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Leaving Thailand for good


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Lasted seven years, came back last fall.

Cost of living is cheaper here,



Please don't edit my posts. Forum rules require you quote them in their entirety.

You know, this particular misperception is an ongoing argument on TV. And it is usually made by people with mediocre job histories, and/or a miserable existence in their homeland, making retiring to Asia and "enjoying" forty baht meals out, 150 baht massages, and 1000 baht "girlfriends," a good deal.

All the foods I like are available here at no up charge. In Thailand they carry a 300% up charge---even before Villa or Foodland grab their own take.

On Friday, I bought a very nice Chilean Malbec, on sale, for $4.19. That's 125 baht. IN LOS, the same wine was close to 700 baht. I bought an excellent cheese on special, thick smoked bacon for a dollar a pound, and a steelhead trout filet for $4 (fresh, not farmed). That's far less than what I paid at Villa.

My gym does not require a membership, and so has no pesky salesman. It has a flat rate of $15 per month. I, like all members, have a key, making it available 24/7.

When I use UPS or FedEx here, they are reliable and reasonable. Nothing gets stolen, or nailed for extra fees.

When I pay a serviceman here to do work on my vehicle, or my lawnmower, or my plumbing or electric, it is almost always done expeditiously, safely and right, the first time. This, as opposed to going through a series of workers who not only don't get it right, but often make a problem worse.

In LOS, I never had my '65 Honda motorbike running correctly, because the mechanics were incompetent or dishonest. Or both. This increases a tradesman's "bargain" rates considerably, making them no longer a bargain.

One time when I went to pick up my bike after some work, I noticed the original Honda seat was replaced by junk, and my seat was on the bike of the mechanic's buddy. When I pointed this out, they did this: whistling.gif . When I insisted they put it back on my bike, they became confrontational. I had to pay a cop to get my seat back. I don't think I have never had that experience at a Honda bike shop in the USA.

I bought a new gas BBQ last week at Home Depot. Regular cost was $99. On sale for $69. What's a gas BBQ in Thailand? I know the answer: about 10,000 baht for junk. The price goes up from there. The dumbbells I bought in LOS? One there cost as much as six here.

If I buy something at most stores here, there is a no-questions-asked return policy. I have returned to the local Smith's Supermarket, a number of items I found unsatisfactory. Always a smile when handing back my money. As such, I am a loyal customer. In November after returning to the States, I was checking out some groceries, and the bill was fifty-some dollars. I jokingly asked the checker if he had any coupons. He reached in his apron pocket, and swiped one across the scanner, and my bill dropped to $32. This is now a regular occurrence.

Gas where I live is almost half the price it is in Thailand. It is lower in other states.

In Thailand used vehicles carry a ridiculous price. Last week, I bought a '66 Chevy Bel Air. It had sat in an old lady's garage for years, and has 38,000 original miles. I paid $3700 for it. Now I have my eye on a '65, fully restored Chev pickup. $7000. Far less than a used pickup in average condition in Thailand. Both are investments that will never lose me money.

The Asian market I shop in Salt Lake City, actually has lower prices than back at Rhek Thum's "fresh market." And they are the same brands.

Here the tennis courts are free, and in good condition.

Here, cops don't stop me when I'm driving legally, unlike Thailand where they attempt to extort money. And here, Avis doesn't even think of extorting me for a pre-existing scratch, when I return a rental to the airport, just because I speak English.

My dentist here does not try to drill out non-existent cavities, nor pull a cracked tooth that can be repaired (if you have good training), nor spends a mere 15 minutes "cleaning" my teeth. Here it takes a solid hour,and is done right, so I only have to go twice a year rather than every couple of months.

This summer I'm out to buy a piece of land and build a vacation home. It's mine when I'm done, though my wife's name will also be on it. And where we are building, land is cheaper per acre than the rubber tree land where I lived in Rhek Thum. Don't believe me? Do your due diligence and research it, and you'll find my claim holds water.

Most of the nutritional products I take that keep me free of those expensive American doctor bills, are not available in Thailand. The few that are, are substantially lower in price here than in LOS. After feeling like crap the past few years, I am once again healthy and have my vitality back. That has great economic value.

The firearms I buy to go hunting and target shooting are at the very least, 1/3 the price they are in Thailand. The books I read are cheaper when new at the store, and a once-read paperback bought at a garage sale is 10 baht.

The tools I will use to build my house, Makita, Ryobi, and Milwaukee, are much less expensive here in the States. And if they break, the warranty work is done locally and in days. Usually they just hand over a new tool. The building material selection is far more diverse here, enabling both short-term and long-term savings.

