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Prayut wants Yingluck to fight the cases and not flee country

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What is really chilling is the thought of finding her Guilty I do not support Yingluk or any other Thai leader What I want to point out is the chilling effect this will have on

future politics. A lot of good people will think long and hard about running for political office here in Thailand.

Why would then if a policy then have may be prosecuted in the future if it falls out of favor with others. Just because you may not agree with a policy good bad or indifferent this is not how democracy works.

Who is going to want to be prime minister if you can go to jail for raising the price of eggs and the electorate decide to protest resulting in people getting injured.

Then blame the PM for it all

This is a bad precedent for everyone for the future

I agree. This will definitely scare a lot of good people from staying out of politics.


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"Prayut wants Yingluck to fight the cases and not flee country"

Providing her the option to save face in order to get a guaranteed NON jail term,....

Yes , you would think Jailing her may be a provocation too far
She better make haste and move her money now. If the government goes for restitution she will loose it all and then some.

What makes you think she has not already?


Thaksin has outsmarted these weekend warriors yet again. By keeping the Red Shirts off the radar and letting the Junta have complete and absolute control of the country without any organised opposition means that they will have no one but themselves to blame for their failures. The Thai ship of state is not to far away from resembling the Cost Concordia. The Junta are doing all they can to provoke a response from the Reds so they can pin the results of their own ineptitude on political interference from the Reds. This is going to end badly for those behind the coup, it will probably fast track the end of the elite control of the permanent institutions of state once and for all, until then, suffer in your jocks General.


My point is why a failed policy of the previous government can be used to impeach and possibly jail a leader of the political party? Also how can a military installed government do this, they weren't elected into power and don't represent the people? And why the witch hunt for the family of the previous pm?

Under international law Prayut has no legitimacy and neither does his government as it is illegal to form such without the democratic support of the people.

If justice were really going to be served he'd be arrested for treason and jailed for life.

I'm no fan of YS but like it or not the people elected her.


So the argument here is Corrupt PM vs Junta, which is better for the society?

There is not evidence as yet to suggest YS was corrupt. However, when it comes to Prayut there is all the evidence that clearly shows an act of treason. The first one to be tried in a criminal court should be Prayut. The system could then deal with YS once an elected gov is installed.

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My point is why a failed policy of the previous government can be used to impeach and possibly jail a leader of the political party? Also how can a military installed government do this, they weren't elected into power and don't represent the people? And why the witch hunt for the family of the previous pm?

Under international law Prayut has no legitimacy and neither does his government as it is illegal to form such without the democratic support of the people.

If justice were really going to be served he'd be arrested for treason and jailed for life.

I'm no fan of YS but like it or not the people elected her.

There we go again.....

ELECTED ??? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ clap2.gif


My point is why a failed policy of the previous government can be used to impeach and possibly jail a leader of the political party? Also how can a military installed government do this, they weren't elected into power and don't represent the people? And why the witch hunt for the family of the previous pm?

Under international law Prayut has no legitimacy and neither does his government as it is illegal to form such without the democratic support of the people.

If justice were really going to be served he'd be arrested for treason and jailed for life.

I'm no fan of YS but like it or not the people elected her.

Actually NO the Thai people did NOT elect Yingluck as an MP. She never stood for election in a constituency at all.

She was #1 on the PTP party MP list which is how she became a party list MP and she became the PM because there was a popular vote in the PTP and Thaksin, the party owner voted in favour.

Please try to get your facts correct.

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My point is why a failed policy of the previous government can be used to impeach and possibly jail a leader of the political party? Also how can a military installed government do this, they weren't elected into power and don't represent the people? And why the witch hunt for the family of the previous pm?

Under international law Prayut has no legitimacy and neither does his government as it is illegal to form such without the democratic support of the people.

If justice were really going to be served he'd be arrested for treason and jailed for life.

I'm no fan of YS but like it or not the people elected her.

Actually NO the Thai people did NOT elect Yingluck as an MP. She never stood for election in a constituency at all.

