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Thai opinion: Teaching a kid to love the Americans


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Yes this is just the sort of conversation to be expected in the average Thai household.

It was probably sent to the brat by Face Book NKK with pictures.

Ah, the traditional Thai method of communication even with someone sitting at the same table.

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So typical of TV posters from non American countries!

Here we have an article that is obviously transparent Thai propaganda.

What do many posters coment about?

Evil America and their horrible foreign policies!

I would like to see all of you America haters post your country of origin and tell us about your foreign policies...you probably have none!

Tell us about what good you have tried to do for the rest of the world or even for your own sorry countries!

America's foreign is sometimes flawed, yes.

But, America does get out and try to make the world a better and safer place for , yes, Americans first , but also for others.

What do you and your country even try to do for yourselves and others????

I will be waiting for your lists.

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In my not so humble opinion (being American and all that goes with it)...

The world is past the point where being from one Nation is good..or bad. Governments in Western Countries are limited to what they can do simply because of the way International Investments/Corporations/Citadels of Currency, are tied together.

You can no longer send Pirate Ships to capture Spanish Galleons of gold...

Bringing down America, will just destabalize the entire Western Economy further. It is times like this, when one looks beyond Nationalism...and sees what is really driving the West.

The U.S. Dollar says "In God we Trust"....all others must pay.

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The boy: Don't we have rights to police ourselves? Don't we have rights to say what's right and what's wrong in our own home? We are supposed to know more of the details than the Americans, aren't we? And who made America the world's policeman anyway?

Well no the Thai people do NOT Have The right to say do they? Under martial law protests are banned And you Can be arrested and court martialed for daring to speak out against the regime. Thai people should of Had The right to vote Yingkuck out.

Lord knows I'm no fan of the American governments shady foreign policy and meddling, but all this nationalist bull crap To deflect away any scrutiny or criticism is getting quite worrisome.

The key word here is worrisome, Thailand sure is.

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In my not so humble opinion (being American and all that goes with it)...

The world is past the point where being from one Nation is good..or bad. Governments in Western Countries are limited to what they can do simply because of the way International Investments/Corporations/Citadels of Currency, are tied together.

You can no longer send Pirate Ships to capture Spanish Galleons of gold...

Bringing down America, will just destabalize the entire Western Economy further. It is times like this, when one looks beyond Nationalism...and sees what is really driving the West.

The U.S. Dollar says "In God we Trust"....all others must pay.

Why would we want to bring the US down ? That is a different thing with not agreeing with them.

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So typical of TV posters from non American countries!

Here we have an article that is obviously transparent Thai propaganda.

What do many posters coment about?

Evil America and their horrible foreign policies!

I would like to see all of you America haters post your country of origin and tell us about your foreign policies...you probably have none!

Tell us about what good you have tried to do for the rest of the world or even for your own sorry countries!

America's foreign is sometimes flawed, yes.

But, America does get out and try to make the world a better and safer place for , yes, Americans first , but also for others.

What do you and your country even try to do for yourselves and others????

I will be waiting for your lists.



I am pretty sure Sweden and The Netherlands are more as 6 times smaller as the USA (they give one 6th of the aid of the USA each) while I am sure if you correct for inhabitants 320 million in the USA and 16 million in the Netherlands the per capita giving is bigger.

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No need to teach Thai kids or kids anywhere to love Americans, Americans love themselves enough for the rest of the world.

Which isn't true, but I'll wager New Zealanders love bashing Americans enough for the rest of the world.

Edited by PaPiPuPePo
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A made up story and fairy tale masquerading as editorial content in a Thai newspaper. Preposterous.

Exactly, it doesn't even reach the heights of bad journalism and as ' slipperylobster' asked, why is it even posted on the forum ?

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

“Whoever has the Americans as allies does not need enemies.” – Madame Nhu

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

“Whoever has the Americans as allies does not need enemies.” – Madame Nhu

I had to google that one and I have no idea how much truth is in that statement but I am pretty sure I prefer the Americans as allies over the Russians or Chinese. Plenty of Americans have been killed by friendly fire, I think the same goes for all armies.

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This conversation never happened.

This child does not exist.

This is an almost clever and very transparent way to present some writer's views of the relationship of Thailand with the U.S.

Really !!!!

Thanks for clearing that up for us all......................!!

. Never actually happened...... no Sh1t Sherlock ...wow...

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

Same goes for every Nation in the world...two times?

What does anyone else do that is so unselfish. America goes out and tries...often fails...but tries.

Other nations hide like poosies....turn tails....

Not about being poosies, other nations have more wisdom, and already know that they should stay out of other nations business.

Classic example: What usually happens when a foreigner tries to intervene in a fight between aThai couple?

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There was once a time when everyone wanted to be American,they

were one of the most looked up to and loved people in the World.

now they are one of the most hated,not the fault of the American

people but all down to their Governments,policies,and we know

best attitudes.now another Bush is in the sidelines to try and be

President !.

regards Worgeordie

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There was once a time when everyone wanted to be American,they

were one of the most looked up to and loved people in the World.

now they are one of the most hated,not the fault of the American

people but all down to their Governments,policies,and we know

best attitudes.now another Bush is in the sidelines to try and be

President !.

regards Worgeordie

Most hated ?

