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Thai Red Shirt leader Jatuporn accuses govt of looking for a 'fight'


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I thought Jatuporn Prompan was in prison and if not why not

They cannot find a prison willing to accept this first class oxygen thief.

Even Thai prisons, for all the bad stories you hear about them, have standards you know. thumbsup.gif

Who would defend the actions of this imbecile ?

Send him to be spokesman of ISIS in Iraq. A diplomatic mission.

No need...

Just send him back to where he was born: Surat Thani.

Local folks would love to take care of him!!

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I can understand the man.....he kept quite for 2 or 3 months but he can't take any more.

He has to start barking again and spilling out his usual nonsense.

In my opinion it's him looking for a fight and not the government.

Unfortunately, you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

You should tell the same to the currently leader, but just change the time to days

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He said all the same things during the protest when there were almost nightly shootings and grenade attacks, completely denying all of it and even trying to say the PDRC was behind it all.... Lo and behold, almost straight after the coup, it turns out it WAS the red shirts doing all that crap.

There is very little doubt in my mind that the red shirts are behind this also.

If the junta had it in for the red shirts, they would have made life a hell of a lot worse for them and the UDD, and to be quite honest, the UDD should have been rounded up back in May and put inside for all the incitement to violence they involved themselves in, and should be still there now.

Jatuporn keeps poking the finger in, and I have lost count how many times he has been warned to stop making statements to inflame a reaction. If anyone is doing it.... It is him. Time to lock the <deleted> up and throw away the key.

Or even better..... Send out a couple of special ops.

Lo and behold, almost straight after the coup, it turns out it WAS the red shirts doing all that crap.

The obviousness of that is lost on you??

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Thai Red Shirt leader accuses junta of looking for a 'fight'

If I had ten Baht for every time Jatuporn used the word 'fight' when giving his rabble-rousing hate speeches, I could retire now. Why is he even speaking out in the face of overwhelming odds? Has he caught the Thaksin disease of needing to be in the press regularly or is he acting on behalf of his DL? Reconciliation between the Junta, and who they represent, and those that (once) followed Thaksin, will leave Mr. Jatuporn with no real relevance so he is 'stirring the pot' to try to remind (former) Thaksinistas that they must not forget they have an enemy and they must stay angry and willing to 'fight'. He is a sad little man who cannot make a new life for himself but is stuck in the past where his glory was. I have news for him, like it or not, the Junta will not give up power until they are sure Thaksin and his minions are no longer a threat. Most likely that will be when Thaksin passes to the next life as he is so stubborn/determined.

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A fight is certainly on the way and it's not only Jatuporn. The rubber farmers, taxi drivers, truckers, energy activists are waiting in line for a showdown with the government. Just when you thought peace have been restored and reconcilation on the way, we are all back in square one. It seem a repeat of the '06 coup and wasted years before democracy is restored.

As I have oft asked Eric: How can you 'restore democracy' when there was none here in the first place? If you are one of those who believe that democracy starts and finishes at the ballot box, then I am afraid you need to learn about the world and it's puppet masters.

It's weird when you try to teach me about democracy when you one of those who believe in coup will help restore democracy. You really have to learn from the world that military takeover of a civilian government is unconstitutional and democracy denied. And here is a little something about all political parties; all have puppet masters.

Eric: I asked you a question. You are, as usual, unable to answer. If you know German history you would know that the military tried to organise a coup against Hitler. Sadly they got sussed out and all were killed by Hitler's people. Just think, if they had succeeded millions of lives would have been saved and the wanton destruction of Europe would not have happened. I only mention this just to point out that not ALL military coups deny democracy, some try to restore democracy as in this case. I take this position, not because of a lack of understanding of world and historical politics, but because I firmly believe that Thaksin is a dictator in waiting and the alternative to the present military administration simply does not bare thinking about. I know, from reading your posts over a period of time, that you are firmly in the Thaksin camp. But to me that would be the same as sitting in Stalin, Amin, Saddam, Pinochet, Hitler and the rest of the sociopathic dictators' pockets. That route simply ain't for me. As a democrat and human rights activist I maintain a firm stand against dictatorship and the evidence against Thaksin is simply overwhelming.

