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1 dead in shooting at Copenhagen free speech event

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A pattern is starting to emerge here which makes me think of false flags. Many of these recent events like Boston, Sydney, Paris and now Copenhagen,there are relatively few fatalities, the perps are found very quickly indeed, indeed way too quickly....and then the main perp is shot dead and so is unable to talk. A perfect way to soften up a population of terrified sheeple for more wars and less human and civil rights.

Boston was no doubt a false flag. Too easy. Too simple. Those guys did not act alone. Something was very fishy about that whole episode.


Perhaps Denmark needs tighter gun control?

They need to get bordercontrol back in action and second to kick all 700,000 muslims out - New government is expected soon with DF in control - bye bye muslims

  • Like 2

Perhaps Denmark needs tighter gun control?

They need to get bordercontrol back in action and second to kick all 700,000 muslims out - New government is expected soon with DF in control - bye bye muslims



Perhaps Denmark needs tighter gun control?

They need to get bordercontrol back in action and second to kick all 700,000 muslims out - New government is expected soon with DF in control - bye bye muslims


Danish People's Party


Perhaps Denmark needs tighter gun control?

They need to get bordercontrol back in action and second to kick all 700,000 muslims out - New government is expected soon with DF in control - bye bye muslims

Danish People's Party



I just listened to a recording of the shooting at the cafe. LINK

1. I believe there were more than 30 shots which would indicate more than one gun because Ak-47's, M-16's and AK-74's tend to have magazines that hold either 20 or 30 rounds.

2. Some of the bursts sounded like semiautomatic i.e. one trigger pull for each shot.

3. A couple of bursts sounded fully automatic, machine gun style.

4. All of the shots sounded like smaller caliber than AK-47's as in M-16 or AK-74. But, it's a low quality recording so nothing is sure. It didn't sound like AK-47 which has a deeper sound but a slower moving, larger bullet.

5. I believe I heard AK-74's or M-16's.

(An AK-74 is built on the same platform as an AK-47, but the bullet is smaller and faster and has a greater range. It is similar ballistically to the M-16 but not as accurate.)

I think there may have been two shooters at the cafe.

It's hard to know what weapon was used yet. But i seriously doubt that it was something with 5.56 ammunition, that is very rare on street level in Europe, especially Scandinavia.

Most illegal guns comes from eastern europe(Ex. Yugoslavia in particular, mostly from Zastava Arms.) And it's not the 5.56 versions, its mostly the AK-47 knock off, with folding stock(Zastava M-70).

But in general on street level the Zastava M88 pistol is a favorite, as it is accessable and cheap. Assault rifles in Scandinavia is very rare. None the less he acquired one, its going to be interesting to know the whole story.

He could have been using the Zastava M84, CZ Scorpion knockoff. They appear on street level sometimes as well, and is chambered in 7.65 short. But eyewitness was saying that

they saw a apx. 100cm long plastic-like rifle, that does not sound as the M84.

Remember, 5.56 NATO is floating around, even in Thailand. I would think that if the gun was stolen it might be Western rather than the Kalashnikov (AK) variety. If it was smuggled, it could be comblock.

If the gun was described as plastic-like, that's more like a Western rifle than an Eastern Block or comblock rifle. Obviously I don't know what it was.

These guys are going to buy, steal, or smuggle guns. No laws will stop them.


Do not worry the BBC are already blaming the victims, by asking if the Danes free speech meeting was antagonist towards Islam.

Now for the Gaurdian readers to defend the gunman, it was the Europeans who provoked this attack, as European culture does not accommodate Islam.

We do not make Muslims feel welcome.

So welcome is soft Europe that thousands are invading in small armadas over the Med sea, to gain freedom in a Civilisation that their kids hate.

  • Like 1

Do not worry the BBC are already blaming the victims, by asking if the Danes free speech meeting was antagonist towards Islam.

Now for the Gaurdian readers to defend the gunman, it was the Europeans who provoked this attack, as European culture does not accommodate Islam.

