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Obama: US at war with those who have perverted Islam

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Obama: US at war with those who have perverted Islam

WASHINGTON (AP) — Muslims in the U.S. and around the world have a responsibility to fight a misconception that terrorist groups like the Islamic State speak for them, President Barack Obama said Wednesday in his most direct remarks yet about any link between Islam and terrorism.

For weeks, the White House has sidestepped the question of whether deadly terror attacks in Paris and other Western cities amount to "Islamic extremism," wary of offending a major world religion or lending credibility to the "war on terror" that Obama's predecessor waged. But as he hosted a White House summit on countering violent extremism, the president said some in Muslim communities have bought into the notion that Islam is incompatible with tolerance and modern life.

"We are not at war with Islam," Obama said. "We are at war with people who have perverted Islam."

While putting the blame on IS and similar groups — Obama said the militants masquerade as religious leaders but are really terrorists — the president also appealed directly to prominent Muslims to do more to distance themselves from brutal ideologies. He said all have a duty to "speak up very clearly" in opposition to violence against innocent people.

"Just as leaders like myself reject the notion that terrorists like ISIL genuinely represent Islam, Muslim leaders need to do more to discredit the notion that our nations are determined to suppress Islam," Obama said.

Issuing such a direct challenge to Muslims marked a clear departure from the restrained, cautious language Obama and his aides have used to describe the situation in the past.

In the days after last month's shootings at a satirical French newspaper that had caricatured the Prophet Muhammad, Obama avoided calling the attack an example of "Islamic extremism," and instead opted for the more generic "violent extremism." Recently, the White House also struggled to explain whether the U.S. believes the Afghan Taliban to be a terrorist organization.

The refusal to directly assess any Islamic role in the terrifying scenes playing out in Europe, the Mideast and Africa has drawn criticism from those who say Obama has prioritized political correctness over a frank acknowledgement of reality. National security hawks, in particular, argued that Obama's counterterrorism strategy couldn't possibly be successful if the president was unable or unwilling to confront the true nature of the threat.

White House aides said they were avoiding associating the attacks with Islam for the sake of "accuracy" and to avoid lending credence to the terrorists' own justification for violence — a strict interpretation of Islam. Frustrated by what they deemed a manufactured controversy, Obama aides have argued that a focus on terminology has distracted from more fruitful conversations about what can actually be done to stop extremist ideologies from spreading.

"These are individuals who carried out an act of terrorism, and they later tried to justify that act of terrorism by invoking the religion of Islam and their own deviant view of it," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said at the time.

Yet the argument over terminology has increasingly become a distraction, including this week as Obama gathered law enforcement officials, Muslim leaders and lawmakers for a three-day summit on violent extremism. In his remarks Wednesday, Obama acknowledged it was a touchy subject but insisted it was critical to tackle the issue "head-on."

"We can't shy away from these discussions," he said. "And too often, folks are understandably sensitive about addressing some of these root issues, but we have to talk about them honestly and clearly."

Still, the president took care to differentiate militant groups from the "billion Muslims who reject their ideology." He noted that IS is killing far more Muslims than non-Muslims, and he called for the world community to elevate the voices of those who "saw the truth" after being radicalized temporarily.

Obama acknowledged that many Muslims in the U.S. have a suspicion of government and police, feeling they have been unfairly targeted, that has confounded efforts to strengthen cooperation between law enforcement and Muslim communities. He effusively praised Muslims who have served the U.S. in the military or in other capacities for generations.

"Of course, that's the story extremists and terrorists don't want the world to know: Muslims succeeding and thriving in America," Obama said. "Because when that truth is known, it exposes their propaganda as the lie that it is."

Obama has long tried to shift his administration's terror rhetoric away from what he saw as the hyperbolic terminology used by his predecessor, George W. Bush, particularly Bush's declaration in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that the U.S. was engaged in a "war on terror."

In a high-profile national security address in 2013, Obama declared, "We must define our effort not as a boundless 'global war on terror,' but rather as a series of persistent, targeted efforts to dismantle specific networks of violent extremists that threaten America."

AP White House Correspondent Julie Pace contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-02-19


Yes, not ALL Muslims are bad, and yes, only a small number of those are radicalized hard core, bent on sharia laws and new world order according to their perverted views of the Quran, the problem is that the majority of the Muslims so called 'good Muslims' sit there quietly and do nothing, or not enough to show that those terrorist

do not represent the Muslim world ideology, and those good Muslim should call for their ultimate and full

eradication out of their midst and the Islam world....

What are the root causes of the radicalization of Muslims?

Is it inherent evil?

Is it a desire for domination of the world?

Or are there other causes?


Yes, not ALL Muslims are bad, and yes, only a small number of those are radicalized hard core, bent on sharia laws and new world order according to their perverted views of the Quran, the problem is that the majority of the Muslims so called 'good Muslims' sit there quietly and do nothing, or not enough to show that those terrorist

do not represent the Muslim world ideology, and those good Muslim should call for their ultimate and full

eradication out of their midst and the Islam world....

What are the root causes of the radicalization of Muslims?

Is it inherent evil?

Is it a desire for domination of the world?

