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Can't afford to live in Thailand anymore


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My ex American wife made/makes much more than USD$100K per year as a hospital executive. Find that in Thailand. Why are we scraping the bottom of the barrel when choosing a wife? Why support a poor girl and her family? Just for me, Thailand is a place to be single. I'm certainly not dragging some Isaan gal back to the States so I can support her AND send money to her family.

I'm single in a modest sized town in the US. (Salem, Oregon.) I own my home and my cars free and clear. I have no debts. I have savings. I have Medicare F which will cover anything/everything with no deductibles or co-pays.

I "could live" on 45K baht per month but I don't want to. I don't have to. I lived in Thailand for just one year on a retirement extension and that was enough. Compared to where I live all of Thailand is a shit hole of litter, garbage, rats, dirty water, dangerous highways, dangerous electricity, dodgy medical care, and bad enough manners to play loud music any time of the day or crowd in front of me in a queue. I used to think that sidewalks were for walking on, silly me.

This is my idea of what a town should look like. Nothing fancy, just organized and clean. Note garbage cans and even that ashtray lower right. This is called "civic pride" where everyone cares about litter and blocking sidewalks, etc. It's cultural.


attachicon.gif!!! ! 11.jpg

And from these people above we need to hear their knowledge about Thailand. 15,000 fkking thousand posts and you lived 1 year in Thailand and hate it. Damn, just WOW.


15k posts and he only lived here for a year.

How sad do you have to be to keep coming back to repeat the same old blarney about how sweet you've got it in Dullsville, USA?

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There is not much you can buy at Tesco's or Big C, the small village deli shop in Huldenberg has it all (4km drive from my Belgian home), but I really miss my Montreal IGA Extra supermarket and underneath Atwater market there is an incredible labyrinth food shop, a real cave of Ali Baba.

I live 2x 5 months in a hot Isaan village, but I do need my Belgian and my Montreal treats, without them quality of life would be unbearably poor.

Edited by tartempion
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My ex American wife made/makes much more than USD$100K per year as a hospital executive. Find that in Thailand. Why are we scraping the bottom of the barrel when choosing a wife? Why support a poor girl and her family? Just for me, Thailand is a place to be single. I'm certainly not dragging some Isaan gal back to the States so I can support her AND send money to her family.

I'm single in a modest sized town in the US. (Salem, Oregon.) I own my home and my cars free and clear. I have no debts. I have savings. I have Medicare F which will cover anything/everything with no deductibles or co-pays.

I "could live" on 45K baht per month but I don't want to. I don't have to. I lived in Thailand for just one year on a retirement extension and that was enough. Compared to where I live all of Thailand is a shit hole of litter, garbage, rats, dirty water, dangerous highways, dangerous electricity, dodgy medical care, and bad enough manners to play loud music any time of the day or crowd in front of me in a queue. I used to think that sidewalks were for walking on, silly me.

This is my idea of what a town should look like. Nothing fancy, just organized and clean. Note garbage cans and even that ashtray lower right. This is called "civic pride" where everyone cares about litter and blocking sidewalks, etc. It's cultural.


attachicon.gif!!! ! 11.jpg

And from these people above we need to hear their knowledge about Thailand. 15,000 fkking thousand posts and you lived 1 year in Thailand and hate it. Damn, just WOW.

There are a lot of guys posting in this thread who don't live in Thailand. I just visit about once per year. Perhaps some people who get angry with guys like me are stuck where they are and don't have choices? I live where I want, and then just travel.

The topic is "Can't afford to live in Thailand any more". I have said many times that I don't find Thailand to be cheaper than where I live in the USA unless I were to cut way back and live like a rural Thai. Even then in Thailand I wouldn't be surrounded by first world infrastructure when I stepped out the door.


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I am Canadian and find it is still cheaper in thailand. Try and live in Canada on the same budget as Thailand and you will find it impossible. Bottles water is 2 dollars or 52 baht now. The baht is still good. I used to get 18 to the dollar for years. Also the dollar will be up by the end of the year when oil goes back up to $70, Canadian dollar is oil based.

