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Crazy lady living upstairs


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Here's the situation...

Me and my family live in a nice apartment complex in Bangkok.

The lady who lives above us is crazy. For the past 3 years we have endured sleepless nights due to the shear amount of noise that is coming from her apartment. It sounds as though she is smashing her apartment to pieces. Shouting and screaming. Throwing household items out of the window (she is in the 3rd floor).

Every once in a while when it happens I go upstairs, knock on her door. No answer. We call security. They knock on her door. No answer. At 4am this morning we called the police. It's currently 7am and I am still waiting for them (police station is about 1 minute away by bike / car). We have told the apartment manager on a number of occasions, however nothing is ever done.

As far as I understand it, the apartment is owned by her ex husband (European) however he hasn't been here for years. The lady living there is in her 40's. There is a tomboy (possibly her daughter) that we often see. She also has a daughter in her teens who, whenever I see her, is walking round like a zombie due to lack of sleep. I really feel sorry for her as you can see she is growing up in the middle of a terrible situation.

It often seems that my family are alone on this one as being that we are the only ones living below her, we are the only ones that hear her. However whilst sitting in the lobby waiting for the police, there was a lady talking to security. Turns out the lady and her family live above the crazy lady. We discussed the events over the past few years and it seems that she shares the same frustrations and sleepless nights.

I don't want to move my family out of where we currently live because of this ladies actions. I would have hoped that the condo management would have been able to help, however I suspect they don't really want to get involved.

I'm not confident that the police will show up.

I'm running out of ideas.

Any suggestions?

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Sadly the only likely fix is to move sad.png

Our own 'crazy lady' used to live right next door, nice as pie during the day. She didn't make noise or throw things, but constantly accused us of having late night parties (even when we were out apparently). I lost count of the times security woke us at 3AM accusing us of having loud parties (where they thought all our guests had gone before they arrived I never really found out).

We moved smile.png

Three years on and our old place is still empty, lady in question is still there.

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The police turned up at 0915.

Interviewed a few residents to understand the issue. The lady's daughter came to the lobby, saw the police. Got out her phone and started texting someone (her mum). I told the security to watch the front gate.

The police go with the daughter to the apartment. Guess what!! Crazy lady is know where to be seen. I run to the front. Oh, her car has gone!!!

We are now watching her on the CCTV recording stumbling out the front door. Into her car and off into the distance.....


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After watching the CCTV and logging all the times. We have instructed the security guard to make a note of when she comes and goes. The police will come back later to gather more information including images from the CCTV. Unfortunately they missed the perfect opportunity to question her. Looking at the CCTV footage, she was wasted.

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After watching the CCTV and logging all the times. We have instructed the security guard to make a note of when she comes and goes. The police will come back later to gather more information including images from the CCTV. Unfortunately they missed the perfect opportunity to question her. Looking at the CCTV footage, she was wasted.

Good luck with that mate.

The security guard will probably forget by tomorrow and the police probably will too.

She does sound a right crack pot though.

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There's your solution. She's scared of the police. Go talk to them and tell them you need this to be solved and you are going to be very grateful. They will help. Or move.

How grateful should I be? [emoji383]

You'll be told, don't worry.

P.S. > if the Police option doesn't work this time, just move ... it's not worth it to the sanity to try and fight it.

Edited by Tatsujin
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Before throwing in the towel and moving yourself, I would try talking to all of the other residents she is bothering.

If all of you, collectively, tell the management that if they do not deal with her you will all move out, I think you may get results.

It is much easier and cheaper for the management to fill one vacant apartment than it would be to fill four apartment, and the money they will lose until the vacancies are filled is much greater too.

Even after they fill four, the problem will remain and the four new tenants will be complaining and moving out too.

Don't move out until you at least give this a try.

P.S., you might also encourage management to inspect her apartment and see what kind of damage she has done to it!

Edited by willyumiii
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.....sounds like she is crying out for attention......or help....

....at least 2 daughters.....husband gone.....???

...money but no love or companionship.....???

....in her 40's is not too old....

...unless there is more to the story....

