Monkeyrobot Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 He has that bewildered look on his face , I didn't do it . But then againg many Farang wander the streets of Pattaya with that very same look.
Lancashireman Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 His name doesn't sound like Russian nor Ukrainian, and his face too. He may be a Ukrainian passport holder but actually Tatar or Bashkir by his ethnic nationality? What a desperate look in his eyes! I wish he was proven innocent... I agree with you Barin. The look in his eyes is very disturbing. Yes I know it's just a photo and a photo is one fraction of a second. Yes I know people can act. I know, I know... But nevertheless, it's disturbing. Disturbing also to read the posts which immediately brand him as the culprit, just because he is suspected and arrested ... And it happens all the time here on this Forum. Any of you guys ever heard of 'Les Tricoteuses' (the knitters) ? During the worst years of the French Revolution, known as 'the Terror', when hundreds of people were guillotined every day on the Place de Grève (now Place de la Concorde at the foot of the Champs Elysées), these ladies sat there on a chair they brought with them every morning, and they knitted and happily chatted together while enjoying the show. Definitely, they didn't care about guilty or not guilty, they were just there to enjoy the non-stop decapitation show. If worse came to worse and this kind of situation were to happen again, I feel that quite a few would-be knitters would emerge from this Forum, leave their keyboard and take their chair (and knitting and picnic, no doubt) to wherever the guillotine might be set up ... Chang is the new knitting...self-righteous gloaters, who wax lyrical of mice and men...
Sviss Geez Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Hmmm.. The clothes "seemed" to match BB gun pellets were found but no mention of a BB gun. Pot was found (enough to fit in someone's pocket for a quick pull and plant) but no mention of pipe or paper. The motorbike "seemed" to fit the description of a motorbike used in the getaway (i.e. 2 wheels, handlebars, etc.). The owner was first brought in and then showed the clothes and then asked if they are the clothes and he says they "seem" to be (what's wrong with this picture?). No exact details of how on this planet any one at all even managed to get it into their head to focus on this man. No checking the hotel CCTV camera's or witnesses where he said he was at, at the time of the robbery Yeah... sure... he's definitely guilty, in a seemingly sort of way. More holes than seams. "The motorbike "seemed" to fit the description of a motorbike used in the getaway (i.e. 2 wheels, handlebars, etc.)." The OP didn't say this at all, no mention of "seemed" regarding the bike. "The owner was first brought in and then showed the clothes and then asked if they are the clothes and he says they "seem" to be (what's wrong with this picture?)." The owner didn't say the clothes seemed to be the ones, he positively identified them. What's wrong with this picture is that you painted it from your imagination.
kieran2698 Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Good News! I mean Thais start to understand the difference between Russians and Ukranians! His name doesn't sound like Russian nor Ukrainian, and his face too. He may be a Ukrainian passport holder but actually Tatar or Bashkir by his ethnic nationality? What a desperate look in his eyes! I wish he was proven innocent... He has a Tatar name, but so what?
balo Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Another good job by the Pattaya police. We have a lot of criminals from both Russia and Ukrania hiding in Pattaya. Not the smartest guy in the world, he should have got rid of his clothes and bike.
cup-O-coffee Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Hmmm.. The clothes "seemed" to match BB gun pellets were found but no mention of a BB gun. Pot was found (enough to fit in someone's pocket for a quick pull and plant) but no mention of pipe or paper. The motorbike "seemed" to fit the description of a motorbike used in the getaway (i.e. 2 wheels, handlebars, etc.). The owner was first brought in and then showed the clothes and then asked if they are the clothes and he says they "seem" to be (what's wrong with this picture?). No exact details of how on this planet any one at all even managed to get it into their head to focus on this man. No checking the hotel CCTV camera's or witnesses where he said he was at, at the time of the robbery Yeah... sure... he's definitely guilty, in a seemingly sort of way. More holes than seams. Excuse me Mr crime investigator, but where in the OP or article are the words " seem and seemed", that you "seem" to read so many times? Where is stated how big the amount of marijuana was that you know it fit in his pocket? My sincere apologies also that the BIB didn't inform you personally about the background of their reasons to focus on this guy. What's wrong with the picture? Nothing at all but a lot is wrong with your post "seems" so. A lot of what I stated is there and in the links. True, I may have placed a few more "seems" in there than quoted, but I'll simply put that down as inferrence. If you really want to belief what you read in the OP, then fine by me, but there is no need to attack what I stated. I believe it is more legitimate than the BS the OP is offering. Peace.