She was #1 on the PTP party MP list which is how she became a party list MP and she became the PM because there was a popular vote in the PTP and Thaksin, the party owner voted in favour.

Please try to get your facts correct.

Even in your twisted and deluded version of Yingluck's rise to the Premiership, she got at least 1 vote - Thaksin's, which just happens to be 1 vote more than Prayuth ever received when he stole the position. Are far as facts go, its a given that Yingluck would win any fair election, that's why the current persecution is going down - how could any rational being, no matter how blinded by bigotry not at least acknowledge this simple fact - talk about deranged.


My wife is from the North and a true 'Lanna' woman but she hates the reds and anything to do with the Shin Empire because she knows they are only interested in themselves and not the people of Thailand. She also does not accept the bribes offered by both sides at the elections !

Your wife is in the minority if she is from the north and hates the Reds. She does not accept bribes you say, must be an angel, where did you meet her?


Thaksin has outsmarted these weekend warriors yet again. By keeping the Red Shirts off the radar and letting the Junta have complete and absolute control of the country without any organised opposition means that they will have no one but themselves to blame for their failures. The Thai ship of state is not to far away from resembling the Cost Concordia. The Junta are doing all they can to provoke a response from the Reds so they can pin the results of their own ineptitude on political interference from the Reds. This is going to end badly for those behind the coup, it will probably fast track the end of the elite control of the permanent institutions of state once and for all, until then, suffer in your jocks General.

Interesting that you chose to draw parallels between Thailand and the Costa Concordia given its Captain of the ill-fated ship is facing 15 years in prison.

In both cases the "captain of the ship" steered their vessels on their personally chosen courses which ended up with a financial disaster and loss of life. The charges against them are also similar in that they involve dereliction of duty and negligence causing losses. Both of them were more involved with personal agendas that the task that they had been selected for (Yingluck was selected by PTP and had no votes directly cast in her favour in the election). In Captain Yingluck's case the dancer that she was entertaining was the amnesty for Shin family and when those distraction were in place both ships hit the rocks. Guess what in both cases the "captains" jumped off the ships leaving the innocent to "drown" (in Yingluck case it was the resignation of her government). The "coast guard" in Thailand after repeatedly warning Captain Yingluck had to take control and rescue as much as possible out of the situation. Both "captains are now crying that they are being unfairly blamed and are trying to point the finger at other people. I wonder is the fate of the 2 "captains" will have the same parallels.

Thank you for your post

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My wife is from the North and a true 'Lanna' woman but she hates the reds and anything to do with the Shin Empire because she knows they are only interested in themselves and not the people of Thailand. She also does not accept the bribes offered by both sides at the elections !

Your wife is in the minority if she is from the north and hates the Reds. She does not accept bribes you say, must be an angel, where did you meet her?

Don't talk rubbish; and i say that with all due respect. A lot of things in this country are not what they seem on the surface. My wife was a Midwife for 25 years and even though this is seen as a 'high' position in the medical profession by the real workers she was a slave to the system no matter which side ruled the country, looked down upon by those in 'authority' who were not qualified as highly as she was but were 'connected' and held management positions. Any intelligent Thai will tell you that both sides are as corrupt as each other and actually encourage the old ways of the Fuedal Patronage system which discourages fairness to all people. It may come as a surprise to you and many other keyboard warriors but there are many people here in the North who despise the PTP, its red thugs and all to do with supporting this criminal family. For their own safety and sanity they stay silent. I wonder what you would do in a similar situation? It's just useless to imagine what you might do in your own country as the same rules just do not apply here in the land of brain washing from birth and indoctrination.

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My wife is from the North and a true 'Lanna' woman but she hates the reds and anything to do with the Shin Empire because she knows they are only interested in themselves and not the people of Thailand. She also does not accept the bribes offered by both sides at the elections !

Your wife is in the minority if she is from the north and hates the Reds. She does not accept bribes you say, must be an angel, where did you meet her?

