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Australia: Notorious former Bandido bikie Brett Pechey hands himself in to police

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Well, he is certainly big enough. The 2 cops look tiny but they are big enough.

The angle of the camera can make height deceptive.. just watch any Tom Criuse movie to see what I mean.

I'm not saying he's not that tall, I am saying its hard to judge in this photo.


Well, he is certainly big enough. The 2 cops look tiny but they are big enough.

The angle of the camera can make height deceptive.. just watch any Tom Criuse movie to see what I mean.

I'm not saying he's not that tall, I am saying its hard to judge in this photo.

You're right. It's just the angle that makes him seem like a giant http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/content/dam/images/1/3/b/t/a/6/image.related.articleLeadwide.620x349.13cvc6.png/1423719611805.jpg

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Well it certainly seems as if Thailand has lost one of its ''quality tourists'' with the departure of this creature.

However I wonder whether perhaps the creature had got itself the wrong side of some oriental crime organisation thus the creature decided that cut and run might be its best chance of survival,.

If that is the case it certainly is the hallmarks of a crass bullying coward.

He was a big fish in Australia but realised after being here he was just a small fish in a big pond.


All these negative comments, all from people who know nothing about this guy at all..

He is charged with an offence, that's a long way from being convicted of it. He's innocent until found guilty remember.

You don't usually get to be Pres of a motorcycle club without being an exceptional man.

Of course, this man and other biker gangs live by a code of values that is alien to 99% of Thai Visa posters.

Best advice, if you don't know what you are talking about or have nothing constructive to add... just keep quiet.

An Offence? I think there is 2 doz. I understand the presumtion of innocence thing, but hell, I would put my house on it. Obviously he thought so too, so went for a vacation.

"Code of Values"

"Exceptional man"

If my little 5 year old boy grows up with this guy as an example I will neck myself

I could stop laughing as I read your post.

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I think most of the negativity here is based on two factors:

1. He has been accused of offences, for which he has yet to stand trial or even enter a plea.

I base it on this:

He has been charged with 10 counts of extortion, two counts of threatening violence, stalking and assault occasioning bodily harm in company.

He has also been charged with one count each of affray, enter dwelling with intent by break whilst armed in company, rioting (Broadbeach incident), breach of bail and five charges in relation to traffic offences.


All these negative comments, all from people who know nothing about this guy at all..

He is charged with an offence, that's a long way from being convicted of it. He's innocent until found guilty remember.

You don't usually get to be Pres of a motorcycle club without being an exceptional man.

Of course, this man and other biker gangs live by a code of values that is alien to 99% of Thai Visa posters.

Best advice, if you don't know what you are talking about or have nothing constructive to add... just keep quiet.


The guy looks like trash, has behaved like trash and you defend the indefensible!

"You don't usually get to be Pres of a motorcycle club without being an exceptional man." Honestly, do you really believe your own bs? What are these gangs most notorious for? 1- Organising charity events for the the poor and needy. 2-Trouble making and drug dealing.

You choose.


Well, he is certainly big enough. The 2 cops look tiny but they are big enough.

The angle of the camera can make height deceptive.. just watch any Tom Criuse movie to see what I mean.

I'm not saying he's not that tall, I am saying its hard to judge in this photo.

You're right. It's just the angle that makes him seem like a giant http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/content/dam/images/1/3/b/t/a/6/image.related.articleLeadwide.620x349.13cvc6.png/1423719611805.jpg

Hmmm.. Bikies don't let other bikies skip leg days..

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Funnily enough I read this yesterday. Not saying that it applies in this case.


Everyone is always told not to judge books by their covers.

But then, time after time, people do.

So let this brilliant letter, penned by a type of man not stereotypically seen to be in touch with his softer side, work to change your mind



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I think most of the negativity here is based on two factors:

1. He has been accused of offences, for which he has yet to stand trial or even enter a plea.

2. The fact that he has a lot of tattoos.

Correct me if i am wrong, but there is no suggestion anywhere I can see that this man has any actual convictions. There is huge difference between being accused and being convicted.

Regarding the tattoos, I choose not to have any tattoos and personally I do not like tattoos, but I refuse to judge a man based on his choice of tattoo or the fact that he's accused of an offence for which he has yet to stand trial.

I have known very good bikers and I have known bad. The bikers that I have known (and I'm taking about full patched members) have never been the type to start trouble, but neither have they been the type to walk away from trouble that's directed at them.

For sure the core principles of biker gangs is a love of motorcycles and a brotherhood. I know that in some cases it's been a front for criminal activity and that's sad really because many of the bikers I have known have been honest, hard working and decent men.

