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Yingluck will be arrested if she tries to flee: NACC

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The job of Thai prime minister must be the least desirable job in the world.

The chances of the army taking over and you being ended up either abroad or in jail must be close to 100%.

But hey, we know from the past that all military dictators that took over the country were nice people, and they were not corrupt at all .... right?

Being PM minister in Thailand means that you can spend and make billions without accountability. All high ranked politicians are billionaires in Thailand.

Have they put her on the Immigration Stop List or is that too much like commonsense unless they'd rather she did a runner ?

Who knows but remember she has to apply to the NCPO before travelling and has not done so at this time. Don't you think that they'd be watching her? She also says that she will stay and prove her innocence through the legal system. This will be interesting, as she will have to refute the evidence obtained by the prosecution, can't just say, it wasn't me, I am innocent, I did it for the farmers.

I don't think anyone wants her to do a runner, just want her to put her foot in it. If this happens and she goes down then maybe some of the clowns from both sides may think twice and hopefully they too will be brought before the Courts. Reform and the stopping of bleeding the public purse has to start somewhere, and unfortunately with her being the highest office holder, the buck stops with her. Guess who won't be getting a Chrissy present this year.

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Have they put her on the Immigration Stop List or is that too much like commonsense unless they'd rather she did a runner ?

You don't think that someone like Yingluck stays in the queue at the immigration like we do?

She goes to the private air terminal and boards her airplane, she doesn't even need to wave with her diplomatic passport which she still carries.


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Have they put her on the Immigration Stop List or is that too much like commonsense unless they'd rather she did a runner ?

All you need to do is cancel the passport , something the Democrats should have done with Thaksin , then none of this would be happening.

Thaksin's passport was cancelled by the democrats but his beloved sister ensured he was reissued another, soon after she became PM.. However, he later received citizenship from Montenegro, allowing him to travel internationally. You can bet if she tries anything funny, the same will occur. They are not playing games now, they are quite serious.


Yingluck will be arrested if she tries to flee: NACC

Does that include denying her permission to go shopping abroad when she inevitably asks?

Ah, thought not.


', Amnuay believes it would be "extremely appropriate" to issue an amnesty law.' He would wouldn't he. Anything to save the Red darling from being convicted and forced to pay restitution.

So do you think she directly profited or took money via the rice scheme? there would be a money trail if she did, or if in fact she did then gaol her for corruption no problem, but if not then what? would she be able to counter sue for false arrest?

The thing is I support any gaoling of corrupt people red yellow or purple, but I don't support the selective hunting down of chosen targets to eliminate the opposition.

The other thing is isn't it quite convenient that all the documents just happened to go floating off with the flood waters regarding the Dems corruption issues and no other records were kept and now no case to answer. do you not see the bias and one sidedness here? or do you truly believe that all the Dem's are quite clean honest and just "good people" who only have the interest of the country in mind?

How can a person be impeached whilst no longer holding the office of PM? in reality you can't

But these are just my personal thoughts

The world is watching.

So do you think she directly profited or took money via the rice scheme ??

Its easy, ask her? During her short time in office, her personal fortune and assets almost trebled, and we are talking billions and billions of baht.

Just ask her to prove where all this new found wealth came from......


"Winthai said there were no political "undercurrents" that might spark a new round of political conflict after Yingluck's impeachment."

Um, the current martial law is preventing any conflicts for now. Once the Junta is gone, I now expect more powder keg politics.

Repeating the word "reconciliation" over and over again is not convincing the voters, especially since all the reforms are leaning toward gerrymandering, diluting voters individual ballots, and otherwise disenfranchising people who do not live in Bangkok.

They could have pushed for supermajorities being required for important legislation. Instead they opted to stack the deck...and EVERYONE knows it. Supermajorities require negotiation -- the lean today is to set it up so no negotiations are required. Either side can stone wall under this legislation, and it falls to an unelected body to solve the gridlock (which will undoubtedly always favor only one side).

This only makes a bad situation worse. No new examples for punished corruption, steps in the right direction, or any of that sophistry. This is one small step for a few unelected Thais, one giant leap backward for voting Thai humanity.

And I don't even like the Shins or the Reds. They took a corrupt system and made it worse.... They didn't invent it, but they ran it until it was spent. If I feel this way..how do you think they feel?


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Have they put her on the Immigration Stop List or is that too much like commonsense unless they'd rather she did a runner ?

All you need to do is cancel the passport , something the Democrats should have done with Thaksin , then none of this would be happening.

