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PM Prayut shrugs off US diplomat's 'snub'


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Prayuth Shrugs Off US Diplomat's 'Snub'
By Khaosod English

Assistant Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific affairs Daniel Russel meeting with Thai Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gen. Thanasak Patimaprakorn, on 26 Jan 2015.

BANGKOK — Thai junta leader and Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha says he understands why US diplomats are reluctant to meet with him in person.

The junta chairman was responding to a reporter who asked him to comment on the news that a US State Department official was meeting with two former Prime Ministers in Thailand today, but not the current one.

"Why would they come to meet me? They aren't meeting with me because they know how I came to power,” explained Gen. Prayuth, who assumed the premiership last year after toppling an elected government in a military coup on 22 May 2014.

"Politics is politics," he said.

The US government has criticized Gen. Prayuth's military takeover and announced that cooperation between Thai and American authorities will be suspended in some areas until democratic rule is restored in the Kingdom.

However, the two nations continue to work together on many other vital issues, Gen. Prayuth said today.

"Regarding economics, they still trade with us. They still do military drills with us. They can separate these issues, but we still mix them together," Gen. Prayuth said.

He added, "Today, many countries are trading with us normally. Some countries oppose us and disagree with us, but they still trade with us."

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1422268693

-- Khaosod English 2015-01-26

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Russel ... stressed the United States would not be taking sides in Thai politics, but that the US government remains concerned about the junta’s continued use of martial law and restrictions on free speech and assembly.

"We're also particularly concerned that the political process doesn’t seem to represent all elements of Thai society," Russel said. "An inclusive process promotes political reconciliation, which in turn is key to long term stability. That’s where our interests lie. The alternative – a narrow, restrictive process – carries the risk of leaving many Thai citizens feeling that they’ve been excluded from the political process."

That is a sensible statement ... wonder if the Fascists in Thailand will get their hair up over it.

Gen. Prayuth repeated to reporters today that his military government is not allied with either of Thailand's political factions,

Which is why the current 'NLA' is so representative of the broader Thai society.


he jests

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"...the news that a US State Department official was meeting with two former Prime Ministers in Thailand today, but not the current one."


And no photo op.


Face baby. Face.


I am sure the American want to meet Prayuth, so he can take photo with the greatest junta of all time.

But that Amigo is no Obama, hence may be it is the greatest junta reject the appointment.

They are not peer to peer.

Please send Obama next time, and the great junta may consider giving him a 15 min time slot.

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" Why would they meet with me? They arent meeting with me because they know how I came to power".........ermm.gif.pagespeed.ce.7f2Kr9k8HCxvlbix7X

What does that mean?

It does read like a veiled threat on one level. However, the PM is a blunt instrument; it's hard to believe he's capable of wit and guile.

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Russel ... stressed the United States would not be taking sides in Thai politics, but that the US government remains concerned about the junta’s continued use of martial law and restrictions on free speech and assembly.

"We're also particularly concerned that the political process doesn’t seem to represent all elements of Thai society," Russel said. "An inclusive process promotes political reconciliation, which in turn is key to long term stability. That’s where our interests lie. The alternative – a narrow, restrictive process – carries the risk of leaving many Thai citizens feeling that they’ve been excluded from the political process."

That is a sensible statement ... wonder if the Fascists in Thailand will get their hair up over it.

Gen. Prayuth repeated to reporters today that his military government is not allied with either of Thailand's political factions,

Which is why the current 'NLA' is so representative of the broader Thai society.


A sensible statement - from a country that denied African Americans and Native Americans any form of inclusion for a very long and fairly recent time.

The US seem happy to deal with crooks, and dictators when it suits that catch all exemption "the big picture". Other Western governments were quick to jump on the bandwagon and also don't have clean sheets.

Thailand has a thick skin.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Russel ... stressed the United States would not be taking sides in Thai politics, but that the US government remains concerned about the junta’s continued use of martial law and restrictions on free speech and assembly.

"We're also particularly concerned that the political process doesn’t seem to represent all elements of Thai society," Russel said. "An inclusive process promotes political reconciliation, which in turn is key to long term stability. That’s where our interests lie. The alternative – a narrow, restrictive process – carries the risk of leaving many Thai citizens feeling that they’ve been excluded from the political process."

That is a sensible statement ... wonder if the Fascists in Thailand will get their hair up over it.

Gen. Prayuth repeated to reporters today that his military government is not allied with either of Thailand's political factions,

Which is why the current 'NLA' is so representative of the broader Thai society.


A sensible statement - from a country that denied African Americans and Native Americans any form of inclusion for a very long and fairly recent time.

The US seem happy to deal with crooks, and dictators when it suits that catch all exemption "the big picture". Other Western governments were quick to jump on the bandwagon and also don't have clean sheets.

Thailand has a thick skin.

Well said my fellow Thai Citizen, oops perhaps you are not Thai?

But what the hell, niether am I.