I sincerely hope that if any of you are charged with any offence anywhere that you will be treated with enough respect to not assume guilt before a trial, I also hope that if you have tattoos that won't influence any perceptions of guilt.

You are correct there are many good bikers. They are members of MC and not self professed OMCG as this guy is.


I think most of the negativity here is based on two factors:

1. He has been accused of offences, for which he has yet to stand trial or even enter a plea.

2. The fact that he has a lot of tattoos.

Correct me if i am wrong, but there is no suggestion anywhere I can see that this man has any actual convictions. There is huge difference between being accused and being convicted.

Regarding the tattoos, I choose not to have any tattoos and personally I do not like tattoos, but I refuse to judge a man based on his choice of tattoo or the fact that he's accused of an offence for which he has yet to stand trial.

I have known very good bikers and I have known bad. The bikers that I have known (and I'm taking about full patched members) have never been the type to start trouble, but neither have they been the type to walk away from trouble that's directed at them.

For sure the core principles of biker gangs is a love of motorcycles and a brotherhood. I know that in some cases it's been a front for criminal activity and that's sad really because many of the bikers I have known have been honest, hard working and decent men.

I sincerely hope that if any of you are charged with any offence anywhere that you will be treated with enough respect to not assume guilt before a trial, I also hope that if you have tattoos that won't influence any perceptions of guilt.

you really are clutching at straws, you are also mixing up criminal proceedings, Law and judicial process with opinions of posters and already known facts

First the guy admits to being a member of a "bikie" (pink version of a biker gang lol) gang in Australia who's members/chapters have already been convicted on many serious charges including extortion - murder - various assaults - theft - drug distribution/manufacturing/importing/dealing - I'm sure the list is endless but you get the idea

Nobody here is saying if he will be found guilty in court or not but simply passing an opinion of the guy from what he has already admitted too - his association with a particular organisation - and past history on both counts

If someone admits to being an active member and supporter of the ku klux klan or ISIS or Al-Qaeda or the Nazi's or IRA you can safely make a set of assumptions about that person regardless whether or not they have been convicted in a court of law

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All these negative comments, all from people who know nothing about this guy at all..

He is charged with an offence, that's a long way from being convicted of it. He's innocent until found guilty remember.

You don't usually get to be Pres of a motorcycle club without being an exceptional man.

Of course, this man and other biker gangs live by a code of values that is alien to 99% of Thai Visa posters.

Best advice, if you don't know what you are talking about or have nothing constructive to add... just keep quiet.

You assume the people commenting know nothing and your assumption is wrong.


I believe this fellow and his mates were all caught on CTV when they started all the fighting in Broadbeach, I guess he may be able to get out of it on a technicality but there is no doubt of his involvement. After the ruckus at Broadbeach after the coppers broke it all up and carted some of to the police station these clowns then decided to give the police at the police a hard time.


Technologybytes...............OMG you are in serious denial of reality dude. He was the President of a Bandido Chapter. Australian jails are full of Bandido members, all wrongful imprisonment I suppose.......NO. I was a CCO in the Australian Prison Service for over 10 years & sorry but NONE were wrongly convicted. In their eyes their crime was just a job. Peachy could not have got to his position by not being a criminal. It's people like you that make Australia dangerous to live in. Get all of the CRIMINAL GANGS off the street for good. The Bandido's are a CRIMINAL GANG full stop.

Brad, I truly value your input into this and I have no doubt you are sincere and well meaning.

I will just add that I assume that the prisons dept deal with sentenced prisoners who have at least been found guilty. I may be wrong if you dealt with unconvicted remand prisoners. I know nothing about Australian prisons.

However, I truly believe that every human being should be viewed as innocent unless proven otherwise. And, I do think that a lot of judgements on here are based on his look.

Truly, not all Bandidos are bad. Well, they certainly never used to be 20 years ago, perhaps things have changed but I stand by my statement that there are a lot of honest and decent bikers in gangs that are often considered to be criminal.


Well me old mate technology bites .

Why not go and stand bail for your hero?