Cell phone costs in Canada run over $300 a month thats pushing 10,00 baht for most every one I know there it is all on contract with the companies and need to sign up for 1 to 3 year terms. A minimum monthly payment plus time used.but phone is free.

Whilst I agree that one can live more cheaply in Thailand than most Western countries, I'm incredulous that mobile 'phone charges in Canada are close to 10,000 bht p.m.! Is that really true??!

Using bottled water is not a good argument either, assuming tap water is safe to drink in Canada.

That's an exaggerated number imo. I live in Toronto. Most people pay around 80CAD/mo. With the budget carriers you can get unlimited talk/text/days for half that, but you get what you pay for in some ways. Still among the world's priciest mobile rates though. Frustrating indeed, especially after paying 9 baht for a SIM (usually 49, but discounted if bought by a current customer) and 199B for a gig of data!

(That said, there are always those people who get a terrible plan pushed on them and will rack up the extra and extortionate roaming/data charges)

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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed € or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

You can't compare the high tax rates and high cost of living in Germany with small town USA. Germany is a very expensive place to live.

You once posted on here that if you could live anywhere in the world you wanted to, it would be Florida, USA. You said you couldn't get a long term visa. You even owned a home in Florida when you lived there but now live in a shit hole called Phuket, so your smart axe remarks are taken with a grain of salt.

The topic is "can't afford to live in Thailand". I stand with my opinion that it costs more to live in Thailand with a Western lifestyle than it does where I live in the US.


Edited by NeverSure
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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed € or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

Now we understand all the support for Panama tax dodgers.

if the Panama tax dodgers lived in Thailand they wouldn't dodge taxes.

by the way, your comment "now we understand..." just proves that you did not understand anything what i wrote pertaining to offshore corporations and trusts.

reason: what i supported is obviously way beyond your grasp.

To be honest I rarely read your posts.

Don't take it personally, but anything pertaining finances just flies over my head as I find the subject extremely boring and tedious.

perhaps that's why you can't afford to live in Thailand? smile.png

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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed € or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

In Thailand you have saving on income tax € or $100,000 ?cheesy.gif

I do not see any legal ways to save..

Ofcouse if compare simular( In thailand tax from income Thailand whit Tax US from Income US)


AND YES small crimes activity in Thailand can be doing easy/ cheaper).. But we not talking about crime..

you don't see a way because obviously you don't have the slightest idea concerning the Thai income tax situation. and that goes for other topics too.

why don't you inform yourself and learn that Thailand does neither tax offshore income nor offshore capital gains. that applies to Thais and to foreigners. for your info... i save much more than €/$100k!

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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

Now we understand all the support for Panama tax dodgers.

if the Panama tax dodgers lived in Thailand they wouldn't dodge taxes.

by the way, your comment "now we understand..." just proves that you did not understand anything what i wrote pertaining to offshore corporations and trusts.

reason: what i supported is obviously way beyond your grasp.

I didn't understand you either, and I regard myself as reasonably intelligent!!

Are you saying you save 100,000 Euros in tax, in which case your gross salary or earnings from investments must be around 250,000 Euros a year, although without knowing the tax rates I'm just guessing.

Well you would do well to spend 250,000 Euros a year living in Thailand if that's the case.

Or maybe I'm not that clever after all.

what is there not to understand? i did not say i save 100k, i said "exceeds 100k by far", i.e. the savings are much more than 100k. but i don't spend 250k p.a. (your assumption) my Thai budget is slightly less than 100k but sufficient to finance what i call a comfortable lifestyle.

my savings claim does not even include the difference between Germany's 19% and Thailand's 7% VAT. that would add another at least 30k of savings when comparing German/Thai living expenses.

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To add another perspective: In Germany, you are considered poor if you have 900 EUR / month as a single household, but still 10 million Germans survive on that. That is roughly 35,000 THB. You wouldn't considered to be poor (well, there are always people who need to look down on others) in Thailand with that amount of money and I think the living standard would increase but of course you can't take big steps.

