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Thai police rescue woman locked up and tortured by boyfriend

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Police rescue woman locked up and tortured by boyfriend
By Coconuts Bangkok


ANG THONG: -- Police rescued a woman from her home where she had been held and assaulted by her boyfriend in Ang Thong province.

Police said they found Thikamporn Prayongnoi, 29, locked inside her own house by her drug-addicted boyfriend Saturday morning after she posted a message to a Facebook group intended to help readers avoid police checkpoints.

Thikanporn told police her 39-year-old boyfriend, Supamit Ratanathaworn, had beaten her with a hanger and choked her out of jealousy.

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co//2015/01/26/police-rescue-woman-locked-and-tortured-boyfriend

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2015-01-26


Patriarchal cultures spend a huge amount of time and money to minimize the importance of women to our species...and this is the result. Even crazier, the woman will run right back to him, according to the bizarre dynamic of abuse (wherein abused children will go to the abusing parent if given a choice).

Any culture that does not say "women and children first" on a sinking ship is eventually doomed to extinction.

Dinosaur culture...many aspects of Thainess...synonymous altogether.


Headline: "Police rescue woman locked up and tortured by boyfriend"

Fact: She had been detained against her will by her boyfriend since the night before, they had a fight and he had tried to choke her after hitting her with a coat hanger.blink.png

This scenario is enacted out in various ways in millions of Thai homes nightly and is glorified on Thai TV soap operas. It is part of Thai and other cultures.

I expect they will be enjoying a round of lao khao and Chang in the coming days.

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true love the Thai way dedication she would never leave his side and this was obviously the surest way to keep her at home lock her up 24/7


Thai guys and Thai girls both have very fragile egos and immense insecurity issues, not to mention jealousy, repression, anger issues - combine that with a low education and you have a potential explosive firecracker that is capable of anything destructive, with zero regard to anyone but themselves.


Lucky he didn't throw acid in her face, then again they would not mention anything unless her boyfriend had another passport stating he has another nationality,


While sexual violence was considerably less frequent than physical violence in most settings, it was more frequent in provincial Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and urban Thailand. In countries where large cities and provincial settings were both studied, the overall levels of partner violence were consistently higher in the provincial settings, which had more rural populations, than in the urban sites.



Whilst i agree this is very sad, too many of you are suggesting it only happens in Thailand.

I get the news out of USA on my facebook, this is nothing, in the US he kills her , the mother, father & 3 kids.


women in Thailand are second class citizens with very little protection for themselves or any kids - go to any bar and see all the girls who have been abandoned by their "bf's" - Pattaya has thousands

hope she's ok

And thousands of guys abandoned by their Thai bar girl gfs


Whilst i agree this is very sad, too many of you are suggesting it only happens in Thailand.

I get the news out of USA on my facebook, this is nothing, in the US he kills her , the mother, father & 3 kids.

Change your juice or go to bed early.

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