect.

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@pedro01. You're lucky it hasn't happened to you. I'm lucky too because so far it hasn't happened to me either. I, however believe the many people who say it's happened to them. If you prefer to keep your head buried in YOUR real world then fine. But please don't pour scorn on others because you may well eat your words one day

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Not to change the subject but WOOHOO! London wins! Get in!

My honest opinion is Thailand is to be avoided until it sorts itself out.

Long term successful expats I know are returning home or already have done.

more pepole visit london but not for 2-3-4weeks +++

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When this started with the cigarette butt fines several years, the Post ran an article about it and quoted a Thai lawyer who said that the Tesakits have the power to impose the fine but have no powers of arrest. Therefore if you refuse to pay the fine and just walk off and there are no policemen nearby, there is nothing they can do legally but regular police could arrest you for not paying the fine. Actually there must be a way to pay the fine later because most Thai people are not walking around with B2,000 in their pockets and I can't see the police dragging them off and sticking them in the cells for non-payment of a fine for dropping a cigarette butt which most Thai smokers, including Tesakits and policemen, regard as a perfectly normal way to dispose of a butt. The problem is that the fine seems to have been designed for the purpose of extorting foreign tourists, some of whom have had fines imposed, even though they don't smoke.

I don't think the Tesakits have the right to demand passports because the city bylaws they enforce do not cover things like not having proper ID which is a national law enforced by regular police.

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