And it is always what you make out of it, if you chill with your friends every day and just enjoy your life, 35,000 THB will be plenty. If you however sit in your room and think about how to safe money on this and that I think you are in the wrong place.

in Thailand with that amount of money and I think the living standard would increase blink.png

I no think so..

meat dairy product in Germany cheaper Thai 1.5-3 times. if you take a set of fruits and vegetables as a whole that it is also cheaper. And if some like beer on this is ammount? its wery expensive in Thailand , compare with Germany.

after that the quality does not increase. Public transport is partially only in Bangkok
if something happened to my heart. Thailand can die
and of course not cover the costs hospital for 900 EURwink.png
So in Thailand as standart German be more low not any increase...wink.png
just enjoy your life, 35,000 THB will be plenty
Live even on 10K in Thailand ( or anywhere) can be injoy..
no it does not say that it is cheaper (when compared to the same) than in Germany
And yes fake chines car with logo BMW be cheaper than original BMWbiggrin.png

Of course it will increase, if you want to live in Thailand and have 35,000 THB at disposal you automatically have a better life because you want to live in Thailand and not in Germany, it is a part of enjoyment of life.

You can compare all the foods etc. how expensive they are in Thailand (which expensive food exactly? beer expensive, what are you talking about? blink.png), but in the end, it comes down to what you spend your money on. If you go to Tesco and your local market and buy your stuff, it will be cheaper than everywhere in Europe. If you go to Villa market, it will be not. Some people just cannot imagine how easy the life can be with small budget.

And well, who wants to live in BKK if there isn't any job involvement? The pollution and traffic is just crazy coffee1.gif

The only thing I would agree is health insurance. You would need to take 5,000 THB of your budget for that but not many do and it is their choice anyway.

If you go to Tesco and your local market and buy your stuff, it will be cheaper than everywhere in Europe.

cheaper than in Europe?
meat 2-4 times more expensive than in Europe.
dairy 2-4 times more expensive than in Europe.
if you are from Germany. where the normal buying bread? It exceeds sometimes I from Russia and Ukraine even from Hongkong.
Cereals? You're from Germany. Show me the cheapest cereals in Thailand.
yes can live even on 10k b and injoy life in Thailand.
but say simmular life be cheapest in Thailand it Total WRONG!!!
AND YES BEER in THAILAND @_# TIMES expensive than in Germany and choice beer 20 times less or more

So we are going into details now. Well, well.

Recently I bought a young pig and grilled it. It was at least 4x times cheaper than in Germany and Denmark, including the pay for the guy who butchered it.

I bake my own bread because I want to know what's in it but as it is basically carbs I rarely eat it and of course even my kids don't want to eat it biggrin.png. Same goes for cereals, they (including me) all want to eat their khao tom, fried bananas,veggie omelette mix and chicken/pig sticks. I add pineapples and papaya to it. And for dinner, an imported steak that has the same quality as the meat I tend to buy in Germany and it is exactly the same price.

I am quite a fan of regional food. If you want to have your sugar cereals delivered from the USA via plane, it is your decision. Of course you pay for it.

Recently in winter time I was in Germany and they wanted 8 EUR for one single papaya. 300 baht. I thought they were kidding. Yes yes, live in Germany is much cheaper than in Thailand giggle.gif

And about beer. In the most expensive restaurants I pay max. 120 THB for 0,63l beer. In a standard restaurant in Germany I pay at least 180 THB, for 0,5l. At least it has a German word on Leo Beer (my favorite). biggrin.png

To sum it up, if you buy imported products and non-regional food - I don't think it gets much more expensive - however you would at least pay the same or little more. But. Did anyone doubt that?

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My ex American wife made/makes much more than USD$100K per year as a hospital executive. Find that in Thailand. Why are we scraping the bottom of the barrel when choosing a wife? Why support a poor girl and her family? Just for me, Thailand is a place to be single. I'm certainly not dragging some Isaan gal back to the States so I can support her AND send money to her family.

