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Lawyer says Yingluck has right to travel

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She spends alot of time in Honkers. I wonder if its got something to do with elder brothers shelf companies ,one being Ample Rich.

I wouldnt return her passport. Her family doesnt have a good track record when it comes to using the return portion of an airline ticket.


Look it was right to not allow her to leave cause she would have done a runner. It is in her DNA.

She could have done a runner numerous times already and didn't. I guess she has faulty genes or is the milkmans daughter.

There's a big difference between an impeachment and criminal charges, I honestly thought the whole impeachment thing was well over done and in reality was insignificant - criminal charges and the threat of going to jail is a whole different ball game.

It is not unreasonable for her travel to be restricted - the process has started and she does pose a flight risk so until the court has decided either way she's grounded - she is probably fortunate enough not to have been arrested - people have been arrested for forgetting to pay for a bag of crisps at a 7/11


Someone needs to remind YLs lawyer that this country is still in martial law and that gives them the right to allow or prevent anyone from doing anything and everything. Including preventing her from going to Hong Kong or China or anywhere else for that matter. Maybe this is another lawyer who needs to have a little "attitude readjustment" session with the Junta. Hehee

Thank you for reminding that a coup have taken place and democracy been crushed and all freedom, rights and liberties have been taken away.

Lets not forgot most of the freedom, rights and liberties were taken away during the rule of "I'm G.W. Bush best friend" Mr. Thaksin Shinawatra. Also all the internet censorship was established in his time.

Obviously you can back all your innuedos with data or your post is just for laugh.


She does not have the right to travel if she has been told she can not travel, it is as simple as that.

No point crowing on about rule of law or the legal processes. This is not a regular criminal case. She was not arrested and bailed pending charges like you would expect many other criminal case, whereas even before charges, you would not be allowed to leave the country.

This case has come directly from the OAG, so is not going along the same procedural lines. If the OAG has sent the case to the courts like he said he is. Then it is a signed, sealed and delivered situation of a criminal case being imminent.

Yinglucks lawyers are just once again crawling around looking for loopholes and comparing this to an everyday criminal case.... It is not.

The situation since day one is that anyone summoned by the Junta since the coup, MUST apply for permission to travel..... It is as simple as that.

However, Having said that... If she is found guilty and given a few days grace before sentencing, you can but your life she will be smuggled out over the border to Cambodia with her Montenegro passport probably by private helicopter, and then on to her country of choice that does not have extradition treaties with Thailand..... and that is the last you will see of her.

HK - meet big brother for latest instructions. China and UK, sound out possibilities of bolting there.

If she's smuggled out by private helicopter it will have to be done during the daytime. Hers don't fly at night, no lights you see.

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He is always welcome to come and see her here. Though I am not sure if there are laws here like there are in other countries about Consorting with Criminals.

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It's OK to let the HiSo kids roam free after being accused of horrendous crimes, eg. the Red Bull heir yet someone accused of screwing the pooch has to be tethered.

What a sad country this is!


Look it was right to not allow her to leave cause she would have done a runner. It is in her DNA.

She could have done a runner numerous times already and didn't. I guess she has faulty genes or is the milkmans daughter.

Both explanations are very plausible.


This is the same lawyer who said Yinluck could not be impeached as the present charter was no longer law ... Now he claims she cannot be refused travel under this same charter... Lock her up I say before Hun Sen sends a helicopter across the border to pick her up and fly her away... whistling.gif

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This is just propaganda food for the crowds.

If she really really wanted to leave Thailand she could arrange that easily with all her wealth and power.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Someone needs to remind YLs lawyer that this country is still in martial law and that gives them the right to allow or prevent anyone from doing anything and everything. Including preventing her from going to Hong Kong or China or anywhere else for that matter. Maybe this is another lawyer who needs to have a little "attitude readjustment" session with the Junta. Hehee

Seems to be par for the course, lawyers attempting to make up the law as we go along, according to who pays their fees.

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Never mind her fleeing the country, the Shins will never ever take over again, for that it is too late.

What really is scary that the generals make as many deals as possible with China and take distance from the US before an elected government takes over If ever). See Birma.


Never mind her fleeing the country, the Shins will never ever take over again, for that it is too late.

What really is scary that the generals make as many deals as possible with China and take distance from the US before an elected government takes over If ever). See Birma.

Scary indeed, but not as scary as Ms. Yingluck being barred from travelling it seems as that is a topic consistently avoided by some.

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Someone needs to remind YLs lawyer that this country is still in martial law and that gives them the right to allow or prevent anyone from doing anything and everything. Including preventing her from going to Hong Kong or China or anywhere else for that matter. Maybe this is another lawyer who needs to have a little "attitude readjustment" session with the Junta. Hehee

Thank you for reminding that a coup have taken place and democracy been crushed and all freedom, rights and liberties have been taken away.