We do not make Muslims feel welcome.

So welcome is soft Europe that thousands are invading in small armadas over the Med sea, to gain freedom in a Civilisation that their kids hate.

Seems that you may have been far closer to the truth than you realised.

Copenhagen shootings: Danish gunman 'had violent past'

Danish police say the gunman believed to have attacked a free-speech debate and a Copenhagen synagogue was 22, born in Denmark and known to them because of past violence.


Eventually the pain caused by the cognitive dissonance from pretending this is just a temporary phenomenon will be greater than the pain of assessing what will have to be done in order to defeat the ideology of political Islam. That is the day change will begin. The first step will involve the rounding up of traitors who have facilitated civilization jihad, said traitors know this and will do everything to safeguard themselves at the expense of their nations, for that is what traitors do.

The second step will not involve any liberal solutions, too late for that. Mass deportations and internment pending this may well be on the cards, half way house options would just result in civil war.

Wow, I had not thought of it like that- IMO you are correct.

The one thing does logically and invariably lead to the other, yes..predictably so ..and such a quick and instantaneous acceptance and agreement besides.....

So what might be in store for the Civilization Traitors under the New Order that ships 'em out in the millions and millions like Stalin did and like Mao did....


I just listened to a recording of the shooting at the cafe. LINK

1. I believe there were more than 30 shots which would indicate more than one gun because Ak-47's, M-16's and AK-74's tend to have magazines that hold either 20 or 30 rounds.

2. Some of the bursts sounded like semiautomatic i.e. one trigger pull for each shot.

3. A couple of bursts sounded fully automatic, machine gun style.

4. All of the shots sounded like smaller caliber than AK-47's as in M-16 or AK-74. But, it's a low quality recording so nothing is sure. It didn't sound like AK-47 which has a deeper sound but a slower moving, larger bullet.

5. I believe I heard AK-74's or M-16's.

(An AK-74 is built on the same platform as an AK-47, but the bullet is smaller and faster and has a greater range. It is similar ballistically to the M-16 but not as accurate.)

I think there may have been two shooters at the cafe.

It's hard to know what weapon was used yet. But i seriously doubt that it was something with 5.56 ammunition, that is very rare on street level in Europe, especially Scandinavia.

Most illegal guns comes from eastern europe(Ex. Yugoslavia in particular, mostly from Zastava Arms.) And it's not the 5.56 versions, its mostly the AK-47 knock off, with folding stock(Zastava M-70).

But in general on street level the Zastava M88 pistol is a favorite, as it is accessable and cheap. Assault rifles in Scandinavia is very rare. None the less he acquired one, its going to be interesting to know the whole story.

He could have been using the Zastava M84, CZ Scorpion knockoff. They appear on street level sometimes as well, and is chambered in 7.65 short. But eyewitness was saying that

they saw a apx. 100cm long plastic-like rifle, that does not sound as the M84.

Remember, 5.56 NATO is floating around, even in Thailand. I would think that if the gun was stolen it might be Western rather than the Kalashnikov (AK) variety. If it was smuggled, it could be comblock.

If the gun was described as plastic-like, that's more like a Western rifle than an Eastern Block or comblock rifle. Obviously I don't know what it was.

These guys are going to buy, steal, or smuggle guns. No laws will stop them.

I'm sorry if it sounds, like i'm trying to be a "know it all" - But i actually worked with exactly these things in the past. And trust me, 5.56 NATO is not something that "floats around" in Scandinavia(and especially NOT western produced 5.56 guns). IF it shows that the weapon is for example a Zastava M21 or similar, I'll bet almost anything, that he was firing .223 Remington and not 5.56 NATO.

Regarding 5.56 NATO in Scandinavia, you might have a very small chance to acquiring it, in small amounts, stolen from the army or national guard(primarily still using 7.62, new cadets gets a M4A1 5.56). But it would actually be the "enemy's" of this guy, that would be able to get their hands on munition in this caliber.(Hells Angels to be exact).

