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Why the Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth won't die

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If you love provocation, you get provocation.
Why fe <deleted> did they have to dress up like Jewish extremists?
Would you walk around in the Bronx in a KKK dress?

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Define no go area? There is a part of town that everyone knows of that started to be the Muslim area of town 25 years ago. Returning this last year, it has now expanded with women in full burkahs pushing prams everywhere.

I drive through it every day, but have no reason to go there, as do apparently no other white faces. Could I go? Sure, but what has the place become ? An apparently isolated enclave with a mosque at the centre.

Is it a no go zone? Nope, but it is also a never will go zone.


About to give it up, and ask my Thai gf for a reply about, eg. what it may look like if a man shows another man the way to toilet. Some here simply can't understand because they don't want to understand.


I lost count of the number of times that friends in the local village pubs would tell of their sons being attacked for walking by a muslim area on a Friday night in the 80s, because they had spent their taxi money on another pint. All they get from the police is "Please don't make a fuss."

I had a knife pulled on me in a street in a 'no' no go area as far back as the 80's by Muslims youth. Then I was fit enough to run off and rang the cops. They were not interested as nothing was stolen and I was not robbed!

You had time to confirm their religion before fleeing?

What other religion will live in a muslim dominated area? The sikhs and hindus I worked with wouldn't waste spit on them.

Funny you say this ,but in another life i developed property and i was taking an Indian guy to see a property ,when he asked me if it was owned by a "i cant use the word ,not PC " to which i said i believe so or a Bangladesh guy ,whereupon he said not to bother as he wouldnt live in an area where -----s lived ,untill then i had not realized how much they are not liked by Hindus and other Indian people ,up untill then i hardly knew the difference .


Some UK myths busted.

Muslims in Luton made Mecca Bingo close down.

Nope: Luton Mecca Bingo, Skimpot Road

Bradford town hall refuses to fly union flag as it may offend Muslims.

A photo of Bradford town hall:


Many more showing the Union Flag proudly flying if you care to look.

British government allows Sharia courts.

This is actually true; but not in the way some people want you to think.

Muslim Sharia courts in the UK have exactly the same legal status under the Arbitration Act 1996 as all other voluntary arbitration services; including Jewish Beth Din.

That is, they can only rule in civil matters, both parties must agree to the decision for it to be binding and that decision can be challenged by either party in an actual court of law.

A Muslim couple can have a religious divorce in a Sharia court and a Jewish couple can do likewise in a Beth Din. But in both cases, unless the couple also divorce through the law courts, they would still, as far as UK law is concerned, be legally married.

Many people object to Sharia courts as they discriminate against women; and they are right.

But the same is true about Beth Din; yet few people complain about that!

Why rabbis should put their courts in order

Then, of course, the big myth this topic is about; so called Muslim controlled no go zones.

Anyone, regardless of their religion, politics, whatever, who tries to set up a no go zone and enforce their own idea of the law in the UK is breaking the criminal law and so subject to arrest and imprisonment.

One example: Muslim vigilantes jailed for 'sharia law' attacks in London.

Unfortunately, Islamaphobic commentators and websites will ignore these facts.

Commentators such as the American so called terrosism expert who recently claimed Birmingham was 100% Muslim and a no go area for non Muslims.

Websites like those which have claimed that a recent fatal road traffic collision in Manchester was a 'jihadist attack' because one of the four drivers involved is Muslim! (The Muslim driver has been charged, the other three are still on police bail pending further investigation)

How can anyone take such morons seriously?

  • Like 1

Some UK myths busted.

Muslims in Luton made Mecca Bingo close down.

Nope: Luton Mecca Bingo, Skimpot Road

Bradford town hall refuses to fly union flag as it may offend Muslims.

A photo of Bradford town hall:


Many more showing the Union Flag proudly flying if you care to look.

British government allows Sharia courts.

This is actually true; but not in the way some people want you to think.

Muslim Sharia courts in the UK have exactly the same legal status under the Arbitration Act 1996 as all other voluntary arbitration services; including Jewish Beth Din.