Thanks for explaining that this coup is here only for the democratic restoration...:)

So u have a army that launches a coup then they take away a democratic elected government,then they imposes material arts in order to restore the Democratic proces ??

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

"Thailand has been riven by bitter political divisions since 2006, when Thaksin Shinawatra's government was ousted in another coup"

No it wasn't.

Tell us more


Then you would do best to sign off and not comment at all.

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If it does come to another fight,he will be in the rear,with the other big mouths,

pushing the red believers or red thugs forward,to kill,destroy and burn.

Get him in jail double quick,anywhere else he would be classed as a terrorist.

regards worgeordie

The mere fact that the Junta has not jailed him proves he is so full of BS that it is leaking out of his mouth. His time will come. Slowly, slowly, catchee monkey.

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Fake palace statement fabricated here: police
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- POLICE HAVE discovered that the fake announcement purportedly issued by the Royal Household Bureau had been created inside the country, not overseas as believed earlier, the Royal Thai Police spokesman said yesterday. A manhunt has been launched for the person behind it.

"It clearly shows that the document was created in Thailand and police are now tracing it to find the source," Pol Lt-General Prawut Thawornsiri said.

He added that investigators are convinced the act is politically motivated.

Prawut went on to say that apart from a man being arrested for widely disseminating the fake document online, police will also take legal action against those who spread the message despite knowing that the content was false.

Kris Buddeechin, described as a red shirt, has been detained under martial law since Wednesday after being arrested at his home in Phetchabun province for widely sharing the document online.

Meanwhile, red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan asked yesterday if the junta was provoking the red shirts into a fight by blaming them for the fake statement and the double explosions in downtown Bangkok last Sunday.

"Do they [the junta] want to create chaos and pressure us into going out to fight?" Jatuporn said on the red-shirt affiliated Peace TV.

Jatuporn, chairman of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD), said Kris was a "cyber victim" and criticised the uneven handling of those who spread the fake document on the Internet.

Red-shirt lawyer Winyat Chatmontri yesterday also called on the authorities to ensure Kris's constitutional rights are preserved while in detention.

UDD sent Winyat to visit Kris at the Eleventh Infantry Division yesterday, but the lawyer said he was not allowed to meet the suspect. Hence, he called on the military regime to guarantee the suspect's constitutional rights even if he is arrested under martial law.

Jatuporn, meanwhile, lambasted the authorities on Peace TV yesterday morning, claiming that nobody from the yellow-shirt ASTV Manager website - which allegedly reproduced the fake document and reported it as news - was arrested.

He also accused the military government of exploiting anti-monarchist feelings exclusively against red shirts and compared the incident to the so-called anti-monarchist mind-map produced in 2010 under the Abhisit Vejjajiva administration.

Jatuporn acknowledged that Kris is a red shirt and said he had met him earlier and is sure that he is not the man who created the fake document. However, he added that if Kris was guilty, then he should be prosecuted as all red shirts are loyal to the monarchy. He said the authorities should also enquire with ASTV Manager website as to where they got the fake document, again questioning why nobody from ASTV had been arrested.

"Are we applying the same law?" Jatuporn asked, adding that nobody would passively take a beating without retaliating.

Meanwhile, a red-shirt leader from Phetchabun yesterday defended Kris as just being someone who happened to have passed on a fake document.

Sitthichai Tah-aj, former chairman of the Phetchabun chapter of the UDD, said yesterday that Kris, 26, who used to work with him, was not the mastermind behind the document, but had merely clicked "Like" on Facebook and shared it with his Facebook "friends".

Kris, a third-year student at Phetchbun Rajabhat University, was arrested in the early hours of Wednesday at his home by a team of police and military officers and brought to the Eleventh Infantry Division in Bangkok for interrogation.

Sitthichai, also a lawyer, said he does not think Kris has the ability to fabricate such a document, adding that he had warned the red shirts to be careful in sharing controversial opinions or documents as they are being particularly targeted by the authorities.

