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UK anti-Semitic incidents hit record in 2014, says charity


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Their vast propaganda apparatus is being seen for what it is and the tactic of dumping guilt on those who had nothing to do with past injury, is causing resentment.

I am probably being antisemitic for agreeing with that.

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Actually, if you read 7's post on page 1 of this thread, you will see that almost all reports were of verbal or online abuse.

Do you think that every single one of thousands of complains are going to be like the other ones that were reported? rolleyes.gif

In many cases, "the victims were ordinary Jewish people, male or female, attacked or abused while going about their daily business in public places," it said.

Other forms of abuse included hate mail, threats and abuse on social media, graffiti, and the damaging of Jewish property.

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I forgot, terrorists do not kill gentiles, do they?

You're being disingenuous. In Europe you are not seeing targeting of people by Jihadists just based on being Christian and you bloody well know it. We are seeing that on people including children only for being Jews. In Europe there aren't violent attacks on churches, Christian schools, and shoppers buying Christmas decorations, are there? In the Middle East, yes there is also targeting of people just based on being Christian such as in Egypt and by ISIS, etc.


Lee Rigby?


Glasgow Airport?

These were notable terrorist attacks against Jews were they?


No, they weren't and this was not the point made.

Islamic violence in Europe is not directed solely at Jews, but Jews are definitely a prime target.

Were the victims of the attacks mentioned targeted for being Christian? Does Glasgow Airport carry any religious significance?

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The point is that the attention to abuse to those of the Jewish persuasion is not proportional to abuse in general. They are very good at milking it.

How many similar abuse cases relating to other minorities and religious persuasions were recorded in the same time frame?

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Reread my post. Nothing more to say.

Nothing more needs to be said. "In Europe you are not seeing targeting of people by Jihadists just based on being Christian and you bloody well know it" covers it completely. clap2.gif

I expect half of these so called incidents are just gobby people getting a slap in the pub and reporting it as a hate crime.

Actually, if you read 7's post on page 1 of this thread, you will see that almost all reports were of verbal or online abuse. "Hello, Police? An arab looking guy just called me a Jew! And I am a Jew! But he made it sound like an insult....."

One reported incident involved a physical attack.

Actually, if you read the actual report this is not what is says at all. There was one incident of extreme violence, and 80 incidents of assault.

http://www.thecst.org.uk/docs/Incidents%20Report%202014.pdf (page 15 and onward).

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What do they expect will happen as they allow anti-Semitic people to take over the UK?

The anti-Semitic people only followed after the path was already laid by the anti-Semitic media and press in the UK.

Tricky one, you may in part be correct, of course the demonization of Israel gives a degree of separation, but then you get BBC reporters asking families of holocaust survivors whether the suffering of the Palestinians is responsible for antiSemitism. You could of course use the same logic to excuse attacks on British citizens in any place they once colonized.
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These kinds of stats are likely to be vastly under-reported. Thugs and yobs don't need much encouragement to abuse anyone. They certainly have enough cause, with the Mavi Marmara, 'Cast Lead', 'Pillar of Defense' and 'Protective Edge'.

The Muslim equivalent of The' Community Security Trust' is called 'Tell Mama'. http://tellmamauk.org/ They, too, are reporting a rise in anti-Muslim attacks. With the media fuelling paranoia and bigotry, it's hardly surprising.

Except anti Muslim hate crimes are falsely exaggerated, both here and in the U.S, which is why Tell Mama lost its government funding for fabrication. It is predictable to see Muslims who are by and large the perpetrators of antiSemitism trying to piggyback on it to play the victim card themselves though.
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Except anti Muslim hate crimes are falsely exaggerated, both here and in the U.S, which is why Tell Mama lost its government funding for fabrication. It is predictable to see Muslims who are by and large the perpetrators of antiSemitism trying to piggyback on it to play the victim card themselves though.

Do you have a government source for Tell Mama losing their funding 'for fabrication' because Gilligan's Telegraph hit pieces and Wikipedia wording reads more like spin than fact. Tell Mama is still in operation and their response to Gilligan's mischief is here... http://tellmamauk.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/gilligan-reductionists.html

It is illogical to think anti-Muslim sentiment isn't on the rise. How can it not be with the degree of Islamophobia being whipped up?

