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Bali Nine Aussies face execution next

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Bali Nine executions: Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan are in the next group of prisoners to face the firing squad

SYDNEY: -- AUSTRALIANS Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan are among those set to be executed in the next round of Indonesian death sentences to be carried out but no date has yet been set.

Indonesia’s Attorney-General made the comments today to a House of Representatives Committee in Jakarta.

HM Prasetyo said the next round of executions of drug traffickers was planned for next month and he listed the countries the condemned come from France, Ghana, Cordova, Brazil, Philippines, Australia and Indonesia.

The only two Australians on death row are Sukumaran and Chan and Mr Prasetyo has said previously that the two Sydney men will be shot dead together when their time comes.

And he said it was most likely the executions would take place on Nusa Kambangan Island – off Central Java. There are a number of jails on the island the last executions, on January 17, were done there. The trio of Bali bombers was also executed at Nusa Kambangan in 2008.

The Balinese authorities have asked that Chan and Sukumaran not be executed on their island.

Full story: http://www.news.com.au/world/bali-nine-executions-myuran-sukumaran-and-andrew-chan-are-in-the-next-group-of-prisoners-to-face-the-firing-squad/story-fndir2ev-1227199911452

-- News.com.au 2015-01-28


Any country that executes someone from the place I come from (Europe) will be automatically added to my shitlist of places to never travel to.

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Any country that executes someone from the place I come from (Europe) will be automatically added to my shitlist of places to never travel to.

So you have never been to Thailand and never plan to?

I don't remember anyone from Europe ever being executed in Thailand.

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Why don't the Balinese want them executed on Bali?

There was a claim in the Australian news that it had something to do with spoiling the serenity of the island and was bad for tourism.

It's only a few days to February, orders could technically come any day now.


Any country that executes someone from the place I come from (Europe) will be automatically added to my shitlist of places to never travel to.

So you have never been to Thailand and never plan to?

I don't remember anyone from Europe ever being executed in Thailand.

What possible difference does it make which country someone comes from? A little elitist, no?

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Any country that executes someone from the place I come from (Europe) will be automatically added to my shitlist of places to never travel to.

So you have never been to Thailand and never plan to?

I don't remember anyone from Europe ever being executed in Thailand.

What possible difference does it make which country someone comes from? A little elitist, no?

The point is, Thailand hasn't executed a European, no mention of preferential treatment.

The reality is, countries do not like to execute foreigners as it creates diplomatic ill feeling. The specific countries holds relevance by the diplomatic clout they have. Even Saudi Arabia has released murder suspects after diplomatic appeals, but will quickly execute some others.

I understand the point you are trying to make, that the law should be applied equally, but you are heading towards a discussion over the death penalty.

Any country that executes someone from the place I come from (Europe) will be automatically added to my shitlist of places to never travel to.

So you have never been to Thailand and never plan to?

I don't remember anyone from Europe ever being executed in Thailand.

What possible difference does it make which country someone comes from? A little elitist, no?

The point is, Thailand hasn't executed a European, no mention of preferential treatment.

The reality is, countries do not like to execute foreigners as it creates diplomatic ill feeling. The specific countries holds relevance by the diplomatic clout they have. Even Saudi Arabia has released murder suspects after diplomatic appeals, but will quickly execute some others.

I understand the point you are trying to make, that the law should be applied equally, but you are heading towards a discussion over the death penalty.

Death penalty, no.

It's this borders delusion that just because someone is from one country and someone else another, they should be regarded as unequal.


I am not going int the merits or otherwise of capital punishment...

The Indonesian Presidents states that is policy on executions is to protect the Indonesian people from drugs.

Yet the drugs is this case were coming from Indonesia detined for use in Australia, so hardly likely to affect the Indonesian people in general.

Has there been any attempt to locate the source of the drugs.

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Bali 9: Glimmer of hope for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran
Jewel Topsfield
Fairfax foreign correspondent

The Bali Nine pair on death row have been given a glimmer of hope with the Denpasar District Court to allow an application for a judicial review to be registered despite the Indonesian Attorney-General saying there could not be a second review into their case.

Court spokesman Hasoloan Sianturi said it was up to the head of the District Denpasar Court to decide what to do with the application.

He said the court would allow the judicial review, known as a PK, to be registered at Bali's Kerobokan prison, where Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran are on death row.

The decision came after the Bali justice office and Kerobokan jail said it would be too difficult for security reasons to escort the prisoners to court for the registration of the judicial review.

Full story: http://www.theage.com.au/world/bali-9-glimmer-of-hope-for-andrew-chan-and-myuran-sukumaran-20150129-131237.html

-- The Age 2015-01-29


They should give them a stay of execution, make them serve life and continue the programs in prison to help inmates as they have been doing the past 10 years.

Death doesn't serve anyone.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Any country that executes someone from the place I come from (Europe) will be automatically added to my shitlist of places to never travel to.

Lucky thing that ISIL isn't a real "counmtry."

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There will always be a debate with some supporting it and some not - http://meebal.com/should-the-death-penalty-be-reinstated-in-the-uk/

The fact remains ... It is widely known that drug smugglers are executed in Indonesia and other SEA countries. The question that most people overlook is 'what about the victims of drug abuse?' Think how many people die each year due to this illicit trade. Put the smugglers and dealers to death; it's one less peddler of death you have to worry about and sends a clear message that this will not be tolerated.

