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17 foreign ‘English teachers’ arrested in Chiang Mai for working illegally

Jonathan Fairfield

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Excuse me and I totally respect the laws and customs of Thailand, ofcourse I do.

However, with total repect and yes there many foreigners who are teaching without the necessary experience and qualifications.

What is absolutely forgotten is that Thai Teachers trying to teach Thai Students English and yes they may have degrees lol.

I ask you and often the so called qualified teachers lol, think they know how to teach English.

Total and absolute crap and yes a native speaker is English, not Phillipino or American, yet they have the teaching positions.

It does not help one little bit, that it the aim of every single Institution in that everyone passes no matter what.

Believe you me I have taught proper English and the teachers who have still positions getting salary for goodness know what.

They think they know it all and unfortuanately they do not know even a little bit, but think that they do.

Between lol the so called Director and so called Head of Foreign Languages andreally laughing out loud, they are totally useless, yet the so called Director lo goes along with it.

An absolute disgrace and the so called Director and lo theso called Head of Languages, youru really having a laugh, both pateetic, yet still comand a huge salary, for what exactly. Yes absollutely NOTHING AT ALL A DISGRACE


J West

"Total and absolute crap and yes a native speaker is English, not Phillipino or American,.....'

You ought to have received more critical comments re the above statement.

Most people accept that the definition of a native speaker, of whatever language, is a person who has spoken that language since birth.

How you can say an American, or for that matter, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders etc are not native speakers is bizarre, to say the least.

Their English may, in some cases, be heavily accented, that is another matter, after all, many English people are barely understandable to others when they have a strong regional accent or dialect. A Filipino e.g may well speak a more presentable and understandable English than a person from Devon or Cornwall for example.

Arrh, but oi 'spect eeh carnt droive a tractor youme!

Actually, coming from Somerset, I have to say most natives of Devon and Cornwall can speak quite presentable English, as long as you don't introduce long words like marmalade and wheelbarrow into the conversation. (lol)!

Bristolians however, now that is a totally different matter!

Returning reluctantly to the topic, I wonder if Mr West has failed to get a job teaching here?

Why Bristolians different.?

Have you been there?

Many are Welshmen who have learnt to swim!

Bath however was a great and beautiful city, a cultural pearl, when Brissul was a scattering of mud huts alongside the River Avon.

Nothing much has changed.

Edited by JAG
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I was born and brought up in Bath.

Although my tongue is firmly in my cheek, let,'s agree to disagree?

You ain't a Bristolian..........Yet you run down my birthplace..........

I feel the same way about Thai bashers . biggrin.png

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I was born and brought up in Bath.

Although my tongue is firmly in my cheek, let,'s agree to disagree?

You ain't a Bristolian..........Yet you run down my birthplace..........

I feel the same way about Thai bashers . biggrin.png

Here we go. Two guys who're born in the same country.

My point being is how can foreigner in general accept each other in a country like Thailand, if there's so much hate going on?

I personally don't care if somebody's from Edinburgh,Manchester, New York, or Philadelphia. It all comes down who the person is.

I've met Trans quite a few times and he's definitely a nice bloke. Does it really matter that much where somebody was born?

But to get back to topic, would it be legal to be a Moderator, or Administrator of an online forum, without having a work permit?

The guys in CM just had bad luck, that's all. or somebody informed them.....

i don't even want to know how many people here are teaching "illegal", or doing other stuff that's against the law.

Regarding Americans, okay I find it sad that all British movies have to be subtitled that they're understood by Americans, but most people on this planet do speak American English.

English, as well as German, are "word borrowing" languages. Do all Brits really know that English is actually a Germanic language?


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I was born and brought up in Bath.

Although my tongue is firmly in my cheek, let,'s agree to disagree?

You ain't a Bristolian..........Yet you run down my birthplace..........

Well yes, that's rather the point!

If it worries you that much, although it was meant as a joke, and certainly no hatred was involved (lostinissan), I will apologize and withdraw the comment.

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Here we go again..

Only Brits are native English speakers.

They invented the language.

They own the language.

It's just a shame that most people can not understand the language the way the Brits speak it.

and, oh yes, the Brits are a pretty small percentage of the people on the planet who do speak English....


Maybe it is time to change the name of the language and put a stop to these foolish claims??cheesy.gif


get it right old chap? the English speak English and the 'Brits' as you call them are Scottish, Welsh and NI's in one lump and many of them do NOT speak English well

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I was born and brought up in Bath.

