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Thailand expects tourism boost after street protests

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Lipstick on the pig. The Thai "raunchy" night life is the big lure.

For those whose brain (wherever located) is fixated on the sex entertainment industry then you're probably right.

But, I bet if you checked the % of sex tourists was diminishing compared to families and non sex tourists.

Every country I've ever been to has it's "colorful" places if you want to find them.

The jokes and myths that persist about Thailand and the sex trade are similar to the bad taste 70's and 80's British jokes about all Irish people being stupid. Simply untrue.


Russian Rouble down over 50%, Canadian, Australian and Kiwi dollars taking a pounding as well.

I would have thought to safer prediction would be tourist numbers going down even further and

an optimistic prediction the tourist numbers would hold steady. Oh well, we shall see. Nobody

held to account for fanciful numbers anyway. tongue.png


"The prime minister has ordered every public sector to urgently build confidence and fix every tourist problems quickly in order to rebuild confidence for tourists, including hygiene, safety and the transport system development," junta spokesman Yongyuth Mayalarp told reporters.

Carefully constructed sentence that omits the core issues, Scams, Rip-Offs and Violence. It is these issues that are keeping tourists away and as the news spreads continuously greater awareness of the true nature of Thainess is revealed.

Denial comes from the fact that they cannot and will not accept their Thainess is deeply flawed and until they can face these issues openly and honestly then they won't be able to take measures to stop them.

It doesn't take a lot of effort to see what people think of Thailand and those in power are fully aware but would rather stick their heads in the sand in the attempt to save face. Keep on denying and you'll keep on seeing the figures fall ... I wonder what BS they'll come out with if this years figures decline ... what blame it on the Ruble, blame it on all the foreigners for having no money; I guess they'll always find some direction to point the finger of blame but it'll never be their fault.


They may expect a lot of things, but that doesn't meant the expectations have any basis in reality. Read the Pattaya news and look at the number of Farang assaults going on. Money is tight and the gangs and groups of people are looking to extort what they can at any moment. Many people are concerned about going to a dictator run country.


"The prime minister has ordered every public sector to urgently build confidence and fix every tourist problems quickly in order to rebuild confidence for tourists, including hygiene, safety and the transport system development," junta spokesman Yongyuth Mayalarp told reporters.

Carefully constructed sentence that omits the core issues, Scams, Rip-Offs and Violence. It is these issues that are keeping tourists away and as the news spreads continuously greater awareness of the true nature of Thainess is revealed.

Denial comes from the fact that they cannot and will not accept their Thainess is deeply flawed and until they can face these issues openly and honestly then they won't be able to take measures to stop them.

It doesn't take a lot of effort to see what people think of Thailand and those in power are fully aware but would rather stick their heads in the sand in the attempt to save face. Keep on denying and you'll keep on seeing the figures fall ... I wonder what BS they'll come out with if this years figures decline ... what blame it on the Ruble, blame it on all the foreigners for having no money; I guess they'll always find some direction to point the finger of blame but it'll never be their fault.

Excellent post,blame it on everything except the glaringly obvious problems that are putting tourists off,however Tat spin it tourism is and will continue to decline,until they adress the real issues,but as you say Suffinator,they never will because of the single biggest thing that holds this country back; LOSS OF FACE.


Yes yes sure :)

Just before the tsunami of farangs will come automatically back here again...

How about thinking first what made the Europeans decide not come here anymore ?

Their list with reasons for not coming back its just getting longer and longer !


Perhaps the good General should promote Anchor Watt afther screwing up the Thai tourist industry. He started all this visa tightening, martial law and quality tourist selection. Control freaks rarely excel in tourism. This will come back to hurt Thailand.


Tourists don't care about scams,in the most part because they aren't aware of them. Paying a 1000 Baht for a few kilometers in a taxi back home is normal,paying 300 Baht instead of 150 isn't going to bother them, i doubt if they even find out the real fare. The exchange rate is the only thing keeping people away. I have met tourists who didn't even know that there had been a coup and couldn't care less either way. Injustice, who cares, they are here for sun and sea and a bit of exotic for a few weeks and then back home,they aren't here on a mission of mercy or to shoulder the worlds problems.

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Perhaps the good General should promote Anchor Watt afther screwing up the Thai tourist industry. He started all this visa tightening, martial law and quality tourist selection. Control freaks rarely excel in tourism. This will come back to hurt Thailand.

They would probably have to change the name of Siem Reap first though i don't think anyone has dared tell the good general what it means yet else he would probably explode.

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Lipstick on the pig. The Thai "raunchy" night life is the big lure.

Lipstick on the pig?

My all time favourite TV quote, 'she had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp'. TV gold that one

Turd Polishing is my favorite


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Lipstick on the pig. The Thai "raunchy" night life is the big lure.

Lipstick on the pig?

My all time favourite TV quote, 'she had a face like a bulldog chewing a wasp'. TV gold that one

Turd Polishing is my favorite

She looked as if she had been hit in the face with a bag full of coins, said about Hillary Clintons daughter.


Well im on a vietnam trip at the moment, away from a very quiet Thailand , for a change , and to see Whats happening here lately. Vietnam has changed a lot. Maybe the TAT and tourism ministers should come and have a look at Nha Trang. The beaches are very long and very clean, no rubbish anywhere, there are wicker baskets every few yards on the beach in between very spaced out umbrellas that do not cover even half of the width of the beach!!!the beach staff are spotlessly clean and wear nice matching shirts and trousers or Bermudas. Vendors are not allowed, only if someone calls them.The prom goes the whole length of the beach, beautifully land scaped with gorgeous trees manicured to perfection into all shapes and forms! Spotless public toilets, first aid rooms, stone chairs and benches to sit on under the trees, people watering the flowers. .Men walk the length of the beach at the end of the day collecting any rubbish . I was amazed. Now the town itself, perfectly clean pavements, street cleaners busy all day, pavements you can walk on, no holes!!!! No stinking dirty drains that smell to high heaven( why?).Affordable restaurants, beer at a dollar and less, nice wine 2.5 $ a glass. Staff everywhere very friendly, will talk to you (!!!!!) ask questions, help you along.cheap taxis, a dollar here, two there. So, I suggest a week in Vietnam would show Thais how to do things . I'm no Thailand basher, I love Thailand and that since 1984 ! I just think it's gone downhill in the last few years, got more corrupt, dirtier, no one cares any more, the smiles are rare. It's not " cheap" for what you get. I for one feels very sorry when I see it like this.

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Wow! That is amazing progress seeing as it was only 6 years ago when tourist numbers were 14 million, that's a massive 100% increase in 6 years. Not only that, but it has come at a time when the world has been in economic decline. Just imagine how many would have come if the crash in 2008 hadn't happened? We'd have at least 52 million tourists per year no doubt.



Street protests stopped months ago, so.... What happened from then until now?

Chiang Mai very busy, thats all I know, today wanted to rent a car, not possible!

All tourist related people I talk with tell me it's the best high season in years..


You have to smile at this stuff. One day TAT are talking doom and gloom because of the Russians or Ebola or some other nonsense and the next day the rose tinted glasses are on and it's all wonderful! Today it's the rose tinted glasses as the fearless leader has ordered it so! Fantastic

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