That is, they can only rule in civil matters, both parties must agree to the decision for it to be binding and that decision can be challenged by either party in an actual court of law.

A Muslim couple can have a religious divorce in a Sharia court and a Jewish couple can do likewise in a Beth Din. But in both cases, unless the couple also divorce through the law courts, they would still, as far as UK law is concerned, be legally married.

Many people object to Sharia courts as they discriminate against women; and they are right.

But the same is true about Beth Din; yet few people complain about that!

Why rabbis should put their courts in order

Then, of course, the big myth this topic is about; so called Muslim controlled no go zones.

Anyone, regardless of their religion, politics, whatever, who tries to set up a no go zone and enforce their own idea of the law in the UK is breaking the criminal law and so subject to arrest and imprisonment.

One example: Muslim vigilantes jailed for 'sharia law' attacks in London.

Unfortunately, Islamaphobic commentators and websites will ignore these facts.

Commentators such as the American so called terrosism expert who recently claimed Birmingham was 100% Muslim and a no go area for non Muslims.

Websites like those which have claimed that a recent fatal road traffic collision in Manchester was a 'jihadist attack' because one of the four drivers involved is Muslim! (The Muslim driver has been charged, the other three are still on police bail pending further investigation)

How can anyone take such morons seriously?

The myth isn't the Union Flag. It's the English Flag of St. George.


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There are ghettos that are "no-go zones" in the US and Europe. The Charlie Hebdo gunmen lived in such a ghetto. Some of the ghettos in Europe do have a lot of Muslims living in them. I think Fox News and other media outlets have probably sensationalized their reporting when they refer to them as Muslim "no-go zones". Still, the Muslims who live in these ghettos are easily radicalized by others, and that's the problem facing the west.

I know for a pasty-white boy like me, West Oakland and East LA in the 1980s were 'no-go zones'.

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Members of Preston's Muslim community replace the Union Jack with the flag of Palestine: Preston town hall


Where were the Police ?

No doubt under orders to stay clear. Cannot be upsetting those peace loving creatures from the 3rd world.

No go areas ?

Try parts of









I am sure others will pitch in with some that I have missed.

Mirfield is a White Flight town. I suppose another myth


In August, an Islamic television channel based in Birmingham was hit with a hefty fine after a Muslim hate preacher told viewers—live on air—that it was the duty of all Muslims to murder anyone who shows disrespect for the Prophet Mohammed.

Noor TV, a Satellite Television Channel that broadcasts programs about Islam throughout Europe, was fined £85,000 ($115,000) by the British broadcasting regulator known as Ofcom for inciting people to commit murder.

In a separate case, Ofcom ordered DM Digital Television to pay a fine of £85,000 ($115,000) after it broadcast a speech by an Islamic scholar who said Muslims had "a duty to kill" anyone who insulted the Prophet Mohammed.

The Manchester-based channel—which claims it has a worldwide audience of 30 million—describes itself as bringing "Asian and English cultures closer" by integrating its people, the cultural diversity, communities and the economy.

Such wonderful people. Shock horror. A Muslim Scholar uttering such words of peace and love.

Full viewing here.


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Members of Preston's Muslim community replace the Union Jack with the flag of Palestine: Preston town hall


Where were the Police ?

No doubt under orders to stay clear. Cannot be upsetting those peace loving creatures from the 3rd world.

No go areas ?

Try parts of









I am sure others will pitch in with some that I have missed.

Mirfield is a White Flight town. I suppose another myth


The concerns about community relations in Kirklees were raised in a 2007 report in which white and ethnic minority residents claimed there were "no go" areas for different races.

The report said that schools were "highly segregated" and that "white flight" was a factor in the segregation of schools along ethnic lines.

It warned that confusion and doubt were hampering progress and leaders were not doing enough to challenge misconceptions.

I am positive that you are correct. It is all a myth. There is no such things in the UK. rolleyes.gif

Reality check.

The only CONFUSION and DOUBT are caused by apologists and the PC Brigade.

