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UDD leader Jatuporn sentenced to 2 years in jail for defaming former PM Abhisit


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Jatuporn is already on a 2 year suspended sentence along with his mate Nattawat.

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/744999-jatuporn-and-nattawut-given-two-year-suspended-sentences/ Posted 2014-07-22 12:30:42

BANGKOK: -- Redshirt leaders Jatuporn Prompan and Nattwut Saikua were on Tuesday given two-year suspended jail terms after they were found guilty by the Criminal Court of illegal wire-tapping of phone conversation.

I wonder if the 2 sentences are cumulative and if this new sentence will activate the suspended one ?

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Suspended jail. Everyone thought he will be going to the jail but it is suspended.

This is Thailand, no red or yellow shirt leaders got to jail.

Even Sonthi from Manager Group was jailed but if I heard correctly he is out of bail.

Jail is for the small fries in Thailand.

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Good. Now I guess we can expect to see those Dems and their supporters hauled up before a court for suggesting that Yingluck had an illicit sexual liaison at a hotel a couple of years back. coffee1.gif

Well , looks like Jutaporn needs some pointers on how to insult people and get away with it. Had he just called Abhisit a stupid bitch everything would have been o.k. We know this to be the case since when Abhisit used the term against Yingluk , gentleman that he is , he got away with it , not withstanding he later denied the remark was intended for her , or women either in general or indeed anyone. So we can only conclude he was talking to himself about himself.

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2 years for defamation, but nothing for the slaughter of civilians by the military, which has been proven by Thai courts.

And no issues for the months of vitriol and lies from the PRDC stage.

Oh, the justice! Oh, the reconciliation!

Do you have a link about the slaughter by the military which is proved by the Thai courts?

AFAIR they military were absolved and none were charged by the PTP government under Yingluck, unless you know better and can point it out to me.

Of course if you were talking about Abhisit and Suthep they are still in Thailand waiting for their time in court to be proved guilty of murder which they were accused of.

They have already had their day in court Bill and the charges were dismissed :

BANGKOK, 28 August 2014 (NNT) – The Criminal Court has dismissed charges of murder and abuse of power against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his ex-deputy in connection with the military crackdown on protesters in 2010.


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I see all usual Yellows out and celebrating here again as usual even though you don't seem to know what he said. Seems the lot of you blindly idolize the junta like many north Koreans do. Any opposing voice must be jailed seems to be your mantra. I see the one-sided purge continues.

He accused Abhisit of murdering civilians in April 2009.

Can't you read?

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2 years for defamation, but nothing for the slaughter of civilians by the military, which has been proven by Thai courts.

And no issues for the months of vitriol and lies from the PRDC stage.

Oh, the justice! Oh, the reconciliation!

Do you have a link about the slaughter by the military which is proved by the Thai courts?

AFAIR they military were absolved and none were charged by the PTP government under Yingluck, unless you know better and can point it out to me.

Of course if you were talking about Abhisit and Suthep they are still in Thailand waiting for their time in court to be proved guilty of murder which they were accused of.

They have already had their day in court Bill and the charges have been dismissed :


BANGKOK, 28 August 2014 (NNT) – The Criminal Court has dismissed charges of murder and abuse of power against former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and his ex-deputy in connection with the military crackdown on protesters in 2010.

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Suspended jail. Everyone thought he will be going to the jail but it is suspended.

This is Thailand, no red or yellow shirt leaders got to jail.

Even Sonthi from Manager Group was jailed but if I heard correctly he is out of bail.

Jail is for the small fries in Thailand.

Is there really any surprise to see rich kids acting like utter shits? No consequences, no accountability...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Suspended jail. Everyone thought he will be going to the jail but it is suspended.

This is Thailand, no red or yellow shirt leaders got to jail.

Even Sonthi from Manager Group was jailed but if I heard correctly he is out of bail.

Jail is for the small fries in Thailand.

Is there really any surprise to see rich kids acting like utter shits? No consequences, no accountability...

So help me to understand your comment, is jatuporn a rich kid?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


Good. Now I guess we can expect to see those Dems and their supporters hauled up before a court for suggesting that Yingluck had an illicit sexual liaison at a hotel a couple of years back. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJARfU4 alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Well , looks like Jutaporn needs some pointers on how to insult people and get away with it. Had he just called Abhisit a stupid bitch everything would have been o.k. We know this to be the case since when Abhisit used the term against Yingluk , gentleman that he is , he got away with it , not withstanding he later denied the remark was intended for her , or women either in general or indeed anyone. So we can only conclude he was talking to himself about himself.

You need to get some better medicine.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I see all usual Yellows out and celebrating here again as usual even though you don't seem to know what he said. Seems the lot of you blindly idolize the junta like many north Koreans do. Any opposing voice must be jailed seems to be your mantra. I see the one-sided purge continues.

I'm not a "usual yellow" and I most certainly would not support the reds. But the current administration which you refer to as a junta, has done more good for this country in such a short time, than all the politicians have done in the past ten years or more. There are many cases outstanding of wrongs committed by the previous administration. We will be hearing about judgements on the activities of all the lesser ex-MPs as time goes by I'm sure.

Could you please be specific what good changes the junta has made?

Ok I admit they have created bike paths.

Motorcycle taxis are back to overcharging with the old rates, beach vendors are back, jet ski rip offs still happening. Koa Tao investigation with daily updates to PM completed. My retail business sustained huge losses due to curfew with the soldiers on motorbikes ordering it shut early for the first 2 weeks of the coup. Please tell me what they have accomplished more in the 7 months than last gov. in 10 years than a massive one sided political culling?

Expand your thinking, right now your thinking is confined to a very small sand box.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I see all usual Yellows out and celebrating here again as usual even though you don't seem to know what he said. Seems the lot of you blindly idolize the junta like many north Koreans do. Any opposing voice must be jailed seems to be your mantra. I see the one-sided purge continues.

I'm not a "usual yellow" and I most certainly would not support the reds. But the current administration which you refer to as a junta, has done more good for this country in such a short time, than all the politicians have done in the past ten years or more. There are many cases outstanding of wrongs committed by the previous administration. We will be hearing about judgements on the activities of all the lesser ex-MPs as time goes by I'm sure.

" ... ex MPs" I think your more than generous. Salaried immoral yes men with no capability and no conscience would be more appropriate.

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Speaking out in Thai politics could cause one to be arrested, jailed, kangaroo court, sentenced to years of imprisonment...or worse (found dead after committing suicide)...very dangerous business...

We are not talking about how ugly the guy is...how loud or foul mouthed he was...we are talking about political revenge for calling another politician out...that is part a partial of being a democracy...which they still were at the time of this incident...

This country continues it's military march down the sewer...

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Its not a suspended sentence this time.

But he'll be out on bail, pending appeal.

Will this latest conviction activate the other 2 year suspended sentence - doubtful. That is probably waiting appeal or something.

The elite and their mates. of whatever faction don't do prison really. That's for the poor people and pawns.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What did he say as defamation to get 2 years?

Can you read?

Yes I can read... He did say the true , Abisit ordered the killing, or in case you state hid did not, please let us know who is the one who ordered the soldiers to start the killing.

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