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Junta urged to listen, 'walk with citizens'

Lite Beer

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Junta urged to listen, 'walk with citizens'
The Nation

THE head of the Political Development Council (PDC) suggested yesterday that holding a referendum and listening to people's voices would determine the success of the new charter and reform.

PDC president Theerapat Serirangsan, who was sharing his views at a forum marking the council's seventh anniversary, said that achieving national reform would also give citizens more freedom and boost public participation.

"Holding a public referendum to scrutinise the new charter and giving them an opportunity to make decisions on the new charter could lead to true reform," he said.

Theerapat said many countries chose to redraft their charter if it did not go through a public plebiscite.

He also said that reform was necessary in Thailand due to crises on the business and political fronts.

However, public participation in national reform could only take place if people were allowed freedom to think and express their views - something that is restricted in the current situation, he said.

"People's rights cannot be cancelled or neglected, no government can reject the public's fundamental rights," he said.

Theerapat said the government could only show its sincerity if it arranges a forum for people to propose their ideas, despite martial law being in place.

"This especially includes the new charter. I suggest that the government have its representatives listen to people's proposals without judging them as right or wrong, even if these ideas are not in accordance with those of the government."

"If this does not happen, disputes could emerge from the very start, which would turn out of be very dangerous for national reform. The government's most important task should be strengthening the public's role."

The PDC chief added that public participation would mean little if political leaders do not become role models and earn the respect and support of the public.

"I believe that the authorities are sincere and honest about wanting to turn this country into a true democracy. However, I would urge you, sirs, to listen to the people more and walk with the citizens."

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Junta-urged-to-listen-walk-with-citizens-30253067.html

-- The Nation 2015-01-31

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"Holding a public referendum to scrutinise the new charter and giving them an opportunity to make decisions on the new charter could lead to true reform," he said.

True, but it will never happen. It is not in the best interests of the Thai elite

Yep, dead ears high FACES wai2.gif

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Look, this is just all hot air.

There is no chance AT ALL that the Junta will do anything that will loosen it's grip on the Thai people.

This is what the powers that be have been planning for years (since Thaksin's first election victory).

The fact that someone not from the powerful Bangkok families actually got elected and started to change things (including restructuring the military) was a wake up call to all those private jet owning, Paris shoe shopping, sloths.

Time for action.

This must never happen again.

Once and for all the oligarchs must always run Thailand.

The masses must always remain under their heel.

And so it will be.

Farang better watch out too.

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However, public participation in national reform could only take place if people were allowed freedom to think and express their views - something that is restricted in the current situation, he said.

as I understand it all people have been invited to participate and contribute in the reform process, it is only those who attempt to publicly object and challenge the process through protest and incitement that are being silenced

Did Thaksin really buy up a major share in the Nation ?

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Look, this is just all hot air.

There is no chance AT ALL that the Junta will do anything that will loosen it's grip on the Thai people.

This is what the powers that be have been planning for years (since Thaksin's first election victory).

The fact that someone not from the powerful Bangkok families actually got elected and started to change things (including restructuring the military) was a wake up call to all those private jet owning, Paris shoe shopping, sloths.

Time for action.

This must never happen again.

Once and for all the oligarchs must always run Thailand.

The masses must always remain under their heel.

And so it will be.

Farang better watch out too.

or I will deploy my mac10

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Why would the junta walk with the citizens? That does not consolidate their power. How can citizen's walk with the junta? They are gagged, blindfolded, and chained to a chair in front of a television, where they are forced to see children sing a ripped-off and lame version of auld lang syne, with camera peeks of an older woman dabbing tears of sincere emotion while many nod and smile their approval (all channels except the advertising channels selling miraculous Korean underwear, who are never interrupted).

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"holding a referendum and listening to people's voices would determine the success of the new charter and reform"

But whatever you allow, you cannot let the People to VOTE on the new charter. That might damage Junta’s feelings national security.

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If the grassroot organisations really wanted to use the once-in-a-lifetime chance to influence reforms they should have overwhelmed the NRC and CDC with registering candidates, at any opportunity offer good suggestions, participate of discussions AND let the world know that was happening. With such approach the NCPO would have no choice but to go (much) further than they (might have) intended.

Unfortunately with grassroot organisations linked to political parties and political parties not obstruction by not cooperating the chance was let pass.

It may not be too late though. dropping politics and joining any gathering the NRC and CDC committees organise may still have the right effect.


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Not a bad idea but power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The issue here is that Thailand is currently being once again run by the ruling elites with the use of the military and as far as they are concerned it's all good as long as the money keeps flowing into their pockets. What could be more perfect than a few getting rich of a poor nation without any oversight or accountability.

The issue or problems that Thailand has can be over come and it's not as if they are unaware of what they are; that however doesn't put fuel in the private jet.

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Look, this is just all hot air.

There is no chance AT ALL that the Junta will do anything that will loosen it's grip on the Thai people.

This is what the powers that be have been planning for years (since Thaksin's first election victory).

The fact that someone not from the powerful Bangkok families actually got elected and started to change things (including restructuring the military) was a wake up call to all those private jet owning, Paris shoe shopping, sloths.

Time for action.

This must never happen again.

Once and for all the oligarchs must always run Thailand.

The masses must always remain under their heel.

And so it will be.

Farang better watch out too.

or I will deploy my mac10

LOL a pussy gun that's about as accurate as fly spray past 5M's .. and it shows your age!! :D

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Look, this is just all hot air.

There is no chance AT ALL that the Junta will do anything that will loosen it's grip on the Thai people.

This is what the powers that be have been planning for years (since Thaksin's first election victory).

The fact that someone not from the powerful Bangkok families actually got elected and started to change things (including restructuring the military) was a wake up call to all those private jet owning, Paris shoe shopping, sloths.

Time for action.

This must never happen again.

Once and for all the oligarchs must always run Thailand.

The masses must always remain under their heel.

And so it will be.

Farang better watch out too.

or I will deploy my mac10

LOL a pussy gun that's about as accurate as fly spray past 5M's .. and it shows your age!! biggrin.png

lol nah mate an MP5 was my era with a touch of G36 now and again supported by a Glock 17

Mac 10 ? run for cover even if you are firing it lol

Edited by smedly
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"walk with the citizens" but be mindful not to step on any hi-so toes.

what is a hi-so ? what is an elite, I hear so many quoting this on TVF

is Thaksin one of these ? is YL one of these ? is Charlerm one of these ?

I know that in the west we have some very rich people that have a lot of influence on what goes on and what gets done and who does it, they are the people that provide jobs and have far reaching political influence, on the most part (not all)they have achieved their status through hard graft and education born into it or got a lucky break, that is fine as they contribute to the economy and work within a set of rules, if they break the rules they are dealt with and punished.

So what is the difference in Thailand - is it the fact that a lot of the people here with the money and influence have gained it through illegal activities - corruption - abuse of power - lies deceit with nothing in place stop them, when caught they somehow evade prosecution - they bend the rules and ultimately abuse all of the Thai people ?

Is social media catching up on them ?

Is Prayuth Chan (O) Cha the man that is going to reform Thailand and drive a stake in the ground that nobody can cross ?

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