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Where in Thailand has the least Air pollution?


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4 1/2 weeks in bangkok. Just started to develop a cough, small sinus, scratchy throat, something like a smoker would have when they smoke too much..which i know is due to the horrible air quality here.

I went to hua hin/cha-am and loved it there. I felt like i was at home due to the amazing air quality. But to live, i could not. Maybe 30 years down the road.

How is chiang mai / chiang rai ?

any opinions are welcome, and advice to helping this is great..

ie: inhaler , otc medicines etc...

Thank you all!

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Actually this is flu season here in Bangkok so that might be your issue - for that find Zyrtec allergy tablets to be good (although do make me tired). The air is not great but really not that dirty in Bangkok since public transport has largely departed from dependence on diesel fuel.


Great! That must be the issue then. Guess i need to check who i am kissing next time...

Unbelievable. Haven't been sick in a year 1/2, that's why i thought it was due to air pollution, me living in bangkok 4 weeks thought it got to me.

Thank you =)

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The air in Chiang Mai/Chiang Rai, indeed all of northern Thai can be quite bad during the "burning season" of March - May. It seems to be getting a little hazy already this year.

In fact we find a little trip to Bangkok can be a almost refreshing during this time of year. Not that the air is cool, but at least it's clear and I can swim in the hotel pool without feeling like I'm endangering myself by breathing the air.

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Bangkok is awful for this. I lived there 10 years and Although I think it a great place it was ultimately impossible to stay there. Go south maybe. Hua Hin very nice. I now live in Surat altogether much healthier. Any major inland city will have problems. Pattaya is OK.

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I can not wear contact lenses in BKK. Now I have cataract surgery and dont need them anyway.

Air in this whole country is bad, which is a real puzzle for a peninsula where air moves across lots. Peninsula Florida had nice winds coming across it all the time and lots of rain to help... seems Thailand should have this too, but no so.blink.png

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Unfortunately the air is not so clean in Chiang Mai. As previously mentioned, the dreaded "burning season" takes down all of Northern Thailand (and the surrounding areas) March-April. But the rest of the year can get very hazy and smokey as well, due to the fact that Chiang Mai is in a big valley and surrounded by mountains. There is always an inversion layer.

The biggest contributor no doubt to this problem is the g*d d*mn SONGTEAEWS!!! (red trucks) How is that a city of one million people that has multiple universities can have NO PUBLIC TRANSPORT system???? :(

Thai corruption at it's finest! I'm told that the "songteaew mafia" is behind this. So one million people get to breathe nasty black diesel smoke every day so some d*ipshits can get payoffs/handouts and keep things the way they are.

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many people i know, to my big surprise, who live out on the country (farmlands) move to the city to avoid pollution. In the season twice a year the farmers start burning the sugarcane leftovers etc. and there is big airpolution then. Other times they start spraying their crops again with chemicals with the same result. so they state that living in a middle big city is cleaner than living outside in the rural area's

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Bangkok and CM are both dreadful in terms of air quality.

Can't really advise you without knowing what your other criteria are.

I lived in Bkk for 10 years and completely agree. It really doesn't matter if it appears 40th in a table, the reality of living an ordinary life is that many farangs will suffer some form of URT problem after the initial 4 week honeymoon period. That is a real pity because Bkk is such an extraordinary place. the ground ozone is simply lousy, because the sun plays on the dust hours on end, and the pollution comes from various sources.

For one reason and another I moved to Surat Thani during the cool season and the positive effect for me was immeasurable. Now it is hot season down here I am starting to get the sniffles again, because heat is definitely a factor too, and the roads are also getting busier now there are more tourists. It is also the time of year when houses start getting built.

But nothing compared to Bkk, where it is nearly always too hot and too dirty. One major antagonist in Bangkok is the evening heat, your nose simply never gets a chance to heal. And air con doesn't help either.

Mind you if things ever improved, I would be back their like a shot.

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