I'm single in a modest sized town in the US. (Salem, Oregon.) I own my home and my cars free and clear. I have no debts. I have savings. I have Medicare F which will cover anything/everything with no deductibles or co-pays.

I "could live" on 45K baht per month but I don't want to. I don't have to. I lived in Thailand for just one year on a retirement extension and that was enough. Compared to where I live all of Thailand is a shit hole of litter, garbage, rats, dirty water, dangerous highways, dangerous electricity, dodgy medical care, and bad enough manners to play loud music any time of the day or crowd in front of me in a queue. I used to think that sidewalks were for walking on, silly me.

This is my idea of what a town should look like. Nothing fancy, just organized and clean. Note garbage cans and even that ashtray lower right. This is called "civic pride" where everyone cares about litter and blocking sidewalks, etc. It's cultural.


attachicon.gif!!! ! 11.jpg

And from these people above we need to hear their knowledge about Thailand. 15,000 fkking thousand posts and you lived 1 year in Thailand and hate it. Damn, just WOW.


15k posts and he only lived here for a year.

How sad do you have to be to keep coming back to repeat the same old blarney about how sweet you've got it in Dullsville, USA?

would have to agree on this one.

if you have moved and have no intention of returning to los posting on this board you gotta conflict somewhere.

question is what is the guys conflict? is it anger towards other expats? financial problems? knowing this would be much more entertaining then just rambling about leaving.

when i went to south america, usa or other sea countries posting on a thai board was the last thing on my mind.

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Tesco (owned by Walmart) in the UK is way cheaper than Tesco in Thailand for almost everything.

Tesco in Thailand appears to me to be a premium store, rather than the discount store it is in the UK.

The biggest differences between some EU countries and Thailand is housing, eating out, tax and women.

England and Germany being very high priced countries for all 4.

How much you pay as Thailand resident ,on income derived in Thailand?

I'm not a Thai resident, only here a couple of months a year now, and Thai's couldn't afford to employ me.

so how you know

The biggest differences between some EU countries and Thailand is housing, eating out, tax and women.

England and Germany being very high priced countries for all 4.gigglem.gif

I am sure tax in Thailand not cheap.

Eating out too not cheap if compare simular..

i mean qality standart and western foodrolleyes.gif

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Why would you move to Thailand if you wanted to eat Western food?

I've never understood these people who move somewhere this far away from home, try to recreate their old lifestyle, then complain it's expensive to do so.

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Why would you move to Thailand if you wanted to eat Western food?

I've never understood these people who move somewhere this far away from home, try to recreate their old lifestyle, then complain it's expensive to do so.

it is really pretty simple and has been explained to you before. Not everyone loves Thai food as much as the next guy. And some of us enjoy variety. When I am in USA I eat Mexican, Thai (obviously totally different), Italian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Lebanese, Hawaiin, fast food...etc. So if I move to thailand or somewhere else in the world I should just abandon my love for different food and just settle for Thai food 24/7? By the way I don't complain about the cost, but I understAnd that Thailand is not the best place for food for me.

Not everyone loves everything Thai like you do. It doesn't mean that we aren't happy here though. Nowhere is perfect in my opinion.

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Why would you move to Thailand if you wanted to eat Western food?

I've never understood these people who move somewhere this far away from home, try to recreate their old lifestyle, then complain it's expensive to do so.

There's lots you will never understand or agree with regarding expats in Thailand.

Maybe it's for the best if you don't concern yourself over such issues it may just afford you an easier life,you seem intent on worrying so much about what others do in Thailand.

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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed € or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

In Thailand you have saving on income tax € or $100,000 ?cheesy.gif

I do not see any legal ways to save..

Ofcouse if compare simular( In thailand tax from income Thailand whit Tax US from Income US)


AND YES small crimes activity in Thailand can be doing easy/ cheaper).. But we not talking about crime..

you don't see a way because obviously you don't have the slightest idea concerning the Thai income tax situation. and that goes for other topics too.

why don't you inform yourself and learn that Thailand does neither tax offshore income nor offshore capital gains. that applies to Thais and to foreigners. for your info... i save much more than €/$100k!