Don't talk rubbish; and i say that with all due respect. A lot of things in this country are not what they seem on the surface. My wife was a Midwife for 25 years and even though this is seen as a 'high' position in the medical profession by the real workers she was a slave to the system no matter which side ruled the country, looked down upon by those in 'authority' who were not qualified as highly as she was but were 'connected' and held management positions. Any intelligent Thai will tell you that both sides are as corrupt as each other and actually encourage the old ways of the Fuedal Patronage system which discourages fairness to all people. It may come as a surprise to you and many other keyboard warriors but there are many people here in the North who despise the PTP, its red thugs and all to do with supporting this criminal family. For their own safety and sanity they stay silent. I wonder what you would do in a similar situation? It's just useless to imagine what you might do in your own country as the same rules just do not apply here in the land of brain washing from birth and indoctrination.

For their safety and sanity...

Someone pointed out about the Junta and barrel of a gun? But failed to mention about the war weapons of the Red Shirts and their master


They obviously want to find her guilty but I doubt they fancy jailing her, It would make Thailand look Barbaric and really put them in the Higher tier of totalitarian regimes in the eyes of the World , they are not far away from that now. But finding her guilty and fining her a massive amount may be enough for them. I'd say they want her to flee the country

but I doubt they fancy jailing her, It would make Thailand look Barbaric

agreed, but this lot have never been strategic geniuses... coffee1.gif

in my opinion, she will go down the river. And I suspect smarter minds will try to get her to become a fugitive rather than a martyr in a jail cell.


A good lesson for any future politician planning to use the country's treasury to appease their core supporters, instead of developing the country as a whole.

Well said for the FUTURE politicians, while the Junta is getting away with using the country's treasury to PLEASE their supporters.

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"Prayut wants Yingluck to fight the cases and not flee country"

Providing her the option to save face in order to get a guaranteed NON jail term,....

Yes , you would think Jailing her may be a provocation too far

Why ? NO MERCY !!

She stole MILLIONS from the Thai people, so trow her in jail !

If a poor Thai lad steals a potato he will end in jail.... so why would this Shin cry baby not face a looooong jail term !? Then maybe her gangster brother would consider to hand himself to the authorities so he can join her in the monkeyhouse....

Mr Prayut this will give happiness back to the Thai people !!! (and to many farangs, except those who have Isan and Northern wifes or GF's) coffee1.gif

A poor Thai lad stealing a potato, to do what ?

So you seem to be a Farang with a GF or wife from the south, clear enough for me, maybe you should join Suthep in the wat.

"trow her in Jail" Are you a Dutchie ?


My wife is from the North and a true 'Lanna' woman but she hates the reds and anything to do with the Shin Empire because she knows they are only interested in themselves and not the people of Thailand. She also does not accept the bribes offered by both sides at the elections !

Your wife is in the minority if she is from the north and hates the Reds. She does not accept bribes you say, must be an angel, where did you meet her?

Just to point out that (in the opinion of many farangs) it's a large minority up North, who don't vote Red, in national-elections.

The voting-figures in February-2014 might even have shown that it is a majority, who don't support Thaksin/Yingluck, even in their home-province, but sadly we'll never know since the results weren't released AFAIK, and would anyway have been skewed (in the Reds' favour) by the abstentions & 'no-votes'.

I also believe that there was only ever minority-support for the Peoples Democratic Republic of Lanna, looking at how the idea fizzled, even before the coup ?

But with Rak-ChiangMai-51 & the previously-widespread red-flags along the roadsides, one can well understand why the locals didn't care to show it, too openly.

It was a well-organised well-funded political-machine, in the view of many local farangs I know, not a first here in Thailand.


Thaksin has outsmarted these weekend warriors yet again. By keeping the Red Shirts off the radar and letting the Junta have complete and absolute control of the country without any organised opposition means that they will have no one but themselves to blame for their failures. The Thai ship of state is not to far away from resembling the Cost Concordia. The Junta are doing all they can to provoke a response from the Reds so they can pin the results of their own ineptitude on political interference from the Reds. This is going to end badly for those behind the coup, it will probably fast track the end of the elite control of the permanent institutions of state once and for all, until then, suffer in your jocks General.