However, he acknowledged that Kris was rather radical when it comes to politics.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Fake-palace-statement-fabricated-here-police-30253509.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-06

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I happen to like the present PM Mr. Prayut Chan-O-Cha, no matter how he came to power.

I keep wondering why every one refers the Thailand Military as the Junta? I have heard of that

reference in Burma, but then look at Burma, and see the difference!

I have travelled to Thailand when both, Thaksin Shinawatra, and his sister

Yingluck Shinawatra have been in power, and I did not see the glory of their power days, of

helping Thailand and the Thai people either. I was there during the big flood, and I heard

from my Thai relatives about why it was so bad. I have heard of the things that Thaksin did

while he was the PM and I have to say that he is not my hero.

While I visit Thailand I wear a shirt for the color of the King, and another color on the day of the Queen,

but as for the Red shirts, or Yellow shirts, I just hope that the present PM will help Thailand

a lot better than the last two people did.

Of course this is only my Farang Tourist opinion.

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"The leader of Thailand's opposition "Red Shirts" "

Has Fatuporn been promoted to number one leader? I thought he was just one of the mouthpieces. (albeit one of the biggest ones).

He was promoted to leader as Thida no longer wanted the job and they couldn't find anyone else with the right credentials (pending criminal convictions) for the job.

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I am afraid I lack sufficient information to resolve and issue I have been pondering. It involves incarceration of wrongdoers when martial law has been declared.

Jutaporn being the topic of discussion.

With martial law ruling the land why is it the PM has not directed the army to have the provost marshal apprehend this miscreant and have him placed in solitary confinement on a military base.

2 years of jail time is 2 years in any jail. The convicted don't get to chose which jail......

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The scheming of the yellow administration has been ongoing since 2005. Constant efforts to destabilise & diminish their opposition, the only way they can contemplate retaining power. A PAD lady colleague of mine told me the week after Yingluck was elected that plans were in place for her removal.

Disgraceful, after just having lost an election, a political-party in opposition exercised their right, to continue to resist the victorious regime of TRT and inevitable historic forces of the Reds, who hadn't yet been created erm ... by the PM who claimed that 'democracy isn't our aim but just a useful tool' ... erm ... but then later would become a born-again convert to Democracy after-all, Yay !

Where did they think they were living, in a democracy, or something ? blink.png

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I have seen Jatuporn in action before a stadium full of people and the man is a real rabble rouser.

A dangerous politician out to cause serious trouble in Thailand.

He needs some jail time.

I think politician is a misnomer when it comes to Jutaporn.

When he was made an (list) MP he gave his occupation as a political activist, a multi millionaire political activist no less.

However I was fortunate recently to be able to get a photo of the last of the red shirts :


Hung out by a farmer in an attempt to scare the birds.

Never to scare the people again.

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For the first time in my life I agree with Jatuporn, the army sensed a bit of dissent was on the way and have been busy cooking up some trouble ever since

the army sensed a bit of dissent was on the way and have been busy cooking up some trouble ever since.

And you can prove that interesting comment?

It's my personal opinion on a discussion forum, do you expect me to provide audio recordings of phone calls and surveillance photos?

What an odd comment, do you have family in the army or something?

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Meanwhile, red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan asked yesterday if the junta was provoking the red shirts into a fight by blaming them for the fake statement and the double explosions in downtown Bangkok last Sunday.

"Do they [the junta] want to create chaos and pressure us into going out to fight?" Jatuporn said on the red-shirt affiliated Peace TV.


"Are we applying the same law?" Jatuporn asked, adding that nobody would passively take a beating without retaliating.

Peace TV, riiiiight. :rolleyes:

I think he is trying to shape public opinion in preparation of further developments on the fake document and bombing cases, the usual "they forced us to do it" last line of denial, after the "they did it" and then the "they make it look as if we did it" spin becomes untenable.

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A fight is certainly on the way and it's not only Jatuporn. The rubber farmers, taxi drivers, truckers, energy activists are waiting in line for a showdown with the government. Just when you thought peace have been restored and reconcilation on the way, we are all back in square one. It seem a repeat of the '06 coup and wasted years before democracy is restored.

You wish!
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