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Police raid Pattaya pub, net five drug users

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Police raid Pattaya pub, net five drug users

PATTAYA: -- Over 100 crime suppression and anti-narcotics police as well as local policemen raided the Ping Pub Pattaya at 2 am Sunday for violating the closing time.

Five of 300 patrons tested positive to drug use. Police also found that 17 patrons are under 20 years old and nine patrons did not carry ID cards. Police said they will ask the Chon Buri governor to issue an order to close the pub.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/Police-raid-Pattaya-pub-net-five-drug-users-30253631.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-08

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100 Police to raid a Bar 5 people busted me think This is Thailand lol

They must have had a tip off. They do not know how many they would catch they just wanted enough to check 300 in there.

What would you say if they caught 50-100. Be a bit stupid if they sent 3 cops, get with it guys. They just made sure they had a good attack force.

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Maybe it's just me but hassling 300 people to catch 5 drug users seems a bit over the top.

I'll bet if you picked any random 300 people on a night out anywhere at least 4 or 5 of them would probably test positive for one substance or another.

+1...Sounds about right.

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Maybe it's just me but hassling 300 people to catch 5 drug users seems a bit over the top.

I'll bet if you picked any random 300 people on a night out anywhere at least 4 or 5 of them would probably test positive for one substance or another.

"I'll bet if you picked any random 300 people on a night out anywhere ..."

And if they did that it would be another excuse for you to moan.

I seriously doubt the Thai police, or anyone else in Thailand, could ever rise to the high standards you imagine exist back from wherever it was you fled.

Maybe it's just me, but the British Police certainly have a more efficient way of sorting out large numbers of people. Just empty your gun into a random passer-by and then sort out the details at leisure.

The man mistaken for a suicide bomber by police was shot eight times, an inquest into his death has heard

Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes, 27, was shot seven times in the head and once in the shoulder, at Stockwell Tube station, south London, on Friday.

Meanwhile, detectives are still hunting for the men who attempted to blow up three London Tube trains and a bus last Thursday.

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100 Police to raid a Bar 5 people busted me think This is Thailand lol

Or it could be Bristol in England...

A team of about 100 officers, staff and other agencies are out in force on Operation Ant Hill this morning targeting suspected drug dealers and organised criminals.

The Coach House in Stapleton Road is the most high-profile target this morning and an investigation team is currently inside the pub searching for evidence.

A total of nine warrants have been executed in a crack down on class A and class B drug-related crime, mostly in the Easton area.

The National Crime Agency, Trading Standards, Bristol City Council and Zephyr - the regional serious and organised crime team - are also involved in today's action.

A they really scored big time ... lol

A woman, believed to be in her 40s, was arrested at the Coach House on suspicion of money laundering.
Edited by Suradit69
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Maybe it's just me but hassling 300 people to catch 5 drug users seems a bit over the top.

I'll bet if you picked any random 300 people on a night out anywhere at least 4 or 5 of them would probably test positive for one substance or another.

its 2am in the morning and noise attracts predators

if theyre open after hours then shut them down


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They were only law enforcement, up holding the law of the land.

No mention of any foreigners arrested, but then if you object to laws on consumption of alcohol, drugs, driving under the influence, riding a bike without a crash helmet, carrying no proof of identity or any other Thai law you object too, you are free to go elsewhere...

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Maybe it's just me but hassling 300 people to catch 5 drug users seems a bit over the top.

I'll bet if you picked any random 300 people on a night out anywhere at least 4 or 5 of them would probably test positive for one substance or another.

We've had that nonsense, picking on people and searching and testing for drugs, in the Asok area of Bangkok. We don't need any more of it, thanks.

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I guess these 5 people who got caught didn't have the money to pay the on the spot 'fine'

Oh and by the way I dislike 'over policing' wherever it happens in the world including where I come from.

You dislike anything thai. At least try and be honest about your bigotry

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