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unless you own the place, your best option is to move.

tell your landlord why.

other options are to contact the bulding juristic person or even the building manager. if you can get to the committee then do so. they probably had their AGM recently, but if not their AGM might be soon. you could get the issue raised at the meeting. "noise in the building" "records of police visits" etc.

you must really love the place to live there.

I would have either moved, had someone slash her tires, or sold the place.

I love where we live because it is so quiet and the other owners are quiet people as well.

I chose the place because of the layout - we have no walls that abut another unit. so only noise is upstairs. and the ceiling is 3 feet of dead space so good insulation makes it very quiet.

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If it's really important to you to know why she is making so much noise try and speak with the daughter about her and your concerns. It could be that the woman has some mental disorder that needs medical attention. If that's the case maybe you can get the daughter to bring her to the hospital. We just never really know what's going on in another person's life. Try to first be understanding and maybe a bit caring until you understand what's going on. Good luck!

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Sadly the only likely fix is to move sad.png

Our own 'crazy lady' used to live right next door, nice as pie during the day. She didn't make noise or throw things, but constantly accused us of having late night parties (even when we were out apparently). I lost count of the times security woke us at 3AM accusing us of having loud parties (where they thought all our guests had gone before they arrived I never really found out).

We moved smile.png

Three years on and our old place is still empty, lady in question is still there.

had the same in vienna....I was too noisy, even in the 2 month I wasn't 1 hour in that city.....

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Most likely Ya ba addict if nightly. Most likely ex bar girl who was on the job due to it, snagged herself a farang husband and now the money has gone.

Hiding from the police would indicate to me she needs to hide something from them as in the Ya ba.

Are her children Thai or LK ?

But she could be suffering from a mental illness and needs help. Kids may not know what to do and no one else will help.

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Most likely Ya ba addict if nightly. Most likely ex bar girl who was on the job due to it, snagged herself a farang husband and now the money has gone.

Hiding from the police would indicate to me she needs to hide something from them as in the Ya ba.

Are her children Thai or LK ?

But she could be suffering from a mental illness and needs help. Kids may not know what to do and no one else will help.

Ya Ba is what I'm thinking too. Ex bar girl, more than likely.

Eldest daughter (angry tomboy) is thai. The younger one is LK.

Ex husband is from Russia, apparently

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Most likely Ya ba addict if nightly. Most likely ex bar girl who was on the job due to it, snagged herself a farang husband and now the money has gone.

Hiding from the police would indicate to me she needs to hide something from them as in the Ya ba.

Are her children Thai or LK ?

But she could be suffering from a mental illness and needs help. Kids may not know what to do and no one else will help.

Ya Ba is what I'm thinking too. Ex bar girl, more than likely.

Eldest daughter (angry tomboy) is thai. The younger one is LK.

Ex husband is from Russia, apparently


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I had similar some years back, this is what I did, 3 am the row was going on in the floor below us.

I went down one floor in the lift and I bashed on her door as hard as i could I mean REALLY hard for a good 30 seconds, there was a deathly silence and the door did not open.

Of course the next day the office came to our room with the woman who of course said " it wasnt her"...total pack of lies..............and thats probably what you will get, they simply CANNOT accept "they" are the problem.........in fact YOU are.

Oh yes it was her before someone pipes in with " how do you know" well I know as i went down and sat outside her room and heard it all for a good 15 minutes.

However on leaving I araldited her door lock for good measure as I am in no way vindictive to selfish little turds like her.

Edited by kannot
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Before throwing in the towel and moving yourself, I would try talking to all of the other residents she is bothering.

If all of you, collectively, tell the management that if they do not deal with her you will all move out, I think you may get results.

It is much easier and cheaper for the management to fill one vacant apartment than it would be to fill four apartment, and the money they will lose until the vacancies are filled is much greater too.

Even after they fill four, the problem will remain and the four new tenants will be complaining and moving out too.

Don't move out until you at least give this a try.

P.S., you might also encourage management to inspect her apartment and see what kind of damage she has done to it!

All the other neighbours will not want to get involved..................... THATS NORMAL for here.

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Today I have had 4 families come up to me and give me the thumbs up. They told me they will support me (presumably as long as it's 100% anonymous).

I told the condo manager that if the police keep on being called it won't be long before the condo gets a bad name. That will affect property prices. Surely that will encourage residents to be more proactive

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