It seems very much the case.

The current Government have been very much out flanked in all departments by chiefly their own doing .

It was always a case of just time.

And that time is approaching faster than expected with no road back for the elites .

The cracks are appearing to deepen .

Even mouth pieces of far right wing propaganda sources are moving further to the centre ( Nation )

Division looms.

International comments surfacing .

Questions by UN

Demands by friends to hurry up processes .

And displeasure at military courts chasing up opponents .

The over all consensus is the beginning of the end is starting and the Thaksin family and majority of Thai people who support them seem well placed in the long run.

The deluded Government might think otherwise but Time will tell.


My point is why a failed policy of the previous government can be used to impeach and possibly jail a leader of the political party? Also how can a military installed government do this, they weren't elected into power and don't represent the people? And why the witch hunt for the family of the previous pm?

Under international law Prayut has no legitimacy and neither does his government as it is illegal to form such without the democratic support of the people.

If justice were really going to be served he'd be arrested for treason and jailed for life.

I'm no fan of YS but like it or not the people elected her.

Good to see so many unbiased non fans of Yingluck and the Shins making their objective posts, and reminding us they are not Yingluck supporters over and over in case we forget,

She was elected by the people, so of course she could do whatever she wanted and not be held accountable in anyway. Allowing a non elected criminal fugitive to select the cabinet members and dictate policy - why not, if that's what she wanted?

Oh er, but you forgot a court removed her from office for abusing her power and not following the rules so she could put a relative in a senior key police position, but nepotism is a Shin key trait. She also dissolved parliament and was in caretaker mode when removed, although she seemed to think that made no difference and she could still do what she wanted and allow her criminal brother who most certainly wasn't elected to run the country as before.

I'm no fan of Yingluck either, what a coincidence.


My point is why a failed policy of the previous government can be used to impeach and possibly jail a leader of the political party? Also how can a military installed government do this, they weren't elected into power and don't represent the people? And why the witch hunt for the family of the previous pm?

Under international law Prayut has no legitimacy and neither does his government as it is illegal to form such without the democratic support of the people.

If justice were really going to be served he'd be arrested for treason and jailed for life.

I'm no fan of YS but like it or not the people elected her.

Actually NO the Thai people did NOT elect Yingluck as an MP. She never stood for election in a constituency at all.

She was #1 on the PTP party MP list which is how she became a party list MP and she became the PM because there was a popular vote in the PTP and Thaksin, the party owner voted in favour.

Please try to get your facts correct.

Even in your twisted and deluded version of Yingluck's rise to the Premiership, she got at least 1 vote - Thaksin's, which just happens to be 1 vote more than Prayuth ever received when he stole the position. Are far as facts go, its a given that Yingluck would win any fair election, that's why the current persecution is going down - how could any rational being, no matter how blinded by bigotry not at least acknowledge this simple fact - talk about deranged.

14 posts and yet your style of prose seems so familiar somehow?

Thaksin's vote - so you believe a non elected convicted criminal fugitive who jumped bail to avoid a prison sentence and has 15 more serious criminal cases outstanding should be allowed to pick the PM and select the members of the cabinet? And you think others deluded?

No such fact that Yingluck could win anything at the moment. Next you'll be trotting out that the amply rich multi billionaire Shin clan are really the poor people's party, only interested in benefiting the poor and serving the country. More like benefiting themselves at the expense of the country and trying to turn Thailand into their personal business subsidiary. How many times has a Shin ever donated to a Thai charity? Even when farmers where desperate and Yingluck vowed to pay them she simply lied again and did nothing, absolutely nothing to help them. And you think all these people will forget and vote for her because she's nice and cute and never ever does wrong?

She's been charged with negligence. Let's see her defense and justification of her actions or rather no actions.

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So the argument here is Corrupt PM vs Junta, which is better for the society?

There is not evidence as yet to suggest YS was corrupt. However, when it comes to Prayut there is all the evidence that clearly shows an act of treason. The first one to be tried in a criminal court should be Prayut. The system could then deal with YS once an elected gov is installed.