It doesn't surprise me that you think Muslims don't merit a dedicated hate crime reporting setup, similar to Jews, when their numbers are only 10x the Jewish population. rolleyes.gif

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Except anti Muslim hate crimes are falsely exaggerated, both here and in the U.S, which is why Tell Mama lost its government funding for fabrication. It is predictable to see Muslims who are by and large the perpetrators of antiSemitism trying to piggyback on it to play the victim card themselves though.

Do you have a government source for Tell Mama losing their funding 'for fabrication' because Gilligan's Telegraph hit pieces and Wikipedia wording reads more like spin than fact. Tell Mama is still in operation and their response to Gilligan's mischief is here... http://tellmamauk.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/gilligan-reductionists.html

It is illogical to think anti-Muslim sentiment isn't on the rise. How can it not be with the degree of Islamophobia being whipped up?

It doesn't surprise me that you think Muslims don't merit a dedicated hate crime reporting setup, similar to Jews, when their numbers are only 10x the Jewish population. rolleyes.gif

Regarding the Telegraph Fiyaz Mughal sued the them for a report stating he supported Islamic extremists - He lost! This speaks volumes for his unsuitability for his position. The press complaints commission had already exonerated the Telegraph over their allegations that Tell Mama exaggerated anti Muslim hate crimes.


Incidentally you point to the Muslim population being ten times the Jewish population, well the,greater that multiple the closer the two will come to parity for recorded hate crimes against them.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Reread my post. Nothing more to say.

Nothing more needs to be said. "In Europe you are not seeing targeting of people by Jihadists just based on being Christian and you bloody well know it" covers it completely. clap2.gif

I expect half of these so called incidents are just gobby people getting a slap in the pub and reporting it as a hate crime.

Which shows you don't know what you are talking about.

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It really shouldn't be called anti-semitism because not all semites, actually only a few, comparatively, are Jewish. Another example of laziness on the reporters' part.


See: A dictionary! facepalm.gif

Perfect example of the level of manipulation employed.

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It really shouldn't be called anti-semitism because not all semites, actually only a few, comparatively, are Jewish. Another example of laziness on the reporters' part.


See: A dictionary! facepalm.gif

Jingthing, you are a dictionary... or rather the Jewish Encylopedia.

What is the relationship between Jews and other Semites?

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It really shouldn't be called anti-semitism because not all semites, actually only a few, comparatively, are Jewish. Another example of laziness on the reporters' part.


See: A dictionary! facepalm.gif

I know it's Wikipedia, but,... http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semitic_people


Really ... just stop it. bah.gif

From YOUR bloody link!

The term "anti-Semite", however, came by a circuitous route to refer most commonly to one hostile or discriminatory towards Jews in particular.[37]
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It really shouldn't be called anti-semitism because not all semites, actually only a few, comparatively, are Jewish. Another example of laziness on the reporters' part.


See: A dictionary! facepalm.gif

Jingthing, you are a dictionary... or rather the Jewish Encylopedia.

What is the relationship between Jews and other Semites?

I am no such thing and this topic has nothing to do with your baiting question anyway.

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It really shouldn't be called anti-semitism because not all semites, actually only a few, comparatively, are Jewish. Another example of laziness on the reporters' part.


See: A dictionary! facepalm.gif

Perfect example of the level of manipulation employed.

What next? The Jews stole hummus? rolleyes.gif

For possibly the 100th time.

See the word Jews in the definition.

Settled now?

This isn't the change long established definitions of English words forum, is it?


hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group


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The only irrational thinking here is when you take a single sentence and state it is the only evidence, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, JT. It is just another example of co-opting a term to suit your purpose. Why not say what it actually is?


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The only irrational thinking here is when you take a single sentence and state it is the only evidence, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, JT. It is just another example of co-opting a term to suit your purpose. Why not say what it actually is?


That word wouldn't work well.

Judaism is a religion.

I am a Jew and do not practice Judaism but still a target of Jew haters (antisemites).

I am not a Judaism.

Do you get the difference?

Some antisemities do focus more on the Jewish religious dogma but anti-Judaism would be too limiting as it would leave out hostility towards Jewish PEOPLE.

We are not dictionary writers here.

This is an English language forum and words have meanings.

You are pissing against the wind with the endless objection to the established meaning of antisemitism.