I am sure you will have the courage of your convictions to do that won't you?whistling.gif

Mind you the creature involved would no doubt if you bailed it out would be away a bit sharpish on its toes to avoid its upcoming new convictions. wai2.gif


TECHNOLOGYBYTES...........You are either a wanna be biker or a goodie goodie civil libertarian type tosser. I was employed in the Australian Prison Service for over 10 years & my jail had for than a few Bandido inmates. For sure they were all wrongly convicted, NOT. There is no denying that they are a CRIMINAL GANG & whilst they are they should be stamped out for good. Pechy could not have got his position by being a boy scout now could he? It's people with your mentality that allow these CRIMINALS free run in our societies by hobbling the AFP do do their job. Hence the QLD Governments blanket laws regarding bikers & association etc. The AFP could NOT hassle the real criminal gangs because it would be seen as discrimination by some of your kind.......So they walk among us free to do their Shxxxxt.

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With Australias justice system he might get a good behaviour bond,

youre obviously not up to date with the biker Laws in Australia

As a known listed bike gang it comes under the anti terrorism laws of Australia and this guys in deep

the sentencing is automatic - no trial

I hope his cell has a mirror as this guy no matter where he goes is very visable

maybe some make up foundation might help

What do you mean NO TRIAL ?

everyone gets a hearing unless they want to enter a guilty plea. Then comes sentencing.


It was also revealed last year that Pechey accused Thai police of extorting him, with claims authorities threatened to deport him and demanded $120,000.

Haha.....oh, the irony!

Turned himself in because he ran out of money. This kind never runs out of money. There is always somebody to rob or extort.


I guess that's what a real Bandido looks like, which incidentally is nothing like the old grandpas I see around Cha Am and Hua Hin who've spunked their pension on a Harley and a leather jacket with some kind of emblem on the back.

The emblem that always brings a smile to my face is prospect. I think Sons Of Cain are the ones you refer to.


All these negative comments, all from people who know nothing about this guy at all..

He is charged with an offence, that's a long way from being convicted of it. He's innocent until found guilty remember.

You don't usually get to be Pres of a motorcycle club without being an exceptional man.

Of course, this man and other biker gangs live by a code of values that is alien to 99% of Thai Visa posters.

Best advice, if you don't know what you are talking about or have nothing constructive to add... just keep quiet.

You assume the people commenting know nothing and your assumption is wrong.


I believe this fellow and his mates were all caught on CTV when they started all the fighting in Broadbeach, I guess he may be able to get out of it on a technicality but there is no doubt of his involvement. After the ruckus at Broadbeach after the coppers broke it all up and carted some of to the police station these clowns then decided to give the police at the police a hard time.

I'm not sure why you are quoting me, maybe in error.

I agree with everything you say.


i saw "the mutantl" as i cannot qualifiy him as human...queuing at the student visa section at bangkok immigration last year..

i can tell you that seeing this guy is impressive and cannot be forgottten ...

i wonder which school he was attending ...

and how such a mutant could get a normal job or life wherever he goes..

whose girl with a normal mind can stick around this guy

surely usefull guy for getting your money back from who ever owes you lol !

run braveheart ...there s hannibal in the house!

"whose girl with a normal mind can stick around this guy"

It would seem the female applicant pool is largely the same for this guy and most of us farangs.

do the bmw bikers club members have many tattoos?


TECHNOLOGYBYTES...........You are either a wanna be biker or a goodie goodie civil libertarian type tosser. I was employed in the Australian Prison Service for over 10 years & my jail had for than a few Bandido inmates. For sure they were all wrongly convicted, NOT. There is no denying that they are a CRIMINAL GANG & whilst they are they should be stamped out for good. Pechy could not have got his position by being a boy scout now could he? It's people with your mentality that allow these CRIMINALS free run in our societies by hobbling the AFP do do their job. Hence the QLD Governments blanket laws regarding bikers & association etc. The AFP could NOT hassle the real criminal gangs because it would be seen as discrimination by some of your kind.......So they walk among us free to do their Shxxxxt.

I policed the population in parts of Oz for almost quarter of a century and came across hundreds of OMCG (Outlaw Motor Cycle Gang) members and NEVER met a decent one, not one.

There's a big difference between bikers and OMCG. End of.

Ps: Kudos to Campbell Newman for tackling these vermin head on. ;)


I think you will find that this " thing" ran out of money...................so he was unable to meet his financial commitments here in Thailand ( and the BIB dont take IOU's). The stand over man ...................being stood over.

This left him with a simple choice------a Thai jail or an Australian Jail..........................

I know which one I would chose.

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You don't usually get to be Pres of a motorcycle club without being an exceptional man.

And what are the endearing and redeeming features of this "exceptional man"? coffee1.gif

He is a leader of a group of thugs!


I remember one night drinking with some friends, my buddy was falling asleep in the chair. I told him, don't pass out or I will paint your face !!!!!

Looks like he passed out.

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