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Leaving Thailand for good


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The only thing I will miss about the US is legal weed.

We spend half of each year in Thailand and the other in the great state of Washington. Each time, as our time dwindles down we begin to get excited about the upcoming six months on the other side of the ocean.

When that feeling stops, I suppose we will make a decision.

Oh, and weed is legal and sold over the counter in Washington.

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HC.... That is a thorough post. My wife joined me for a while when I was working in the USA last year and she pointed out that meats and seafood were cheaper in the markets there than in Thailand. Plus, the seafood tasted better, likely as it was not preserved with nasty stuff. Vegetables and fruits are definitely more expensive in the USA, about 3-4 times what they are in LOS. Most off the shelf items in the grocery stores were cheaper. Medical care is the big hitter in the USA, but if you can avoid that, it is indeed cheaper in the USA these days if you can find inexpensive housing.


Yep. The beef has gone up recently, but the quality is far superior and still cheaper than LOS. Some veggies are cheaper in Thailand, but not much of a variety. Ever buy a spaghetti squash or Brussels Sprouts in LOS?

The key in America is to work hard at that job that pays so well, long enough to be debt free and have your house free and clear. Then stay in good health, and life is far less expensive, with far more variety and benefits, than in SE Asia.

"The key in America is to work hard at that job that pays so well, long enough to be debt free and have your house free and clear. Then stay in good health, and life is far less expensive, with far more variety and benefits, than in SE Asia."

I can understand why you have a signature "bored member."

Work most of your life to buy a house that had it's resale value slashed in half during the last Republican admin and devote yourself to keeping the lawn weed-free and congratulating yourself because you can find Brussels sprouts in the market. Most of what you blathered on about had to do with prices for trivial things. If you planned for your retirement so well, why would you be so worried how much a cheap bottle of wine cost?

You do know it was democratic p[olicy that led to the 08 financial crisis. The policy of everyone needs to buy a home.

And they are doing it again. Zero or 3% down loans are mandated by the govt. They want another crisis to finish off the old USA.

Oh dear, Off Topic again......

t's not simply a USA thing, it's Global.

If you have 5 hours to spare over the next few weeks, watch this documentary.

It's a bit old now but it does show the root of the evil and it's not socialism actually.

I have never been a socialist BTW.


Edited by laislica
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Lasted seven years, came back last fall.

Cost of living is cheaper here, better quality of life, and:

People smile without hoping for anything other than a smile back;

Haven't heard a single dog bark in three months, let alone been attacked by a pack of them;

No burning of plastic;

No loud music, caterwauling as the moon sets, or unbridled exhaust;

Haven't seen one person pick their nose. Nope, not even the person preparing my food ...

Were there good things about my time in Thailand? Sure, but no where near enough to consider living there any longer, let alone dying there.

My wife is joining me in April. We have a bucket list in the first month that includes:

The Grand Canyon- camping and rafting;

Las Vegas- attending a Cirque de Sol show, and, in the casinos, losing money;

Driving north from San Diego through Malibu, sailing to and about Catalina, then taking Hwy 1 up the coast into Washington State and eventually Victoria, B.C. We'll stop at wineries and cheese farms along the way, detouring for camping in Sequoia National Park, and Redwood National Forest. Then Yosemite and back over to the coast ….

Absolutely no way I would consider wasting another precious day of life in LOS

That makes me jealous....just the no more nose picking would do it for me.

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Lasted seven years, came back last fall.

Cost of living is cheaper here,


It is for me, to live a Western lifestyle. I don't want to live "like a Thai."

I don't either.

I live in a nice apartment with maid service and laundry pickup/deliver close in in Chiang Mai, eat at western restaurants daily, get several massages a week, drink coffee daily at Starbucks, all for less that 1500 USD/month. That also includes gasoline for the motorbike and car, and all utilities and 3g cell phone service. City living at it's best. Where in the US could you get that?

So, you spend about 9% of your monthly expenses on Starbuck's coffee?

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Life is certainly cheaper here, unless you insist on trying to live a western lifestyle.

But if you want to live a western lifestyle, why the hell move here in the first place?

some people (like the Mrs and me) moved to Thailand to enjoy a much more comfortable and in fact more luxurious lifestyle than any "western style" one we could afford in the "west". minimum wage in Germany is presently € 8.50 (฿ 315.-) an hour, e.g. for a maid/cleaning lady who works 40 hours a week this adds up ฿ 54,600 a month! that's approximately the basic salaries we pay in Thailand for four fulltime employees (housekeeper, cook, gardener and driver/handyman).

note: in my [not so] humble view most of the resident eggsburts talk about "lifestyle" but forget that the definition of lifestyle varies on a scale from 1 to 100.

and when i read comments insinuating that western lifestyle equates to western kitchens or bathrooms with non squat toilets, a pair of jeans for x-amount dollars, the lack of soi dogs, etc. i feel like laughing out loudly or even sometimes crying bitterly with sympathy laugh.png

addendum: please refrain from rendering good advice such as "let your wife cook, clean and do the laundry, mow your lawn and trim your bushes/trees yourself and... and... and..." because that's boring me to death sick.gif

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Has your wife ever been to Salt Lake City? That's got to be quite an adjustment for a Thai person. I don't envy her; in fact I can think of few US cities where it would be more difficult for a Thai person to adjust. I hope her cultural adjustment skills are better than yours seem to be.