Are there exceptions? Are there things cheaper in LOS?

Sure. Instant water heaters, air conditioners, unhygienic meals out, short-time"girlfriends," and massages. There are others, such as contact lenses, but as a whole do not measure up to a genuine savings.

Many items may be cheaper, but are built so cheaply they have a crap service life. Water pumps, clothing, and electrical items are a good example. Speaking of clothing, I bought new Levis last month. On sale, plus a coupon, $22 a pair. Good luck with that in LOS.

Want to retire to a warm climate that has reasonable prices? Try Port Charlotte, Florida. Check out the land and housing prices, and all the free services and discounts for seniors. Thailand does not even come close.

Do not worry, I have quoted everything you said. smile.png Salt Lake City does have its share of pollution, and the mormons require about 10% of your salary per week.


"not so much a matter of dollars as it is a matter of faith..." LOL....LOL.....LOL

There is a membership to join if you want to go to a bar, and everyone there complains about the bad drivers.

The grass may appear to be greener, but remember Brigham Young first went to SLC as they were running from the authorities!!! This is not a good history, and I am concerned about your safety. More so than in Thailand, the LOS.

Mormom versus Buddhism.

Pollution versus Pollution

Bad drivers versus bad drivers

298347389047324982 wives versus 3 bar girls.

mormom culture versus thai culture

english versus thai

stories to tell nobody versus world traveler!!! lol

fake church smiles versus fake smiles

creepy creepy versus expat creepy creepy

Sure, maybe you can get a car fixed "better" in SLC, but only if you are part of the mormon church!!!! Free tennis.....yes, after the kool-aid!!!! LOL

I'm in Park City.....see you Tuesday for bible study!!!!!


the mormons require about 10% of your salary per week.

There is a membership to join if you want to go to a bar

mormom culture versus thai culture

I'm in Park City.....see you Tuesday for bible study!!!!!

Ahhh, just like that Crabby guy, Gecko123, and Jungle Jim, someone else who has either never even been to Salt Lake City, or was here 30 years ago. Your ignorance precedes you.

Are you serious? You are claiming that non-believers must pay the church a tithe? That we can't get our cars repaired?

Take a look at the March edition of Utah Stories. Here it is online:


Park City, for those of you unfamiliar with Utah, is twenty-five minutes up the mountain from SLC. It is widely recognized as a world-class ski resort and Olympic venue, Hollywood celebrity haunt, and home of Robert Redford's Sundance Film Festival. It has less than 8000 inhabitants. There are less than 600 Mormons counted in that population.

It is also home to no less than eight (8), count 'em, eight microbreweries/craft beer pubs (making their own beer) in their small town. And, no, you do not have to pay membership to enjoy a freshly-made ale or lager. Just walk in and take a seat. I was just there this lunchtime, where I met a client, enjoyed some fresh salmon, and a glass of something named Polygamy Porter.

There are even more brew pubs in Salt Lake City proper, none of which require membership. That's from over 30 years ago, Sherlock.

Enjoy your fried rice and Chang tonight, Bud.

P.S. The drivers do indeed suck, but are stills heads above Thai drivers, the second worst in the world.

I always enjoyed driving in SLC. Once one has figured out the signage/directional system, it is really easy to get around in the city and to give/receive directions.

I have known, worked and been friends with a number of Mormons and found them to be some of the nicest, most honest, trustworthy people I have ever met. Better, kinder people are hard to find.

They are just nice people NIOT because they are Mormons

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Well informed, articulate and politely presented arguments ? Thaivisa ? My friend, you seem to have wandered right off the reservation. I cordially invite you to tune into any of neversure's rants on gun control the next time the subject raises its ugly head - I'll leave it there. Carry on.

Totally off topic troll post.

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I just dont get why there is a hardcore group of Americans on this board, apparently living in the US for the vast majority of the year, whose sole purpose seems to be to tell us how much better off they are in the US ? Not a single mention of tornadoes, floods or blizzards - its just all bliss out there on the endless prairie. Fine - enjoy it - but why are you even members of this board ? Is there a 'Born in the USA' board somewhere where you can share this love for your homeland ?

Hot summers followed by 'cold and snowy' Winters just aren't my idea of a good time - with the exception of the snow, that sounds a lot like Melbourne and you can keep that. If I had the money, Maui would probably be my choice but from memory Hawaii is a very expensive place to live. There's also the occasional hurricane to contend with ;)


I lived in Thailand for a few years and been back to the US for about a year now and can't wait to get back to Thailand!!!

The US is great for many things especially if you are old and need Medicare but dang it is BORING AS HELL!!!!