Or are there other causes?

Brainwashing. They have had the Quran thumped into them since birth. All the so called radical Muslims are merely following the teachings of the Quran....convert or kill.

  • Like 1

Freedom of choice is welcomed but what people do with thier freedoms and how they enforce their wills upon others is criminal and a master slave mentality. The world is evolving and various groups do not want change for the betterment of mankind because people are harder to control when given a choice. Control by group association is a form of brain washing and similar use in a communist society. We must stand up to the root cause of the problem or be swallowed by the beast. You own interpretation of this message serves your believes and self satisfactions for a peace of mind.

  • Like 1

Freedom of choice is welcomed but what people do with thier freedoms and how they enforce their wills upon others is criminal and a master slave mentality. The world is evolving and various groups do not want change for the betterment of mankind because people are harder to control when given a choice. Control by group association is a form of brain washing and similar use in a communist society. We must stand up to the root cause of the problem or be swallowed by the beast. You own interpretation of this message serves your believes and self satisfactions for a peace of mind.

We have seen that on TVF as well.... until finally he was banned. But he keeps returning like a virus.....Why support him?


Obamas speech is designed to unite the good people of the world and exclude the Extremist Muslims. US is working 24/7 to erradicate intolerant religious groups all over the world with their allies. He is talking politely but he still is carrying a big stick. Standby

Man oh man. You can fool some of the people all the time................

  • Like 2

How many times does the US have to get it's ass kicked for not understanding the actual problem. Convential warfare isn't going to work. Reminds me of the US revolution, but the US is now like the Red Coats, using the same ineffiective strategy over and over again. I'm sure the US Army brass is hoping that ISIS fighter will stand in the open and allow Apache helicopters to mow them down in the open, but darn, they just won't fight conventially. Personally I don't think this has anything to do with ISIS as a problem; it's just about destablizing ME/NA and anywhere else that won't play by Western rules and funnelling massive amounts of money into the coffer of defense contractors and those lucky corporations with contacts on Capital Hill who get the cushy sole-source contracts. Read guys like Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, then you'll get an idea of the CFR et.al. mindset. Or think what you like. At least try to have an informed opinion though.

Now, where's my coffee. coffee1.gif Not my worry unless it spills over into our neighborhood. Think we'll see 'radical Buddhism' established before 'radical Islam' get's a toe-hold in Northern Thailand, at least if Nan province is any indication.


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They have only "perverted" Islam in the sense that they take it literally, but hopefully, most Muslims will reject the demand to spread Islam to the whole world using violence that is called for in the Qur'an.

It is time for Obama to finally admit that radical Islam not only exists, but is supported by Islamic scripture. You can't defeat an enemy that you refuse to admit exists.

Obama's administration has killed mpre radical Islamic leaders than any other president. Even the Pakistan government who stopped US drone attacks against Taliban now welcomes them. Islamic peoples rely on Obama to provide intelligence, combat training, weapons, etc. to attack ISIL. I'd say Obama is very aware of radical Islam.

  • Like 2

Prez Obama going on tv to call on Muslim leaders globally to get their billion people off their to oppose radical jihad (my words) is just one stark indicator of how serious the problem is of ISIL and that the immediate future looks like a lot of wildfires spreading fast into populated and dense areas.

We're possibly looking at a global insurgency of fierce dimensions, disruptions, disorder.

  • Like 1

Yes, not ALL Muslims are bad, and yes, only a small number of those are radicalized hard core, bent on sharia laws and new world order according to their perverted views of the Quran, the problem is that the majority of the Muslims so called 'good Muslims' sit there quietly and do nothing, or not enough to show that those terrorist

do not represent the Muslim world ideology, and those good Muslim should call for their ultimate and full

eradication out of their midst and the Islam world....

What are the root causes of the radicalization of Muslims?

Is it inherent evil?

Is it a desire for domination of the world?

Or are there other causes?

root causes:

1) corrupt leaders who pervert a religion to further their goal for power

2) brainwashed, ignorant followers who have not learned to think for themselves and who believe everything told by 1)

3) a passive mass of ordinary folk who have their heads in the sand, hoping this will go away without affecting them


Obama: US at war with those who have perverted Islam

Some people follow the words of the Qur'an.

Some people pick and choose the bits they like, a la carte.

Who exactly have perverted Islam?

  • Like 2

Prez Obama going on tv to call on Muslim leaders globally to get their billion people off their to oppose radical jihad (my words) is just one stark indicator of how serious the problem is of ISIL and that the immediate future looks like a lot of wildfires spreading fast into populated and dense areas.

We're possibly looking at a global insurgency of fierce dimensions, disruptions, disorder.

Did I just read that ?

Did someone slip a hallucinogenic in my coffee ?

What a difference a day makes !!

live 'n learn eh....

It's every day.

Read my lips....the 99.9% of Muslims in the world are not the enemy.

Take the 1% that are 100% the enemy and annihilate 'em...obliterate 'em swiftly and decisively.

Rinse and repeat.

This is not the clash of civilizations. The 99% of Muslims globally want peace and prosperity, that's all....there's a buck to be made in this too.

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