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Skip sex and enjoy a special meal for Valentine's Day, Thai teenagers urged

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Skip sex and enjoy a special meal for Valentine's Day, teenagers urged
The Nation

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BANGKOK: -- TEENAGERS SHOULD mark Valentine's Day with a special meal only, not sex, the Moral Promotion Centre says.

The "Just a Meal for Valentine" campaign was launched with the aim of stopping teenagers from |getting too intimate and engaging in premature sex on the day widely linked with romance. Thailand, at present, is ranked 15th in Asia and 5th in Southeast Asia when it comes to teenage pregnancies.

"Available information suggests that 83 per cent of Thai teenagers plan to have sex on Valentine's Day," Moral Promotion Centre's director-general Sin Suesuan said at the launch of the campaign yesterday.

"If they hang out in secluded areas after a meal, there is a possibility that they will opt for sex," he said.

Of this number, 54.9 per cent are university students and 27.8 per cent are in secondary school.

According to Sin, premature sex can lead to many problems, such as unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions and sexually transmitted diseases.

He put these problems partially down to easy access to dating apps and websites.

"We have discovered that sexually suggestive conversations are conducted in chat programmes," he said, adding that news reports over the past three years have indicated that many teenagers faced sexual abuse after arranging face-to-face meetings with online friends.

His centre is also advising teenagers to avoid making their phone numbers, e-mails and their home addresses public on dating platforms.

Aware of the influence of social media, Sin is also calling on teenagers to post "Just a Meal for Valentine" on their Facebook pages this year.

Meanwhile, Mental Health Department's deputy director general Panpimol Wipulakorn told a recent seminar that as many as 75 out 1,000 women aged between 15 and 19 get pregnant in Bangkok and other areas.

"This is high given that the standard level is around 50 per 1,000 females," she said. Across Thailand, the ratio stands at around 52:1,000.

Panpimol said many pregnant teenagers were found to have opted for sex due to the situation they were in at the time. "Some 30 per cent were found to have been willing, while up to 5 per cent were forced," she said.

Also, she said 50 per cent of teenagers with unwanted pregnancies opt for an abortion at unlicensed facilities and face the risk of womb infection.

"That can lead to serious health problems and even death," she warned.

Panpimol said all relevant parties should address the issue of teenage sex by offering proper counselling and education.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Skip-sex-and-enjoy-a-special-meal-for-Valentines-D-30253881.html

-- The Nation 2015-02-12


Really? skip sex for a meal? maybe when you're 70 years old, but for now, sex, and more sex

please, and don't forget to get those selfies and videos to show the guys and post on YouTube....

Someone said it right when he said that youth is being wasted on the young...


"Available information suggests that 83 per cent of Thai teenagers plan to have sex on Valentine's Day," Moral Promotion Centre's director-general Sin Suesuan said at the launch of the campaign yesterday."

Planning, maybe they are mr Sin, doesn't mean they will. All teenagers plan to have sex. Every day of the year. Every year.

Seriously though, director-general Sin? Is that a joke?

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83 per cent of Thai teenagers plan to have sex on Valentine's Day," Moral Promotion Centre's director-general Sin Suesuan said ….

Well, guess a guy named Sin would know.

Maybe a Sin tax would stop such activity--

No, wait, that would be a bar fine, and that only encourages it.

Never mind.

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"Panpimol said all relevant parties should address the issue of teenage sex by offering proper counselling and education."

Now that actually makes sense.

Unfortunately ' relevant parties ' usually avoid the issue like the plague. Schools and parents tend to argue it's each others job and parents, at the best of times, avoid so many parenting responsibilities.

When all else fails revert to culture and Thainess in that it's not something to be talked about.

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Interesting how each culture appropriates things from other cultures and changes it through it's own lens of perception.

Example: America has taken yoga, which is a whole pseudo-religious lifestyle in India and interpreted it only as a exercise for physical health.

In India, yoga means you don't eat garlic and onions, just to give one small example of that lifestyle.

In the West, Valentine's day is an expression of Love, but Thais seemed to have interpreted that as go out and have sex. Even if you have to rape someone or pay a prostitute.

Very interesting...


To the 17% percent who weren't planning to have sex, the government has just made it clear to them that they have fallen behind their peer groups. Time to work on their Thainess.


Going out for dinner will not deter sex, for the following reason...

At the end of the meal, the boy will look at the girl, and tell her "you better pay the bill, because if I pay, you will feel obligated to have sex with me."

That's a Win-Win deal (for the boy). But then the girl could just turn around the next morning, and charge him for the sex, anyways.


"Available information suggests that 83 per cent of Thai teenagers plan to have sex on Valentine's Day,"

I feel sorry for the other 17%

Just where did the ' available information ' come from ? Sounds like a figment of someone's imagination.


Also, she said 50 per cent of teenagers with unwanted pregnancies opt for an abortion at unlicensed facilities and face the risk of womb infection.

so give them proper medical facilities and a CHOICE - better still provide education etc.

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Panpimol said many pregnant teenagers were found to have opted for sex due to the situation they were in at the time. "Some 30 per cent were found to have been willing, while up to 5 per cent were forced," she said.

What about the other 65%? Virgin pregnancies? Self-impregnation? So drunk they didn't know what they were doing?


"What about the other 65%? Virgin pregnancies?"

As Malibu Barbie used to say "Math is hard".

Hey, don't knock it. If Thai girls were good at math, then they probably wouldn't be interested in you or me.



So Valentines day is the only day of the year that Thai teenagers are gonna bonk each others brains out ??

Apparently so according to the educated leaders of society.

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