Barin Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Good News! I mean Thais start to understand the difference between Russians and Ukranians! His name doesn't sound like Russian nor Ukrainian, and his face too. He may be a Ukrainian passport holder but actually Tatar or Bashkir by his ethnic nationality? What a desperate look in his eyes! I wish he was proven innocent... He has a Tatar name, but so what? Casting a shadow at the good name of the Ukrainians?
kieran2698 Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Good News! I mean Thais start to understand the difference between Russians and Ukranians! His name doesn't sound like Russian nor Ukrainian, and his face too. He may be a Ukrainian passport holder but actually Tatar or Bashkir by his ethnic nationality? What a desperate look in his eyes! I wish he was proven innocent... He has a Tatar name, but so what? Casting a shadow at the good name of the Ukrainians? He is a Ukrainian.
cup-O-coffee Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Hmmm.. The clothes "seemed" to match BB gun pellets were found but no mention of a BB gun. Pot was found (enough to fit in someone's pocket for a quick pull and plant) but no mention of pipe or paper. The motorbike "seemed" to fit the description of a motorbike used in the getaway (i.e. 2 wheels, handlebars, etc.). The owner was first brought in and then showed the clothes and then asked if they are the clothes and he says they "seem" to be (what's wrong with this picture?). No exact details of how on this planet any one at all even managed to get it into their head to focus on this man. No checking the hotel CCTV camera's or witnesses where he said he was at, at the time of the robbery Yeah... sure... he's definitely guilty, in a seemingly sort of way. More holes than seams. "The motorbike "seemed" to fit the description of a motorbike used in the getaway (i.e. 2 wheels, handlebars, etc.)." The OP didn't say this at all, no mention of "seemed" regarding the bike. "The owner was first brought in and then showed the clothes and then asked if they are the clothes and he says they "seem" to be (what's wrong with this picture?)." The owner didn't say the clothes seemed to be the ones, he positively identified them. What's wrong with this picture is that you painted it from your imagination. As I stated to the other poster, if you truly wish to abjectly embrace the OP, then go right ahead. If you can't see my point of view, then is it really worth responding? Have a good day.
Barin Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Casting a shadow at the good name of the Ukrainians? He has a Tatar name, but so what? He is a Ukrainian. Are you sure? Then it's time for Ukrainian bashing... 1
MrWorldwide Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Items of clothing and some BB gun pellets ? I sincerely hope this is the guy, but if it is he's not the world's brightest thief : anyone who's ever turned on a US cop show knows that anything which connects you to a crime goes straight in the nearest dumpster. 200K is a pathetic haul for someone facing the prospect of a long stretch in a Thai jail, esp as his victim is connected. I guess the sole upside in this case is that going back to Ukraine wouldnt have been his preferred option anyway, but as others have pointed out he remains innocent until proven guilty. And this crime is related to the US justice system in which way? If you feel I'm trying to introduce another set of values into a thread about a crime in Pattaya, nothing could be further from the truth, but carry on regardless. Unlike many who weigh in on these threads, I live in central Pattaya and I like it : doesnt make me a criminology expert but would you have kept the clothes if you'd committed this crime ? We can speculate until our fingers fall off - I just hope the article is more indicative of dodgy journalism than dodgy policing. If my crime is watching Law and Order instead of the Thai soaps, then I please Guilty, your Honor.
louse1953 Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 So we see a Ukranian can ''speakaa da Engleesh'' No doubt his status on his work permit as a tour company representative did not include the status of '' blagger.'' He's done bang to rights now for violation of his work permit conditions An educated and well travelled man would know that Ukranians speak very good English.
Gunna Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Good News! I mean Thais start to understand the difference between Russians and Ukranians! His name doesn't sound like Russian nor Ukrainian, and his face too. He may be a Ukrainian passport holder but actually Tatar or Bashkir by his ethnic nationality? What a desperate look in his eyes! I wish he was proven innocent... There are Crimean Tatars with that surname Up until Putin annexed Crimea last year, it was part of Ukraine So maybe he doesn't want to go home to a country run by a despot. Still should get kicked out of Thailand for working on an Ed Visa
kieran2698 Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Casting a shadow at the good name of the Ukrainians? He has a Tatar name, but so what? He is a Ukrainian. Are you sure? Then it's time for Ukrainian bashing... NIt could be that the part of Ukraine he comes from is now Russian or it could be that he is from the other part of Ukraine, the part that remains Ukrainian. His name/ ethnicity has no bearing on this nor on this crime. How about just bashing him alone and not dragging nationality or ethnicity into this?
smedly Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Everything "seemed" to match is a good enough reason and detective work for RTP? not being funny but would you like to elaborate on what else you would like to find ? He wore gloves so no finger prints. The guy is a victim of his own stupidity as far as I can see
petercool Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 A derogatory post removed and some off topic posts removed. Please stay on topic. Thank you.