Although my tongue is firmly in my cheek, let,'s agree to disagree?

You ain't a Bristolian..........Yet you run down my birthplace..........

I feel the same way about Thai bashers . biggrin.png

Here we go. Two guys who're born in the same country.

My point being is how can foreigner in general accept each other in a country like Thailand, if there's so much hate going on?

I personally don't care if somebody's from Edinburgh,Manchester, New York, or Philadelphia. It all comes down who the person is.

I've met Trans quite a few times and he's definitely a nice bloke. Does it really matter that much where somebody was born?

But to get back to topic, would it be legal to be a Moderator, or Administrator of an online forum, without having a work permit?

The guys in CM just had bad luck, that's all. or somebody informed them.....

i don't even want to know how many people here are teaching "illegal", or doing other stuff that's against the law.

Regarding Americans, okay I find it sad that all British movies have to be subtitled that they're understood by Americans, but most people on this planet do speak American English.

English, as well as German, are "word borrowing" languages. Do all Brits really know that English is actually a Germanic language?


Excellent post...you nailed it!

I am American ( West Coast ) and even have difficulty understand people from some parts of America at times.

But with a little effort and concentration, I can understand any English speaker,.... without subtitles!

The arrogance of some who think they are the only ones who speak the language is a little irritating at times, but I guess we all need something to be proud of. l

I think what we all need to be aware of is that when we use our own localized slang, other English speakers get lost, and slang should not be presented to English language students as part of the English language.

When I said you "nailed it" I believe that is a localized slang term....but I meant it.....

As far as foreigners not getting along in Thailand, I must admit that I almost exclusively have contact with Thais, and the longer I am here in Thailand, the more difficult it is to relate to other foreigners, especially those who reject and do not respect Thai ways and culture.

As a result, I do not go out of my way to meet or communicate with other foreigners, even from my home country.

Again..good post..


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Here we go again..

Only Brits are native English speakers.

They invented the language.

They own the language.

It's just a shame that most people can not understand the language the way the Brits speak it.

and, oh yes, the Brits are a pretty small percentage of the people on the planet who do speak English....


Maybe it is time to change the name of the language and put a stop to these foolish claims??cheesy.gif


Well I'm English, and horror of horrors, I teach the language. I would be the first to agree that Americans, Australians, Kiwis, and Canadians amongst others are native speakers. I know Philippinos, Indians and Dutchmen who speak (and teach) excellent English. I know Englishmen (and others) who butcher the language. Speaking it well enough to teach it is not dependant on birth, as some contributors to this forum have demonstrated.

No we don't own the language, and certainly as a living language it will develop differently in different parts of the world. We did invent it, so give us the credit for that. Many of us are delighted that so many other nations have adopted it.

As for God, well as he is almost certainly an Englishman, no doubt he will save us!

What makes you say God is male?
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Anyone know what type of work permit they could apply for in order to work 'online'?

if the money is coming from within thailand you need a standard work permit.

they were paid by a thai company - need permit

if the money is generated outside the country - dont need permit

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Can't manage to catch those who possess/make/sell fake passports and engage in people trafficking but nab a few would-be TEFLERS.

They seem to have caught quite a few big ones doing that just lately. And one arrest was just one guy with about 300 passports? Does it suit you to ignore that?

Edited by The Deerhunter
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The school should be fined for employing them!!!

and you should be fined for such a lame comment on a topic you obviously did not read!

They were not employed by a school.

They were working online, for a bogus "online language school, that doesn't really exist in Thailand.

Give us a break.

and thanks for the valuable input!

Edited by willyumiii
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If you live in Thailand, use their infrastructure and their ATM, then taxes should go to Thailand. That will reduce your net income - by far not as much as in Europe -, but you get free access to Thai infrastructure in return. What's the problem?

Maybe if they would give people a proper work permit, for all types of jobs, those people would pay taxes.

Honestly, this isn't a difficult problem to solve.

So all countries hand out work permits freely?

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Anyone know what type of work permit they could apply for in order to work 'online'?

if the money is coming from within thailand you need a standard work permit.

they were paid by a thai company - need permit

if the money is generated outside the country - dont need permit

And no cigar...

where or even if someone is being paid has absolutely no relevance under Thai law as regards the Work permit rules, eg Volunteers even though they are not being paid require a WP, so your whole premise is incorrect...

