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Pillows--Inexpensive, Down-like...?


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Kind of a dumb question, I guess...but it's time to buy new pillows....

For several years I've had Santas 'Micro Gel' (firm version) pillows. They've been great, but new ones cost B3000 or so (last I checked at Robinson and Central). They're synthetic, but act quite like real down (feather), pillows in that you can punch them into desired shape (unlike most of the cheaper ones I've seen that are basically just big blocks of foam which don't work at all for me, as I have a sensitive neck).
Today at Big C I saw the usual foam ones (very inexpensive), but they also had a few other types (B300-500?). One was in a bag of air, so hard to tell much by squeezing. Another type was in a 'vacuum bag,' and said it expands when you open (in about 5 minutes?).
Anyone know where you can either buy the Santas ones for much less, OR, do you know of a cheaper pillow that's something like a down pillow, but for a very reasonable price? (Not too far from Chitlom.) Thx.
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  • 7 months later...

Thanks - you don't happen to know or have the label of your pillows from ikea do you? We did have a look at them before but there was quite a few to choose from and by that section I feel its time for a coffee! I spent a fortune on pillows in emporium years ago but they really don't live up to those microgels. It was the best nights sleep ever (helped by the black out blinds too).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Long time away from this thread, but...I went ahead and bought the 2 at Big C I mentioned at the beginning. The more expensive of the 2 (still very inexpensive, especially compared to Santas), is fine. I think maybe my neck sensitivity has gotten better over the years? Anyway, you can't 'punch' it, and it doesn't act like real down, but still, I can sleep fine with it. The even cheaper one is bigger and gives even less, but still usable. As I said, I think my neck must be less sensitive than it used to be. Neither are in the category of real down or Santas, but good enough for me at this stage. They seem to have made some improvement since the days when cheap pillows were just chunks of foam (though that type is still there for those who like them). And a whole lot more within my budget. When I win the lottery, I'll buy Santas or real down.

Am now also curious about the IKEA ones. Recently moved my apartment and spent a few days out shopping there...got a simple bed, mattress, *real down* comforter--very light and very comfortable!

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Thank you to all for your replies. Thank you 'person' for your info re: sale at emporium. Very shortly after I got your message, i popped down there and picked up 2 micro gel santas medium pillows (3,280TB). I love them and they are worth every baht for every nights good sleep! Only snag is you have to dry clean them..

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