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Most military officers voted against the former PM Yingluck

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One slightly odd aspect of the puppet assembly's vote is the arithmetic.Overall the NLA voting breaks down as follows 100+ army goons plus 90 crazies from the Democrat Party,PAD and other assorted fascists.We know the order went out to convict Yingluck despite the illegality of the process and lack of evidence - so it's a bit mysterious why the other 2 accused were acquitted.Any sensible person (farang reactionaries don't bother responding) care to comment?

Comments are just guesses - naturally. smile.png

Given that it took 8 months with many starts and stops to the NACC / NLA process to impeach Yingluck, there seems to have been a significant political calculation in this and the other impeachment.

With good reason. Impeaching Yingluck, and now, apparently convicting Yingluck, will carry a significant risk of making her a martyr, or revealing the bias of the current 'government' or rallying support for her / against the current 'government' or all of these...

Of course there are some in the royalist camp who don't care and nothing less than impeachment (plus conviction) will be good enough.

IMO, the bottom line is that they "had no choice" but to impeach (and soon convict) Yingluck, but (assuming that they are thinking and at least a bit strategic) they want to appear to be even-handed, just, and not only out for vengeance - if only in order to reduce potential backlash. For this reason the others were not impeached.

yup and all of this has been a lesson for me too (never to old to learn) I now understand how juntas and dictators sway the masses, before i just could not understand it.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta. I'm beginning to understand that old Goebbels knew a thing or two and that people really can be that gullible.

Indeed yes, the ghost of Goebbels must be chucklung over some of the stuff on here!


Some even say reconciliation depends on an amnesty for an Amply Rich woman. Imagine rolleyes.gif


This is not about Red or Yellow - this is about right or wrong, and the rule of law.

Wrong. It is exactly about red and yellow. And stuff we can't talk about in the kingdom...

Like the 700 billion Baht RPPS loss you mean? The clear evidence of corruption in the RPPS. The lack of to-the-point answers from Ms. Yingluck? Things like that ?


Well with more than 120 seats hold by military and 190 votes for impeachment against 18, no need to be a maths expert to find out that most of the military have voted for impeachment.... smile.png

Vote ? or following orders ?


asia sentinal has an article on the impeachment

Good article:

'Yingluck Shinawatra, the former Thai Prime Minister who was ousted in a coup last year, has been impeached from an office she no longer holds by a legislature that didn't exist during her tenure, made up largely of political enemies and military men who fought to end her political career.She is banned from politics for the next five years.'

all that for a self-financing scheme that cost the country 700 billion Baht. Seems a trifle overdone, now doesn't it rolleyes.gif

BTW the BangkokPost had an interesting article on the 6th this month, called 'anatomy of a fiasco'. Have a look.


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One slightly odd aspect of the puppet assembly's vote is the arithmetic.Overall the NLA voting breaks down as follows 100+ army goons plus 90 crazies from the Democrat Party,PAD and other assorted fascists.We know the order went out to convict Yingluck despite the illegality of the process and lack of evidence - so it's a bit mysterious why the other 2 accused were acquitted.Any sensible person (farang reactionaries don't bother responding) care to comment?

Comments are just guesses - naturally. smile.png

Given that it took 8 months with many starts and stops to the NACC / NLA process to impeach Yingluck, there seems to have been a significant political calculation in this and the other impeachment.

With good reason. Impeaching Yingluck, and now, apparently convicting Yingluck, will carry a significant risk of making her a martyr, or revealing the bias of the current 'government' or rallying support for her / against the current 'government' or all of these...

Of course there are some in the royalist camp who don't care and nothing less than impeachment (plus conviction) will be good enough.

IMO, the bottom line is that they "had no choice" but to impeach (and soon convict) Yingluck, but (assuming that they are thinking and at least a bit strategic) they want to appear to be even-handed, just, and not only out for vengeance - if only in order to reduce potential backlash. For this reason the others were not impeached.

yup and all of this has been a lesson for me too (never to old to learn) I now understand how juntas and dictators sway the masses, before i just could not understand it.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta. I'm beginning to understand that old Goebbels knew a thing or two and that people really can be that gullible.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta.

