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German anti-Islam leader resigns after Hitler, refugee posts

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German anti-Islam leader resigns after Hitler, refugee posts
DAVID RISING, Associated Press

BERLIN (AP) — The leader of a German organization against the perceived "Islamization" of Europe stepped down Wednesday after online posts surfaced in which he used derogatory language to refer to refugees and posed looking like Adolf Hitler.

Lutz Bachmann, co-founder of the Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West, or PEGIDA, announced his departure on Facebook after German media published the comments where he called refugees "cattle" and "filthy," and a photo showing him with a Hitler mustache and hair combed over like the Nazi Fuehrer.

Bachmann didn't comment directly on the picture, but apologized for the anti-refugee comments, which he made online in September, a month before the group staged its first protest.

"I earnestly apologize to all citizens, who felt attacked by my postings," Bachmann said in a statement on the group's Facebook page.

"They were ill-considered comments that I wouldn't make in this way today," he said, expressing regret for harming the movement, which has taken pains to distance itself from neo-Nazi groups.

The group has staged weekly demonstrations in the eastern city of Dresden that reached their peak last week, drawing 25,000 people. This week's planned rally was canceled after police said authorities had monitored a Tweet calling for one of the organizers to be killed.

PEGIDA's spokeswoman, Kathrin Oertel said the Hitler picture had been satire, but Bachmann's comments about refugees and others he made about German politicians hadn't "contributed to the trustworthiness" of the group.

Bild quoted Bachmann as saying he had posted the Hitler picture on his Facebook page, apparently some time ago, as a joke.

"One has to be able sometimes to make fun of oneself," he said.

If it was a joke, nobody was laughing.

"Anyone in politics who poses as Hitler is either a total idiot or a Nazi," Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel told Bild, taking the opportunity to reiterate the government's call for people to stay away from PEGIDA's demonstrations.

PEGIDA organizer Rene Jahn earlier Wednesday said the "incident must have consequences."

"That's unacceptable. I won't have anything to do with such a thing," Jahn said.

A protest staged by a separate group in the eastern city of Leipzig met with violent counter-protests Wednesday. Police said some among the 20,000 counter-protesters tried to break through barriers protecting the route where about 15,000 supporters of the group, calling itself LEGIDA, were marching.

Frank Jordans contributed to this story.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-01-22


He actually looks like him in the picture

Ruined his chances of ever being taken seriously again

I recall the Hitler image in the Government video thread . This might tell those who didn't believe it how offensive many people in the West find Hitlers image ,


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

ExPratt post # 2.

He actually looks like him in the picture

Ruined his chances of ever being taken seriously again

I recall the Hitler image in the Government video thread . This might tell those who didn't believe it how offensive many people in the West find Hitlers image ,

Agree,however I personally find the abominable face of the rabid Jihadist even more repulsive, see the image below.

Excuse my ignorance , who is it ?


^ Racist, hatred-inciting scum in UK they couldn't deport, innit?

Yes, dude shot himself in the foot a bit there. I do reckon the Germans should be careful how they deal with PEGIDA, though; letting it peter out as opposed to stomping on people's ideas. Pretty emotive stuff and they have a right to be against their culture being diluted, surely...


Apologies ExPratt.

I forgot to include the name of the beast it is Anjem Choudary.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Apologies ExPratt.

I forgot to include the name of the beast it is Anjem Choudary.

Thanks , I suppose I should have known , I don't really keep up with UK news anymore


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Apologies ExPratt.

I forgot to include the name of the beast it is Anjem Choudary.

Thanks , I suppose I should have known , I don't really keep up with UK news anymore

He used to refer to his benefit money has his Jihad payment or something like that.

  • Like 1

If western countries would end their belligerent actions in the Middle-East, their Muslim populations would likely be more peaceful.

and if pigs could fly backwards.

Not so preposterous as that.

History is full of examples of aggressors who have disengaged in conflicts because the costs became too high.


ExPratt post # 2.

He actually looks like him in the picture

Ruined his chances of ever being taken seriously again

I recall the Hitler image in the Government video thread . This might tell those who didn't believe it how offensive many people in the West find Hitlers image ,

However I personally find the abominable face of the rabid Jihadist Anjem Choudary even more repulsive, see the image below.
Evil personified,
Makes Hitler look positively benign when comparing his ideals, aims and actions against the ongoing virulent malevolent hate campaign conducted by Choudry and his kind. .

Did he kill more than 6 million people? mad.gifmad.gif


If western countries would end their belligerent actions in the Middle-East, their Muslim populations would likely be more peaceful.

and if pigs could fly backwards.

Not so preposterous as that.

History is full of examples of aggressors who have disengaged in conflicts because the costs became too high.

So you think giving in to terrorists who kidnap, rape and murder people is the right way to go?

How about countries enforcing their laws without bias and prejudice against all citizens regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation. Is anyone doesn't like that they are free to leave.

  • Like 2

So cartoons insulting Islam = freedom of speech but posing as Hitler ( which is also satire) is condemned? I am against both but hey where is the logic?


ExPratt post # 2.

He actually looks like him in the picture

Ruined his chances of ever being taken seriously again

I recall the Hitler image in the Government video thread . This might tell those who didn't believe it how offensive many people in the West find Hitlers image ,

However I personally find the abominable face of the rabid Jihadist Anjem Choudary even more repulsive, see the image below.
Evil personified,
Makes Hitler look positively benign when comparing his ideals, aims and actions against the ongoing virulent malevolent hate campaign conducted by Choudry and his kind. .

Did he kill more than 6 million people? mad.gifmad.gif

Not yet.

  • Like 1

ExPratt post # 2.