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Fox News apologized for it

They took a map made by social services for something totally different and used it without verifiying info to say there are no go zones in Paris and Europe was "finished".


Pere Lachaise



Are NOT no go zones, everyday thousands of non muslims people live happily in these areas

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In reply to my accusers:

1) No go areas for non Muslims in Muslim countries is not the issue here.

I have never experienced any; though I admit I have not visited every Muslim country, and not Saudi. Any examples, anyone? .

I have never made any attempt to deny that the human rights record of some Muslim countries is appalling. But we are talking about Muslims in the West; are we not?

2) One stupid councillor in Radstock, not Bradford, made a stupid comment about the English flag.

The Muslim reaction to her comment? From the same article

The objections raised about the flag of St George were branded “oversensitive” by the local Muslim community while the Muslim Council of Britain said England's patron saint should not be associated with “any hatred of Muslims”.

Spokeswoman Nasima Begum said: "St George needs to take his rightful place as a national symbol of inclusivity rather than a symbol of hatred.”

There's more from Muslims along the same lines, but Forum fair use rules mean I can't quote all of the comments in that article.

This another example of someone reading just the headline and using it here to 'prove' their view. One would think they'd have learned by now to read the whole article!

3) Peaceful demonstration is one of the rights we enjoy in the UK; and if the Palestinian flag was raised over Preston town Hall in such a protest; so what? It doesn't fly there permanently!

The Union Flag does.


I live in a town with a large Muslim population; the town hall regularly flies both the Union Flag and the Cross of St. George (sorry, can't find a picture).

4) Most (all?) of the posted 'experiences' about 'no go zones' in the UK come from members who live in Thailand!

I live in the UK in a town with a large Muslim population. I regularly travel to other towns with as large, even larger, Muslim populations. My experiences are totally different.

The only time I was ever made to feel unwelcome was not in a predominantly Muslim area, but in a predominantly West Indian one; but that was many years ago shortly after the Broadwater Farm riot.

'White flight' has occurred for many years, mainly caused by prejudice and concerns over property prices that prejudice brings. It didn't start when Muslims moved in; it started when West Indians moved in; though it wasn't called white flight then.

Of course, if white families do move out of an area when non white families move in then, for example, schools in that area are going to have fewer white pupils.

5) Sharia courts, Beth Din and other arbitration services has been explained. That certain posters don't see the reality of the situation of such services and that their status under UK law is exactly the same only shows that they are blinded by prejudice.

6) Unfortunately, the UK is not crime free and all sorts of crimes do continue to be committed and, unfortunately, often the perpetrators are not caught and so go unpunished. But attempting to enforce Shari law in the streets on non Muslims is a crime and is punished; if you post a video of yourself committing a crime on YouTube then the police are going to come knocking on your door!

Such attempts are also condemned by Muslims in the UK; Muslim leaders speak out against ‘vigilante’ group that has tried to enforce its version of Islam in East London

Muslim groups have condemned a string of YouTube videos that have been uploaded over the last few weeks by a vigilante group in Tower Hamlets.

A spokesperson for the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), which is based in Whitechapel commented on a series of videos that show the group’s attempt to enforce Sharia Law.

He said: “The views expressed in the videos are not justified in the religion of Islam.

“The vast majority of British Muslims do not hold this view and utterly condemn it.”

7) That the TV channel which broadcast the views of the radical cleric was fined shows that the broadcasting of such views is unacceptable in the UK.

8) So called no go zones in the UK are a myth; and those of us who live in the UK know this.

That some prejudiced people refuse to enter an area with a large Muslim population is their choice; nothing is stopping them from so doing except their own prejudice.

Evidence from non Muslim residents, business owners etc. in other European cities shows this to be the case there, as well.

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Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth ....

It's not a myth.

Ask any Palestinian living in Gaza or the Westbanks

about the "Muslim no-go-zones".

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In reply to my accusers:

1) No go areas for non Muslims in Muslim countries is not the issue here.