I have lived in many parts of the US and Thailand is great especially if single! Yes, I have yellow fever!

That is why I said before the guys who seem happy back in the US are married and thats great but no better place than Thailand if single!

Edited by BKKSnowBird
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I just dont get why there is a hardcore group of Americans on this board, apparently living in the US for the vast majority of the year, whose sole purpose seems to be to tell us how much better off they are in the US ? Not a single mention of tornadoes, floods or blizzards - its just all bliss out there on the endless prairie. Fine - enjoy it - but why are you even members of this board ? Is there a 'Born in the USA' board somewhere where you can share this love for your homeland ?

Hot summers followed by 'cold and snowy' Winters just aren't my idea of a good time - with the exception of the snow, that sounds a lot like Melbourne and you can keep that. If I had the money, Maui would probably be my choice but from memory Hawaii is a very expensive place to live. There's also the occasional hurricane to contend with wink.png


clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif MrWorldwide!!!

And even more galling and bewildering is that these state side civic boosters always seem to hail from some of the absolute suckiest and backwater inland regions imaginable, i.e., Salt Lake City, Spokane, Boise, Tucson, etc.

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I am here 2 years now and I have decided I will not renew my retirement visa next year.

I miss:

beautiful national parks in the US

beautiful coastlines that are not full of litter

forests that actually have abundant wildlife

fresh seafood in the Pacific Northwest

sea kayaking in the PNW being able to buy a real sea kayak, custom fitted to me

the best tasting beer in the world

the best mountain biking in the world and being able to buy a mountain bike in my size

being able to own land and a home in my name

having an intelligent conversation

being about to go listen to live music, going to a concert of someone famous

being able to call 911 and having a well trained paramedic arrive

reliable postal delivery of something important and expensive

I have great health care from my government pension so that is not an issue.

I understand the people that will stay here until the end are many are from UK.

There are some very beautiful places in the US/Canada.

I will take back my thai cooking skills and my defensive motorcycling skills are much better.

nothing here in LOS blew me away... it is not at all paradise to me. I enjoyed the chaos to some extent and loved going to the food markets. I enjoyed motorcycling some of the mountains up north and visiting the hill tribe people and the small villages along the off beaten roads. Cool people there.

BUT, I am cheating myself out a great retirement life living here. I also think it is unsafe and unhealthy living here.

I have many great memories and wonderful adventures awaiting me in the states and I can afford a good life there. This was a stop off to sort out my life after turning 50, retiring and getting a divorce... it has played out for me, time to go enjoy life and have fun.

I will most likely go to Bali for 2 months during the winter if I return to SEA, but more than likely my trips will be South America or Eastern Europe.

You missed the fun and your too young to get much out of it now - I think you're making the right decision - good luck

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I just dont get why there is a hardcore group of Americans on this board, apparently living in the US for the vast majority of the year, whose sole purpose seems to be to tell us how much better off they are in the US ? Not a single mention of tornadoes, floods or blizzards - its just all bliss out there on the endless prairie. Fine - enjoy it - but why are you even members of this board ? Is there a 'Born in the USA' board somewhere where you can share this love for your homeland ?

Hot summers followed by 'cold and snowy' Winters just aren't my idea of a good time - with the exception of the snow, that sounds a lot like Melbourne and you can keep that. If I had the money, Maui would probably be my choice but from memory Hawaii is a very expensive place to live. There's also the occasional hurricane to contend with wink.png



Takes a pretty big ego, a lot of self-centeredness, to erroneously conclude that our comments are meant just for you, or you at all.

Personally, I welcome all points of view in a discussion, and particularly a debate, whether from someone in LOS or elsewhere, as long as the opinions are reasonably well informed, articulate, and politely presented.

P.S. Tornados, floods, and blizzards.

Well informed, articulate and politely presented arguments ? Thaivisa ? My friend, you seem to have wandered right off the reservation. I cordially invite you to tune into any of neversure's rants on gun control the next time the subject raises its ugly head - I'll leave it there. Carry on.


I was speaking in general, stating I enjoy opposing arguments being posted, ones I do not agree with, as long as they are from someone who is well informed, articulate, and polite.

That includes your posts, when you're not insulting someone.

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I just dont get why there is a hardcore group of Americans on this board, apparently living in the US for the vast majority of the year, whose sole purpose seems to be to tell us how much better off they are in the US ? Not a single mention of tornadoes, floods or blizzards - its just all bliss out there on the endless prairie. Fine - enjoy it - but why are you even members of this board ? Is there a 'Born in the USA' board somewhere where you can share this love for your homeland ?