Edited by BigBadGeordie
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Not just a snub but a full on reprimand in the lecture that US State Dept Official Russell gave at Chula Uni today. I bet the yellow shirt PDRC academics in the audience were seething.

"We are concerned about the significant restraints on freedoms since the coup," he said. "Ending marital law throughout the country and removing restrictions of speech and assembly – these would be important steps as part of genuinely inclusive reform process that reflects the broad diversity of views within the country."



"Broad diversity of views?" Amb. Kenney seemed to be concerned only with the views of YL's government.

China opens its arms and doesn't care either way and this is China's backyard.

Edited by Old Man River
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Quote: "Nearly 30 people were killed in the six months of anti-government protests that preceded the 22 May coup. Gen. Prayuth has insisted that it was necessary for the military to step in to prevent further bloodshed between the protesters and rival pro-government demonstrators, who were also holding mass rallies in Bangkok at the time. "

Nearly 30 people were killed in 6 months so it was absolutely correct to step in and stop further bloodshed and deaths.

More than this are killed daily on Thai roads - when can we expect to see action being taken to reduce this?

Sidenote: if not for the protests, I doubt very much that there would have been these nearly 30 deaths


So because cars kill more people we should just ignore the terrorist attacks and let them go unabated while we concentrated on the vehicle accidents?

Cancer is the leading cause of death in Thailand. So we should again ignore the daily terrorist attacks in Bangkok, let them go unabated, walk over the dead so we can cure cancer first?

Now Gwell - Maybe let the terrorist attacks continue and if you had a child that was killed at the hands of the red shirts we can tell you "Sorry, but alcohol causes more death in Thailand so we have to address this first"

Those are heartless words that again defend the undefendable terrorists and try to downplay the innocent lives lost because the PTP did nothing about it.

Defending terrorism by downplaying it. Wonderful.

And then…AND THEN to rub it in it is the protestors fault that the terrorists came out and killed them!!! Are you serious?

I weep for your future mate. That is the dangerous fundamentalist mindset that should stay in Syria and Afghanistan. It does not under any circumstances belong in Thailand or any civilized country for that matter.

That was like one of your peers telling me that if I didn't like living near a terrorist cell in Khon Kaen I should move to a new province or country!!

Next you will be cheering the dead at the hands of terrorist. Your half what there now by defending them and of course it is only ever red shirts or PTP fanboys that defend terrorists.

What have you been eating / drinking / smoking my dear James?

I'm not downplaying anything. Your esteemed leader himself declared that avoidable deaths cannot be tolerated and brought the whole force of the armed forces to resolve the issue. Well done and kudos.

However, if one has a logical and reasonable mind, one would say that if there were no protestors on the streets in the first instance, no protestors would be killed, comprende?

Secondly, road accidents kill a lot more than 30 persons a day. Most of these deaths are avoidable. Shouldn't something be done reduce the death toll on the roads?

p/s: try not to deflect James, just answer the questions, pure and simple

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Russel ... stressed the United States would not be taking sides in Thai politics, but that the US government remains concerned about the juntas continued use of martial law and restrictions on free speech and assembly.

"We're also particularly concerned that the political process doesnt seem to represent all elements of Thai society," Russel said. "An inclusive process promotes political reconciliation, which in turn is key to long term stability. Thats where our interests lie. The alternative a narrow, restrictive process carries the risk of leaving many Thai citizens feeling that theyve been excluded from the political process."

That is a sensible statement ... wonder if the Fascists in Thailand will get their hair up over it.

Gen. Prayuth repeated to reporters today that his military government is not allied with either of Thailand's political factions,

Which is why the current 'NLA' is so representative of the broader Thai society.


he jests

These restrictions on freedom of speech were largely there before anyway. Moaning now when there are lese majeste laws permenantly in place is irrelevant.

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Quote: "Nearly 30 people were killed in the six months of anti-government protests that preceded the 22 May coup. Gen. Prayuth has insisted that it was necessary for the military to step in to prevent further bloodshed between the protesters and rival pro-government demonstrators, who were also holding mass rallies in Bangkok at the time. "

Nearly 30 people were killed in 6 months so it was absolutely correct to step in and stop further bloodshed and deaths.

More than this are killed daily on Thai roads - when can we expect to see action being taken to reduce this?

Sidenote: if not for the protests, I doubt very much that there would have been these nearly 30 deaths


So because cars kill more people we should just ignore the terrorist attacks and let them go unabated while we concentrated on the vehicle accidents?

Cancer is the leading cause of death in Thailand. So we should again ignore the daily terrorist attacks in Bangkok, let them go unabated, walk over the dead so we can cure cancer first?

Now Gwell - Maybe let the terrorist attacks continue and if you had a child that was killed at the hands of the red shirts we can tell you "Sorry, but alcohol causes more death in Thailand so we have to address this first"

Those are heartless words that again defend the undefendable terrorists and try to downplay the innocent lives lost because the PTP did nothing about it.

Defending terrorism by downplaying it. Wonderful.