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12DrinkMore, I assume from your username you enjoy an alcoholic tipple now and again. So suffice to say you know the damage and destruction that this, albeit legal, drug produces. So please, if u believe all drug suppliers should be shot, I assume you wouldn't mind if the people from your local 7 eleven or supermarket or brewery or any other place that supplies alcohol, be taken somewhere and ten bullets put into them. Didn't think so. People with your pathetic, stupid attitude should really educate yourselves before throwing out your head up your own ass opinions.

it's one less peddler of death you have to worry about and sends a clear message that this will not be tolerated.

If that were the case why are they still doing it? Why is it still going on?

In spite of the fact there have been death penalties for decades now for drug trafficking? Sort of kills your otherwise logical argument as dead as these poor sods will be come Sunday.

Sadly the big wigs behind the trade carry on utterly untouched by the laws and powers that be (indeed often are these same powers that be).

These evil b*stards will always be able to find, lie to, and exploit the desperate into undertaking the risky work and sit counting the money as the authorities tie on the blindfolds and load their guns.


They should give them a stay of execution, make them serve life and continue the programs in prison to help inmates as they have been doing the past 10 years.

Death doesn't serve anyone.

I keep hearing people like you bleating about how death doesn't serve anyone. Well you're wrong. If you kill a child molester, he will definitely be not molesting any children ever again, so it is serving children. If you kill a drug dealer, he isn't going to be dealing drugs that are potentially lethal to anyone ever again. If you kill a murderer, he will never be able to kill again. You are serving countless future victims when you kill a criminal so please stop spouting irrational bleeding heart bullshit. Think of all the money and manpower saved when you kill a criminal also...not having to feed and clothe and provide medical care etc. for the rest of his life. There are many benefits to the state for killing criminals.

On the other hand, is is very inhumane to kill someone. For many people, it is immoral and just not right to kill someone, even a murderer. These are real reasons, not the bullshit "It isn't serving anyone".


They should give them a stay of execution, make them serve life and continue the programs in prison to help inmates as they have been doing the past 10 years.

Death doesn't serve anyone.

I keep hearing people like you bleating about how death doesn't serve anyone. Well you're wrong. If you kill a child molester, he will definitely be not molesting any children ever again, so it is serving children. If you kill a drug dealer, he isn't going to be dealing drugs that are potentially lethal to anyone ever again. If you kill a murderer, he will never be able to kill again. You are serving countless future victims when you kill a criminal so please stop spouting irrational bleeding heart bullshit. Think of all the money and manpower saved when you kill a criminal also...not having to feed and clothe and provide medical care etc. for the rest of his life. There are many benefits to the state for killing criminals.

On the other hand, is is very inhumane to kill someone. For many people, it is immoral and just not right to kill someone, even a murderer. These are real reasons, not the bullshit "It isn't serving anyone".

I didn't suggest they be released to reoffend. Commute it to life never to be released and make them run the community programs in jail like they have been for the last 10 years.

I'd rather death myself than have to live in that prison til my dying day.

You're welcome to your opinion.


They should give them a stay of execution, make them serve life and continue the programs in prison to help inmates as they have been doing the past 10 years.

Death doesn't serve anyone.

I keep hearing people like you bleating about how death doesn't serve anyone. Well you're wrong. If you kill a child molester, he will definitely be not molesting any children ever again, so it is serving children. If you kill a drug dealer, he isn't going to be dealing drugs that are potentially lethal to anyone ever again. If you kill a murderer, he will never be able to kill again. You are serving countless future victims when you kill a criminal so please stop spouting irrational bleeding heart bullshit. Think of all the money and manpower saved when you kill a criminal also...not having to feed and clothe and provide medical care etc. for the rest of his life. There are many benefits to the state for killing criminals.

On the other hand, is is very inhumane to kill someone. For many people, it is immoral and just not right to kill someone, even a murderer. These are real reasons, not the bullshit "It isn't serving anyone".

I didn't suggest they be released to reoffend. Commute it to life never to be released and make them run the community programs in jail like they have been for the last 10 years.

I'd rather death myself than have to live in that prison til my dying day.

You're welcome to your opinion.

Please don't twist what I said. I never suggested you said they should be released. I take issue with only one thing you said. "Death doesn't serve anyone." You're wrong. It serves a lot of people.


Personally, I'm glad my life doesn't depend on decisions made here on TV ...

You and me both, but the Bali Nine didnt log into TV and start a thread asking board members if it would be OK if they smuggled heroin to Australia from Bali. I wonder what the reaction of some of the 'all human life is sacred' brigade would have been if that had been the case - my suspicion is that they wouldn't have been quite so forgiving.

@ukrules, I find your attitude odd to say the least - China can execute anyone they see fit as long as they arent from Europe ? Vietnam is about to hang a Vietnamese-Australian for said crime but, hey, he's not an Arab from the Paris ghetto - interesting criteria, that one.



12DrinkMore, I assume from your username you enjoy an alcoholic tipple now and again. So suffice to say you know the damage and destruction that this, albeit legal, drug produces. So please, if u believe all drug suppliers should be shot, I assume you wouldn't mind if the people from your local 7 eleven or supermarket or brewery or any other place that supplies alcohol, be taken somewhere and ten bullets put into them. Didn't think so. People with your pathetic, stupid attitude should really educate yourselves before throwing out your head up your own ass opinions.

There's a BIG difference, these drugs are ILLEGAL while alcohol is LEGAL, regardless of your argument that alcohol causes damage and destruction. Now maybe you want to pull your head out of your own ass and think about that!

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