Hot summers followed by 'cold and snowy' Winters just aren't my idea of a good time - with the exception of the snow, that sounds a lot like Melbourne and you can keep that. If I had the money, Maui would probably be my choice but from memory Hawaii is a very expensive place to live. There's also the occasional hurricane to contend with wink.png


clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif MrWorldwide!!!

And even more galling and bewildering is that these state side civic boosters always seem to hail from some of the absolute suckiest and backwater inland regions imaginable, i.e., Salt Lake City, Spokane, Boise, Tucson, etc.

Leaving Thailand to go back to North America for good - that was the topic wasn't it? We all know that it's really great there and that nowhere else really exists so not surprising that most wish to return - they always have seemed kind of 'out of place' here to me - will they be sorely missed? - I think not.

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I just dont get why there is a hardcore group of Americans on this board, apparently living in the US for the vast majority of the year, whose sole purpose seems to be to tell us how much better off they are in the US ? Not a single mention of tornadoes, floods or blizzards - its just all bliss out there on the endless prairie. Fine - enjoy it - but why are you even members of this board ? Is there a 'Born in the USA' board somewhere where you can share this love for your homeland ?

Hot summers followed by 'cold and snowy' Winters just aren't my idea of a good time - with the exception of the snow, that sounds a lot like Melbourne and you can keep that. If I had the money, Maui would probably be my choice but from memory Hawaii is a very expensive place to live. There's also the occasional hurricane to contend with wink.png


clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif MrWorldwide!!!

And even more galling and bewildering is that these state side civic boosters always seem to hail from some of the absolute suckiest and backwater inland regions imaginable, i.e., Salt Lake City, Spokane, Boise, Tucson, etc.

Agree. I even recall someone talking about the appeal of central Pennsylvania. Freakin central Pennsylvania! You couldn't pay me enough to live anywhere in that state. And then they go on about what they do in these dreary places, not realizing that most of the rest of us would be bored to tears living that life. Yes, different courses for different horses and all that. I wouldn't have a problem with these folks living the life that they choose. But why they need to constantly bash on Thailand and those of us who love it here is most puzzling.

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Anyone see yourself here till the end?

For those who forgot or tuned in late, here is the original post.

Many of us rendered our opinions on the subject, and as usual here, it often got a bit biting and off target. Such is life. We talk about what we know, based on our own experiences and personal likes and dislikes. And those thoughts generate opposing views.

Of course there are places in this world that residents absolutely think are perfect and wonderful and much of the rest of the world looks on in total disbelief.

Thailand is one of those places.

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It's no wonder these guys hated Thailand so much. It was way, way, way outside of their comfort zones.

Predominantly white, heavily Republican, religiously Christian fundamentalist and Mormon, right wing, home base for many white supremacist groups, culturally monochromatic with minuscule Asian, let alone Thai populations. Does that not fairly describe much of Utah, Idaho, eastern Washington and Montana? Thailand must of seemed like Mars to someone coming from this environment.

But what about the Thai wives, people? What must it be like being a Thai woman living with a full-time Thai-basher? We at TVF can just put these [deleted] on "ignore", but I fear that their spouses don't have this luxury. It's these poor Thai women who unwittingly got lured into taking a one-way trip to North America's cultural hinterland and who are now trapped in a snow-bound Ted Kaczynski-style cabin, forced to listen to their unshaven rheumy-eyed, hung over hubbies remind them on an hourly basis how much their birthplace Thailand sucks who I feel sorry for. Almost makes me want to start up a repatriation fund, or phone the Dept of Health and Human Services.

Personally, I'm glad these guys went home. Thailand doesn't need their negativity. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one day soon they'll realize that TVF doesn't need this negativity either.

Edited by Gecko123
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It's no wonder these guys hated Thailand so much. It was way, way, way outside of their comfort zones.

Predominantly white, heavily Republican, religiously Christian fundamentalist and Mormon, right wing, home base for many white supremacist groups, culturally monochromatic with minuscule Asian, let alone Thai populations. Does that not fairly describe much of Utah, Idaho, eastern Washington and Montana? Thailand must of seemed like Mars to someone coming from this environment.

But what about the Thai wives, people? What must it be like being a Thai woman living with a full-time Thai-basher? We at TVF can just put these [deleted] on "ignore", but I fear that their spouses don't have this luxury. It's these poor Thai women who unwittingly got lured into taking a one-way trip to North America's cultural hinterland and who are now trapped in a snow-bound Ted Kaczynski-style cabin, forced to listen to their unshaven rheumy-eyed, hung over hubbies remind them on an hourly basis how much their birthplace Thailand sucks who I feel sorry for. Almost makes me want to start up a repatriation fund, or phone the Dept of Health and Human Services.