And then…AND THEN to rub it in it is the protestors fault that the terrorists came out and killed them!!! Are you serious?

I weep for your future mate. That is the dangerous fundamentalist mindset that should stay in Syria and Afghanistan. It does not under any circumstances belong in Thailand or any civilized country for that matter.

That was like one of your peers telling me that if I didn't like living near a terrorist cell in Khon Kaen I should move to a new province or country!!

Next you will be cheering the dead at the hands of terrorist. Your half what there now by defending them and of course it is only ever red shirts or PTP fanboys that defend terrorists.

Why not? seeing as you have never acknowledged that terrorism isn't just a Red thing, it's a global thing, and you once again show your true colours by being disingenuous to all those innocents who have lost their lives through acts of terrorism down in the South !!!!!

Comparing terrorism to cancer.. especially seeing as I have lost my parents to cancer, and close personal friends to terroris, or, not your isolated random acts of a group that's not even on the International terror list, but hey, you know better as you apparently were threatened by them in Khon Kaen, as was your family, but YOU chose to stay, so either the threat was a figment of your imagination and a story you've made up to garner sympathy or you really didn't give a rats ass about you or your family's safety by staying put it's weird that tens of thousands of Syrians, and latterly Iraqi chose to flee when hardcore terrorists in the form of ISIS decided to threaten and intimidate, but you? You are the hard case, you chose to stay and give the UDD the finger?? Not a single person can corroborate your claims, and it doesn't appear any other farang who lives in KK who's a TVF member was threatened or their family threatened either!! ... You're a Walter Mitty Jamie.

Even in that sentence when you used cancer and terrorism as a comparison, you still couldn't bring yourself around to mention that terrorism is STILL HAPPENING DAILY despite the Junta being in power, so have they stopped the acts of terrorism? No they <deleted> haven't!!! When the Islamic extremists down South either pack it all in, which they will never do, then Terrorism in Thailand is here to stay, it matters not if it's in the South, or isolated to Bangkok, it's still going on, your beloved hero didn't do jack shit down there when he was Commander in Chief, and hasn't stopped it since his little clique stepped in last May!!!

Then you have a go at Gwill for using heartless words, well YOU didn't have a child killed, nor were related to any of those victims, so you are in no position morally to preach, just who the <deleted> do you think you are?

as for defending Terrorism, when you've had to pull the remains of friends from destroyed vehicles and seen countless friends die at the hands of terrorist, then and only then are you in a position to preach, guys like you who sit in the safety of their homes acting like they're some kind of expert actually make me sick to my stomach, when you simply haven't got a clue!!!!

Lets move onto your callous comments too, who actually used the words "rub it in" ...apart from you, but still you don't seem to grasp that had their not been any protests then there wouldn't have been any attacks, that's simple human logic, something you apparently have missing with your constant condescending and belittling posts.

You shout about the principals of democracy and yet swoon over the Junta, and idolise the leader of the coup, like it's something to be proud of, you ain't a Thai, and you never will be, you're adulation for a man who broke the law, and gave himself and his clique amnesties is unfathomable, and yet you bleat on and on an on about teaching your family and friends about democracy, a democracy you put in such a passionate post that you missed it and loved it so much, and yet you chose to live in Thailand? you're full of it, democracy lovers do NOT agree with, nor support Military Juntas, or Coups....period, so either you're a Thai wannabe, or an out and out lying bullshitter!!. I'll let the forum members make their minds up.

There's so many inconsistencies in a lot of your posts you had me convinced at one point you really were living in KK, but I actually seriously have my doubts.

You really are a basket case, when you say you weep for Gwill, just who in the <deleted> do you think you are? Mother Theresa? You seriously believe the <deleted> you write don't you? You think Gwill or any other TVF member gives a rats ass about your pretentious and pious posts? And yet you cry like a baby when you think someone is belittling and condescending, and yet your posts are full of belittling and condescending comments. I think you do it on purpose, as you're not the full shilling, a few papaya short of a som tam!!

you're fooling nobody with your jingoisitic propaganda style "I love the Junta crap" .. I couldn't care less about the PTP, or the Shins, but when I see farangs who are so wrapped up in a world where they have no say, no input and Thai's don't give a shit about your opinions, then I weep for them, as they actually believe they are more Thai than the Thais, but it's tears of laughter, as the only people they're kidding is themselves...

but you Jamie, you take it to a whole new level!! I pity you, and your kids I'd rather my kids grew up with traditional values, and not have some farang with an over inflated ego about himself attempt to teach them something they don't really give a shit about, and that's democracy!!!

"I pity you, and your kids"

Imitation is the best form of flattery my dear friend.

as for defending Terrorism, when you've had to pull the remains of friends from destroyed vehicles and seen countless friends die at the hands of terrorist, then and only then are you in a position to preach,

So did they cure cancer in this location as a priority before stopping the terrorist attacks because cancer kills more people?

You should know better then. Shame on you.

Edited by djjamie
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