Latest information is, that the perpetrador was part of of an immigrant gang, called "Brothas" that is connected to a hosing project in Copenhagen, called "Møjlnerparken" (quite absurd, "Mjølner" is the name of Thors Hammer... smile.png ) Anyhow, the Brothas gang is involved in a gangwar, where they primarily are rivals to Hells Angels in Denmark. But actually for a short period acted as a strong-arm, for the bikers against other groups called "Blågards Plads" referring to the housing area where they belong and a group called VHK (now part of Satudarah-bikers) a small but very violent outside player, that fights all of them is the "Sjællør-banden" which is now called "La Reza". The other dominant biker group in Denmark, Bandidos normally stay out of this, as they focus on selling mainly amphetamines and some cocaine. So latest "alliances" is as follows: Hells Angels controls the sale of hashish from the freetown of "Christiania" (worth more than 6 billion Baht annually). Brothas, "Blågaards plads", VHK, and La Reza is selling outside of the freetown and trying to get the marked. Regular beefs arise as the bulk/whole-sellers(mainly French/Spanish-moroccan gangsters) sells to all groups. And the groups all meet in jail, once in a while = beefs.

(where is he going, with all this babble? rolleyes.gif )

Well, back to the 5.56 munitions, as the alliances do play a role in what he could get his hands on: He might have had access to very small amounts of 5.56 ammunition when Brothas for a short while, was the strong-arm of Hells Angels. But other than that, no. And a assault rifle in 5.56 - well, anything is possible - but other than the Zastavas chambered in 5.56, i really really really doubt it. Western produced 5.56 rifles is not something you will find in Danish homes, therefore, they don't surface on the black marked. In one out of 1000(or more) homes you'll find an old 12 gauge shotgun, with birdshots only, a hunting rifle in .308, a .22 for pest control on farms or .38/.22 pistols for target practice (shooting ranges ONLY).

A "funny" perspective on this terror-attack in Copenhagen, is that most likely. Without the gang wars about hashish in Copenhagen, this guy would not have this violent nature(he would have been around 15 when the wars started, so a perfect example of the "littlebrother" generation that is even more violent, than their predecessors). And he would not be able to acquire the guns for the attack. There is no doubt that religion played a role here, he most likely turned extremist in jail - but the main fault here, is not Islam. But a failed drug policy in the west and social issues of Copenhagen. This will of cause not be reported in the mainstream media, as this story is not as exciting, as linking this lone-wolf looser, to ISIS or Al Qaeda(who is actually not even operative, at this point).


So he shot at a Jewish synagogue and a free speach event about the drawing of Mohamed ,because he was in a gang ,and it had nothing to do with the fact he was Muslim . do you work for the Guardian or the BBC?

That is not what i'm saying - I'm simply stating, that this clown is first of all a criminal thug, that is the product of a failed drug policy in the west and some social issues, that is embarrassing for one of the top 3 richest countrys in the world.

There is not doubt, that his extremist ways (that he properly picked up in jail.) Was why he attacked those places - but again, without the other factors, he would never be able to carry out the attack, in a place like Denmark.

So he shot at a Jewish synagogue and a free speach event about the drawing of Mohamed ,because he was in a gang ,and it had nothing to do with the fact he was Muslim . do you work for the Guardian or the BBC?

Indeed, clearly the congregation (?) of the synagogue and Swedish journalists and free-speech defenders were planning, in concert, I should add, to muscle in on Copenhagen's lucrative hashish dealing scene.


I'm sorry for complicating the scenario with facts, an old work habit.

I know its easier, to just see things in black and white coffee1.gif


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I just listened to a recording of the shooting at the cafe. LINK

1. I believe there were more than 30 shots which would indicate more than one gun because Ak-47's, M-16's and AK-74's tend to have magazines that hold either 20 or 30 rounds.

2. Some of the bursts sounded like semiautomatic i.e. one trigger pull for each shot.

3. A couple of bursts sounded fully automatic, machine gun style.

4. All of the shots sounded like smaller caliber than AK-47's as in M-16 or AK-74. But, it's a low quality recording so nothing is sure. It didn't sound like AK-47 which has a deeper sound but a slower moving, larger bullet.