Personally, I'm glad these guys went home. Thailand doesn't need their negativity. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one day soon they'll realize that TVF doesn't need this negativity either.

And then, of course, there are those who are absolutely certain that they have the rest of us figured out.

It must be challenging to always be the smartest guy in the room.

Edited by SpokaneAl
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I just dont get why there is a hardcore group of Americans on this board, apparently living in the US for the vast majority of the year, whose sole purpose seems to be to tell us how much better off they are in the US ? Not a single mention of tornadoes, floods or blizzards - its just all bliss out there on the endless prairie. Fine - enjoy it - but why are you even members of this board ? Is there a 'Born in the USA' board somewhere where you can share this love for your homeland ?

Hot summers followed by 'cold and snowy' Winters just aren't my idea of a good time - with the exception of the snow, that sounds a lot like Melbourne and you can keep that. If I had the money, Maui would probably be my choice but from memory Hawaii is a very expensive place to live. There's also the occasional hurricane to contend with ;)


I lived in Thailand for a few years and been back to the US for about a year now and can't wait to get back to Thailand!!!

The US is great for many things especially if you are old and need Medicare but dang it is BORING AS HELL!!!!

I have lived in many parts of the US and Thailand is great especially if single! Yes, I have yellow fever!

That is why I said before the guys who seem happy back in the US are married and thats great but no better place than Thailand if single!

dating in the usa as you get a bit older is hell. if your over 40 and not obviously wealthy or successful way above average your better off relocating if your looking for partners.

in my circle just getting laid every two months or so was cause for celebration.

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After 14 years here, I will be headed back to the states for good in about two months.

Principally for the sake of my four year old daughter. It feels bizarre to be paying

for private school here that is not nearly as good as a free American public school ( that is not

in the hood of course...). I do not exactly feel burned out, but I have done just about

everything here except build a house for a bar girl in Isan. So is is a bit like going to a really

fine restaurant and enjoying the meal, but if you went to the same place every night you would

soon be sick of it. So for me, time to change the record......

For a single middle aged man, this is a great place to get over the wife that divorced

you in farang land and took a bunch of your money. But with a Thai wife and child,

time to move on.

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After 14 years here, I will be headed back to the states for good in about two months.

Principally for the sake of my four year old daughter. It feels bizarre to be paying

for private school here that is not nearly as good as a free American public school ( that is not

in the hood of course...). I do not exactly feel burned out, but I have done just about

everything here except build a house for a bar girl in Isan. So is is a bit like going to a really

fine restaurant and enjoying the meal, but if you went to the same place every night you would

soon be sick of it. So for me, time to change the record......

For a single middle aged man, this is a great place to get over the wife that divorced

you in farang land and took a bunch of your money. But with a Thai wife and child,

time to move on.

Ok, so you came to Thailand to find a wife. That's it, and that's all. Mission accomplished. But do understand that some of us didn't come here just for that. Good luck back home and hopefully you can show a bit of class and not leave here bashing the home country of your daughter's mother.

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After 14 years here, I will be headed back to the states for good in about two months.

Principally for the sake of my four year old daughter. It feels bizarre to be paying

for private school here that is not nearly as good as a free American public school ( that is not

in the hood of course...). I do not exactly feel burned out, but I have done just about

everything here except build a house for a bar girl in Isan. So is is a bit like going to a really

fine restaurant and enjoying the meal, but if you went to the same place every night you would

soon be sick of it. So for me, time to change the record......

For a single middle aged man, this is a great place to get over the wife that divorced

you in farang land and took a bunch of your money. But with a Thai wife and child,

time to move on.

Ok, so you came to Thailand to find a wife. That's it, and that's all. Mission accomplished. But do understand that some of us didn't come here just for that. Good luck back home and hopefully you can show a bit of class and not leave here bashing the home country of your daughter's mother.

Odd conclusion......I personally have never been married, and I came here to have the time of my life as a single man. Which I did. Now am married , so now time to move on to family life in America. A radical change for sure, but am sure I will be able to adapt.

Bashing ?? Well I never did the living upcountry in Nakorn Nowhere thing, so am still able to poke a bit of fun at events in Thailand. The upcountry guys are way too serious......I take it all in stride, but am still able to see the humor of the news today such as the Thai policeman, tasked with stopping crime, instead is caught with 1.5 million yaba pills.....