He actually looks like him in the picture

Ruined his chances of ever being taken seriously again

I recall the Hitler image in the Government video thread . This might tell those who didn't believe it how offensive many people in the West find Hitlers image ,

However I personally find the abominable face of the rabid Jihadist Anjem Choudary even more repulsive, see the image below.
Evil personified,
Makes Hitler look positively benign when comparing his ideals, aims and actions against the ongoing virulent malevolent hate campaign conducted by Choudry and his kind. .

Did he kill more than 6 million people? mad.gifmad.gif

Neither did the other guy until he attained power. We saw what the Catholics did when they had the upper hand throughout Europe.

  • Like 1

"Bachmann didn't comment directly on the picture, but apologized for the anti-refugee comments, which he made online in September, a month before the group staged its first protest."

Saw this sentence first before reading the rest and thought to myself, Wow Michell Bachman really gets around.


VillageIdiot post # 12

If western countries would end their belligerent actions in the Middle-East, their Muslim populations would likely be more peaceful.

Possibly we should also include Israel in that particular grouping too.whistling.gif

  • Like 1

Is Bachmann some German generic word for stupid? I seem to recall another of that same name equally stupid and she was elected to Congress.

When I think of using the word "stupid", I try to see myself in the mirror and measure my qualifications to use the term.

So cartoons insulting Islam = freedom of speech but posing as Hitler ( which is also satire) is condemned? I am against both but hey where is the logic?

Germany has specific laws related to Nazism and Hitler. These are less prevalent in other countries, but a lot of people still find it offensive. Some may recall Prince Harry dressing up for a Halloween party in a Nazi uniform. It didn't set too well with a number of folks, but it wasn't against the law.

  • Like 1

If western countries would end their belligerent actions in the Middle-East, their Muslim populations would likely be more peaceful.

and if pigs could fly backwards.

Not so preposterous as that.

History is full of examples of aggressors who have disengaged in conflicts because the costs became too high.

And did the locals indeed become more peaceful as a result, in all of these cases?

This topic is more related to immigrants living in the West, anyway.


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ExPratt post # 2.

He actually looks like him in the picture

Ruined his chances of ever being taken seriously again

I recall the Hitler image in the Government video thread . This might tell those who didn't believe it how offensive many people in the West find Hitlers image ,

Agree,however I personally find the abominable face of the rabid Jihadist even more repulsive, see the image below.

Excuse my ignorance , who is it ?

Just because this guy may also be evil, does not take away from how truly evil and sick Hitler was. Perhaps given the chance this guy might kill millions but Hitler already is responsible for tens of millions of murders. Don't try to make light of that.


So cartoons insulting Islam = freedom of speech but posing as Hitler ( which is also satire) is condemned? I am against both but hey where is the logic?

Well you can get rid of a satirical Hitler without his followers goose stepping towards the nearest church or embassy to set ablaze.

Were it not Germany he might have got away with the Hitler costume if it were just that, happened to Prince Harry once so I recall.

I suppose the establishment will make as much capital out of this as possible in trying to smear the whole anti-Jihad movement, however this time I suspect it won't work, indeed UKIP seem to get more popular the more mud is thrown at them.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

ExPratt post # 2.

He actually looks like him in the picture

Ruined his chances of ever being taken seriously again

I recall the Hitler image in the Government video thread . This might tell those who didn't believe it how offensive many people in the West find Hitlers image ,

Agree,however I personally find the abominable face of the rabid Jihadist even more repulsive, see the image below.

Excuse my ignorance , who is it ?

Just because this guy may also be evil, does not take away from how truly evil and sick Hitler was. Perhaps given the chance this guy might kill millions but Hitler already is responsible for tens of millions of murders. Don't try to make light of that.

Indeed I think the only difference is that Hitler HAD the means to kill millions of people, where as those religious extremists do NOT have the means........ as of now, that is.....

what's in 10 years from now is another story......


ExPratt post # 2.

He actually looks like him in the picture

Ruined his chances of ever being taken seriously again

I recall the Hitler image in the Government video thread . This might tell those who didn't believe it how offensive many people in the West find Hitlers image ,

However I personally find the abominable face of the rabid Jihadist Anjem Choudary even more repulsive, see the image below.
Evil personified,
Makes Hitler look positively benign when comparing his ideals, aims and actions against the ongoing virulent malevolent hate campaign conducted by Choudry and his kind. .

Did he kill more than 6 million people? mad.gifmad.gif

He strongly implies that the killing of all non-Muslims is legitimate. I strongly suspect that there are more than six million non-Muslims out there, so... letting this go on for any great time would probably amass that number and then some.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but I feel that some people want to discuss the Muslim threat to everyone (Gentile and Jew alike) and respectfully dispense with a part of history that only represents the concerns of Jews only.

Can you give it a rest for a spell and allow people to discuss the bigger issue without a commercial break?


If western countries would end their belligerent actions in the Middle-East, their Muslim populations would likely be more peaceful.

and if pigs could fly backwards.

Not so preposterous as that.

History is full of examples of aggressors who have disengaged in conflicts because the costs became too high.

The western foreig policy of interfering in the middle east has not sparked off Islamification of the west..... It has been on the agenda for over 1000 years and has been ongoing and yet held back by many wars. But now it has a real momentum that will see Europe a majority Islamic region within the next 40 to 50 years, and 100% by the end of this century.

So there is little surprise that there is a very strong emergence of right wing groups springing up all over Europe.

This will end up in a Europe-wide cultural and religious civil war that will make the last 2 world wars look like a playground scrap. Sweden is the one to watch, followed by Denmark and the Netherlands...... T-minus 10 years and counting.

Pat Condell tells it like it is in this video.

  • Like 1

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