Exactly my dear friend. It was because I grew up in a democracy that I understand how a democracy works. I missed it in Thailand. I missed it dearly. We had an elected government that refused to return the country to democracy and now we have an unelected government that will return it to democracy.

I know in my country the government did not;

1.Pass an amnesty bill that the majority did not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want

2.Disallowed the opposition to debate constitutional amendments that an unelected fugitive did want

3.Toldl voters they will get what they want when they vote Liberal or Labour or Greens.

4.Allowed a convicted criminal to run the country under the guise of democracy

5.Intimidated families at Brisbane university that wanted to hear the John Howard, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them.

6.Forced the majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the agenda

7.Lied to the public and when found out told them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence.

8.Told protestors that they are garbage.

9.Threatened protesters with violence in Chiang Mai under the guise of democracy

10. Thought it normal for an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest uneletced criminals.

11.Silenced the opposition by telling the media "The driver did it"

12. Threatened to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Australia by the 1st of January 2013. Another broken promise.

13.Ran a country with only a 40% parliamentary attendance rate

14.Ran a rice scheme with a 0% attendance rate

15. Blamed the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the government.

16.Set up political villages to intimidate opposition that live in those very villages.

17. Set up political ideology schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush.

18. Let terrorists act with impunity arresting 0% while 100% of opposition terrorists were arrested.

19. Told people to ignore export figures that proved the G2G rice deals were fake…..Ignore facts!!! Seriously...

Some had infinite patience when the PTP said the rice scheme would be self funding. It wasn't. Some had infinite patience when the PTP said the reconciliation bill will bring peace. It didn't.

When the Junta said they will return democracy they have no patience.

Turns out the red supporters are always wrong in their outlook. Turns out I was always right.

Might be time to see how this one plays out too before the red supporters prove to be wrong…..AGAIN!

I promise to behead myself if the Junta do not return democracy!!! Don't tell me this is an inappropriate comment in the era of ISIS or post 9/11. Remember a deputy PTP prime minister said it awhile my kids were watching the TV and heard it. If it is OK for my kids to hear this from a deputy PM post 9/11 then I pity the folk that support the government. They are the same people that are so bitter and twisted they think people will poison their drinks. So bitter and twisted they are filled with hate. So bitter and twisted if the PTP lose the next election they will denounce that majority and makes excuses to not accept the result.

Have a lovely day my dear friend and please. Less hatred and more compassion. Less condescension and belittling and more care for the majority. Most of all some patience. The same patience the majority are showing now for the Junta.

Release your fear and embrace change for we will see democracy again. After 4 years of the above examples being seen in this great country we will see democracy again.

Not 1/15th democracy. Not a democracy where the majority is openly respected if it suits your agenda. But one like in my country.


One slightly odd aspect of the puppet assembly's vote is the arithmetic.Overall the NLA voting breaks down as follows 100+ army goons plus 90 crazies from the Democrat Party,PAD and other assorted fascists.We know the order went out to convict Yingluck despite the illegality of the process and lack of evidence - so it's a bit mysterious why the other 2 accused were acquitted.Any sensible person (farang reactionaries don't bother responding) care to comment?

Comments are just guesses - naturally. smile.png

Given that it took 8 months with many starts and stops to the NACC / NLA process to impeach Yingluck, there seems to have been a significant political calculation in this and the other impeachment.

With good reason. Impeaching Yingluck, and now, apparently convicting Yingluck, will carry a significant risk of making her a martyr, or revealing the bias of the current 'government' or rallying support for her / against the current 'government' or all of these...

Of course there are some in the royalist camp who don't care and nothing less than impeachment (plus conviction) will be good enough.

IMO, the bottom line is that they "had no choice" but to impeach (and soon convict) Yingluck, but (assuming that they are thinking and at least a bit strategic) they want to appear to be even-handed, just, and not only out for vengeance - if only in order to reduce potential backlash. For this reason the others were not impeached.

yup and all of this has been a lesson for me too (never to old to learn) I now understand how juntas and dictators sway the masses, before i just could not understand it.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta. I'm beginning to understand that old Goebbels knew a thing or two and that people really can be that gullible.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta.