Thailand just is what it is, fairly pointless to pass value judgements on it. Some great things here, and some insane things here . Pick and choose, keep your wits about you, and you can enjoy life here . But if you are not careful, things can go really wrong here. The endless farangs who become jumpers here are always a reminder of how badly things can go wrong. I always kept that in mind..

14 years ago, on my second day in Thailand, I met a Welshman who had been here 7 years.

Sitting at an outside bar in Lamai , Samui, he leans over and says he wants to help me after I said it was my second day in Thailand. I said sure. He said never ever believe one word a Thai girl tells you, and you will have a great time in Thailand. He was exactly right. :-)

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I am here 2 years now and I have decided I will not renew my retirement visa next year.

I miss:

beautiful national parks in the US

beautiful coastlines that are not full of litter

forests that actually have abundant wildlife

fresh seafood in the Pacific Northwest

sea kayaking in the PNW being able to buy a real sea kayak, custom fitted to me

the best tasting beer in the world

the best mountain biking in the world and being able to buy a mountain bike in my size

being able to own land and a home in my name

having an intelligent conversation

being about to go listen to live music, going to a concert of someone famous

being able to call 911 and having a well trained paramedic arrive

reliable postal delivery of something important and expensive

I have great health care from my government pension so that is not an issue.

I understand the people that will stay here until the end are many are from UK.

There are some very beautiful places in the US/Canada.

I will take back my thai cooking skills and my defensive motorcycling skills are much better.

nothing here in LOS blew me away... it is not at all paradise to me. I enjoyed the chaos to some extent and loved going to the food markets. I enjoyed motorcycling some of the mountains up north and visiting the hill tribe people and the small villages along the off beaten roads. Cool people there.

BUT, I am cheating myself out a great retirement life living here. I also think it is unsafe and unhealthy living here.

I have many great memories and wonderful adventures awaiting me in the states and I can afford a good life there. This was a stop off to sort out my life after turning 50, retiring and getting a divorce... it has played out for me, time to go enjoy life and have fun.

I will most likely go to Bali for 2 months during the winter if I return to SEA, but more than likely my trips will be South America or Eastern Europe.

cheesy.gifI understand the people that will stay here until the end are many are from UK. cheesy.gif

That's a cracker! So true.

I completely agree with you. I think unless you have commitments in Thailand (or anywhere else) and are lucky enough to have sufficient wealth and health you should travel and see many other places whilst maintaining a secure base in your own country. Thailand isn't a deeply unpleasant place, but if I had the choice (i.e., no commitments) then I'd be permanently settled in south west England for good, right there on the north Devon coast.

I don't see Thailand as a long term option over time, mostly down to health issues but I too can get rather bored there and it can be a frustrating place.

Who needs the aggravation?

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He said never ever believe one word a Thai girl tells you, and you will have a great time in Thailand. He was exactly right. :-)

Really? Yet you married a Thai girl. Interesting.

She is different......... :-) The reference was really to the life I was living at the time,

sort of a take it to the limit bar life. I heard every story in the book from the girls, I just smiled but

never reached for my wallet. Now my life is much more normal, with a focus on my

child, rather than on where is the next red hot gogo girl..... Life changes, and now so will

my environment. Who knows, I may be back in two years if I start missing mangoes

too much.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Not for me either. But it's a great place to hang out for the next three years, have a great time fishing, camping, and sightseeing, while making ridiculous money, then go spend it somewhere a bit more exotic.

How many times you have now pointed out in this thread that you can make good money while back in the US?

So the real reason that you don't like Thailand seems to be that you couldn't afford it because you ran short of money.


Why does it get your goat? Contrary to what many are claiming on this thread, people with skills, or just plain determination, can still make excellent money in the USA.

I never said I didn't like Thailand. In fact, I said I liked many things about it. But living there became boring and overpriced for what I got out of it. That, among a number of other things, is why I left.

Ran short of money? No, that's why so many expats stay in Thailand, eating noodle soup everyday and renting $150/month hotel rooms. They can't afford to live in their homeland. In fact, my vested pension is sufficient to maintain myself in Thailand. Which is why I, like many others before me, had the choice to live elsewhere, and exercised it.

You are working hard to perpetuate the myth that Thailand is a great paradise, and in doing so do a disservice to many who don't know better, and are planning, at great expense, to move there.

Try having a debate without the personal attacks.

in doing so do a disservice to many who don't know better, and are planning, at great expense, to move there.

There is a word that describes someone that would move to another country based only on what he read on a forum like TV, and it's not complimentary.

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I am here 2 years now and I have decided I will not renew my retirement visa next year.