Do Mormons even believe Thais go to heaven? Aren't you going to run into former missionaries who are going to automatically assume your wife is a former prostitute/mail order bride? I don't know, HeijoshinCool, most of your complaints about Thailand seem to fall into the "Wahhh...it's not like back home!" category. It would be rather ironic if your Thai wife starts singing the same tune when she arrives in Utah. I hope things work out for you, if only for your wife's sake.


Are you dim? Do you know that less than 40% of residents in SLC proper are Mormons? Less and less each year.

I am not Mormon. My wife is highly intelligent and can adjust to pretty much any adversity, just as I adjusted well to life in Thailand, but we are discussing where it is cheaper to live, aren't we?

I could not care less what "former (Mormon) missionaries" think about.

If my wife wants to return to Thailand, I will move back and enjoy life with her to the fullest.

No I'm not dim, quite the contrary.

I've been to SLC, and the Mormon Church's influence is pervasive and oppressive. I would think most Thais would find that environment depressing and alien. I also don't believe that the Mormon Church is very receptive to interracial marriage. Your earlier posts leave the reader with the impression that you were done with Thailand for good; sorry if I misunderstood. You now claim to have adjusted well to Thailand. Again, your posts suggest otherwise. By the way, this thread is about comparative advantages/disadvantages of living in Thailand, not comparative costs of living.


I've been to SLC, and the Mormon Church's influence is pervasive and oppressive.

It once was, not anymore. There are now as many (excellent) brew pubs in Utah, as in either Washington or Oregon.

I couldn't care less what the Moron Church thinks about my marriage, anymore than I cared what people in Rhek Thum thought about it, which, by the way, wasn't good. People gossip that I deserted my wife, which cuts her deeply. Besides, I'm here because a job was offered to me for the next three years, that was too good to pass up. Then we are into the woods.

I can live anywhere and make myself happy. My comments on this thread were about why I'd rather live in the States, and why it can be cheaper, if done right.

But yes, I would be done with Thailand, if were solely up to me. But I love my wife, so we'll have to wait and see ….

Edited by HeijoshinCool
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at the end of the day its each to there own, i love it here and ill be here till the end,

others i cant speak for them we all see thailand through different sets of eyes,

whats good for me others might hate,

im not talking about the cost of living what is cheaper here or there, i love my life in thailand, if it was the same price i would still want to be here, i love the place,

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So you still gonna TAKE CARE of your gf. Why not let another man take care of her...............................hahahaha.


And with that childish, unthoughtful comment, we all now know what kind of "man" you are.

Grow up-its Thailand baby. We all know what take care means.

So man sends girl money and isnt coming back. Are you saying girl cant find another man to LOVE?

What kind of a man being are you? In post #5 he clearly said this is his wife. Jeez there are some lowlife scum baggers on here.

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at the end of the day its each to there own, i love it here and ill be here till the end,

others i cant speak for them we all see thailand through different sets of eyes,

whats good for me others might hate,

im not talking about the cost of living what is cheaper here or there, i love my life in thailand, if it was the same price i would still want to be here, i love the place,


Always like your calm posts, Jake.

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This summer I'm out to buy a piece of land and build a vacation home. It's mine when I'm done, though my wife's name will also be on it.

One thing that the USA does have is a legal/court system that protects the rights of women in the case of divorce. You should make sure your wife is aware of her rights in case, you know, things don't work out. Come to think of it, nevermind, she will figure it out soon enough.


Yes, you are right.

The other thing the USA has, are prenuptial agreements.

which in some states are not worth the paper they are written on.

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I can think of at least four places I can buy organic foods within a short walk from here

Where is that please?

We live about 80Km west of Bangkok, without personal transport, 10 Km from the county town.

The only farms near here are fish, shrimp and sea salt.

We buy our produce at the local "Wat" markets.

Where the greens have obvious bug bites, we would buy that as it is the nearest to "organic" we could get.

BTW, the definition of "Organic" allows loads of materials that mean it is not what you would really want to buy.

A very long and complicated subject.

"Organic Free Range Eggs" can still be factory farmed. They just need a door in the side of the barn so if a chicken wanted to, it could go into the enclosed area outside.