Exactly my dear friend. It was because I grew up in a democracy that I understand how a democracy works. I missed it in Thailand. I missed it dearly. We had an elected government that refused to return the country to democracy and now we have an unelected government that will return it to democracy.

I know in my country the government did not;

1.Pass an amnesty bill that the majority did not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want

2.Disallowed the opposition to debate constitutional amendments that an unelected fugitive did want

3.Toldl voters they will get what they want when they vote Liberal or Labour or Greens.

4.Allowed a convicted criminal to run the country under the guise of democracy

5.Intimidated families at Brisbane university that wanted to hear the John Howard, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them.

6.Forced the majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the agenda

7.Lied to the public and when found out told them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence.

8.Told protestors that they are garbage.

9.Threatened protesters with violence in Chiang Mai under the guise of democracy

10. Thought it normal for an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest uneletced criminals.

11.Silenced the opposition by telling the media "The driver did it"

12. Threatened to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Australia by the 1st of January 2013. Another broken promise.

13.Ran a country with only a 40% parliamentary attendance rate

14.Ran a rice scheme with a 0% attendance rate

15. Blamed the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the government.

16.Set up political villages to intimidate opposition that live in those very villages.

17. Set up political ideology schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush.

18. Let terrorists act with impunity arresting 0% while 100% of opposition terrorists were arrested.

19. Told people to ignore export figures that proved the G2G rice deals were fake…..Ignore facts!!! Seriously...

Some had infinite patience when the PTP said the rice scheme would be self funding. It wasn't. Some had infinite patience when the PTP said the reconciliation bill will bring peace. It didn't.

When the Junta said they will return democracy they have no patience.

Turns out the red supporters are always wrong in their outlook. Turns out I was always right.

Might be time to see who this one plays out too before the red supporters prove to be wrong…..AGAIN!

I promise to behead myself if the Junta do not return democracy!!! Don't tell me this is an inappropriate comment in the era of ISIS or post 9/11. Remember a deputy PTP prime minister said it awhile my kids were watching the TV and heard it. If it is OK for my kids to hear this from a deputy PM post 9/11 then I pity the folk that support the government. They are the same people that are so bitter and twisted they think people will poison their drinks. So bitter and twisted they are filled with hate. So bitter and twisted if the PTP lose the next election they will denounce that majority and makes excuses to not accept the result.

Have a lovely day my dear friend and please. Less hatred and more compassion. Less condescension and belittling and more care for the majority. Most of all some patience. The same patience the majority are showing now for the Junta.

Release your fear and embrace change for we will see democracy again. After 4 years of the above examples being seen in this great country we will see democracy again.

Not 1/15th democracy. Not a democracy where the majority is openly respected if it suits your agenda. But one like in my country.

"Less hatred and more compassion"?? I don't see much in your blatant piece of junta propaganda!!

  • Like 1

This is not about Red or Yellow - this is about right or wrong, and the rule of law.

Wrong. It is exactly about red and yellow. And stuff we can't talk about in the kingdom...

Like the 700 billion Baht RPPS loss you mean? The clear evidence of corruption in the RPPS. The lack of to-the-point answers from Ms. Yingluck? Things like that ?

Don't be clever or are you thick? No, none of those things. READ the books not allowed to be sold or read here. The truth is out there, you won't find it here in this state.


One slightly odd aspect of the puppet assembly's vote is the arithmetic.Overall the NLA voting breaks down as follows 100+ army goons plus 90 crazies from the Democrat Party,PAD and other assorted fascists.We know the order went out to convict Yingluck despite the illegality of the process and lack of evidence - so it's a bit mysterious why the other 2 accused were acquitted.Any sensible person (farang reactionaries don't bother responding) care to comment?

Comments are just guesses - naturally. smile.png

Given that it took 8 months with many starts and stops to the NACC / NLA process to impeach Yingluck, there seems to have been a significant political calculation in this and the other impeachment.

With good reason. Impeaching Yingluck, and now, apparently convicting Yingluck, will carry a significant risk of making her a martyr, or revealing the bias of the current 'government' or rallying support for her / against the current 'government' or all of these...

