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Suvarnabhumi van-taxis threaten to stop service

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First off, if these guys knew how to present themselves with smart looking attire it would appear they are more into their

job and appeal to the potential passengers. This, along with politeness would most often already have them set up for a respectable tip. That is, providing they don't reek of foul cigarette smoke. If I detect that the driver is an addict of this habit

he has no chance for my patronage. If it isn't visible then my nose will tell me. Also the first impression of his car works for me. If he has the windshield covered with all the voodoo stuff I avoid him because I want my driver to see, not guess where he is going. If I were a driver of a taxi I'd invest in a trip to Japan to see how it's done there. They go so far as to wear white gloves, and have clean doilies on the seatbacks and you never will encounter a schemer. As for the best ride into Bangkok I pre order a major hotel limousine for my ride. They open the doors for you and if you request them to drive slower

your request is obeyed. Once I get to the hotel I am guaranteed a pleasant stay because I've chosen an upstanding hostelry.Why not, it's only money? Too many travelers to Thailand try too hard to save small coinage rather than letting loose and

enjoying themselves! (Sorry, do I sound a bit of a snob?)

used to do the taxi craziness. No more thank you!


Most of us do not need a Taxi-van, so yes they should be able to charge more but only if say 3 or more persons with more than say 60Kg luggage.

May be time for the airport to get one up one Uber, QR code signs when you get off the plane, you book your taxi while waiting in the immigration queue, enter your destination, number of passengers, how much luggage, even your language, you get offered a fixed price, (same system could also guide you through the airport including which baggage casserole you luggage will be on), when you clear customs you scan another QR code which gives you directions to the taxi rank at the same time the waiting taxis are offered your fair, if the one at the front does not want it, or his vehicle too small or he can not speak your language, then just pass it back up the queue.



Brisbane Airport to Annerley costs $21:80

With a maxi cab…Yes, yes it is a bigger taxi.It costs 1.5 times as much

People do not need to leave their brain at immigration when they enter Thailand, yet on this thread I have witnessed it constantly.

It happened every where people.

Bigger taxis cost more.

It aint a Junta thing. It aint a democracy thing. It aint anything…It is a bigger car uses more fuel thing….

In California, it costs $45-$50 to go from the Sacramento Airport to Downtown Sacramento (19 kms ONLY)!

Even if you take the shared van service it's $15 fo 1st person and $11 for 2nd to same location.

Hell, give them the extra 50 Baht.

How many times does the average TV reader go to or from the airport?

Unless they're doing business it's probably less than 6 times a year.

All this commotion over 300 Baht per year?

Ah well I guess you could get a couple pints of Chang with it. Now THAT'S something to crow about! Haha!

It beggars belief...

Even when we deal with the retired expat" they must have so many money issues they should probably stay at home anyway.

Come on…Give it to me...

If you think 300 baht a year makes or breaks you then the last thing you should be arguing is a big taxi vs small taxi scenario...

Go home, collect the dole and forget the dream….

  • Like 1

Simple solution. Let them set two fares- one for the SUV taxis with a surcharge and added baggage fees and the other for regular passenger taxis which don't have the fees then let the customer decide who they want. If all the passenger taxis are gone then customers can pay the difference or wait for more passenger taxis to show up. When the SUV taxis see they sit around and make less than their competition they will soon decide a fare is better than sitting around.


"the drivers said they may have to stop service because they cannot afford the cost."

Then you're clearly in the wrong business. wai2.gifwai.gif

Beat it.

ZERO sympathy.



The taxi community is out of control and conditions are getting worse. However the reason they exist in the first place is due to the failure of successive governments to provide adequate and efficient public transport in this nightmare of a city.

The authorities have to shows these bandits who is boss once and for all and real action has to be taken against the drivers who hustle for motorway fees and do not want to use the meter.

From my personal observation thing have gotten progressively worse since the advent of the Japanese article.

I have little tolerance , patience or empathy for this service industry who like all of this country are hell bent on self destruction through greed.

  • Like 1

When will someone on here realise that taxi fares stayed low for so many years because they switched from gasoline to either NGV or LPG.

Now Gasoline is,probably temporarily, going down in price but NGV and especially LPG are rising in price at regular intervals so hence the need for a rise in fares as no meter taxi I know of runs on gasoline. And please do not think that the number of km per litre of gasoline is the same as that with gas, If you have more than hand luggage the other options are not viable and the bus service into Bangkok was suspended a while ago because of the lack of customers.

As for taking the bus to Pattaya who wants to be seated next to someone who has been drinking for 12 hours and has not washed for 24 hours? And some of you complain about dirty taxi drivers!

  • Like 2

Brisbane Airport to Annerley costs $21:80

With a maxi cab…Yes, yes it is a bigger taxi.It costs 1.5 times as much

People do not need to leave their brain at immigration when they enter Thailand, yet on this thread I have witnessed it constantly.

It happened every where people.