Depends in what country, where I am from we don't hate the Americans we just see them for what they are. Before they were seen as heroes and such now we know they do most stuff they do for their own good and own business. That is not hate that is a realistic view of them. (thank you wiki leaks and such)

In the middle east they are hated, but I think the whole west is hated there.

Edited by robblok
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There was once a time when everyone wanted to be American, they were one of the most looked up to and loved people in the World. now they are one of the most hated,not the fault of the American people but all down to their Governments,policies,and we know best attitudes.now another Bush is in the sidelines to try and be President !.

regards Worgeordie

As opposed to the terrorists who gave the UK its July massacre of the tube, the attack on the Glasgow airport and the Madrid train station bombing.The murderer who went on a rampage in Sydney wasn't protesting the USA, nor were the diabolical butchers of the Charlie Hebdo massacre. The jihadists who murdered the unarmed Canadian servicemen and who attacked the Canadian parliament were not attacking the USA. The ISIS murderers who last month laughed while they set the Jordanian pilot on fire and applauded his slow painful death were not protesting the USA.

Maybe it's time to give up the simplistic excuses for the violence of others, take a look in the mirror and realize that root causes lie with people who espouse your views.

Edited by geriatrickid
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What you really get on Thai Visa...is some malcontent who has a hard on for some other Nation..

and starts posting irritating crap, that just leads to a lot of bickering.

Idiots......are always trying to bring America down, and put the bad guys up.

wrong america will bring itself down in the end...that doesnt take to much brainwork to figure out.does it.......nothing lasts forever sausage..

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American economy is doing quite well...so current government is getting better ratings than before.

Nothing is perfect, in an imperfect world.

Compare it with garbage policies in Europe, Australia and UK.... where your money is worth not a fish bone.

wow why so insecure...you got something to hide son....come on share all on here were a great forgiving type of community.....

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

Here's my problem. As an American, I am constantly treated as if I am the American government; over which I have zero control. The anti-Americanism is really bad in Europe and I am treated more fairly by Thais than Europeans in Thailand (who don't bother to get to know me as soon as they realize I'm from the US). I am not Geo. Bush and I did not invade Iraq (nor did GB ask my opinion before he took us to war). I am also not Barack Obama and have little say so about Mr. Russel's comments in Thailand. Most Americans I know would be horrified if they found out the true extent of what meddling the US GOVERNMENT is doing in countries around the world and in our name. Most Americans I know mind their own business and try not to infringe on what other people want to do with their lives/countries. The media will take examples of some Americans and blow them up to become representative of all Americans. Come and live here a while and you will see that most of us bear little resemblance to either our government or to media stereotypes. I would very much appreciate if you would substitute American government in place of Americans. I don't look at British people and think they are Tony Blair or David Cameron. I don't think Russian people are just like Putin. Please differentiate between the citizens of a country and their (usually corrupt and unrepresentative) governments. Thank you.

BTW, I agree that the US government, under any president, is evil but that is because it is actually run by banksters, corportions, the the military/intelligence agencies and not by elected 'representatives of the people'.


I hope our Government gives the US Expat some kind of "hostile fire" pay.

Seems like I always am on the defensive, every time I am in a farang inhabitated establishment. Either the stiff shoulder, or the sneer. It does bode ignorance, on their part...of what reality really is. Sort of like hating all Brits because of their stinking meat pies. lol.

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

You could be a little more careful in choosing your words. I am an American and consider myself honest and without ulterior motives. Did you really wish to insult all Americans? Or did you mean to just insult the Government of America?

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This is crap a fantasy, but to think that Americans are honest and dont have ulterior motives is crap too.

America is not that trustworthy plenty of proof for that. They look out for themselves and bully and push others around.

They are better as Russia and China but certainly not angels without ulterior motives in what they do.

Here's my problem. As an American, I am constantly treated as if I am the American government; over which I have zero control. The anti-Americanism is really bad in Europe and I am treated more fairly by Thais than Europeans in Thailand (who don't bother to get to know me as soon as they realize I'm from the US). I am not Geo. Bush and I did not invade Iraq (nor did GB ask my opinion before he took us to war). I am also not Barack Obama and have little say so about Mr. Russel's comments in Thailand. Most Americans I know would be horrified if they found out the true extent of what meddling the US GOVERNMENT is doing in countries around the world and in our name. Most Americans I know mind their own business and try not to infringe on what other people want to do with their lives/countries. The media will take examples of some Americans and blow them up to become representative of all Americans. Come and live here a while and you will see that most of us bear little resemblance to either our government or to media stereotypes. I would very much appreciate if you would substitute American government in place of Americans. I don't look at British people and think they are Tony Blair or David Cameron. I don't think Russian people are just like Putin. Please differentiate between the citizens of a country and their (usually corrupt and unrepresentative) governments. Thank you.

BTW, I agree that the US government, under any president, is evil but that is because it is actually run by banksters, corportions, the the military/intelligence agencies and not by elected 'representatives of the people'.


I hope our Government gives the US Expat some kind of "hostile fire" pay.

Seems like I always am on the defensive, every time I am in a farang inhabitated establishment. Either the stiff shoulder, or the sneer. It does bode ignorance, on their part...of what reality really is. Sort of like hating all Brits because of their stinking meat pies. lol.

If my Texas/southern accent weren't so strong, I'd tell farangs I was Canadian. Nobody hates Canadians. As for the US government giving me something, I don't want it. It always comes with too many 'strings' attached.

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