Of course there are some in the royalist camp who don't care and nothing less than impeachment (plus conviction) will be good enough.

IMO, the bottom line is that they "had no choice" but to impeach (and soon convict) Yingluck, but (assuming that they are thinking and at least a bit strategic) they want to appear to be even-handed, just, and not only out for vengeance - if only in order to reduce potential backlash. For this reason the others were not impeached.

yup and all of this has been a lesson for me too (never to old to learn) I now understand how juntas and dictators sway the masses, before i just could not understand it.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta. I'm beginning to understand that old Goebbels knew a thing or two and that people really can be that gullible.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta.

Exactly my dear friend. It was because I grew up in a democracy that I understand how a democracy works. I missed it in Thailand. I missed it dearly. We had an elected government that refused to return the country to democracy and now we have an unelected government that will return it to democracy.

I know in my country the government did not;

1.Pass an amnesty bill that the majority did not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want

2.Disallowed the opposition to debate constitutional amendments that an unelected fugitive did want

3.Toldl voters they will get what they want when they vote Liberal or Labour or Greens.

4.Allowed a convicted criminal to run the country under the guise of democracy

5.Intimidated families at Brisbane university that wanted to hear the John Howard, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them.

6.Forced the majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the agenda

7.Lied to the public and when found out told them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence.

8.Told protestors that they are garbage.

9.Threatened protesters with violence in Chiang Mai under the guise of democracy

10. Thought it normal for an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest uneletced criminals.

11.Silenced the opposition by telling the media "The driver did it"

12. Threatened to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Australia by the 1st of January 2013. Another broken promise.

13.Ran a country with only a 40% parliamentary attendance rate

14.Ran a rice scheme with a 0% attendance rate

15. Blamed the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the government.

16.Set up political villages to intimidate opposition that live in those very villages.

17. Set up political ideology schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush.

18. Let terrorists act with impunity arresting 0% while 100% of opposition terrorists were arrested.

19. Told people to ignore export figures that proved the G2G rice deals were fake…..Ignore facts!!! Seriously...

Some had infinite patience when the PTP said the rice scheme would be self funding. It wasn't. Some had infinite patience when the PTP said the reconciliation bill will bring peace. It didn't.

When the Junta said they will return democracy they have no patience.

Turns out the red supporters are always wrong in their outlook. Turns out I was always right.

Might be time to see how this one plays out too before the red supporters prove to be wrong…..AGAIN!

I promise to behead myself if the Junta do not return democracy!!! Don't tell me this is an inappropriate comment in the era of ISIS or post 9/11. Remember a deputy PTP prime minister said it awhile my kids were watching the TV and heard it. If it is OK for my kids to hear this from a deputy PM post 9/11 then I pity the folk that support the government. They are the same people that are so bitter and twisted they think people will poison their drinks. So bitter and twisted they are filled with hate. So bitter and twisted if the PTP lose the next election they will denounce that majority and makes excuses to not accept the result.

Have a lovely day my dear friend and please. Less hatred and more compassion. Less condescension and belittling and more care for the majority. Most of all some patience. The same patience the majority are showing now for the Junta.

Release your fear and embrace change for we will see democracy again. After 4 years of the above examples being seen in this great country we will see democracy again.

Not 1/15th democracy. Not a democracy where the majority is openly respected if it suits your agenda. But one like in my country.

foolish nonsense... which really amounts to "in Australia we have democracy and so I love the military Junta in Thailand" utter, utter hypocrisy

  • Like 1

I see on the other thread the yellow dem junta cheerleaders are salivating and drooling over every headline about Yinglucks inevitable impeachment by a military regime which has taken the the country via force and placed it's stooges in key positions to do the bidding of the puppet master.

It's nothing more than a kangaroo court and the head of this kangaroo court has truly shown his yellow colours by his open bias to the Shinawatra family.

It's not only a sad day for democracy it's a sad day to see the minority yellow supporters on here actually believing she got a fair go.

You guys and the junta deserve each other .

Absolutely shameful decision and should be condemned and not recognised worldwide !

parrot, get off your high horse for a minute and read Forum Rule #2, I won't bother quoting it here so just read it.