Bigger taxis cost more.

It aint a Junta thing. It aint a democracy thing. It aint anything…It is a bigger car uses more fuel thing….

In California, it costs $45-$50 to go from the Sacramento Airport to Downtown Sacramento (19 kms ONLY)!

Even if you take the shared van service it's $15 fo 1st person and $11 for 2nd to same location.

Hell, give them the extra 50 Baht.

How many times does the average TV reader go to or from the airport?

Unless they're doing business it's probably less than 6 times a year.

All this commotion over 300 Baht per year?

Ah well I guess you could get a couple pints of Chang with it. Now THAT'S something to crow about! Haha!

How much does it cost an American woman to acquire a box of contraceptives in California?

It's only USD6 here without the need to pay for a prescription.


Isn't the whole point of driving a taxi that you take passengers and their belongings from point A to B? If you don't like passengers with suitcases then you should not be waiting at the airport.


Trogers-and how is that?

I take a taxi, with my luggage in the booth, beside me and on the front seat. No extra charge on luggage.

Once with 3 other relatives. Two taxis, with me and the luggage in one.

Like I have said, problem is solved when AOT permits arriving taxis to pick up fares.

They wouldn't do it because they are getting a cut from the surcharge imposed.


Still cheaper than a black cab in London. I know shouldn't compare but I have never got a cab from LHR to my place the other side of London.


Airport based Taxis and their rip offs are a disgrace to Thailand

I just came from the chat with aot, and they informed me to discuss this suggestion.

Suggested to only start their own taxi service to extend their service till arrivals are home or in hotel, proper cars (station wagon/estate) so enough space for 4 passengers and their lugage, water, refreshing towel.

Using meter + fee and just bann all other taxi's.

Extra income around 1.240 Million baht a year.

Investment around 600 cars and drivers.

  • Like 1

Airport based Taxis and their rip offs are a disgrace to Thailand

I just came from the chat with aot, and they informed me to discuss this suggestion.

Suggested to only start their own taxi service to extend their service till arrivals are home or in hotel, proper cars (station wagon/estate) so enough space for 4 passengers and their lugage, water, refreshing towel.

Using meter + fee and just bann all other taxi's.

Extra income around 1.240 Million baht a year.

Investment around 600 cars and drivers.

And the waiting time for factories to deliver 600 cars?


Airport based Taxis and their rip offs are a disgrace to Thailand

I just came from the chat with aot, and they informed me to discuss this suggestion.

Suggested to only start their own taxi service to extend their service till arrivals are home or in hotel, proper cars (station wagon/estate) so enough space for 4 passengers and their lugage, water, refreshing towel.

Using meter + fee and just bann all other taxi's.

Extra income around 1.240 Million baht a year.

Investment around 600 cars and drivers.

And the waiting time for factories to deliver 600 cars?

No idea,

just spread orders over 6 car brands

  • Like 1

Still cheaper than a black cab in London. I know shouldn't compare but I have never got a cab from LHR to my place the other side of London.

I did it once. Cost me around 4000 baht.


Still cheaper than a black cab in London. I know shouldn't compare but I have never got a cab from LHR to my place the other side of London.

I did it once. Cost me around 4000 baht.

Yes can imagine. Always pre- book my Taxis from Bkk to Patts and 1200 bloody cheap.


Airport based Taxis and their rip offs are a disgrace to Thailand

I just came from the chat with aot, and they informed me to discuss this suggestion.

Suggested to only start their own taxi service to extend their service till arrivals are home or in hotel, proper cars (station wagon/estate) so enough space for 4 passengers and their lugage, water, refreshing towel.

Using meter + fee and just bann all other taxi's.

Extra income around 1.240 Million baht a year.

Investment around 600 cars and drivers.

I do not follow this.

600 cars to generate a profit of only 1.2 Million Baht? if you are going to pull numbers out of thin air, please at least have them make sense.

Really? It is not hard enough fighting traffic to get home ... the brilliant idea is to endure the ride while your three (strangers) companions get home? Please god, please, do not tell me they have to go through the Asoke junction. 555. And oh ... you need to use the toilet? No worries, let's just detour here .. oh yes, of course, since we are here, please do grab a latte and snack. And on and on and on ... Are you kidding with this ride share notion?

And all this because the guy at the top can not say "ummm, gave it some thought .. the answer is "No." Excuse, me, did I hear a complaint from the peanut gallery?"

It is not the 50 Baht, it is the manner ... or should I say .. the threat and extortion of it ... we need to stand up to.

If the threat of a strike works once, it will work many, many, many more times .. an in the process of enforcing a strike ,, a new mafia (See Phuket / Patttaya) is born.

Nip it in the bud ... just say "No."


Brisbane Airport to Annerley costs $21:80

With a maxi cab…Yes, yes it is a bigger taxi.It costs 1.5 times as much

People do not need to leave their brain at immigration when they enter Thailand, yet on this thread I have witnessed it constantly.

