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West speeding towards point of no return with Russia: Opinion

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West speeding towards point of no return with Russia

Thanong Khanthong

BANGKOK: -- Along with ISIS, President Barack Obama has singled out Russia as an enemy that the United States will have to deal with decisively. In his address on the state of the Union this week, Obama sought to demonstrate his global leadership amid the escalating stand-off between the US and Russia.

"We're upholding the principle that bigger nations can't bully the small - by opposing Russian aggression, supporting Ukraine's democracy, and reassuring our Nato allies. Last year, as we were doing the hard work of imposing sanctions along with our allies, some suggested that Mr Putin's aggression was a masterful display of strategy and strength. Well, today, it is America that stands strong and united with our allies, while Russia is isolated, with its economy in tatters.

"That's how America leads - not with bluster, but with persistent, steady resolve," he said.

Relations between the US and Russia appear to have reached a point of no return. But Obama has avoided elaborating on what the US and its allies will do next in containing Russia. What is more important, though, is how Putin responds to Nato's continuing expansion. The latest round of military clashes between Kiev and the rebels in southeast Ukraine have served to escalate the conflict. The sanctions imposed by the West gouged wounds in Russia's economy. But they won't bring down the Great Bear. China is standing by ready to bail out Russia if worse comes to worst. Putin is expected to hit back in the first quarter of this year, when the weather in Europe is particularly cold. A more serious crisis is looming.

Obama has called for the US Congress to authorise a war against ISIS. This he will get. But are the jihadists the real target? Since the US and allies' began bombing ISIS targets in August last year, the militants have actually gained more territory in Syria. This serves Washington's interests anyway, because it wants to oust the regime of Bashar al-Assad of Syria. You don't want to bomb an enemy that is doing the job of fighting your larger enemy for you.

We are witnessing moves that escalate, rather than de-escalate, global tensions.

It is no surprise that Europe is preparing for action. The European Central Bank has just been given the green light by EU lawyers to launch US-style quantitative easing. Germany has apparently backed down from opposing the ECB's move to flood the financial market with "cheap" euro to prop up the European banking system, stock markets and government bonds. Maybe that's why the Germans have repatriated 120 tonnes of gold from the US and France, where they stored a chunk of their reserves over the past decades.

The ECB's quantitative easing programme may be seen as part of preparations for growing conflict in eastern Europe, where Nato forces are augmenting their role and presence to tame Russia. We are witnessing collective insanity take hold as the Europeans follow the US leadership into a full-blown confrontation with Putin. If a war were to break out, it would cause devastation on both sides. But we are heading faster and faster towards that point of no return.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/West-speeding-towards-point-of-no-return-with-Russ-30252467.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-23


Too much conjecture here for my liking. The E.U quantitative easing is surely down to the European economy being on its knees rather than somehow being a war chest to fight Moscow with. The Russians can always cut of gas supplies to Europe if they really want a crisis, especially after the death of King Abdullah may lead to Isis destabilizing Saudi Arabia.

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Russian you bully, how dare you stand against our Ukraine Coup, Can you also give up your Gigantic naval presence in Crimea., anyone who thinks this may happen in the future are Dreaming. I suppose the western masses will be impressed by our shirting fronting of Russia and vote to Nuke ,em.

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If Russia pulled it's troops out of Ukraine, this whole mess would go away. Pretty simple actually.

There are no Russian troops in the Ukraine.

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If Russia pulled it's troops out of Ukraine, this whole mess would go away. Pretty simple actually.

There are no Russian troops in the Ukraine.

I'm not there. Don't personally know the players on the ground. Can't say one way or the other with any degree of credibility.

The only thing know for certain, is that I live in Thailand and don't run the show.


"We're upholding the principle that bigger nations can't bully the small -

"That's how America leads - not with bluster, but with persistent, steady resolve," he said.

Has he looked in the mirror lately, who has bullied smaller nations ?

From Vietnam through Iraq, Libya and sanctions against so many others including Thailand for not doing things as they would want.

Fight against communism, against oppressors and look how its turned out, is the world a better place for all that 'intervention'

Lets just change the second sentence a little to reflect reality :

That's how America leads - not with bluster, but with bombs bullets and sanctions.

But Russia in the Ukraine, they arent doing things as we would want either so we have to go after them now.

And something to think about Mr President :

If we got one-tenth of what was promised to us in these State of the Union Speeches, there wouldn't be any inducement to go to heaven.*~Will Rogers~


Putin the post communist and post apparatchik was and is KGB self serving agent and doing all he can to build soviet's Russia again at any cost. This dictatorship is strong with full support of majority of population who felt cheated by all previous regimes. He got partially out of the reach Jews who stole billions from "new" Russia and escaped to Israel and other nations for protection. He controls Russia and this grip will not be eased soon. Fuel low price works for US and EU, and not for Russia. Embargo if done correctly can trigger imbalance in politico-economic equilibrium. Arms race is very costly and US is ahead. It is hard to tell about finances, since all countries are in deep financial trouble including US. Nobody wants war, but this is the historical truth. the wars started because,.....nobody wanted and believed that will actually happen. The world population is always manipulated, or brainwashed if you like to the tunes of mass media. Who owns these media, will make money either way; With or without war. People who die are not those who make it happen; They are just an instrumental in their game. Dark truth of manipulating cowards for their own benefit without any regards for Europeans and Americans, and the Russians as well. It is what they prefer to get someone do the dirty job for them. How many Americans are dead and wounded in the last 20 years? Who will pay these trillions of dollars manipulated by American financial institutions, which were bail out of bankruptcy by general public? Who went behind bars for the largest scam in XX Century? Who benefited from it? Who runs all these institutions? Who manipulates media? Equal doesn't mean on the same plane, it means relative. Relatively speaking it depends how you look at it; from which point. White is black and black is white. In a sense if you are not with me, your are against me. This is called NEW DEMOCRACY, which in XIX Century was called Communism.