I miss:

beautiful national parks in the US

beautiful coastlines that are not full of litter

forests that actually have abundant wildlife

fresh seafood in the Pacific Northwest

sea kayaking in the PNW being able to buy a real sea kayak, custom fitted to me

the best tasting beer in the world

the best mountain biking in the world and being able to buy a mountain bike in my size

being able to own land and a home in my name

having an intelligent conversation

being about to go listen to live music, going to a concert of someone famous

being able to call 911 and having a well trained paramedic arrive

reliable postal delivery of something important and expensive

I have great health care from my government pension so that is not an issue.

I understand the people that will stay here until the end are many are from UK.

There are some very beautiful places in the US/Canada.

I will take back my thai cooking skills and my defensive motorcycling skills are much better.

nothing here in LOS blew me away... it is not at all paradise to me. I enjoyed the chaos to some extent and loved going to the food markets. I enjoyed motorcycling some of the mountains up north and visiting the hill tribe people and the small villages along the off beaten roads. Cool people there.

BUT, I am cheating myself out a great retirement life living here. I also think it is unsafe and unhealthy living here.

I have many great memories and wonderful adventures awaiting me in the states and I can afford a good life there. This was a stop off to sort out my life after turning 50, retiring and getting a divorce... it has played out for me, time to go enjoy life and have fun.

I will most likely go to Bali for 2 months during the winter if I return to SEA, but more than likely my trips will be South America or Eastern Europe.

I find it hard to understand why you even moved here, and especially why you stayed 2 years.

I do not miss much about my homeland, and would be happy to live here till I die.

Whenever I go "home" it always seems an alien place- not the country I grew up in at all.

Even the friends I still have there are so widely dispersed now, that I would rarely, if ever see them any more even if going back to live.

Not safe there either- gangs and bad people are endemic ( I am more concerned for my safety back home than in LOS ) and the traffic is crazy. Almost got killed on the roads twice within half an hour.

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I am here 2 years now and I have decided I will not renew my retirement visa next year.

I miss:

beautiful national parks in the US

beautiful coastlines that are not full of litter

forests that actually have abundant wildlife

fresh seafood in the Pacific Northwest

sea kayaking in the PNW being able to buy a real sea kayak, custom fitted to me

the best tasting beer in the world

the best mountain biking in the world and being able to buy a mountain bike in my size

being able to own land and a home in my name

having an intelligent conversation

being about to go listen to live music, going to a concert of someone famous

being able to call 911 and having a well trained paramedic arrive

reliable postal delivery of something important and expensive

I have great health care from my government pension so that is not an issue.

I understand the people that will stay here until the end are many are from UK.

There are some very beautiful places in the US/Canada.

I will take back my thai cooking skills and my defensive motorcycling skills are much better.

nothing here in LOS blew me away... it is not at all paradise to me. I enjoyed the chaos to some extent and loved going to the food markets. I enjoyed motorcycling some of the mountains up north and visiting the hill tribe people and the small villages along the off beaten roads. Cool people there.

BUT, I am cheating myself out a great retirement life living here. I also think it is unsafe and unhealthy living here.

I have many great memories and wonderful adventures awaiting me in the states and I can afford a good life there. This was a stop off to sort out my life after turning 50, retiring and getting a divorce... it has played out for me, time to go enjoy life and have fun.

I will most likely go to Bali for 2 months during the winter if I return to SEA, but more than likely my trips will be South America or Eastern Europe.

I find it hard to understand why you even moved here, and especially why you stayed 2 years.

I do not miss much about my homeland, and would be happy to live here till I die.

Whenever I go "home" it always seems an alien place- not the country I grew up in at all.

Even the friends I still have there are so widely dispersed now, that I would rarely, if ever see them any more even if going back to live.

Not safe there either- gangs and bad people are endemic ( I am more concerned for my safety back home than in LOS ) and the traffic is crazy. Almost got killed on the roads twice within half an hour.

dont forget to cone back and keep posting when you leave. that way we can all read about how great it is there. bye.

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He said never ever believe one word a Thai girl tells you, and you will have a great time in Thailand. He was exactly right. :-)

Really? Yet you married a Thai girl. Interesting.

She is different......... :-) The reference was really to the life I was living at the time,

sort of a take it to the limit bar life. I heard every story in the book from the girls, I just smiled but

never reached for my wallet. Now my life is much more normal, with a focus on my

child, rather than on where is the next red hot gogo girl..... Life changes, and now so will

my environment. Who knows, I may be back in two years if I start missing mangoes

too much.

Fair enough. It's good that you can recognize early on that girls "in the business" do say things that customers want to hear. Can't blame them, as they meet so many gullible farangs.