And would you mind telling me who these salivating and drooling yellow dem junta cheerleaders are, and if my name is on that list I will report you for stuttering bs ! Getting fed up with your constant squarking insults.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just another step towards a one party country.

North Korean model probably.

Dont hold your breath for democracy here.

Guilty or not, she was always going to be impeached.

"Just another step towards a one party country."

Your talking about the previous government of course.


I see on the other thread the yellow dem junta cheerleaders are salivating and drooling over every headline about Yinglucks inevitable impeachment by a military regime which has taken the the country via force and placed it's stooges in key positions to do the bidding of the puppet master.

It's nothing more than a kangaroo court and the head of this kangaroo court has truly shown his yellow colours by his open bias to the Shinawatra family.

It's not only a sad day for democracy it's a sad day to see the minority yellow supporters on here actually believing she got a fair go.

You guys and the junta deserve each other .

Absolutely shameful decision and should be condemned and not recognised worldwide !

parrot, get off your high horse for a minute and read Forum Rule #2, I won't bother quoting it here so just read it.

And would you mind telling me who these salivating and drooling yellow dem junta cheerleaders are, and if my name is on that list I will report you for stuttering bs ! Getting fed up with your constant squarking insults.

your name is at the top of the list, under the heading "barking". As for insults, stones , glass houses?.

  • Like 1

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just another step towards a one party country.

North Korean model probably.

Dont hold your breath for democracy here.

Guilty or not, she was always going to be impeached.

"Just another step towards a one party country."

Your talking about the previous government of course.

or one man?


  • Like 1

This is not about Red or Yellow - this is about right or wrong, and the rule of law.

Wrong. It is exactly about red and yellow. And stuff we can't talk about in the kingdom...

Like the 700 billion Baht RPPS loss you mean? The clear evidence of corruption in the RPPS. The lack of to-the-point answers from Ms. Yingluck? Things like that ?

Don't be clever or are you thick? No, none of those things. READ the books not allowed to be sold or read here. The truth is out there, you won't find it here in this state.

So, the voting for impeachment with a charge of 'negligence' is not based of the clearly visible corruption, the 700 billion Baht loss, the lies and lack of answers?

It's about things we cannot discuss, but can mention to indicate that others are wrong?

Even baboons would have voted against the little rich girl.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just another step towards a one party country.

North Korean model probably.

Dont hold your breath for democracy here.

Guilty or not, she was always going to be impeached.

"Just another step towards a one party country."

Your talking about the previous government of course.

or one man?



It would seem some already start to accept the current situation as normal. Comments made as if there is a valid and legitimate government which should adhere to democratic rules and so.


This is not about Red or Yellow - this is about right or wrong, and the rule of law.

Wrong. It is exactly about red and yellow. And stuff we can't talk about in the kingdom...

Like the 700 billion Baht RPPS loss you mean? The clear evidence of corruption in the RPPS. The lack of to-the-point answers from Ms. Yingluck? Things like that ?

Don't be clever or are you thick? No, none of those things. READ the books not allowed to be sold or read here. The truth is out there, you won't find it here in this state.

So, the voting for impeachment with a charge of 'negligence' is not based of the clearly visible corruption, the 700 billion Baht loss, the lies and lack of answers?

It's about things we cannot discuss, but can mention to indicate that others are wrong?

Even baboons would have voted against the little rich girl.

This is not necessarily the case.


Like the 700 billion Baht RPPS loss you mean? The clear evidence of corruption in the RPPS. The lack of to-the-point answers from Ms. Yingluck? Things like that ?

Don't be clever or are you thick? No, none of those things. READ the books not allowed to be sold or read here. The truth is out there, you won't find it here in this state.

So, the voting for impeachment with a charge of 'negligence' is not based of the clearly visible corruption, the 700 billion Baht loss, the lies and lack of answers?

It's about things we cannot discuss, but can mention to indicate that others are wrong?

Even baboons would have voted against the little rich girl.

This is not necessarily the case.

No offence was meant. It's just that I was too lazy to check how to write urangetang or chimpansee correctly wai.gif


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Just another step towards a one party country.

