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White House struggles with Obama comment on Paris attack

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Yes, but this OP deals with a specific attack, why is it that you have issues with acknowledging that its target was not random?

It does not steal the thunder, so to speak, of other attacks.

I don't have any issues that the crazy went after a Kosher deli. The policewoman he shot wasn't Jewish. I don't think it's what's important. Crazy Mali Muslim doesn't know if he's fighting for Palestinians or Afghanis for heaven's sake. He's mental. The issue should be how the hell did he get into France and then get a bagful of guns and explosives. The fact that he killed a load of random people he'd never met that day is not what concerns me. It's the fact that someone wants to kill a load of random people they've never met, and no-one has done enough to stop them doing it.

If I read you correctly, the Jews in general, are all hiding behind the Israeli government (even when they are citizens of other countries), which is somehow responsible for attacks by virtue of it policy vs. the Palestinians?

I didn't see this Islamic nutcase somehow being different because he was a citizen of France. What difference does that make exactly?

And I think if Israel started playing its part in the peace process instead of deliberately screwing it up every chance it gets, it would make a big difference.

Which bus would that be, by the way? Where is it heading?

Not the way I would like for sure, but if governments keep up this interference in other countries and don't start listening to the people that suffer the consequences, sooner or later bad things will happen. Something for another thread I think, along with a full time moderator!


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The White House is really being weird on this Jewish thing.

It appears to be more than a one off gaffe.

Now that Obama doesn't face election again ... are we now getting the pure Obama?


The denial of what was clearly a specific targeted attack on the Jewish community — one of many in an pattern in Europe over the last couple of years — is inexplicable and stomach-turning. It suggests the White House is devoted to false narratives, unable to recognize error or that the president is deaf to the dangers that Jews face worldwide. Israel is the haven for Jews who are persecuted in their own countries, and it is hard to miss the connection between the White House’s denial of anti-Jewish sentiment and his acrimonious relationship with the prime minister of Israel. When compounded with his refusal to acknowledge that our enemy is Islamic jihad, one is left with the horrid sensation he is too arrogant to admit error, horribly ignorant about the world or indifferent to the plight of world Jewry — or maybe all three. I assume this ghastly episode will be walked back, but the peek behind the curtain cannot be forgotten.

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There is no doubt in my mind he loathes Netanyahu, as do many world leaders.

As for the second part, I think it's just sending the message loud and clear that America is not going to dance to Israel's tune over Iran.

Get over it.


How well the execution of the plan got nothing to do with the intent behind it.

You can say whatever you like to say, of course, it still wouldn't change that the location was not picked at random. The couple checked a Jewish school prior to this. He randomly killed four Jewish people in randomly chosen Jewish deli. Right.

It is not random semantics unless you're trying to play down something real. As per the usual form, you have to make the standard issue reference to some Jewish propaganda machine - sorry for pointing out the facts, but ignoring them will not change the reality of what happened. Odd how so much energy is spent on denial.

Muslims kill innocent Jews for what Israel is doing in Palestine.

Muslims kill innocent Christians for what Nato members are doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Mali, Pakistan, etc.

Hell, they even kill innocent non-Muslims because they are kaffir.

They are one problem to deal with for everybody, and I doubt I am the only one fed up listening to the Jewish propaganda machine that would have us believe they somehow merit special treatment.

They should just shut up and get on the bus with the rest of us, or face being alienated because they are hiding behind a government that is not doing enough to solve the problem while constantly bleating about the consequences.

Yes, but this OP deals with a specific attack, why is it that you have issues with acknowledging that its target was not random?

It does not steal the thunder, so to speak, of other attacks.

If I read you correctly, the Jews in general, are all hiding behind the Israeli government (even when they are citizens of other countries), which is somehow responsible for attacks by virtue of it policy vs. the Palestinians?

Which bus would that be, by the way? Where is it heading?

I think we know exactly where his bus is heading. Just playing a little peak-a-boo for now but the old footprints have the usual shape.


The islamic terrorists went to a kosher super market to be certain that there wouldn't be any pork in the store. Had they gone in to a Carrefour for example, they would have run a huge risk of coming in contact with slabs of bloody pork and ground pork while running up and down the aisles.


I think we know exactly where his bus is heading. Just playing a little peak-a-boo for now but the old footprints have the usual shape.

I wish I had the slightest clue what you are on about.

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Removed a troll post and the reply to it.

Edit: And baiting posts and inflammatory posts and off-topic posts and replies....

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Yes, you are.

The whole OP is about something silly Obama said, and his staff attempting damage control.

What you are posting is based on their explanations, which are lame.

Excuse me if I do not take everything from spokespersons as gospel.

It's more about poor use of grammar and the hysterical over-reaction of a bunch of drama queens.

President Obama can be quite eloquent when it suits him. Of course he makes mistakes, all presidents do.

This usually causes a minor uproar every now and then.

Whether this saying reflects Obama's thinking or not, I have no idea. And so do the rest of the posters and, for all we know, his own staff. I was merely pointing out that making definitive claims as to what Obama meant does not actually make these statements more valid.

(Morch) - " No. That's not what Obama meant. "

Sounds quite definite. .


The islamic terrorists went to a kosher super market to be certain that there wouldn't be any pork in the store. Had they gone in to a Carrefour for example, they would have run a huge risk of coming in contact with slabs of bloody pork and ground pork while running up and down the aisles.