The lobbyists have corrupted such fine words so that the manufacturers can "get away with it".

but if there are organic products easily accessible by the baht bus and vans, i would shop there.


He he he.

You paint with a broad brush Sir. LOL

Actual addresses would be really helpful.....

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Life is certainly cheaper here, unless you insist on trying to live a western lifestyle.

But if you want to live a western lifestyle, why the hell move here in the first place?

some people (like the Mrs and me) moved to Thailand to enjoy a much more comfortable and in fact more luxurious lifestyle than any "western style" one we could afford in the "west". minimum wage in Germany is presently € 8.50 (฿ 315.-) an hour, e.g. for a maid/cleaning lady who works 40 hours a week this adds up ฿ 54,600 a month! that's approximately the basic salaries we pay in Thailand for four fulltime employees (housekeeper, cook, gardener and driver/handyman).

note: in my [not so] humble view most of the resident eggsburts talk about "lifestyle" but forget that the definition of lifestyle varies on a scale from 1 to 100.

and when i read comments insinuating that western lifestyle equates to western kitchens or bathrooms with non squat toilets, a pair of jeans for x-amount dollars, the lack of soi dogs, etc. i feel like laughing out loudly or even sometimes crying bitterly with sympathy laugh.png

addendum: please refrain from rendering good advice such as "let your wife cook, clean and do the laundry, mow your lawn and trim your bushes/trees yourself and... and... and..." because that's boring me to death sick.gif

I hope I understood your post correctly.

Is there a reason that you pay less than the minimum wage to your four employees in Thailand?

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at the end of the day its each to there own, i love it here and ill be here till the end,

others i cant speak for them we all see thailand through different sets of eyes,

whats good for me others might hate,

im not talking about the cost of living what is cheaper here or there, i love my life in thailand, if it was the same price i would still want to be here, i love the place,

Ditto. Well said.

I love Thailand and make it a point to never take if for granted. I love my wife and am blessed to have her, our BKK condo and amazing view, the food, the life. the people ... really.

Yes, of course, I am American and some things are frustrating ... but guess whose problem that is? ... mine.

The trade off for these momentary frustrations is ... well ... everything else!

I am very much in the "Love it or Leave it camp" and have little time or tolerance for those who stay and whine "This is not like home"

Duh. Correct. This is not like home.

Thank god for that. I am all in and will never leave, and my ashes will be put in in the Chao Phraya River.

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I pay 2200 THB a month for a 3 bedroom brick and tile, fully furnished home in Thailand.

That is 7.5% of my salary.

Where in the west will I do that. Tell me and I will go there.

Not sure where your living because my wife in addition to our home owns 2 condos, rents out the loft one for 2000 bath/month and the 2 bedroom one for 6,500 per month. Also sister-in-law rents out one of her 2 bedroom apt (17th floor) in Bangkok for 12,000 baht/month.

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at the end of the day its each to there own, i love it here and ill be here till the end,

others i cant speak for them we all see thailand through different sets of eyes,

whats good for me others might hate,

im not talking about the cost of living what is cheaper here or there, i love my life in thailand, if it was the same price i would still want to be here, i love the place,

Ditto. Well said.

I love Thailand and make it a point ot never take if for granted. I love my wife and am blessed to have her, our BKK condo and amazing view, the food, the life. the people ... really.

Yes, of course, I am American and some things are frustrating ... but guess whose problem that is? ... mine.

The trade off for these momentary frustrations is ... well ... everything else!

I am very much in the "Love it or Leave it camp" and have little time or tolerance for those who stay and whine "This is not like home"

Duh. Correct. This is not like home.

Thank god for that.

Home is where you hang your hat!

I have two homes, one in Thailand and one in Spain and love them both.

Being married gives me responsibilities and I have persevered and got my wife long term permission to travel and live in Spain with me.

I feel very sorry for the fellows with wives or girlfriends who may find that it is near impossible to get the right paperwork in any straightforward way.

An amazing thread BTW and mostly still very civilised.

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at the end of the day its each to there own, i love it here and ill be here till the end,

others i cant speak for them we all see thailand through different sets of eyes,

whats good for me others might hate,

im not talking about the cost of living what is cheaper here or there, i love my life in thailand, if it was the same price i would still want to be here, i love the place,

Ditto. Well said.

I love Thailand and make it a point to never take if for granted. I love my wife and am blessed to have her, our BKK condo and amazing view, the food, the life. the people ... really.

Yes, of course, I am American and some things are frustrating ... but guess whose problem that is? ... mine.

The trade off for these momentary frustrations is ... well ... everything else!

I am very much in the "Love it or Leave it camp" and have little time or tolerance for those who stay and whine "This is not like home"

Duh. Correct. This is not like home.