North Korean model probably.

Dont hold your breath for democracy here.

Guilty or not, she was always going to be impeached.

"Just another step towards a one party country."

Your talking about the previous government of course.

or one man?



It would seem some already start to accept the current situation as normal. Comments made as if there is a valid and legitimate government which should adhere to democratic rules and so.

are you trolling again? smile.png

Or do you honestly expect that a military government with a junta-picked legislature, an appointed 'PM'/general, imposed martial law, and arbitrary arrests is even capable of adhering to democratic rules?

just asking, Rubl. wai2.gif


I can't link to the Bangkok Post, but in today's letters Eric Bahrt (who normally writes slightly deranged, but entertaining letters about vegans) has wonderfully put the junta's spokesman JC Wilcox in his place. I have a feeling JC Wilcox and Jaimie may, in fact, be related...whistling.gif



It would seem some already start to accept the current situation as normal. Comments made as if there is a valid and legitimate government which should adhere to democratic rules and so.

are you trolling again? smile.png

Or do you honestly expect that a military government with a junta-picked legislature, an appointed 'PM'/general, imposed martial law, and arbitrary arrests is even capable of adhering to democratic rules?

just asking, Rubl. wai2.gif

It would seem some here think they should.

BTW till now I didn't get the impression those arrests were really arbitrary. I'm also constantly reminded that all actions are politically influenced rolleyes.gif


I can't link to the Bangkok Post, but in today's letters Eric Bahrt (who normally writes slightly deranged, but entertaining letters about vegans) has wonderfully put the junta's spokesman JC Wilcox in his place. I have a feeling JC Wilcox and Jaimie may, in fact, be related...whistling.gif

Since you seem to agree the new letter is not slightly deranged ?


I can't link to the Bangkok Post, but in today's letters Eric Bahrt (who normally writes slightly deranged, but entertaining letters about vegans) has wonderfully put the junta's spokesman JC Wilcox in his place. I have a feeling JC Wilcox and Jaimie may, in fact, be related...whistling.gif

Since you seem to agree the new letter is not slightly deranged ?

Thai politics is slightly deranged, so yes!


No offence was meant. It's just that I was too lazy to check how to write urangetang or chimpansee correctly wai.gif

I read a similar sentence from you in another thread... you're just a troll right? I think you have a VERY high opinion of yourself and you seek to flaunt it with your 17,500 posts

why not go have a beer? stop pontificating for while???


One slightly odd aspect of the puppet assembly's vote is the arithmetic.Overall the NLA voting breaks down as follows 100+ army goons plus 90 crazies from the Democrat Party,PAD and other assorted fascists.We know the order went out to convict Yingluck despite the illegality of the process and lack of evidence - so it's a bit mysterious why the other 2 accused were acquitted.Any sensible person (farang reactionaries don't bother responding) care to comment?

Comments are just guesses - naturally. smile.png

Given that it took 8 months with many starts and stops to the NACC / NLA process to impeach Yingluck, there seems to have been a significant political calculation in this and the other impeachment.

With good reason. Impeaching Yingluck, and now, apparently convicting Yingluck, will carry a significant risk of making her a martyr, or revealing the bias of the current 'government' or rallying support for her / against the current 'government' or all of these...

Of course there are some in the royalist camp who don't care and nothing less than impeachment (plus conviction) will be good enough.

IMO, the bottom line is that they "had no choice" but to impeach (and soon convict) Yingluck, but (assuming that they are thinking and at least a bit strategic) they want to appear to be even-handed, just, and not only out for vengeance - if only in order to reduce potential backlash. For this reason the others were not impeached.

yup and all of this has been a lesson for me too (never to old to learn) I now understand how juntas and dictators sway the masses, before i just could not understand it.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta. I'm beginning to understand that old Goebbels knew a thing or two and that people really can be that gullible.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta.

Exactly my dear friend. It was because I grew up in a democracy that I understand how a democracy works. I missed it in Thailand. I missed it dearly. We had an elected government that refused to return the country to democracy and now we have an unelected government that will return it to democracy.