Surely you means that no evidence has been produced for public consumption to suggest Yingluck was corrupt, inept, didn't do her job or whatever.

That is the job of the police, prosecutors and the courts to deal with and nothing to do with farangs on websites that have no votes or standing in Thailand.

You may not have noticed or more likely ignored the fact that the PM was confirmed by the King into that position and you cannot get more legal than that.

No Thais care what YOU or I or anybody else thinks but if YOU think that the PM should be tried in a criminal court then YOU go to the police and report it and see what will happen. I don't think anybody will take any notice of your rantings but go ahead and try anyway. Don't forget to report on the results though.


My point is why a failed policy of the previous government can be used to impeach and possibly jail a leader of the political party? Also how can a military installed government do this, they weren't elected into power and don't represent the people? And why the witch hunt for the family of the previous pm?

Under international law Prayut has no legitimacy and neither does his government as it is illegal to form such without the democratic support of the people.

If justice were really going to be served he'd be arrested for treason and jailed for life.

I'm no fan of YS but like it or not the people elected her.

Actually NO the Thai people did NOT elect Yingluck as an MP. She never stood for election in a constituency at all.

She was #1 on the PTP party MP list which is how she became a party list MP and she became the PM because there was a popular vote in the PTP and Thaksin, the party owner voted in favour.

Please try to get your facts correct.

Even in your twisted and deluded version of Yingluck's rise to the Premiership, she got at least 1 vote - Thaksin's, which just happens to be 1 vote more than Prayuth ever received when he stole the position. Are far as facts go, its a given that Yingluck would win any fair election, that's why the current persecution is going down - how could any rational being, no matter how blinded by bigotry not at least acknowledge this simple fact - talk about deranged.

Do you accept that a vote by a convicted criminal felon is worth a legal vote at all?

If you do I think you are living in the wrong world.


Even in your twisted and deluded version of Yingluck's rise to the Premiership, she got at least 1 vote - Thaksin's, which just happens to be 1 vote more than Prayuth ever received when he stole the position. Are far as facts go, its a given that Yingluck would win any fair election, that's why the current persecution is going down - how could any rational being, no matter how blinded by bigotry not at least acknowledge this simple fact - talk about deranged.

14 posts and yet your style of prose seems so familiar somehow?

Thaksin's vote - so you believe a non elected convicted criminal fugitive who jumped bail to avoid a prison sentence and has 15 more serious criminal cases outstanding should be allowed to pick the PM and select the members of the cabinet? And you think others deluded?

No such fact that Yingluck could win anything at the moment. Next you'll be trotting out that the amply rich multi billionaire Shin clan are really the poor people's party, only interested in benefiting the poor and serving the country. More like benefiting themselves at the expense of the country and trying to turn Thailand into their personal business subsidiary. How many times has a Shin ever donated to a Thai charity? Even when farmers where desperate and Yingluck vowed to pay them she simply lied again and did nothing, absolutely nothing to help them. And you think all these people will forget and vote for her because she's nice and cute and never ever does wrong?

She's been charged with negligence. Let's see her defense and justification of her actions or rather no actions.

It was a facetious post seeing as though reason and logic don't appear to hold much value with quite a few posters here. Thaksin is far less a criminal than those currently running the place, the only difference is the biased courts and various commissions are owned by the elites and not Thaksin. If the Junta thought they had a chance of beating Yingluck there would be elections, the only reason there isn't elections is because the Junta, unlike you, are very much aware of their unpopularity and the inevitability that they would lose. How is it that you are so far out of touch with reality that even the Junta is less of a Junta lover than you? Yingluck is off to face a kangaroo court, the verdict is a foregone conclusion, however, these losers have now forced the America's hand - there's a very interesting recent article in The Diplomat making the argument that the US needs to get tough with Thailand now and do what they can to ensure freedom is returned to Thailand and to Thais. You wallow on the wrong side of history - it's going to get very, very lonely there sometime in the next 12 months.

So you want the USA to step in, invade and take over Thailand to save it from the Thai military?