konying Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Everything "seemed" to match is a good enough reason and detective work for RTP? not being funny but would you like to elaborate on what else you would like to find ? He wore gloves so no finger prints. The guy is a victim of his own stupidity as far as I can see Money would be a good start, helmet that matches 100% not "seems" to be the same . Clothing identical not " seems " to match 1
joebrown Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Items of clothing and some BB gun pellets ? I sincerely hope this is the guy, but if it is he's not the world's brightest thief : anyone who's ever turned on a US cop show knows that anything which connects you to a crime goes straight in the nearest dumpster. 200K is a pathetic haul for someone facing the prospect of a long stretch in a Thai jail, esp as his victim is connected. I guess the sole upside in this case is that going back to Ukraine wouldnt have been his preferred option anyway, but as others have pointed out he remains innocent until proven guilty. And this crime is related to the US justice system in which way? Excuse me 'A5', but where in the 'MrWorldwide' quote is there a reference or connection to the US justice system? There seems to be a reference to watching and learning from the content of US cop (TV) shows, regarding disposal of incriminating evidence eg clothing, but that's all. Why be so hasty in questioning a post when you haven't read and fully understood it?? 1
petercool Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Please stop the bickering, baiting and flaming. Any such future posts will now be removed and possibly warning points issued.
smedly Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Everything "seemed" to match is a good enough reason and detective work for RTP? not being funny but would you like to elaborate on what else you would like to find ? He wore gloves so no finger prints. The guy is a victim of his own stupidity as far as I can see Money would be a good start, helmet that matches 100% not "seems" to be the same . Clothing identical not " seems " to match maybe I assumed too much from the news report - but I understood the helmet - clothing and money was all covered - didn't he say he was out collecting money from hotels - easy to prove were the money didn't come from one of the problems here is the poor reporting - you often have to complete or fill in the blanks yourself but always a possibility of being totally wrong
neverfeartheevent Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 27 yeah okay..enjoy the monkey house.
keebone Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Good News! I mean Thais start to understand the difference between Russians and Ukranians! His name doesn't sound like Russian nor Ukrainian, and his face too. He may be a Ukrainian passport holder but actually Tatar or Bashkir by his ethnic nationality? What a desperate look in his eyes! I wish he was proven innocent... He has a Tatar name, but so what? He can say tatar to his freedom then! 1
kieran2698 Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 It's 7 years to life in the UK for an armed robbery on a small buisness. In Thailand it is 6 months to 7 years. There is some extremely light sentencing for some crimes here.
penwithcris Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Low class Eastern Europeans are infesting many countries to which they gain entry, and committing crimes Of course there will be the soft liberals who excuse their behaviour by saying that in their own countries they have little or nothing Most nationalities have experienced extreme difficulties in their lives at some stage, but have still managed to rise above criminal behaviour So, if this individual is found guilty of the crime then I have absolutely no sympathy with him and justice must take it's course 1
ALFREDO Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 A DNA test on his own clothing found in his own apartment. I think the Thai police have got this DNA evidence thing arse backwards. If he is innocent, may God help him. "pending DNA results on the clothing as he continues to deny involvement in the robbery." I would think, more likely, DNA results on the clothing of the shop owner, who struggled with him and could have DNA from the Ukrainian on his clothing.l
cookee68 Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Did they produce the odd socks as evidence for the witness to identify, She said the cloths was the same, wow wee, and a Yamaha motorbike, I think a bit more is needed for me to make a full judgement, and so little drugs if he had that much, and no mention of money found, check a couple of hotel camera's at the time he was collected will help, and did they ask him to say sit down for the owner or lady to listen too, Maybe he is guilty, and Maybe he is not.
smedly Posted February 10, 2015 Posted February 10, 2015 Low class Eastern Europeans are infesting many countries to which they gain entry, and committing crimes Of course there will be the soft liberals who excuse their behaviour by saying that in their own countries they have little or nothing Most nationalities have experienced extreme difficulties in their lives at some stage, but have still managed to rise above criminal behaviour So, if this individual is found guilty of the crime then I have absolutely no sympathy with him and justice must take it's course one of the crimes these tools are committing in the UK is cable theft and I don't mean from a works depot - they are pulling live cables out of the ground along motorways and railroads - it has become a major issue in the UK costing millions, it used to be lead from roofs etc but now it has gone to a whole new level, first you know about it is the lights go out...seriously They go out in trucks the cops catch them either before during or after the job all bundled into the back of a van with a pile of tools - you speak English ? No ............ you have visa .. No.....we from Europe no need visa come UK very rich country we like velly really is an absolute nightmare for any authority trying to get on top of the influx of ............I'll stop there before I use a bad word
Briggsy Posted February 11, 2015 Posted February 11, 2015 A DNA test on his own clothing found in his own apartment. I think the Thai police have got this DNA evidence thing arse backwards. If he is innocent, may God help him. "pending DNA results on the clothing as he continues to deny involvement in the robbery." I would think, more likely, DNA results on the clothing of the shop owner, who struggled with him and could have DNA from the Ukrainian on his clothing.l Yes, that would make more sense. 1
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