I know in my country the government did not;

1.Pass an amnesty bill that the majority did not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want

2.Disallowed the opposition to debate constitutional amendments that an unelected fugitive did want

3.Toldl voters they will get what they want when they vote Liberal or Labour or Greens.

4.Allowed a convicted criminal to run the country under the guise of democracy

5.Intimidated families at Brisbane university that wanted to hear the John Howard, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them.

6.Forced the majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the agenda

7.Lied to the public and when found out told them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence.

8.Told protestors that they are garbage.

9.Threatened protesters with violence in Chiang Mai under the guise of democracy

10. Thought it normal for an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest uneletced criminals.

11.Silenced the opposition by telling the media "The driver did it"

12. Threatened to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Australia by the 1st of January 2013. Another broken promise.

13.Ran a country with only a 40% parliamentary attendance rate

14.Ran a rice scheme with a 0% attendance rate

15. Blamed the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the government.

16.Set up political villages to intimidate opposition that live in those very villages.

17. Set up political ideology schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush.

18. Let terrorists act with impunity arresting 0% while 100% of opposition terrorists were arrested.

19. Told people to ignore export figures that proved the G2G rice deals were fake…..Ignore facts!!! Seriously...

Some had infinite patience when the PTP said the rice scheme would be self funding. It wasn't. Some had infinite patience when the PTP said the reconciliation bill will bring peace. It didn't.

When the Junta said they will return democracy they have no patience.

Turns out the red supporters are always wrong in their outlook. Turns out I was always right.

Might be time to see how this one plays out too before the red supporters prove to be wrong…..AGAIN!

I promise to behead myself if the Junta do not return democracy!!! Don't tell me this is an inappropriate comment in the era of ISIS or post 9/11. Remember a deputy PTP prime minister said it awhile my kids were watching the TV and heard it. If it is OK for my kids to hear this from a deputy PM post 9/11 then I pity the folk that support the government. They are the same people that are so bitter and twisted they think people will poison their drinks. So bitter and twisted they are filled with hate. So bitter and twisted if the PTP lose the next election they will denounce that majority and makes excuses to not accept the result.

Have a lovely day my dear friend and please. Less hatred and more compassion. Less condescension and belittling and more care for the majority. Most of all some patience. The same patience the majority are showing now for the Junta.

Release your fear and embrace change for we will see democracy again. After 4 years of the above examples being seen in this great country we will see democracy again.

Not 1/15th democracy. Not a democracy where the majority is openly respected if it suits your agenda. But one like in my country.

You're 25 remember (15 when the tsunami struck), and you expect us to believe that your children are old enough to understand the nuances of the buffoonery of Chalerm?

I smell bullshit, mixed with a liberal dose of patronising b*ll*cks, but still definitely bullshit!

I see it's Australia day, been on the sauce have we?

Anyway, best wishes to any Diggers reading.

  • Like 2

No offence was meant. It's just that I was too lazy to check how to write urangetang or chimpansee correctly wai.gif

I read a similar sentence from you in another thread... you're just a troll right? I think you have a VERY high opinion of yourself and you seek to flaunt it with your 17,500 posts

why not go have a beer? stop pontificating for while???

This must be the third time in three days you tell me you read something similar and fail to show me where.

Also the third of fourth time in same number of days you suggest there must be something wrong with me having written 17,500 posts. No explanation of course. At least you might wonder how I managed to survive for so long (since December 2002), active in the most gruesome forum on TVF.

BTW could you change your avatar, the contents and tone of your posts has nothing to do with the Buddha or even his thoughts. Thank you wai.gif


yup and all of this has been a lesson for me too (never to old to learn) I now understand how juntas and dictators sway the masses, before i just could not understand it.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta. I'm beginning to understand that old Goebbels knew a thing or two and that people really can be that gullible.

Now I see farangs, who are born and have their careers in democracies, defending a military junta.

Exactly my dear friend. It was because I grew up in a democracy that I understand how a democracy works. I missed it in Thailand. I missed it dearly. We had an elected government that refused to return the country to democracy and now we have an unelected government that will return it to democracy.