You get THai sitizen and leave your US passport( us i see from you post you be US sitizen in past)

If not.

So how Thailand can help you saving?


A resident of Thailand who in the previous tax year derived assessable income under Section 40 from an employment or from business carried on abroad or from a property situated abroad shall, upon bringing such assessable income into Thailand, pay tax in accordance with the provisions of this Part.

Any person staying in Thailand for a period or periods aggregating 180 days or more in any tax year shall be deemed a resident of Thailand.

© bonus paid to a shareholder or partner of a company or juristic partnership;

(d) a decrease of the capital holdings in a company or juristic partnership which does not exceed the total amount of profits and reserves;

(e) an increase of capital holdings in a company or juristic partnership that is determined from the total amount of profits or reserves;

Ofshore in Thailand?



AND YES small crimes activity in Thailand can be doing easy/ cheaper).. But we not talking about crime.. ©

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Why would you move to Thailand if you wanted to eat Western food?

I've never understood these people who move somewhere this far away from home, try to recreate their old lifestyle, then complain it's expensive to do so.

WHO complaine ?

Just say fact..

If you like a weed without sort without a tribe, without traditions, it does not mean that all such.
Answer to who?
Almost all nations. otherwise there are many cuisines in other countries.
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You get THai sitizen and leave your US passport( us i see from you post you be US sitizen in past)

If not. So how Thailand can help you saving?

neither my wife nor myself have ever been US citizens. we lived 15 years in the US based on 10 year visas which allowed us 6 months at a stretch.

here's the reason towaristch Ardokano how Thailand "helps" me:

Individuals residing for 180 days or more in Thailand for any calendar year are also subject to income tax on income from foreign sources if that income is brought into Thailand during the same taxable year that they are a resident.

Any capital gain or investment income from sources outside Thailand is not subject to taxation unless a resident taxpayer remitted the process into Thailand within the same calendar year it is received.

Interest, dividend, and rental income derived from sources outside Thailand by resident of Thailand are taxable in Thailand to the extent such income is paid or remitted into Thailand within the same calendar year it is received.


now go silently to a dark corner, weep and repent or no borshtch for you tonight! tongue.png

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Bit touchy about the whole 'why live somewhere you don't like?' issue, some of you.

A bit touchy about others expressing views on Thailand that disagree with?!

When I make a choice I'm happy with I don't care a jot what other people think about my choice, but when I make a bad choice and I know I made a bad choice I do get rather upset when others point it out.

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You get THai sitizen and leave your US passport( us i see from you post you be US sitizen in past)

If not. So how Thailand can help you saving?

neither my wife nor myself have ever been US citizens. we lived 15 years in the US based on 10 year visas which allowed us 6 months at a stretch.

here's the reason towaristch Ardokano how Thailand "helps" me:

Interest, dividend, and rental income derived from sources outside Thailand by resident of Thailand are taxable in Thailand to the extent such income is paid or remitted into Thailand within the same calendar year it is received.


now go silently to a dark corner, weep and repent or no borshtch for you tonight! tongue.png

1. I'm not offended. Insults on the forum is prohibited.

Perhaps in your criminal society terrorists called "towaristch" ,for the people do not support terrorism is offensive.

2. Not have any Visa "allowed us 6 months at a stretch."

the immigration officer at the border allows the number of months in the country.

3. What is link you give me?

Not haveany article from THAILAND LAWS!!!

Give you:


If somethink talk talk with proof. do your "home job".. And Now " go silently to a dark corner" ©


"borshtch" whe so f..k HOT do not eat. When hot eat "okroshka" " svekolnik" etc,If you are pretending for the knowledge of Russian lands. Its only for details, to increase your narrow horizons of knowledge.

Please you not try be more silly than you bebiggrin.png

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Why would you move to Thailand if you wanted to eat Western food?