Why is it not the issue? the thread does not state what country the no go zones are a 'myth' in. Lets make it an issue then, if Islam is so tolerant why are there no go areas in Muslim countries and why are Churches and Synagogues not allowed or welcomed in some Muslim countries? We await your apologies in anticipation cheesy.gif


The only Muslim country which does not allow public worship by non Muslims is Saudi Arabia.

Other than that, please give some examples of non Muslim no go areas in Muslim countries.

Muslim 'no-go-zone' myth ....

It's not a myth.

Ask any Palestinian living in Gaza or the Westbanks

about the "Muslim no-go-zones".

Do you mean the lands stolen from them by the Israeli settlers?

Which are, of course, areas where the Palestinians, most of whom are Muslim, can't go; not areas where non Muslims can't go.

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The only Muslim country which does not allow public worship by non Muslims is Saudi Arabia.

Other than that, please give some examples of non Muslim no go areas in Muslim countries.

Saudi has no go areas in more than one city, so Muslim no go areas are not a myth are they


Sorry to spoil the party again.

It is simply not true that Christian or Jewish enclaves are not allowed in any "Moslem country".

I've got a friend from Bethlehem, Christian Palestine. And one Arab fiend from Tel Aviv, Israel. Both areas are not considered to be 'no go' areas for Muslims or any other religion. I've got friends from Damaskus, Syria. Damaskus is one of the biggest Jewish and Christian enclaves in the world. Same same Beirut, Bagdad before Mr - sorry, I forgot the name - found a good excuse to blow it up. And many many more, last not least Istanbul, West Turkey, and, of course, Bangkok and Thailand. Not every West Asian or Arab nation with a Muslim majority is an Islamic Republic. Some are, of course, but they are only a handful of them.

IS and AlQaida now find themselves on the losing side, so they were waiting for a good chance to strike an attack, in order to keep their troops amused and get their follower in line. You are only doing their job if you blow for a crusade as revenge. If you really don't like them, for whatever reason, you should simply ignore them. Striking back, and maybe declaring a war on Muslims in Europe, is the biggest favour you can do them. They had their chance, and most Muslim countries took their chance. The trick is not to blame them all, but to pick out the hardliners and isolate them.

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The only Muslim country which does not allow public worship by non Muslims is Saudi Arabia.

Other than that, please give some examples of non Muslim no go areas in Muslim countries.

And you accuse other people of cherry picking. The Christian population in the Middle East is down by between 60 and 90% since WWII, with the sole exception of Israel where it is up 400%'. Any future Palestinian state would be Judenrein, Israel has a 20% Muslim population. Churches in the Middle East are not even allowed to be repaired and moderate Turkey just allowed the first new church opening in 90 years.

It is fun to let our multiculturalists vent for a bit and display their true ignorance though. :)

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The only Muslim country which does not allow public worship by non Muslims is Saudi Arabia.

Other than that, please give some examples of non Muslim no go areas in Muslim countries.

Ask the Coptic Christians of Baghdad.

Six suicide jihadis of a group called Islamic State of Iraq attacked a Syrian Catholic church in Baghdad during Sunday evening Mass, on 31 October 2010, and started killing the worshippers, helping the Christians to hell and themselves to heaven, as they said.


I could go on. I dont think I need to.

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In reply to my accusers:

1) No go areas for non Muslims in Muslim countries is not the issue here.

I have never experienced any; though I admit I have not visited every Muslim country, and not Saudi. Any examples, anyone? .

I have never made any attempt to deny that the human rights record of some Muslim countries is appalling. But we are talking about Muslims in the West; are we not?

2) One stupid councillor in Radstock, not Bradford, made a stupid comment about the English flag.

The Muslim reaction to her comment? From the same article

The objections raised about the flag of St George were branded “oversensitive” by the local Muslim community while the Muslim Council of Britain said England's patron saint should not be associated with “any hatred of Muslims”.

Spokeswoman Nasima Begum said: "St George needs to take his rightful place as a national symbol of inclusivity rather than a symbol of hatred.”