5. I believe I heard AK-74's or M-16's.

(An AK-74 is built on the same platform as an AK-47, but the bullet is smaller and faster and has a greater range. It is similar ballistically to the M-16 but not as accurate.)

I think there may have been two shooters at the cafe.

It's hard to know what weapon was used yet. But i seriously doubt that it was something with 5.56 ammunition, that is very rare on street level in Europe, especially Scandinavia.

Most illegal guns comes from eastern europe(Ex. Yugoslavia in particular, mostly from Zastava Arms.) And it's not the 5.56 versions, its mostly the AK-47 knock off, with folding stock(Zastava M-70).

But in general on street level the Zastava M88 pistol is a favorite, as it is accessable and cheap. Assault rifles in Scandinavia is very rare. None the less he acquired one, its going to be interesting to know the whole story.

He could have been using the Zastava M84, CZ Scorpion knockoff. They appear on street level sometimes as well, and is chambered in 7.65 short. But eyewitness was saying that

they saw a apx. 100cm long plastic-like rifle, that does not sound as the M84.

Another expert in devices to kill people.

May be we should bomb the shit out of Zastava (together with IS) and all the other places they fabricate killing devices.


So he shot at a Jewish synagogue and a free speach event about the drawing of Mohamed ,because he was in a gang ,and it had nothing to do with the fact he was Muslim . do you work for the Guardian or the BBC?

That is not what i'm saying - I'm simply stating, that this clown is first of all a criminal thug, that is the product of a failed drug policy in the west and some social issues, that is embarrassing for one of the top 3 richest countrys in the world.

There is not doubt, that his extremist ways (that he properly picked up in jail.) Was why he attacked those places - but again, without the other factors, he would never be able to carry out the attack, in a place like Denmark.

So he shot at a Jewish synagogue and a free speach event about the drawing of Mohamed ,because he was in a gang ,and it had nothing to do with the fact he was Muslim . do you work for the Guardian or the BBC?

Indeed, clearly the congregation (?) of the synagogue and Swedish journalists and free-speech defenders were planning, in concert, I should add, to muscle in on Copenhagen's lucrative hashish dealing scene.


I'm sorry for complicating the scenario with facts, an old work habit.

I know its easier, to just see things in black and white coffee1.gif

"I know its easier to see things in black and white"

I have always found ,if it walks like a duck ,quacks like a duck ,its usually a duck.coffee1.gif


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It's hard to know what weapon was used yet. But i seriously doubt that it was something with 5.56 ammunition, that is very rare on street level in Europe, especially Scandinavia.

Most illegal guns comes from eastern europe(Ex. Yugoslavia in particular, mostly from Zastava Arms.) And it's not the 5.56 versions, its mostly the AK-47 knock off, with folding stock(Zastava M-70).

But in general on street level the Zastava M88 pistol is a favorite, as it is accessable and cheap. Assault rifles in Scandinavia is very rare. None the less he acquired one, its going to be interesting to know the whole story.

He could have been using the Zastava M84, CZ Scorpion knockoff. They appear on street level sometimes as well, and is chambered in 7.65 short. But eyewitness was saying that

they saw a apx. 100cm long plastic-like rifle, that does not sound as the M84.

Another expert in devices to kill people.

May be we should bomb the shit out of Zastava (together with IS) and all the other places they fabricate killing devices.

I get it. You want to eliminate guns and go to bombs. I take it you're a pacifist? whistling.gif

  • Like 1

You are simply making excuses for his behavior.

The problem with these radicals is not the war on drugs and it is not the invention of gun powder.

