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Drug laws set for major revamp, Thai ministry says

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I feel very strongly about drugs because although most would say it doesn't affect them and they stay well clear the truth is it does effect all of us because as I said above it has ripple effect as users need to get money to feed the habit, theft robbery burglary bag snatches firearm crimes etc etc - it affects us all and feeds crime in Pattaya

You are absolutely on the money with this -yes it is a scourge and it effects all of us one way or another.

For those who advocate the use of recreational drugs, go somewhere else where it is legal (if you can find such a place)-meanwhile root out all of these pedlars in death and destroy them and their bankrupt morality so decent people can leave free.

Your thinking is part of the problem.

IF, you decriminalize it the price goes down and thus is more affordable. Take it another step and make it available for free. It takes away your argument.

Also, you have lost sight of the damage of other 'legal' drugs that cause much more damage. So while you stand strong on what ever hypocritical conviction you have... the rest of the world is slowly starting to get it. The 'war' on drugs is a huge failure.

Google - "drug laws Portugal". Enjoy the reading, open your mind.

Its an other fine mess we got the USA to thank for. I can still remember the pressure brought upon Holland with its liberal laws from countries like the USA.


Hum So this the plan of Prayuth that will end all drug trading ? I getting confused with all their plans...

The only plan to end illegal drug trading is if governments declare them legal and start trading and taxing dope.

Just like they do with booze and Sigarettes and all prescription pharmacy drugs...

Governments are already the real mega dope traders...Not the motorbike taxi with 3 yabaa pills in his pocket..


"Those found possessing two to five amphetamine tablets are regarded as users and account for 40 per cent of all drug-convicted inmates."

Wow! I had no idea Thai prisons were simultaneously so expensive for taxpayers, and so profitable for the operators, guards and wardens.


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"go somewhere else where it is legal (if you can find such a place"

Have you been living under a rock?

What about Portugal where all the drugs were legalized 11 years ago crime is gone down? What about the Netherlands where they removed penalties on soft drugs in 1974 and drug related problems were cut in half? Used by minors is the lowest in the Western world.

What about Colorado where marijuana was legalized and violent crime and petty crime and vehicular accidents have dropped dramatically in just six months.

You need to read a newspaper a look at the Internet for some new once in a while and there's other things going on in the world other than your obviously limited sphere.

Having 80% of the prison population in Thailand there for drugs is what I would call a scourge.
The US having more prisoners per capita than any other country in the world I would call a scourge.

Take away the profit take away the allure and you reduce the problem. People can get high sniffing glue or huffing paint. There's no huge market in that and you know why? Because they are both legal and can be purchased in any store and the profit element has been removed.

I feel very strongly about drugs because although most would say it doesn't affect them and they stay well clear the truth is it does effect all of us because as I said above it has ripple effect as users need to get money to feed the habit, theft robbery burglary bag snatches firearm crimes etc etc - it affects us all and feeds crime in Pattaya

You are absolutely on the money with this -yes it is a scourge and it effects all of us one way or another.
For those who advocate the use of recreational drugs, go somewhere else where it is legal (if you can find such a place)-meanwhile root out all of these pedlars in death and destroy them and their bankrupt morality so decent people can leave free.

I suppose you mean "live free" and I also believe decent people should have the right to live free and that includes not being treated like a criminal for some minor marijuana infraction...it looks as though maybe even Thailand is catching on...you need to go back to reefer madness 30's....

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I prefer the Thaksin method. alt=whistling.gif>

you sir are an idiot

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"National Human Rights Commission member Dr Niran Pitakwatchara said the amendment would better prevent police or anti-narcotics agents from abusing their power. For example, the NHRC has received many complaints of police planting drugs on innocent people to extort money from them."

How will it stop that happening, then?

Will it stop their involvement and that of ' important ' people too ?

No, only deterrent action such as ' no mercy ' punishment will be a start. Oh !, slap on the wrist for me as I forget about whom I am speaking.

Yeah? How's that "war on drugs" and harsh punishment working out? Do you actually think waging an even stronger "war" and even harsher punishment will do the trick?


"National Human Rights Commission member Dr Niran Pitakwatchara said the amendment would better prevent police or anti-narcotics agents from abusing their power. For example, the NHRC has received many complaints of police planting drugs on innocent people to extort money from them."

How will it stop that happening, then?

That is an entirely different issue. You're not going to get full or accurate story reading here. Get out and live life and stop complaining about everything. The complainer is the one at fault. Elimanate the cry babies, solve most of the complaints. .. .maybe all.


Will it works?

Surprisingly, even in a very small village which people know each other, people gossiping tends to know who and who are doing what kind of stuff. Car, big house, staying around selling shit stuff yet the authorities do not have a single idea. So in a small village where seller can walk freely infront of the enforcement officers without noticing. I wonder how big the success is in a big city.

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