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British jihadi who faked own death jailed for 12 years

Lite Beer

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Hope the Greens are happy now. "Let them in Let them in no skills no problem only knowledge of Koran sure we want you in Britain". Now this specimen has come back and the British taxpayer will have to pay for him in Jail 100k pa for the next 12 years. I think they should have deported him back to Syria where he loves it so much.

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12 years means 6 years.

Soft touch UK.

Disgraceful leniency.

Nauseating injustice in the UK. What's right is wrong and vice versa.

Judges without balls - posing with a picture of a severed head should be life minimum with no parole!

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Read the sentence handed down for a start - and try not to spout factually incorrect rubbish.


That's not the prison service I want my society to have -

So which parts are "factually incorrect rubbish" ? (if you refer to the 6 years comment, we all know it was 12 but in reality he'll serve less)

Secondly, you appear to assume that I sought a different kind of treatment for him (and other prisoners) in our nation's prisons. .

I didn't. In an ideal world, this guy would have been deported back to his beloved Islamic State.

I object to one penny of law abiding tax payer's money being spent on serving him, combined with the high possibility of him being released and on the streets of Britain eventually at a time when security services cannot keep an eye on 'every' person out there who is a known or potential firework waiting to go off - Let us remember, this is a man whow as pictured carrying severed heads around in Syria.

Of course, there is an argument for the approach of keeping your enemies as close to you as possible so you can keep a close eye on them. Infact, I often felt this way when referring to Abu Qatada and the lengthy tabloid driven demands to have him deported. In my view at the time, if he was truly the threat the Government claimed he was, and there was a risk that he could break free in Jordan, then it would be best to keep him as close as possible here in Britain and under observation rather than have him roaming around off the radar in the middle east and be far more effective. As it happens, I believe he didn't have to break free once in Jordan because he was cleared of the charges and as far as I know he now 'is' wandering free in Jordan.

Keeping a wild man close to you but chained may even still be the most effective way of neutralising threat, but I concede that it is an extremely expensive and resource draining game to play. Khwaja sent back to Syria probably meant he'd never have the time nor space to be effective as a threat to this country, as he'd be fighting for his own life. If the British Government is attempting an experimental strategy (as I believe they are, regardless of tough talk during television interviews) of treating returnees with an embrace and the chance to repent in the hope that others will see the error of their ways, then it is a major gamble. I suspect that unfortunately it will be a case of our soft spots being exploited.

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(1) Supplied with 3 square meals a day (catering to halal demands, of course) at tax payer's expense.

(2) Access to the prison library and opportunities (at tax payer's expense)

(3) Opportunity to study courses (tax payer's expense) a wide range of subjects that law abiding citizens in the real world don't have money / time to.

(4) Access to a prison prayer room and visits by Imams if requested.

(5) Access to councillor visits (at tax payer's expense, while joe public has to pay for that from their own pockets)

(6) Politely reffered to as - "Mr Khawaja" by prison staff (no joke).

(7) Opportunities to mix with all sorts of other jihadis and reminisce abouyt days slaughtering Christians in Syria.

It is going to be a well fed cushy 6 years with no financial concerns, while many law abiding citizens scrape by on minimum wage on 12 hr days.





Angry yet?

I think he has to serve a minimum of 8 years HOWEVER

I would rather say he had passed on useful info about IS, then take him back to Syria into the hands of IS.

He would learn what it felt like to be burned alive or beheaded.

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Periodically, the government should leak a little information that he is being rehabilitated and that he has provided very useful information in the fight against terrorism. That should result in a newsworthy punishment.

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(1) Supplied with 3 square meals a day (catering to halal demands, of course) at tax payer's expense.

(2) Access to the prison library and opportunities (at tax payer's expense)

(3) Opportunity to study courses (tax payer's expense) a wide range of subjects that law abiding citizens in the real world don't have money / time to.

(4) Access to a prison prayer room and visits by Imams if requested.

(5) Access to councillor visits (at tax payer's expense, while joe public has to pay for that from their own pockets)

(6) Politely reffered to as - "Mr Khawaja" by prison staff (no joke).

(7) Opportunities to mix with all sorts of other jihadis and reminisce abouyt days slaughtering Christians in Syria.

It is going to be a well fed cushy 6 years with no financial concerns, while many law abiding citizens scrape by on minimum wage on 12 hr days.