And the diplomatic passport she holds. But both won't stop her boarding her airplane and fly anywhere she wants.


i think she got bigger balls than her brother and will stand the trial...or is too dumb to realize what's going on...

I think she rather has such a small brain mass that she has no clue what this is all about.

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Her Lawyers will be working overtime to transfer her assets. The Junta needs to show they are serious when it comes to reclaiming some of the Countries losses from the rice scheme. 600 billion is too high a figure to reclaim,but any amount they can sting her for will show they are serious in fighting corruptionwhistling.gif


very sad for her and Thais are so vindictive has she benefited, personally, in her bank accounts from the rice scheme? I don't believe she has.

If all the politicians in the world were prosecuted for errors there would not be enough jails and Blair and Bush would be top of the list with their WMD fallacy that killed 10,000s.

Peace and reconciliation would be a wiser path

Peace and reconciliation is great. But there also must be accountability. Amnesty is not the answer here as it will show future politicians that they can do what they want without fear of persecution.

Do you really think the attorney general would be willing to attempt to prosecute YL without some evidence if she did not benefit in some way from that scheme? So your forgone conclusion is most certainly wrong.


The NACC is nothing but a bunch of rabid dogs chasing down their bloodied prey.

Putting her in jail will completely end any hopes of reconciliation for this country. It will also prove what everyone knows, this country is being taken over by an Bangkok elite that intend to govern this country whether they are elected or not and thus there goes all hopes of Democracy ever coming to this country.

Generally agree with those comments although "govern" is perhaps an exaggeration given the credentials of those appointed.

Would be more apt perhaps if you change "govern" to "fleece"


Should won't have to flee as it would be much easier to take refuge in a Wat. Seems to be the only place where Thai politicians can avoid be arrested.

i don't think raw silk robes are allowed.


The job of Thai prime minister must be the least desirable job in the world.

The chances of the army taking over and you being ended up either abroad or in jail must be close to 100%.

But hey, we know from the past that all military dictators that took over the country were nice people, and they were not corrupt at all .... right?

Ah Kris, but the people's money that you can steal more than makes up for the risk. At least, it used to.


I think the powers that be would like nothing better than for her to leave the country and disappear from view. It's really not in their best interest to one day have Yingluck in jail.

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Her Lawyers will be working overtime to transfer her assets. The Junta needs to show they are serious when it comes to reclaiming some of the Countries losses from the rice scheme. 600 billion is too high a figure to reclaim,but any amount they can sting her for will show they are serious in fighting corruptionwhistling.gif

"Who gave the order to eliminate corruption????" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gif


I think the powers that be would like nothing better than for her to leave the country and disappear from view. It's really not in their best interest to one day have Yingluck in jail.

If the RTAF shot down Thaksin's plane, they could have both.


I think the powers that be would like nothing better than for her to leave the country and disappear from view. It's really not in their best interest to one day have Yingluck in jail.

Neither is it in their interest to have another bully abroad with a high power lie PR machine


Seems to be in direct contradiction to Prayuth's statement she is free to travel.I suspect the reality is they are terrified of Yingluck's domestic popularity and international acceptance - and can't properly decide on how to neutralise her.But neutralise her they eventually will.She has no political future.

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"You nasty nasty puppet, if you try to flee, we will send you several arrest warrants and Karma shall curse you for all eternity!!!!!" clap2.gifwai2.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


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Seems to be in direct contradiction to Prayuth's statement she is free to travel.I suspect the reality is they are terrified of Yingluck's domestic popularity and international acceptance - and can't properly decide on how to neutralise her.But neutralise her they eventually will.She has no political future.

.................."international acceptance"...........................???????

Come on jayboy, even you know she would have been seen as a bit of a joke by the worlds' real leaders, and the only places she would have been accepted and taken seriously were shopping centers.

Your are correct though when you say she has no political future, but I did not think she has much of a political past, either. I wonder what world leaders thought when they heard someone with zero political experience was made the PM of an entire country ?

I do admire your dedication to the cause though, you will defend her to the very bitter end. thumbsup.gif

Actually I have no brief for her though like many I recognise her charm and poise.

But you are totally deluded on some points.

1.Foreign countries are not going to battle for her.This is an internal matter.But as a democratically elected leader she had the kind of global access and approval that Prayuth can only dream about.

As an example social media is buzzing today with the cordial friendly reception she had from a visiting US state department official and the chilly one given to the shameful wreck Abhisit.

2.What political experience do Army officers have? Do you seriously think the current government is not seen internationally as a bit of a joke?

3.The vendetta against her doesn't alter the reality she remains the most popular politician on the country.

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