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I'm getting milked dry by issan family

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Hello all thailand experts. I am in a sort of pinch right now. I just met a nice Thai lady who is from issan. Right now we are living at her home and everything is well, except , her parents is obviously thinking I'm some dumb farang who they need to extract as much money as possible. I have told this to my gf, I told her how I feel about this and she said she knows and feels sad that her family is like that and she is being forced in "milking the farang" which is me..

A few examples. Her sisters motorbike suddenly can't start. Father nebited take a look. The same day gf talks about buying a new motorbike would be good to have in this issan city. Later that evening the father tells me its the battery that need to be replaced but I have to pay him because my dog has destroyed it, which I did not see and I think its bs because my dog would not just bite stuff like that.

Another example. Moms teaching book was destroyed by my dog and of course I have to pay for it. Triple the price of a new one! Also bs because the the snippets were "bitten" by my dog, as she accused. The snippets of paper are perfectly cube form with a few long hexacube formed. Now, when a dog bites paper from a book it is randomly formed with tearing and deformation. The paper snippets I saw were clean and flat. Riped with human fingers.

Another example. She usually cooks for her parents when they come back home from work, if not, then she takes them out to dinner. In the 2 weeks here we have been eating out almost every day and not just some sideway or mom and pop restaurants but the more upscale restaurants where I mostly drop 1 to 2 k every time, in issan! I thought issan was supposed to be cheaper than the rest of Thailand.

And I could go on with more examples but you get the idea. I just want to know how to make them stop milking me. I don't mind paying but its not about the money, well it is of course but most importantly its the principle. I don't want them to think I'm some easy walking ATM machine. I really like this girl its just her greedy family that bothers me.

I hope to read some expert insights on this matter here on this Thai forum.

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I stopped reading at nice lady from Isaan...


Good and bad everywhere soft lad.
I'm sure she is a nice lady, but it sounds like the OP can''t afford her AND her family... Edited by Loptr
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I stopped reading at nice lady from Isaan...


Good and bad everywhere soft lad.
I'm sure she is a nice lady, but it sounds like the OP can''t afford her AND her family...

Don't try and twist it, you said " I stopped reading at nice lady from Isaan ".

Care to explain you comment?

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It will never change or get better ever.....even worse now that you have been to her house. The parents will loose face if they are not now permantly blessed by the FarangATM God. The neighbors will start to wonder where all the new stuff is.

Date the girls that dont come from Issan

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I wonder if some of this is a matter of cultural norm for her family. I think I would approach it from that angle and find out what the GF says. I would however determine how much I am willing to part with as so called gifts and support.

My advice to others has been and is, never to risk more than one is willing to lose. I generally don't even expect a thank you but if occasionally one is given, it is appreciated.

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