Ohh..Jesus. I'm not making excuses! I'm not muslim, i'm as pale as a bedsheet and I don't care about this clown. But one of the things I did work with, is analyzing exactly these things, in exactly that city! So i actually have some first hand information and a broader perspective, that non of you guys would ever get access to and that none of the media care about(not the mainstream anyhow) - as i said, its easier just to blame everything on religion. The attack yesterday is more complex, than just "christians vs. muslims"

If people think that i'm saying he picked out those targets, because of a gang war - they are not reading what I'm writing! Of cause this idiot picked out exactly those targets, becaus he felt, he had to protect Islam/the prophet/punish the west...what ever somebody idiot whispered in his ear.

Again this clown, is not a product of the middleeast, but a product of the dirty corners of our own backyard, mixed with a twisted version of a stupid fairytale(religion).

if one can not see that, you are uneducated and/or uninformed - end of story.

Without that specifik conflict inside Copenhagen, this would not be possible for that idiot. Maybe someone else...but not him. That is based on facts and knowledge on the exact people involved, conflicts in that area and the place he grew up.

I'm not making ANY speculations about the general problem with terrorism in the west, carried out by muslim extremists - i'm only stating facts about that one incident that happened yesterday in Copenhagen.



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Hate to come up with it but the hard reality we have to ask ourselves is "where will it be next?" Because it will for sure. That's the price we're paying of decades of all too liberal immigration laws set out by corrupt mainstream parties and greedy industrialists. I agree with some of the comments made here, there are simply too many Muslims in the West in general and the majority doesn't belong there. Unwelcome decisions will have to be made, whether politically correct or not. Deportation is among one of the necessary options in preserving our own rights and security.

I'm not convinced that anything meaningful will occur. The media and educational institutions, not to mention the left wing political parties, aid organizations, and churches, are heavily invested in turning the West into a multicultural, multiethnic, multireligious ghetto. They will not go down easily. And your average European or American is too fearful of losing their job, being sued, or indicted by the government for thought crimes to do anything chancy.

Very well put mr. Gary and mr. Paul.

Mass deportation is impossible, for that the governments are to weak. We find ourselves in an unescapable "black hole".

Even moving to rural areas of Thailand does not cut it any more.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I just listened to a recording of the shooting at the cafe. LINK

1. I believe there were more than 30 shots which would indicate more than one gun because Ak-47's, M-16's and AK-74's tend to have magazines that hold either 20 or 30 rounds.

2. Some of the bursts sounded like semiautomatic i.e. one trigger pull for each shot.

3. A couple of bursts sounded fully automatic, machine gun style.

4. All of the shots sounded like smaller caliber than AK-47's as in M-16 or AK-74. But, it's a low quality recording so nothing is sure. It didn't sound like AK-47 which has a deeper sound but a slower moving, larger bullet.

5. I believe I heard AK-74's or M-16's.

(An AK-74 is built on the same platform as an AK-47, but the bullet is smaller and faster and has a greater range. It is similar ballistically to the M-16 but not as accurate.)

I think there may have been two shooters at the cafe.

It's hard to know what weapon was used yet. But i seriously doubt that it was something with 5.56 ammunition, that is very rare on street level in Europe, especially Scandinavia.

Most illegal guns comes from eastern europe(Ex. Yugoslavia in particular, mostly from Zastava Arms.) And it's not the 5.56 versions, its mostly the AK-47 knock off, with folding stock(Zastava M-70).

But in general on street level the Zastava M88 pistol is a favorite, as it is accessable and cheap. Assault rifles in Scandinavia is very rare. None the less he acquired one, its going to be interesting to know the whole story.

He could have been using the Zastava M84, CZ Scorpion knockoff. They appear on street level sometimes as well, and is chambered in 7.65 short. But eyewitness was saying that

they saw a apx. 100cm long plastic-like rifle, that does not sound as the M84.

Another expert in devices to kill people.

May be we should bomb the shit out of Zastava (together with IS) and all the other places they fabricate killing devices.

Well - i'm not a gun freak, but the knowledge is related to my former work.

The Zastava factories was actually bombed in 1999 by American F117 Nighthawks backedup/protected by Danish F16's (among others). I'm actually very very very sure about that rolleyes.gif

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