I know in my country the government did not;

1.Pass an amnesty bill that the majority did not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want

2.Disallowed the opposition to debate constitutional amendments that an unelected fugitive did want

3.Toldl voters they will get what they want when they vote Liberal or Labour or Greens.

4.Allowed a convicted criminal to run the country under the guise of democracy

5.Intimidated families at Brisbane university that wanted to hear the John Howard, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them.

6.Forced the majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the agenda

7.Lied to the public and when found out told them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence.

8.Told protestors that they are garbage.

9.Threatened protesters with violence in Chiang Mai under the guise of democracy

10. Thought it normal for an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest uneletced criminals.

11.Silenced the opposition by telling the media "The driver did it"

12. Threatened to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Australia by the 1st of January 2013. Another broken promise.

13.Ran a country with only a 40% parliamentary attendance rate

14.Ran a rice scheme with a 0% attendance rate

15. Blamed the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the government.

16.Set up political villages to intimidate opposition that live in those very villages.

17. Set up political ideology schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush.

18. Let terrorists act with impunity arresting 0% while 100% of opposition terrorists were arrested.

19. Told people to ignore export figures that proved the G2G rice deals were fake…..Ignore facts!!! Seriously...

Some had infinite patience when the PTP said the rice scheme would be self funding. It wasn't. Some had infinite patience when the PTP said the reconciliation bill will bring peace. It didn't.

When the Junta said they will return democracy they have no patience.

Turns out the red supporters are always wrong in their outlook. Turns out I was always right.

Might be time to see how this one plays out too before the red supporters prove to be wrong…..AGAIN!

I promise to behead myself if the Junta do not return democracy!!! Don't tell me this is an inappropriate comment in the era of ISIS or post 9/11. Remember a deputy PTP prime minister said it awhile my kids were watching the TV and heard it. If it is OK for my kids to hear this from a deputy PM post 9/11 then I pity the folk that support the government. They are the same people that are so bitter and twisted they think people will poison their drinks. So bitter and twisted they are filled with hate. So bitter and twisted if the PTP lose the next election they will denounce that majority and makes excuses to not accept the result.

Have a lovely day my dear friend and please. Less hatred and more compassion. Less condescension and belittling and more care for the majority. Most of all some patience. The same patience the majority are showing now for the Junta.

Release your fear and embrace change for we will see democracy again. After 4 years of the above examples being seen in this great country we will see democracy again.

Not 1/15th democracy. Not a democracy where the majority is openly respected if it suits your agenda. But one like in my country.

You're 25 remember (15 when the tsunami struck), and you expect us to believe that your children are old enough to understand the nuances of the buffoonery of Chalerm?

I smell bullshit, mixed with a liberal dose of patronising b*ll*cks, but still definitely bullshit!

I see it's Australia day, been on the sauce have we?

Anyway, best wishes to any Diggers reading.

Of course you smell b*llshit...

Everything is a conspiracy for you my dear friend. If the wind blew a red shirt down that would be a PDRC conspiracy.

I said I lived in Khon Kaen. That was a conspiracy apparently and I was actually In Australia. Proved the punters wrong there with photos and intimate knowledge of my location that only a local would know.

Next conspiracy was that I didn't live near the terrorist cell in Khon Kaen. Proved the punters wrong there with a photo of the apartment 4 minutes after they said I didn't live next to it..

Next conspiracy was that I was not currently in South Sudan with my Thai mechanical crew. Proved them wrong with photos of that as well.

Next conspiracy was that I didn't have a Thai crew. Proved the punters wrong with photos of that as well.

So if you think I am 98 then so be it. If you think I have no kids then so be it. If you think I live in Australia then so be it. BUT address my comments instead of diverting the attention away from my articulate facts…That is a PTP and UDD trait performed by uneducated people.

What I do think is that you are unable to rebut my facts and have changed the subject to guess what……..Conspiracies.

Just like every conspiracy about me above….Each one was changing the subject from my annoying facts so you didn't need to answer them.

I might need to start questioning some of your peers locations and the age of their kids because I am unable to address their facts...

Truth of the matter is I don't need to, because I am yet to see any facts!

Stuttering parrot won't even reply me anymore because he won't address my facts and instead makes up stories about me...

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