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Here we go again..

Only Brits are native English speakers.

They invented the language.

They own the language.

It's just a shame that most people can not understand the language the way the Brits speak it.

and, oh yes, the Brits are a pretty small percentage of the people on the planet who do speak English....


Maybe it is time to change the name of the language and put a stop to these foolish claims??cheesy.gif


Well I'm English, and horror of horrors, I teach the language. I would be the first to agree that Americans, Australians, Kiwis, and Canadians amongst others are native speakers. I know Philippinos, Indians and Dutchmen who speak (and teach) excellent English. I know Englishmen (and others) who butcher the language. Speaking it well enough to teach it is not dependant on birth, as some contributors to this forum have demonstrated.

No we don't own the language, and certainly as a living language it will develop differently in different parts of the world. We did invent it, so give us the credit for that. Many of us are delighted that so many other nations have adopted it.

As for God, well as he is almost certainly an Englishman, no doubt he will save us!

What makes you say God is male?

His big white beard sort of gives the game away biggrin.png

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So fun to read all the comments from the "legal workers" and "honest company owners" who in 90% of the case work for companies owned by nominees...

When you rant about someone be sure to not being on the wrong border of the fence too...bunch of "smartasses" here who should just shut up and look at their own situation before spitting on other ones

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The Thai policy regarding English teachers would be a prime example if someone asked what it is in the mindset here that supports the concept that "when logic meets culture, culture wins."

No one want people crossing their border to take jobs away, be it physical labor or rocket science.

That being said, skilled English speakers are in very, very short supply in the Kingdom, and one might think that attracting and supporting teaching this valuable skill would create a special exception to a general rule.

If we were to gather 100 Thais who speak perfect English, 15 would be "born Hi So" who went abroad to college. Another 35 would be "came from a village - now "Hi So"... meaning those incredibly beautiful Sukhumvit 5 Star girls with the ultra rich Foreign partner.

45 more would be Bar Girls, and I mean the high price spread.

The last 5, hard working college students and business owners who really stuggled but did master the language.

Guess what they all have in common?


Having lived in Pattaya for a number of years, 15+, could anyone explain to me why the Russian prostitutes have work permits, as nurses? When caught they are fined B500 and released back to the disco or beach walk.

Their Russian pimps, who follow them and make sure payment is received for services, apparently work under the work permit held by the girl.

How many, so called, property hustlers here have work permits? Why would they need one? No Real Estate laws are enforced here and it is always buyer beware.

The entire work permit law is a scam as most holders got theirs with a healthy tea money payment. Got one of those once and after the first year decided I didn't need it. Got busted within 30 days for working outside the limits of what was outlined on the work permit. That is a whole other story.

Definition of work in Thailand is vague at best. Performance of work is nonexistent.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Anyone know what type of work permit they could apply for in order to work 'online'?

if the money is coming from within thailand you need a standard work permit.

they were paid by a thai company - need permit

if the money is generated outside the country - dont need permit

And no cigar...

where or even if someone is being paid has absolutely no relevance under Thai law as regards the Work permit rules, eg Volunteers even though they are not being paid require a WP, so your whole premise is incorrect...

Well said and correct.

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Bad move.

They were not committing a crime, they were offering a service that Thais can't offer.

They were taking nobody's job.

Just another excuse to say how bad these foreigners are..................

I know, you can't work without a WP, but at this instance they were harming nobody.

I can't beleive I'm saying this, but I completely agree with you, Costas.

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So they were teaching online courses to people in China.....no one in China able to do this?

A better question would be...why aren't they living in China and teaching English there? A bit odd to be teaching foreigners (Chinese) from a third country (Thailand).

First time I've heard of this.

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So they were teaching online courses to people in China.....no one in China able to do this?

A better question would be...why aren't they living in China and teaching English there? A bit odd to be teaching foreigners (Chinese) from a third country (Thailand).

First time I've heard of this.

the answer is very simple, because one suspects most of them wouldn't be accepted for any form of long term visa in China to live there, fact is its far too easy to acquire visa's which allow people to stay in country long term without any specific "justifiable" reason or visible means of support in Thailand.

Make it harder to get long term visa's/extensions in Thailand and this sort of thing will become virtually non-existent, simply because the people doing it will not be allowed to stay in country long term.

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