There's more from Muslims along the same lines, but Forum fair use rules mean I can't quote all of the comments in that article.

This another example of someone reading just the headline and using it here to 'prove' their view. One would think they'd have learned by now to read the whole article!

3) Peaceful demonstration is one of the rights we enjoy in the UK; and if the Palestinian flag was raised over Preston town Hall in such a protest; so what? It doesn't fly there permanently!

The Union Flag does.


I live in a town with a large Muslim population; the town hall regularly flies both the Union Flag and the Cross of St. George (sorry, can't find a picture).

4) Most (all?) of the posted 'experiences' about 'no go zones' in the UK come from members who live in Thailand!

I live in the UK in a town with a large Muslim population. I regularly travel to other towns with as large, even larger, Muslim populations. My experiences are totally different.

The only time I was ever made to feel unwelcome was not in a predominantly Muslim area, but in a predominantly West Indian one; but that was many years ago shortly after the Broadwater Farm riot.

'White flight' has occurred for many years, mainly caused by prejudice and concerns over property prices that prejudice brings. It didn't start when Muslims moved in; it started when West Indians moved in; though it wasn't called white flight then.

Of course, if white families do move out of an area when non white families move in then, for example, schools in that area are going to have fewer white pupils.

5) Sharia courts, Beth Din and other arbitration services has been explained. That certain posters don't see the reality of the situation of such services and that their status under UK law is exactly the same only shows that they are blinded by prejudice.

6) Unfortunately, the UK is not crime free and all sorts of crimes do continue to be committed and, unfortunately, often the perpetrators are not caught and so go unpunished. But attempting to enforce Shari law in the streets on non Muslims is a crime and is punished; if you post a video of yourself committing a crime on YouTube then the police are going to come knocking on your door!

Such attempts are also condemned by Muslims in the UK; Muslim leaders speak out against ‘vigilante’ group that has tried to enforce its version of Islam in East London

Muslim groups have condemned a string of YouTube videos that have been uploaded over the last few weeks by a vigilante group in Tower Hamlets.

A spokesperson for the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), which is based in Whitechapel commented on a series of videos that show the group’s attempt to enforce Sharia Law.

He said: “The views expressed in the videos are not justified in the religion of Islam.

“The vast majority of British Muslims do not hold this view and utterly condemn it.”

7) That the TV channel which broadcast the views of the radical cleric was fined shows that the broadcasting of such views is unacceptable in the UK.

8) So called no go zones in the UK are a myth; and those of us who live in the UK know this.

That some prejudiced people refuse to enter an area with a large Muslim population is their choice; nothing is stopping them from so doing except their own prejudice.

Evidence from non Muslim residents, business owners etc. in other European cities shows this to be the case there, as well.

There is a consistent refusal to acknowledge is that while each instance may be deemed as insignificant by itself, and may (or may not) be condemned and rejected by community leaders, this holds up to a point. When taking all these isolated instances as a whole - things look different. Denying that this point of view as legitimate needs better arguments than simply wishing it away.

That some claims are overblown, incorrect or disregard context, does not make all of them irrelevant of mistaken. Picking which instances to refute and asserting that this is general proof for all others being wrong will not convince anyone but the convinced.

Posters who related their experiences may currently live in Thailand - their experiences detailed happened in relevant countries. That others have different experiences - fair enough, the world would be boring otherwise. Doesn't make for wholesale dismissal of alternate experience.

The issue with sympathizers of the notion that Sharia law become the law of the land is that these persistent calls, regardless of their success, are an abomination as far as the overwhelming majority is concerned. That there is no stomping of these calls, be it for fear of upsetting PC sensitivities or tacit tolerance by Muslim community rightly angers people. Had Sharia courts been the full scope of the issue, comparing it to their Jewish counterparts would have been relevant. Rather, it is the voices that demand further concessions for Muslim culture abroad that cause more animosity. If it was simply a matter of taking what's given (Sharia courts as strictly afforded by the law of the land) things wouldn't seem as bad.

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