Thank god for that. I am all in and will never leave, and my ashes will be put in in the Chao Phraya River.

Man, I dig your style. Rock on bro.

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Lasted seven years, came back last fall.

Cost of living is cheaper here, better quality of life, and:

People smile without hoping for anything other than a smile back;

Haven't heard a single dog bark in three months, let alone been attacked by a pack of them;

No burning of plastic;

No loud music, caterwauling as the moon sets, or unbridled exhaust;

Haven't seen one person pick their nose. Nope, not even the person preparing my food ...

Were there good things about my time in Thailand? Sure, but no where near enough to consider living there any longer, let alone dying there.

My wife is joining me in April. We have a bucket list in the first month that includes:

The Grand Canyon- camping and rafting;

Las Vegas- attending a Cirque de Sol show, and, in the casinos, losing money;

Driving north from San Diego through Malibu, sailing to and about Catalina, then taking Hwy 1 up the coast into Washington State and eventually Victoria, B.C. We'll stop at wineries and cheese farms along the way, detouring for camping in Sequoia National Park, and Redwood National Forest. Then Yosemite and back over to the coast ….

Absolutely no way I would consider wasting another precious day of life in LOS.

As i was reading i thought you came back to LOS, until i hit Las Vegas,

You missed a very critical point,, everyone speaks English there (mostly)

so when you get run over by a crazy tuk tuk driver you can tell the doc

exactly where it hurts,, good luck on your move out of LOS.

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Dear Mr HeijoshinCool,

You make a very detailed and compelling argument for the USA being cheaper than Thailand and throw in a whole heap of examples why it is more convenient and so much more stimulating and interesting. I am curious as to what it might have been that detained you in Thailand for seven years.

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I fell into the trap so many of us did, .. married a Thai girl, built a house and helped her family only to have her cheat on me and run off with someone else after my savings were spent, .. lost everything and am pretty much stuck here now, .... At first, I thought it would be ok to be here until the end, but the recent changes in policy by Immigration that seems to favor the invasion of Russians and Chinese and discourage the likes of me, ( Westerner, from Canada) it does not seem so appealing as it once did!

The exchange rates seem to be going the wrong way and prices are always rising, meaning my small pension does not even go a s far as it once did! ... and that was not all that far!!!

I'm in the wait and see mode right now! If things continue as they are, .. I'll be looking for greener pastures and saying good bye to Thailkand after 10 years here

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"Nature Abhors a Vacuum". Keep in mind that despite all the nice and wonderful Thai and Farangs you will interact with in Thailand, if you have assets or belongings or stand out too much from the crowd, you can become a target. Even good girls can have bad mafia types put guns to their mother's head. Lots of foreigners suspicously fall off balconies or get accused of crimes and get arrested or induced to leave the country and lose the houses and property they bought in their wife's name.

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Lasted seven years, came back last fall.

Cost of living is cheaper here, better quality of life, and:

People smile without hoping for anything other than a smile back;

Haven't heard a single dog bark in three months, let alone been attacked by a pack of them;

No burning of plastic;

No loud music, caterwauling as the moon sets, or unbridled exhaust;

Haven't seen one person pick their nose. Nope, not even the person preparing my food ...

Were there good things about my time in Thailand? Sure, but no where near enough to consider living there any longer, let alone dying there.

My wife is joining me in April. We have a bucket list in the first month that includes:

The Grand Canyon- camping and rafting;

Las Vegas- attending a Cirque de Sol show, and, in the casinos, losing money;

Driving north from San Diego through Malibu, sailing to and about Catalina, then taking Hwy 1 up the coast into Washington State and eventually Victoria, B.C. We'll stop at wineries and cheese farms along the way, detouring for camping in Sequoia National Park, and Redwood National Forest. Then Yosemite and back over to the coast ….

Absolutely no way I would consider wasting another precious day of life in LOS.

If you stop at Victoria B.C. you'll miss out on some of the best scenery, if possible continue North up through central B.C. into the Yukon and Alaska. For me it was a worth while trip. Except for a small section, we didn't pass over the same stretch or road twice. Even made a detour and traveled the Dempster Hwy North to the Artic Ocean. If you travel the Dempster, make sure you have sufficient fuel, a reliable vehicle and good rubber as the Hwy is stone chip and hard on tires.

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The other thing the USA has, are prenuptial agreements.-------HeijosinCool

which in some states are not worth the paper they are written on.----Naam


I think that is correct HeijosinCool, I had a acquaintance that returned to Arizona after living/marrying --for 11 years Thailand, They parted after 2 years there--His prenup agreement was turned over in a higher court--I really don't know the full extent of the judgment, he just posted that fact on his F.Book page.

Edited by sanuk711
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