I've never understood these people who move somewhere this far away from home, try to recreate their old lifestyle, then complain it's expensive to do so.

Mainly because I hate the Belgian weather, see this month of April rain and cold (les than 20C is cold)

Money isn't an issue. Recreate old lifestyle?

Don't see how that could be achieved, therefore I travel every 5 months to Europe and Quebec province(almost as big a Europe) I get my feast everywhere, although different feasts.

Oh, and easy sex here was a plus, I am too old now for bar stool activities, just enjoy retirement.

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My ex American wife made/makes much more than USD$100K per year as a hospital executive. Find that in Thailand. Why are we scraping the bottom of the barrel when choosing a wife? Why support a poor girl and her family? Just for me, Thailand is a place to be single. I'm certainly not dragging some Isaan gal back to the States so I can support her AND send money to her family.

I'm single in a modest sized town in the US. (Salem, Oregon.) I own my home and my cars free and clear. I have no debts. I have savings. I have Medicare F which will cover anything/everything with no deductibles or co-pays.

I "could live" on 45K baht per month but I don't want to. I don't have to. I lived in Thailand for just one year on a retirement extension and that was enough. Compared to where I live all of Thailand is a shit hole of litter, garbage, rats, dirty water, dangerous highways, dangerous electricity, dodgy medical care, and bad enough manners to play loud music any time of the day or crowd in front of me in a queue. I used to think that sidewalks were for walking on, silly me.

This is my idea of what a town should look like. Nothing fancy, just organized and clean. Note garbage cans and even that ashtray lower right. This is called "civic pride" where everyone cares about litter and blocking sidewalks, etc. It's cultural.


attachicon.gif!!! ! 11.jpg

And from these people above we need to hear their knowledge about Thailand. 15,000 fkking thousand posts and you lived 1 year in Thailand and hate it. Damn, just WOW.


15k posts and he only lived here for a year.

How sad do you have to be to keep coming back to repeat the same old blarney about how sweet you've got it in Dullsville, USA?

would have to agree on this one.

if you have moved and have no intention of returning to los posting on this board you gotta conflict somewhere.

question is what is the guys conflict? is it anger towards other expats? financial problems? knowing this would be much more entertaining then just rambling about leaving.

when i went to south america, usa or other sea countries posting on a thai board was the last thing on my mind.

soon we might experience a comment from Papua New Guinea calling Thailand a shithole because head hunting is not allowed, there's no market for shrinkheads and his favourite jungle brew is not served.

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Why would you move to Thailand if you wanted to eat Western food?

I've never understood these people who move somewhere this far away from home, try to recreate their old lifestyle, then complain it's expensive to do so.

Mainly because I hate the Belgian weather, see this month of April rain and cold (les than 20C is cold)

Money isn't an issue. Recreate old lifestyle?

I've got to agree with Tarty, weather is my biggest lifestyle influence too.

With more minor considerations being food, booze and women.

TV, movies, books and internet are available online anywhere in the world.

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Meaning: friend, comrade, colleague, fellow, companion, person, individual

Pronunciation: [tah-VAH-risch]


go take a hike!

Tovarisch treatment of Bolsheviks, Communists, the Socialist-Revolutionaries and other terrorist and criminal society. ANd yes in this is terrorist crime society its Meaning: friend, comrade, colleague, fellow, companion, person, individual

Your ignorance of history is not surprising ..

Do youhave any topic knowledge?
Or looted money th is now hiding in Thailand?
So you still do not give article any Thai laws why you save 100k$ and more?
ANd i am so surprized all what i know in US who pay 100k and more tax have Luxories life in US.. In Thailand its be cost 3 times more..
100l tax and up normally it is 30% or even less if much more ip income.
SO where you save?
You can go on wood( in some country) live in tent more savecheesy.gif
haha i see some guy save buy chines bike and not bentley..
Yep its savecheesy.gif
Edited by ardokano
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Meaning: friend, comrade, colleague, fellow, companion, person, individual

Pronunciation: [tah-VAH-risch]


go take a hike!