It happened every where people.

Bigger taxis cost more.

It aint a Junta thing. It aint a democracy thing. It aint anything…It is a bigger car uses more fuel thing….

In California, it costs $45-$50 to go from the Sacramento Airport to Downtown Sacramento (19 kms ONLY)!

Even if you take the shared van service it's $15 fo 1st person and $11 for 2nd to same location.

Hell, give them the extra 50 Baht.

How many times does the average TV reader go to or from the airport?

Unless they're doing business it's probably less than 6 times a year.

All this commotion over 300 Baht per year?

Ah well I guess you could get a couple pints of Chang with it. Now THAT'S something to crow about! Haha!

How much does it cost an American woman to acquire a box of contraceptives in California?

It's only USD6 here without the need to pay for a prescription.


Not sure why you went off-post but better to compare taxi fare issues than womens' contraceptives? Eh?

Maybe better to talk about how many times each American woman uses transport to or from Suvarnubuhumi in a year rather than trying to insert irrelevant contraception data into the mix. At least stay on topic dude!

Have you got nothing better to talk about than to be "trollish"?

Sorry, I just call them as I see them...


Airport based Taxis and their rip offs are a disgrace to Thailand

I just came from the chat with aot, and they informed me to discuss this suggestion.

Suggested to only start their own taxi service to extend their service till arrivals are home or in hotel, proper cars (station wagon/estate) so enough space for 4 passengers and their lugage, water, refreshing towel.

Using meter + fee and just bann all other taxi's.

Extra income around 1.240 Million baht a year.

Investment around 600 cars and drivers.

And the waiting time for factories to deliver 600 cars?

No idea,

just spread orders over 6 car brands


trogers just has an axe to grind. Pay no attention.

He doesn't even stay on topic. Troll and anger issue behavior.

If he is so worked up about a few baht when he doesn't even go to or from the airport that much in a year then ignore him. Last word doesn't count and everyone knows that!


I came back yesterday from Indonesia, and from what I saw, nothing has changed in Suwarnabumi airport, except appearances.

1/ There is still a long line of passengers even though there obviously is a massive number of taxis in the waiting,

2/ The unpleasant, smirking ladies have been replaced by a cold faced button-pusher who just gives you a ticket with a 'lane-number'. Mine was 32 and I said to the guy "but there is no taxi in Lane 32" to which he replied "you wait taxi". End of an interesting and wildly informative conversation.

3/ The taxi did finally arrive. A crummy, stinking old Toyota inhabited by an overweight, overdirty, overunpleasant taxi driver who very reluctantly helped me put my suitcases in the trunk.

4/ I got in anyway, and when I said I was going to Jomtien he waited until we were safely away from the 'platform' to inform me that the price is 1500. There wasn't the slightest hint of turning on the meter. I didn't make a fuss because I'm used to paying this price, used to the dirty old cars and unfriendly drivers, used to being considered as a cow who's here to be milked. I guess I should be thankful because, as I speak to them in Thai, they ask for only 1500, lol.

If this is the kind of guy that threatens to stop serving Suwarnabumi Airport, all I have to say to him and his peers is "Yes! By all means, do (deleted) off!"


I must be lucky, because I've never had to wait for a taxi at the airport. There's never been a queue when I've arrived, and there's always been taxis there ready.


Brisbane Airport to Annerley costs $21:80

With a maxi cab…Yes, yes it is a bigger taxi.It costs 1.5 times as much

People do not need to leave their brain at immigration when they enter Thailand, yet on this thread I have witnessed it constantly.

It happened every where people.

Bigger taxis cost more.

It aint a Junta thing. It aint a democracy thing. It aint anything…It is a bigger car uses more fuel thing….

In California, it costs $45-$50 to go from the Sacramento Airport to Downtown Sacramento (19 kms ONLY)!

Even if you take the shared van service it's $15 fo 1st person and $11 for 2nd to same location.

Hell, give them the extra 50 Baht.

How many times does the average TV reader go to or from the airport?

Unless they're doing business it's probably less than 6 times a year.

All this commotion over 300 Baht per year?

Ah well I guess you could get a couple pints of Chang with it. Now THAT'S something to crow about! Haha!

How much does it cost an American woman to acquire a box of contraceptives in California?

It's only USD6 here without the need to pay for a prescription.


Not sure why you went off-post but better to compare taxi fare issues than womens' contraceptives? Eh?

Maybe better to talk about how many times each American woman uses transport to or from Suvarnubuhumi in a year rather than trying to insert irrelevant contraception data into the mix. At least stay on topic dude!

Have you got nothing better to talk about than to be "trollish"?

Sorry, I just call them as I see them...

Trying to tell you it is wrong to compare one cost item between countries with different cost of living and income.

I used contraceptive pills as an example because my sister in Texas had asked me to get her a dozen boxes. Price in the US including prescription is over USD230 vs USD72 for a dozen boxes here.

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