Have you tried talking to Obama or writing to USA news agencies telling that is what the USA MUST do to restore "democracy" in Thailand?


So the argument here is Corrupt PM vs Junta, which is better for the society?

There is not evidence as yet to suggest YS was corrupt. However, when it comes to Prayut there is all the evidence that clearly shows an act of treason. The first one to be tried in a criminal court should be Prayut. The system could then deal with YS once an elected gov is installed.

Surely you means that no evidence has been produced for public consumption to suggest Yingluck was corrupt, inept, didn't do her job or whatever.

That is the job of the police, prosecutors and the courts to deal with and nothing to do with farangs on websites that have no votes or standing in Thailand.

You may not have noticed or more likely ignored the fact that the PM was confirmed by the King into that position and you cannot get more legal than that.

No Thais care what YOU or I or anybody else thinks but if YOU think that the PM should be tried in a criminal court then YOU go to the police and report it and see what will happen. I don't think anybody will take any notice of your rantings but go ahead and try anyway. Don't forget to report on the results though.

There it is! When all else fails posters like you love to quote that to shut all other legitimate concerns to the current government. Please correct me if I am wrong but wasn't the last government also confirmed by the same person? Doesn't that give her equal legality?


Even in your twisted and deluded version of Yingluck's rise to the Premiership, she got at least 1 vote - Thaksin's, which just happens to be 1 vote more than Prayuth ever received when he stole the position. Are far as facts go, its a given that Yingluck would win any fair election, that's why the current persecution is going down - how could any rational being, no matter how blinded by bigotry not at least acknowledge this simple fact - talk about deranged.

14 posts and yet your style of prose seems so familiar somehow?

Thaksin's vote - so you believe a non elected convicted criminal fugitive who jumped bail to avoid a prison sentence and has 15 more serious criminal cases outstanding should be allowed to pick the PM and select the members of the cabinet? And you think others deluded?

No such fact that Yingluck could win anything at the moment. Next you'll be trotting out that the amply rich multi billionaire Shin clan are really the poor people's party, only interested in benefiting the poor and serving the country. More like benefiting themselves at the expense of the country and trying to turn Thailand into their personal business subsidiary. How many times has a Shin ever donated to a Thai charity? Even when farmers where desperate and Yingluck vowed to pay them she simply lied again and did nothing, absolutely nothing to help them. And you think all these people will forget and vote for her because she's nice and cute and never ever does wrong?

She's been charged with negligence. Let's see her defense and justification of her actions or rather no actions.

It was a facetious post seeing as though reason and logic don't appear to hold much value with quite a few posters here. Thaksin is far less a criminal than those currently running the place, the only difference is the biased courts and various commissions are owned by the elites and not Thaksin. If the Junta thought they had a chance of beating Yingluck there would be elections, the only reason there isn't elections is because the Junta, unlike you, are very much aware of their unpopularity and the inevitability that they would lose. How is it that you are so far out of touch with reality that even the Junta is less of a Junta lover than you? Yingluck is off to face a kangaroo court, the verdict is a foregone conclusion, however, these losers have now forced the America's hand - there's a very interesting recent article in The Diplomat making the argument that the US needs to get tough with Thailand now and do what they can to ensure freedom is returned to Thailand and to Thais. You wallow on the wrong side of history - it's going to get very, very lonely there sometime in the next 12 months.

So you want the USA to step in, invade and take over Thailand to save it from the Thai military?

Have you tried talking to Obama or writing to USA news agencies telling that is what the USA MUST do to restore "democracy" in Thailand?

No need to invade - the world doesn't work that anymore. Travel bans and asset freezes tend to do the trick.


"Obviously, the U.S. is powerless to restore liberty to Thailand. U.S. officials should continue to use the bully pulpit to highlight the junta’s assault on basic freedoms. Washington also should limit cooperation with Bangkok, and especially the Thai military, in the future. If the regime responds by moving closer to authoritarian China, Washington should respond with a shrug. Neighbor Burma illustrates the problems with that strategy."

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