Tovarisch treatment of Bolsheviks, Communists, the Socialist-Revolutionaries and other terrorist and criminal society. ANd yes in this is terrorist crime society its Meaning: friend, comrade, colleague, fellow, companion, person, individual

Your ignorance of history is not surprising ..

Do youhave any topic knowledge?
Or looted money th is now hiding in Thailand?
So you still do not give article any Thai laws why you save 100k$ and more?
ANd i am so surprized all what i know in US who pay 100k and more tax have Luxories life in US.. In Thailand its be cost 3 times more..
100l tax and up normally it is 30% or even less if much more ip income.
SO where you save?
You can go on wood( in some country) live in tent more savecheesy.gif
haha i see some guy save buy chines bike and not bentley..
Yep its savecheesy.gif

Don't read other peoples posts? Confirmed

Write about a history nobody cares? Confirmed.

Dreaming about Thailand is 3x more expensive than USA? Confirmed.

Try to be funny but is not? Confirmed.

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Don't read other peoples posts? Confirmed

Write about a history nobody cares? Confirmed.

Dreaming about Thailand is 3x more expensive than USA? Confirmed.

Try to be funny but is not? Confirmed.


Its youself say?tongue.pngConfirmed

Dreaming thailand its cheaper when US/UK etc?Confirmed


PS I am not even TRY.. i just came for relax. and some make my day.. Because it's talk so funny and far from reality.


some Want be seriose but be funny or silly?Confirmed.clap2.gif

people who do not know history have no future.©

not care? - up to you.

I am not care about whaqt you not care..

Just do not insult me..it is forbidden on the forumtongue.png

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Don't read other peoples posts? Confirmed

Write about a history nobody cares? Confirmed.

Dreaming about Thailand is 3x more expensive than USA? Confirmed.

Try to be funny but is not? Confirmed.


Its youself say?tongue.pngConfirmed

Dreaming thailand its cheaper when US/UK etc?Confirmed


PS I am not even TRY.. i just came for relax. and some make my day.. Because it's talk so funny and far from reality.


some Want be seriose but be funny or silly?Confirmed.clap2.gif

people who do not know history have no future.©

not care? - up to you.

I am not care about whaqt you not care..

Just do not insult me..it is forbidden on the forumtongue.png

Yeah, yeah. Wacko. biggrin.png

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Why would you move to Thailand if you wanted to eat Western food?

I've never understood these people who move somewhere this far away from home, try to recreate their old lifestyle, then complain it's expensive to do so.

Mainly because I hate the Belgian weather, see this month of April rain and cold (les than 20C is cold)

Money isn't an issue. Recreate old lifestyle?

I've got to agree with Tarty, weather is my biggest lifestyle influence too.

With more minor considerations being food, booze and women.

TV, movies, books and internet are available online anywhere in the world.

outside: cold weather you can wear coats, hot weather you cant do anything

inside: break even, ac in hot weather, heaters for cold

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Your Honour, ladies and gentlemen of the jury...

i live in Thailand where my savings on income tax exceed € or $100,000 by far and my living expenses are a fraction of those in my home country leading an equivalent lifestyle.

i therefor rest my case and send sympathetic greetings from Thailand to Oregon and the IRS wai2.gif

In Thailand you have saving on income tax € or $100,000 ?cheesy.gif

I do not see any legal ways to save..

Ofcouse if compare simular( In thailand tax from income Thailand whit Tax US from Income US)


AND YES small crimes activity in Thailand can be doing easy/ cheaper).. But we not talking about crime..

you don't see a way because obviously you don't have the slightest idea concerning the Thai income tax situation. and that goes for other topics too.

why don't you inform yourself and learn that Thailand does neither tax offshore income nor offshore capital gains. that applies to Thais and to foreigners. for your info... i save much more than €/$100k!

Herr Doctor, you can explain it to them, but you cant make them understand, for the simple reason, they dont have a clue.

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