".....all freedom, rights and liberties have been taken away."

Actually, apart from those under investigation, nothing has changed. Thai people are free to travel anywhere in the world that their visa, providing they are eligible to receive one, allows.

Thais and foreigners can move around this country freely and providing they abide by the few rules existing under martial law, not a whole lot has changed.

We all know they can't vote yet, so that's no argument.

Thais have the right to associate with whomsoever they wish, providing that it is not illegal.

Regardless of how many times we hear North Korea, North Korea, we aren't there yet. But some people are looking forward to that end.

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I hope that under the new constitution that the statute of limitations is put on hold for ALL those who flee bail with NO exceptions. If you have outstanding charges against yo and you run away like a coward the statute is on hold until your return or your death abroad and that ANY assetts you or your family hold in Thailand are confiscated by the government.

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He who has absolute power says no, simple as that.

Scary situation we are in at the moment and not looking good for the future.

How has the coup and martial law affected you personally?

Nothing like that has affected me so far.

Edited as this da** computer cannot spell properly.


She can't fly if the courts see her as a flight risk, which she is. If they let her travel she would probably go join her brother, and Thailand are still trying to get him back. Maybe they learned from his actions. At least the lawyer is doing his job and fighting for her, I didn't know there was any such thing as a "real lawyer" here in Thailand, at least I'm yet to meet one which will stand up and fight for their client against anyone including police, mafia etc etc.


I am sure Lalang as a lawyer is fully aware of Article 44 of the Interim Charter that gives the NCPO judicial power with the sole and unchecked right to detain anyone from leaving Thailand. What he may be pointing out consistent with what some feel was a mockery of Yingluck's impeachment by the Junta-appointed NLA, is the inherent mockery of the interim Charter itself that establishes the Rule of Law imposed upon the Thai Peoples by the Junta.

The General Provisions of Interim Charter in Articles 1 and 2 prescribe that Thailand is an "unitary and democratic monarchy." Article 3 provides that "Sovereign power belongs to all Thais." Article 4 recognizes "human dignity, rights, liberties and equality of the Thais." NCPO's exercise of Article 44 to restrict Yingluck's travel request (for which she should not even have to make) contravenes Articles 1-3.

Even Abhisit noted the problem between Article 3 and Article 44 wherein "he believed Article 44 violates the intention of Article 3." The Nation 2014-07-24. Abhisit also observed that "the NCPO should strike a balance between controlling people and allowing them their rights, adding that if too much weight was given to control and too little to rights, then the public would feel uncomfortable." The Nation 2014-07-09.

When any government, whether led by a junta or elected leader, exercises the rule of law in a haphazardous and contradictory manner, it loses creditability and validity. Lalang is essentially sending a message to the Thai Peoples that at any time any of them can face the same arbitrary denial of their civil liberties by a government that does not truly respect their rights. So much for Gen. Prayuth's 12 Values.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I am sure Lalang as a lawyer is fully aware of Article 44 of the Interim Charter that gives the NCPO judicial power with the sole and unchecked right to detain anyone from leaving Thailand. What he may be pointing out consistent with what some feel was a mockery of Yingluck's impeachment by the Junta-appointed NLA, is the inherent mockery of the interim Charter itself that establishes the Rule of Law imposed upon the Thai Peoples by the Junta.

The General Provisions of Interim Charter in Articles 1 and 2 prescribe that Thailand is an "unitary and democratic monarchy." Article 3 provides that "Sovereign power belongs to all Thais." Article 4 recognizes "human dignity, rights, liberties and equality of the Thais." NCPO's exercise of Article 44 to restrict Yingluck's travel request (for which she should not even have to make) contravenes Articles 1-3.

Even Abhisit noted the problem between Article 3 and Article 44 wherein "he believed Article 44 violates the intention of Article 3." The Nation 2014-07-24. Abhisit also observed that "the NCPO should strike a balance between controlling people and allowing them their rights, adding that if too much weight was given to control and too little to rights, then the public would feel uncomfortable." The Nation 2014-07-09.

When any government, whether led by a junta or elected leader, exercises the rule of law in a haphazardous and contradictory manner, it loses creditability and validity. Lalang is essentially sending a message to the Thai Peoples that at any time any of them can face the same arbitrary denial of their civil liberties by a government that does not truly respect their rights. So much for Gen. Prayuth's 12 Values.

Who wrote this? From the robert book?

So far away from your usual small but negative negative negative bursts.


"Her rival and leader of the Democrat Party Abhisit Vejjajiva said the junta might have adequate reasons to prevent the former premier from travelling. As Yingluck's case had not been submitted to the court, the junta had full authority to control her movement", he said.

Quite right too!!

She is a flight risk and they should go further and take her passport away - she must pay for her flagrant abuse of power and for the massive losses occurred through her reckless policy decisions and dereliction of duty.

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