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I want some sleep!


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This is Thailand...you either learn to roll with the punches...or move on with your life in another more hospital environment...know many ex-pats that have decided the daily grind is not worth it and have moved on...non have a thought of returning...

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I live in Jomtien. For the first 2 years, I lived in a condo where the "caterwauling" of talentless singers, combined with the live and recorded music, from the nearby bars went on until 2:00 (if lucky) or 3:30 (if not) in the morning.

My solution was to wear foam ear plugs (bought from Amazon and eBay) AND my Bose (over-the-ear) noise reducing headphones while in bed. I found this solution to be effective most of the time, and, surprisingly, VERY comfortable!

Sometimes, if the noise was really insane, off would come the Bose and be replaced by my 3M Optime 105 construction-rated hearing-protection earmuffs (purchased from eBay). ("Earmuffs" is 3M's term, not mine.) This product reduces the decibel level by much more than the Bose headphones referred to above. This alternate solution was somewhat less comfortable, but worked, nonetheless.

After 2 years, I decided that a move was in order. Now, I am still in Jomtien, but in another condo project on the 16th floor. Most nights, I need only my earplugs. Most people would not even need those in my new location, but I am so conditioned to using them, that I continue to do so.

Some may say "extreme measures," but I am able to sleep peacefully!

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There is an easy solution to the problem.

Go round his house , grip him , maybe slap him around a little and explain not to do it again.

You cant reason with stupid. I had similar experiences and that's how they were resolved, and yes there were no come backs in fact the locals were amused.

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This is Thailand...you either learn to roll with the punches...or move on with your life in another more hospital environment..

Yes ….if u don't roll with the punches u get the punches and end up in a truly hospital environment…..if u are lucky.

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I don't want to get into a who's-right/wrong match. I sympathise with anyone who is sleep-deprived by the selfishness/thoughtlessness of others. I moved from Pattaya/Jomtien area for peace and quiet. The moo-baan in Bang Saray was all I hoped it would be; clean, well-run and quiet until just over a year ago.

Two arrogant dog-owners moved in. Their great dane's booming bark shudders my windows at all hours. Worse, it sets off two neurotic hysterical other dogs also in close proximity to my house.

No complaints however politely put were heeded. I am not alone: there have been rows; missiles; even fisticuffs from other affected owners. All to no avail; the problem still persists; I do not see why I should have to sell up and move through no fault of my own. Short of taking the law into my own hands I do not know what to do.

I had the same problem...i was living in a house though and my bedroom windiw was on the side of the house just near the next door neighbors side fence where their dogs barked all bloody night.

So i hooked up my internet put the speaker near the side window and just left Anerican or Australian talkback radio blaring out the window 24 hours a day ..oh they came to my house to complain !

Knocked on my door to tell me my radio is on all day !!! Oh is it i said ? A bit like your bloody dogs barking barking ALL night !!! See how u like it !!

Edited by georgegeorgia
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I could not live in Thailand or probably any other Asian country due to the acceptance of high volumes of noise everywhere and anywhere. My solution "Boots Wax Ear Plug Muffles" (Not ear wax, to forestall the wits). I live next to a temple, fortunately they are not sticklers for following

the usual practice of clamor at 4 a.m.

Problem is how to get them.. I have always previously had a friend bring from UK and their efficacy is excellent. That source recently dried up.

Boots Branches only stock foam plugs which are useless.

Solution..Call Boots Head Office in Bangkok.

After the inevitable pass around I eventually got to someone who tracked down 2 boxes in Thailand, "mirabilis dictu".

That helpful person now no longer responds.

One thing is for sure the noise ain't going away.


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This worked for me, after being woken up at OMG o'clock for weeks. SWMBO has a karaooke machine, was simple to put a memory stick in. Downloaded some heavy metal off the internet and made sure I got up before the noisemakers - long before. They came to see her after after the first 'concert'. She told them that I was only trying to fit in, and thought that they would enjoy some farang music for a change. The compromise arrived at? We would both enjoy our own style after 8am in the morning, at a reduced levelsmile.png

No offence seems to have been taken, as we are still invited to the local shindigs

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How does one change village headman? can they be fired? what offense must occur inorder for a village headman to be removed from his position?

They are elected by the villagers. I suspect you are not a Thai citizen (not many called Derek). No vote for you I am afraid.

He could 'canvass' (cough, cough).

lol! I did not ask how they become poo yai baan or village headman! I know they are elected, often via means of vote buying. I am merely intrested in if one is not up to the job, how do they become removed from their position of village headman?

Oh..and there is no need for me to walk around the village and look for the house with the pretty flags, unless I go outside walk forward a little bit then look back! (I live in the same house as the village headman!)

As I mentioned my question comes from curiosity, more than anything! Surely they dont all wait until headman is 60 and retired from the position (can they continue beyond age of 60?) or kick the bucket before the village elects a new headman. Surely one who is not up to the task or job in question can be removed or dismissed from being village headman?

I believe their term is 5 years and then they have to be re-elected. This may have altered. The convention is they usually become a headman for life unless they fall out of favour with the family that rules that particular province. They just keep getting re-elected in a rubber stamping fashion. I suppose if they were truly awful the villagers would get somebody else.

Here is the interesting bit for you.

A headman can resign his position sparking a by-election (not really a by-election but I like the word) at any time.

Prior to being made headman, approval must be received from the district office.

So if you want to get rid of your village's headman, persuade him to resign or lobby the district office to rescind its approval.

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This is Thailand...you either learn to roll with the punches...or move on with your life in another more hospital environment...know many ex-pats that have decided the daily grind is not worth it and have moved on...non have a thought of returning...

Unfortunately this is the best advice.

As if the thai guy is gonna bow down to the farang living in 'his' village.

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lol! I did not ask how they become poo yai baan or village headman! I know they are elected, often via means of vote buying. I am merely intrested in if one is not up to the job, how do they become removed from their position of village headman?

Oh..and there is no need for me to walk around the village and look for the house with the pretty flags, unless I go outside walk forward a little bit then look back! (I live in the same house as the village headman!)

As I mentioned my question comes from curiosity, more than anything! Surely they dont all wait until headman is 60 and retired from the position (can they continue beyond age of 60?) or kick the bucket before the village elects a new headman. Surely one who is not up to the task or job in question can be removed or dismissed from being village headman?

I believe their term is 5 years and then they have to be re-elected. This may have altered. The convention is they usually become a headman for life unless they fall out of favour with the family that rules that particular province. They just keep getting re-elected in a rubber stamping fashion. I suppose if they were truly awful the villagers would get somebody else.

Here is the interesting bit for you.

A headman can resign his position sparking a by-election (not really a by-election but I like the word) at any time.

Prior to being made headman, approval must be received from the district office.

So if you want to get rid of your village's headman, persuade him to resign or lobby the district office to rescind its approval.

Thank you Briggsy, curiosity was killing the cat. I was pretty sure there was a way for locals to remove the village headman. In all of the villages in all of the districts in all of the provinces no way every single one was happy with the performance and choice of headman.

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Out of interest and more so curiosity can a vliiage headman go (remain headman) beyond the age of 60. My father in law seem's to think once he is 60 that's it..automatically finished?

It is mandatory retirement at age 60. Your father in law is correct.

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