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Thai govt bans sale of booze at bus terminals and roadsides


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Ban sales at roadside food stalls etc, good luck with that considering the amount nationwide.

Does this mean i can still sit there and drink beer bought from the neighbourhood 7-11 or mom and pop store ? Most of the small stores in my area has one of those very heavy stone tables outside.

I know it says roadside sales but these things can be so vague as it is then officials starting talking and contradict each other.

Yep you can get as pissed as you want!!!!!;)

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How can random testing of drivers be carried out periodically. It's either random or scheduled. Can't be both. But wait TIT, maybe it means on certain calendar dates inspectors will go out and select bus drivers at random for testing.

Another crackdown that will fade within weeks along with (at least)

Sale of camouflage and wearing of clothing to no military persons.

Monitoring drivers for using cellphones when in control of a vehicle.

Preventing minibuses from speeding.

Displaying signs advertising alchoholic beverages

Riding motorcycles contra traffic flow

Blah, blah, blah..........ad infinitum.

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0 milligrams and your gone. harsh.

Theslime seems to be provoking people to misread, misunderstand or misinterpret the alcohol limit. All others pray tell my what is wrong with a driver doing his job with 0 milligrams of alcohol in his blood?

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Not at all harsh when you consider that the drivers are responsible for the lives of their passengers. Not to mention the other vehicles also on the roads.

Nanny state terrorism, soon I,ll have to change from, over the limit and stoned to just stoned.

So you feel that bus (and other public transport?) drivers should be allowed to work while drunk? Or stoned?

Im saying the Thailand I have survived living in and out of for the last 25 years is turning into a Nanny state, my goodness how did I ever survive.

So, you ARE in favor of your drunken/stoned bus/taxi/lorry/train driver. Ok, glad you cleared that up.

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Many responses suggest some posters are in a state of mass hysteria. Keep calm and carry on.......

...after all, you ain't gonna get a WP to be a bus driver, so you can continue your sojourn in Changland.

It is absolutely unbelievable that anyone with more than two functioning braincells could possibly object to bus drivers having to be stone cold sober, Incredible! It reminds me of a friend who objects to anyone who won't drink with him....but then again, he is a hopeless alcoholic.......whistling.gif

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Many responses suggest some posters are in a state of mass hysteria. Keep calm and carry on.......

...after all, you ain't gonna get a WP to be a bus driver, so you can continue your sojourn in Changland.

It is absolutely unbelievable that anyone with more than two functioning braincells could possibly object to bus drivers having to be stone cold sober, Incredible! It reminds me of a friend who objects to anyone who won't drink with him....but then again, he is a hopeless alcoholic.......whistling.gif

Err, no, people are objecting to adult passengers of legal drinking age being forbidden by law to purchase and consume a tin or two of beer in a bus station. Cheers! Edited by baboon
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Nanny state, how ridiculous.

What is the ridiculous part of banning illegal alcohol sales at the roadsides? How many "states" outside Thailand would allow similar irresponsible, and illegal, behaviour?

And banning alcohol sales at bus terminals can't have many, if any, downsides. Who wants to share a bus journey with tanked-up passengers, even worse have one sitting next to you?

You can buy beer at Service Stations in Germany and Belgium.

If some-one really wants a beer they can always buy it on the way to the bus station

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Ban sales at roadside food stalls etc, good luck with that considering the amount nationwide.

Does this mean i can still sit there and drink beer bought from the neighbourhood 7-11 or mom and pop store ? Most of the small stores in my area has one of those very heavy stone tables outside.

I know it says roadside sales but these things can be so vague as it is then officials starting talking and contradict each other.

"Does this mean i can still sit there and drink beer bought from the neighbourhood 7-11 or mom and pop store ?"

"I know it says roadside sales..."

So, just being your usual obtuse self then in order to start another Thai bash.

Cheezy response Sviss. I don't really understand your constant desire to try to pervert legitimate posts, and insult posters. You are mature enough to ignore officianado, so why not ignore posts that you dont' agree with which contain matters of principle that you disagree with?

Virtually every bus station/terminal, whatever one wishes to define it as, has a 7/11 or local official store selling alcohol, some 24/7 legally.

I do not think the government has the franchise power to stop beer sales at such venues, certainly from 7/11 or FamilyMart (the latter licenced for 24 hrs).

So why do you think it's an obtuse response? It certainly isn't Thai bashing; it is questioning how such an obligatory rule can be implemented when similar establishments shall be permitted to do exactly the same in the same places and locations.

Correct it is not Thai bashing, but if you are a Thai apologist like "Sviss Geez, then YES it is Thai bashing.

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Nanny state, how ridiculous.

The Nanny state , are you talking about Australia ? I like living in Thailand , Nanny state ??? Go live in Australia and you will see the real nanny state

Edited by kevvy
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0 milligrams and your gone. harsh.

Makes absolute sense and there is no legitimate argument against it.

I agree, but like almost every other law in Thailand it will never be enforced in the long run.

So that's 2 people who think anyone who is driving 100% sober deserve to be banned from driving.

How much jail time should these teetotalers get ? couple of years for each drink they didn't have maybe.

Edited by berybert
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0 milligrams and your gone. harsh.

Theslime seems to be provoking people to misread, misunderstand or misinterpret the alcohol limit. All others pray tell my what is wrong with a driver doing his job with 0 milligrams of alcohol in his blood?

i cant control what you dream up, but having a couple of beers, doesnt mean you are a worse driver than someone who hasn,t had a drink.

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0 milligrams and your gone. harsh.

Makes absolute sense and there is no legitimate argument against it.

I agree, but like almost every other law in Thailand it will never be enforced in the long run.

So that's 2 people who think anyone who is driving 100% sober deserve to be banned from driving.

How much jail time should these teetotalers get ? couple of years for each drink they didn't have maybe.

I could see the funny side of the 0 milligrams, but it seems some cant.

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Is the government going to ban senior government officials from having extended alcohol fuelled lunches?

After having a long lunch, they suddenly have to get back to the office.

Driving under the influence and driving on the wrong side of the road, causing accidents, seriously injuring people.

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