Angry yet?

Anders breikvik who murdered more than 70 people is gonna get better treatment, and he won't be referred to as a Terrorist because he is Christian, and not Muslim.

When a christian kills 70 people, he is a lunatic

When a muslim kills 70 people, he is a terrorist.

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(1) Supplied with 3 square meals a day (catering to halal demands, of course) at tax payer's expense.

(2) Access to the prison library and opportunities (at tax payer's expense)

(3) Opportunity to study courses (tax payer's expense) a wide range of subjects that law abiding citizens in the real world don't have money / time to.

(4) Access to a prison prayer room and visits by Imams if requested.

(5) Access to councillor visits (at tax payer's expense, while joe public has to pay for that from their own pockets)

(6) Politely reffered to as - "Mr Khawaja" by prison staff (no joke).

(7) Opportunities to mix with all sorts of other jihadis and reminisce abouyt days slaughtering Christians in Syria.

It is going to be a well fed cushy 6 years with no financial concerns, while many law abiding citizens scrape by on minimum wage on 12 hr days.





Angry yet?

Anders breikvik who murdered more than 70 people is gonna get better treatment, and he won't be referred to as a Terrorist because he is Christian, and not Muslim.

When a christian kills 70 people, he is a lunatic

When a muslim kills 70 people, he is a terrorist.

And, quite rightly, many folks here on TVF were just as indignant about his crime, the PC which followed up and his prison conditions. Try harder.

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Anders breikvik who murdered more than 70 people is gonna get better treatment, and he won't be referred to as a Terrorist because he is Christian, and not Muslim.

When a christian kills 70 people, he is a lunatic

When a muslim kills 70 people, he is a terrorist.

Off-base comment, above. The Norwegian mass murderer is as despicable as any of the ISIS buttplugs. I wish him/them the worst.
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(1) Supplied with 3 square meals a day (catering to halal demands, of course) at tax payer's expense.

(2) Access to the prison library and opportunities (at tax payer's expense)

(3) Opportunity to study courses (tax payer's expense) a wide range of subjects that law abiding citizens in the real world don't have money / time to.

(4) Access to a prison prayer room and visits by Imams if requested.

(5) Access to councillor visits (at tax payer's expense, while joe public has to pay for that from their own pockets)

(6) Politely reffered to as - "Mr Khawaja" by prison staff (no joke).

(7) Opportunities to mix with all sorts of other jihadis and reminisce abouyt days slaughtering Christians in Syria.

It is going to be a well fed cushy 6 years with no financial concerns, while many law abiding citizens scrape by on minimum wage on 12 hr days.





Angry yet?

Anders breikvik who murdered more than 70 people is gonna get better treatment, and he won't be referred to as a Terrorist because he is Christian, and not Muslim.

When a christian kills 70 people, he is a lunatic

When a muslim kills 70 people, he is a terrorist.

Which part of the New Testament did Breivik mention as justification for murder?
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Where's Pierpointe, We need someone like him , Now...

Albert was a local lad, ran a pub called, wait for it 'Help The Poor Struggler' (Failsworth, Manchester) he got the operation down to 7 seconds from cell to rope, walking in the Death Cell to the drop and the act finished. Albert succesfully looked after the justice dished down to the Nazi guilty at the Nuremberg Trials after WWII I am sure he would have excelled in his art and Helped these Poor Strugglers also...

Very good film 'Pierrepoint' with Timothy Spall, below, skip to 41 seconds


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Not the same case, but an interesting article focusing on parents of some wannabe Jihadists:

In Europe, parents' dismay as Syria jihad lures troubled teens

(Reuters) - As Belgium braces for a verdict in Europe's biggest trial of those accused of fostering Islamist violence in Syria, much attention is on poor Muslim immigrant communities' struggle in a region blighted by youth unemployment.

But for parents in Antwerp, a city on high alert since the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris and police raids on Belgian jihadists, Wednesday's ruling by judges there may never explain why their two sporty teenagers, with no Muslim heritage, abandoned comfortable homes to take up arms in the Middle East.

And whatever sentences may be passed on their sons, Brian De Mulder's mother and Jejoen Bontinck's father both say the damage done by those who recruited them - harm that includes lost jobs and disrupted homes for parents and siblings - cannot be undone.


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