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If Russia pulled it's troops out of Ukraine, this whole mess would go away. Pretty simple actually.

There are no Russian troops in the Ukraine.

Way too many media reports of equipment pouring over the border from Russia. Just search the internet. You'll find the right answer. And ignore Russian media.

Here's a great video. No way rebel troops have equipment like that. Even the Ukraine army doesn't have new, modern equipment like this! LOL


Plus, hard to believe a word Russia says. Here, Putin admits troops were in Crimea and involved in the hostile takeover, but earlier had denied their presence. Same is going on in Ukraine...again.


Contradicting previous denials, President Vladimir Putin has admitted that Russia’s armed forces played a role in events leading up to Moscow’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula, but denied direct involvement of his country's military in a referendum that was used to justify the move, according to an[/size]interview broadcast by German television.[/size]


In a March 4 [/size]question-and-answer session with reporters Putin denied that Russian troops were in any way involved in what was widely seen as an armed takeover of Crimea, insisting that heavily armed men in unmarked green uniforms that could be seen taking control of government buildings on the peninsula were members of “local self-defense forces.” When asked by one journalist why the green uniforms were so similar to those worn by Russian troops, Putin replied that clothing of that kind could be purchased in any store.[/size]

And ya gotta love this one:


Today, Ukraine released video footage of what it said were 10 captured Russian soldiers. The men, under interrogation, identified themselves as Russian soldiers captured on Ukrainian territory. They gave their names and military serial numbers and said they had been sent to Ukraine by their superiors after initially being told they were going on a training exercise.

“Everything was a lie. There were no drills here,” one of the captured Russians, Sergey A. Smirnov, told a Ukrainian interrogator. According to the New York Times, Smirnov said he and other Russians from an airborne unit in Kostroma, in central Russia, had been sent on what was described initially as a military training exercise but later turned into a mission into Ukraine.

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Putin the post communist and post apparatchik was and is KGB self serving agent and doing all he can to build soviet's Russia again at any cost. This dictatorship is strong with full support of majority of population who felt cheated by all previous regimes. He got partially out of the reach Jews who stole billions from "new" Russia and escaped to Israel and other nations for protection. He controls Russia and this grip will not be eased soon. Fuel low price works for US and EU, and not for Russia. Embargo if done correctly can trigger imbalance in politico-economic equilibrium. Arms race is very costly and US is ahead. It is hard to tell about finances, since all countries are in deep financial trouble including US. Nobody wants war, but this is the historical truth. the wars started because,.....nobody wanted and believed that will actually happen. The world population is always manipulated, or brainwashed if you like to the tunes of mass media. Who owns these media, will make money either way; With or without war. People who die are not those who make it happen; They are just an instrumental in their game. Dark truth of manipulating cowards for their own benefit without any regards for Europeans and Americans, and the Russians as well. It is what they prefer to get someone do the dirty job for them. How many Americans are dead and wounded in the last 20 years? Who will pay these trillions of dollars manipulated by American financial institutions, which were bail out of bankruptcy by general public? Who went behind bars for the largest scam in XX Century? Who benefited from it? Who runs all these institutions? Who manipulates media? Equal doesn't mean on the same plane, it means relative. Relatively speaking it depends how you look at it; from which point. White is black and black is white. In a sense if you are not with me, your are against me. This is called NEW DEMOCRACY, which in XIX Century was called Communism.

Some pieces of thoughts of senator McCain?

  • Like 1

If Russia pulled it's troops out of Ukraine, this whole mess would go away. Pretty simple actually.

There are no Russian troops in the Ukraine.

How do you know that?


If Russia pulled it's troops out of Ukraine, this whole mess would go away. Pretty simple actually.

There are no Russian troops in the Ukraine.

How do you know that?

Because Putin said so! Oh wait...he's said that before and it was a lie...and even admitted it was a lie! giggle.gif


So far nobody was able to produce any real proof that any of the Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian border, only blah blah blah....

We live in the 21st Century and any important spot on our planet is being monitored by satellites.

If America or Ukraine are extending such a serious claim against Russia that there are Russian troops helping the rebels to fight the Ukrainian Army, please provide the real proof.

This is not like way back in 1968 in Czechoslovakia.

  • Like 2

So far nobody was able to produce any real proof that any of the Russian troops crossed the Ukrainian border, only blah blah blah....

We live in the 21st Century and any important spot on our planet is being monitored by satellites.

If America or Ukraine are extending such a serious claim against Russia that there are Russian troops helping the rebels to fight the Ukrainian Army, please provide the real proof.

This is not like way back in 1968 in Czechoslovakia.

Proof being in the form of a severed head on the end of a stake?


Nobody produced any proof in the form of satellite images, videos, nothing!

Only American propaganda, blah blah blah...

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