I do think the kosher supermarket target was deliberate for antisemitic reason, however you bring up a reasonable possibility.

He targeted the supermarket specifically, it's safe to assume, but shot random people within it.

The word "random" makes perfect sense in this context and fits the known facts.

I really do not know how the deniers of this can be so vehement.


Politics is such a beautiful thing. One must be absolutely challenged in all aspects, especially mental to take part in it on any level.

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Yes, but this OP deals with a specific attack, why is it that you have issues with acknowledging that its target was not random?

It does not steal the thunder, so to speak, of other attacks.

I don't have any issues that the crazy went after a Kosher deli. The policewoman he shot wasn't Jewish. I don't think it's what's important. Crazy Mali Muslim doesn't know if he's fighting for Palestinians or Afghanis for heaven's sake. He's mental. The issue should be how the hell did he get into France and then get a bagful of guns and explosives. The fact that he killed a load of random people he'd never met that day is not what concerns me. It's the fact that someone wants to kill a load of random people they've never met, and no-one has done enough to stop them doing it.

If I read you correctly, the Jews in general, are all hiding behind the Israeli government (even when they are citizens of other countries), which is somehow responsible for attacks by virtue of it policy vs. the Palestinians?

I didn't see this Islamic nutcase somehow being different because he was a citizen of France. What difference does that make exactly?

And I think if Israel started playing its part in the peace process instead of deliberately screwing it up every chance it gets, it would make a big difference.

Which bus would that be, by the way? Where is it heading?

Not the way I would like for sure, but if governments keep up this interference in other countries and don't start listening to the people that suffer the consequences, sooner or later bad things will happen. Something for another thread I think, along with a full time moderator!


The policewoman was shot by the same guy in a separate attack. We are referring to the deli attack.

Some may wish to ignore the target as irrelevant, and thus refer to it (or to the victims) as random, some keep their eyes open.

Coulibaly was born in France, that's how he got in. Getting guns and explosives is not too difficult given EU open borders and police forces not being integrated. Nothing new here.

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Yes, you are.

The whole OP is about something silly Obama said, and his staff attempting damage control.

What you are posting is based on their explanations, which are lame.

Excuse me if I do not take everything from spokespersons as gospel.

It's more about poor use of grammar and the hysterical over-reaction of a bunch of drama queens.

President Obama can be quite eloquent when it suits him. Of course he makes mistakes, all presidents do.

This usually causes a minor uproar every now and then.

Whether this saying reflects Obama's thinking or not, I have no idea. And so do the rest of the posters and, for all we know, his own staff. I was merely pointing out that making definitive claims as to what Obama meant does not actually make these statements more valid.

(Morch) - " No. That's not what Obama meant. "

Sounds quite definite. .

Sounds like you are trying to twist the meaning of my words, by partial quoting:

No. That's not what Obama meant. That's what you assume he meant.

And it doesn't make much sense either.


Coulibaly was born in France, that's how he got in. Getting guns and explosives is not too difficult given EU open borders and police forces not being integrated. Nothing new here.


However, you would have thought this litany would have been enough to keep him off the streets. Have a guess what direction the bus is going in here?

Starting at the age of 17, he was convicted five times for armed robbery and at least once for drug trafficking. A report by a psychiatric expert prepared for a Parisian court found Coulibaly had an "immature and psychopathic personality" and "poor powers of introspection".

In 2004, Coulibaly was convicted of armed bank robbery by a French court, which sentenced him to six years in prison. He was sent to Fleury-Mérogis Prison, south of Paris. There, he met Chérif Kouachi. He is believed to have converted to radical Islam at the same time as Chérif. In prison he also met al-Qaeda recruiter Djamel Beghal, who was in "isolation" in the cell above him but whom he was nevertheless able to communicate with. He later visited Beghal regularly in Murat, Cantal, in south-central France, after they were both released from prison, and Coulibaly delivered to him supplies, money, and guests including Chérif Kouachi and Coulibaly's wife. Coulibably was released from prison in 2007.


....in May 2010 police arrested him and searched his apartment and found 240 rounds of 7.62mm rifle ammunition, as well as a crossbow and letters seeking false official documents. Coulibaly maintained that he was planning to sell the ammunition on the street. In December 2013 he was sentenced to five years in prison for assisting a plot to break out from prison radical French-Algerian Islamist Smain Ait Ali Belkacem (who had planned the 1995 Paris Métro and RER bombings), a plot in which the Kouachi brothers were also involved. He admitted supplying ammunition for the planned jailbreak. However, Coulibaly was released early from Villepinte prison outside Paris, in March 2014. He was required to wear an electronic bracelet until May 2014.

In August 2014, Coulibaly and his wife approached a Jewish school, and asked if "it was true that there were Jews inside of the building." The security found their behavior to be so strange that in response it asked them to leave.


how absolutely ridiculous!!! The people inside the deli just happened to be there when this terrorist attack took place. Each of them a=was not specifically targeted. To say they were randomly shot is correct. Just because he didn't add that it was also likely an anti-Semitic attack means nothing!!! It astounds me how the anti-Obama camp will do anything to turn what he says into a big deal.

Get over it already!!!

Do you clowns even remember when Bush would try to talk? OMG!!!

Have you heard Obama talk without a teleprompter? He makes Bush sound like the world's greatest orator.

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