A better phrase to shut up the relentless kvetching of people like you not accepting the established definition of antisemitism might be Jew hating or some have proposed and are even using Judeophobia.

But for whatever historical reason, the ESTABLISHED word and definition for hatred of Jews remains antisemitism.

You are welcome to lobby the dictionary writers but the endless obsession about this here is tedious and the hostile motives are obvious.

There isn't a big problem with using Judeophobia except so few people use it that it is poor communication when a widely used term antisemitism is widely understood.

If you want to say Jew hating or Judeophobia. that seems perfectly OK.

I sometimes do proactively write antisemitism (hatred against Jews) just because I know the same annoying and disingenuous objections to the established meaning come up again and again.

Why do you think this is worthy of bringing up for the 100th time?!?

Cheers, dude.

Please note:

I would like to propose that Thaivisa.com establish a new rule against objecting to the established definition of the word antisemitism.

This has been brought up countless times and each time the objections have been without any merit and when someone bothers, soundly rebutted.

Why waste any future bandwidth on this SETTLED ISSUE?!?

Edited by Jingthing
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I think we can dispense with the pedantic argument. The UK incident appears to be referring to incidents against Jewish people.

Edit: Subsequent off-topic posts have been removed along with replies.

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The only irrational thinking here is when you take a single sentence and state it is the only evidence, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, JT. It is just another example of co-opting a term to suit your purpose. Why not say what it actually is?


That word wouldn't work well.

Judaism is a religion.

I am a Jew and do not practice Judaism but still a target of Jew haters (antisemites).

I would like to inquire how you have been a target of "Jew haters" and how they know you are Jewish.

Please note:

I would like to propose that Thaivisa.com establish a new rule against objecting to the established definition of the word antisemitism.

This has been brought up countless times and each time the objections have been without any merit and when someone bothers, soundly rebutted.

Why waste any future bandwidth on this SETTLED ISSUE?!?

Sorry, but you don't get to censor opinion.

Edited by Chicog
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The only irrational thinking here is when you take a single sentence and state it is the only evidence, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, JT. It is just another example of co-opting a term to suit your purpose. Why not say what it actually is?


That word wouldn't work well.

Judaism is a religion.

I am a Jew and do not practice Judaism but still a target of Jew haters (antisemites).

I would like to inquire how you have been a target of "Jew haters" and how they know you are Jewish.

Please note:

I would like to propose that Thaivisa.com establish a new rule against objecting to the established definition of the word antisemitism.

This has been brought up countless times and each time the objections have been without any merit and when someone bothers, soundly rebutted.

Why waste any future bandwidth on this SETTLED ISSUE?!?

Sorry, but you don't get to censor opinion.

Why would you assume people don't know (or suspect) I am a Jew? Besides that, none of your business. This topic isn't about my personal experiences.

The bigger issue is that ALL Jews in the world are targets of antisemites. They hate ALL Jews. The more identifiable ones are just more vulnerable, that's all.

It is true as antisemitism is rising in the world now, many Jews who previously felt free to be more visible have decided for safety's sake to actively hide their identity. Not always possible of course ... depending on ethnic appearance and even surname ... if your last name is Goldberg or Cohen you'll fool nobody. If you're religious, you can't really hide, you'll be going to temple and many temples and Jewish schools are TARGETS now. What a shame that it's like that, but it is, and this is nothing new in Jewish history either.

You are OF COURSE correct that I don't get to censor opinion. I don't wish to do so either. However, the definition of antisemitism isn't about opinion. It's about a FACT available in dictionaries. I made a suggestion only because I want this silliness to stop for good and for the good of the forum ... this endless cycle of disingenuous challenge to a well established DICTIONARY definition of that word ... antisemitism. Its a total waste of everyone's time and the intention of the game is totally obvious.

I don't see any point in further comment on that suggestion. It is definitely not up to me but I felt it was worth a try to at least make a suggestion so we don't go through this same boring repetitive silliness for hundreds of more times, with the result being the same ... a definition is a definition, End of story.

Edited by Jingthing
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Why would you assume people don't know (or suspect) I am a Jew? Besides that, none of your business. This topic isn't about my personal experiences.

Then why did you bring them into it?

"I am a Jew and do not practice Judaism but still a target of Jew haters (antisemites). "

Edited by Chicog
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