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He said never ever believe one word a Thai girl tells you, and you will have a great time in Thailand. He was exactly right. :-)

Really? Yet you married a Thai girl. Interesting.

She is different......... :-) The reference was really to the life I was living at the time,

sort of a take it to the limit bar life. I heard every story in the book from the girls, I just smiled but

never reached for my wallet. Now my life is much more normal, with a focus on my

child, rather than on where is the next red hot gogo girl..... Life changes, and now so will

my environment. Who knows, I may be back in two years if I start missing mangoes

too much.

Fair enough. It's good that you can recognize early on that girls "in the business" do say things that customers want to hear. Can't blame them, as they meet so many gullible farangs.

... which is why I made the decision early on -- even when in China -- to never get involved with a girl who speaks English

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Cheaper isn't always better. In fact, it usually isn't.

Yes, in most places you will pay more to live if it is a first world nation, but you will probably get what you pay for there, where in Thailand, it is the opposite. Some things are cheaper here, but to have western comforts, it's generally more expensive these days, and pretty much everything you buy is overpriced and of low quality, including the home or condo you live in.

Lets see where all of us stand after the big event and the place goes belly up. Love Thailand or hate it, there is no denying its future looks very, very grim. It isn't going to end well no matter how rose tinted your glasses are at the moment.

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It's no wonder these guys hated Thailand so much. It was way, way, way outside of their comfort zones.

Predominantly white, heavily Republican, religiously Christian fundamentalist and Mormon, right wing, home base for many white supremacist groups, culturally monochromatic with minuscule Asian, let alone Thai populations. Does that not fairly describe much of Utah, Idaho, eastern Washington and Montana? Thailand must of seemed like Mars to someone coming from this environment.

But what about the Thai wives, people? What must it be like being a Thai woman living with a full-time Thai-basher? We at TVF can just put these [deleted] on "ignore", but I fear that their spouses don't have this luxury. It's these poor Thai women who unwittingly got lured into taking a one-way trip to North America's cultural hinterland and who are now trapped in a snow-bound Ted Kaczynski-style cabin, forced to listen to their unshaven rheumy-eyed, hung over hubbies remind them on an hourly basis how much their birthplace Thailand sucks who I feel sorry for. Almost makes me want to start up a repatriation fund, or phone the Dept of Health and Human Services.

Personally, I'm glad these guys went home. Thailand doesn't need their negativity. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one day soon they'll realize that TVF doesn't need this negativity either.

And those guys give two squirts about what you think.

Everyone has their own life to live. To each his own where he chooses to do so and for the reasons he/she sees fit.

Your dislike for negativity is ironic as you are in fact making a negative post.

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Cheaper isn't always better. In fact, it usually isn't.

Yes, in most places you will pay more to live if it is a first world nation, but you will probably get what you pay for there, where in Thailand, it is the opposite. Some things are cheaper here, but to have western comforts, it's generally more expensive these days, and pretty much everything you buy is overpriced and of low quality, including the home or condo you live in.

Lets see where all of us stand after the big event and the place goes belly up. Love Thailand or hate it, there is no denying its future looks very, very grim. It isn't going to end well no matter how rose tinted your glasses are at the moment.

What is this "big event" of which you speak, Nostradamus?

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It's no wonder these guys hated Thailand so much. It was way, way, way outside of their comfort zones.

Predominantly white, heavily Republican, religiously Christian fundamentalist and Mormon, right wing, home base for many white supremacist groups, culturally monochromatic with minuscule Asian, let alone Thai populations. Does that not fairly describe much of Utah, Idaho, eastern Washington and Montana? Thailand must of seemed like Mars to someone coming from this environment.

But what about the Thai wives, people? What must it be like being a Thai woman living with a full-time Thai-basher? We at TVF can just put these [deleted] on "ignore", but I fear that their spouses don't have this luxury. It's these poor Thai women who unwittingly got lured into taking a one-way trip to North America's cultural hinterland and who are now trapped in a snow-bound Ted Kaczynski-style cabin, forced to listen to their unshaven rheumy-eyed, hung over hubbies remind them on an hourly basis how much their birthplace Thailand sucks who I feel sorry for. Almost makes me want to start up a repatriation fund, or phone the Dept of Health and Human Services.

Personally, I'm glad these guys went home. Thailand doesn't need their negativity. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that one day soon they'll realize that TVF doesn't need this negativity either.

And those guys give two squirts about what you think.

Everyone has their own life to live. To each his own where he chooses to do so and for the reasons he/she sees fit.

Your dislike for negativity is ironic as you are in fact making a negative post.

It's been a long time since my maths GCSE - but isn't a negative of a negative actually a positive?

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