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How to rid cockroaches from your bathroom?

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Once or twice a month I discover a cockroach living in my bathroom (the ones that are that are about the size of a thumb). It seems they are coming out of my shower drain as I just now unknowingly stepped on one during my shower. As I opened my drain cover, another one popped out.

Can anyone recommend a solution?

Thanks so much.

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Make bug spraying a regular routine.

I have guys who come round once a month and spray everywhere.

By the way, the shower drain should really have a water trap in it, which should keep out smells and deter bugs.

I pour a bit of Dettol in mine weekly.

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i use the trap as well. I bought a plastic disc shaped dish to feed my hens in. The roaches come at night to feast on the crumbs, but cannot get out. In the morning, the hens are greated with hundreds (depending on the time of year) of treats.

I have been warned by well meaning friends that with this large concentration of roaches in their diet, they will suffer wilh parasite issues. After 3 years, so far, so good:)

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(1) You need to be smarter than a cockroach.

Meaning - If you beleive they are coming up through the drain ... unless you live in your shower ... any tight cover will do.

And yes, many on the forum have suggested proven chemicals to pour in there...Which would be doing it's job pretty much most of the day.

Have a good one.

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Aproper size drain grate cover may help. The main problem is your shower drain is not properly trapped. The cheap one they use in Thailand (in the cover) either falls apart or is taken apart to facilitate drainage. To properly repair the job would be to break out floor around drain and install a p trap and patch hole. If bathroom is upstairs go through ceiling to install new ptrap. The cockroaches are coming in through yor septic tank so; poison you septic tank through through your shower drain using bleach or insectecide. Problem is due to improper plumbing.

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So why are they coming out of the drain, and of all places the bathroom? Could it be 1. you leave your

underwear with skid marks in the bathroom until the next wash load? 2. The Royal thrown isn't cleaned frequently?

Or are those little pests are of the homing pigeon type? In any event, take care of the items listed above routinely and they will not bother you. Personally I kind of like the little things scamping about. My Cat (you should get one) loves chasing after them, and manages to catch one or two now and then. You will never get rid of them for they have taken over Thailand

more than a thousand years ago when the first Chinese came with their Chop Suzy!!

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Try to move to another bathroom.laugh.png

I've tried to find out for 6 month where they are coming from...and I've spent a lot of bht's for poisons without success .

I killed them step by step...."mothers, fathers , kids" and for 4 weeks it was ok but I had to go to Europe for a month and after my arrival back in Bkk mothers and fathers just started visiting me again....

Probably easier to learn to like them...in time maybe they find my bad character and they spread the news and leave... who knows.giggle.gif

Regards to all fighterswai.gif


Edited by gigman
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Buy moth balls and place a bag (unopened) at the shower drain and bathroom window. The smell keeps the roaches and gecko's at bay. Normaly they don't come through the drain but through the window. The one you found under the drain cover was hiding in the darkness (which they like to do). Roaches can't swim and thus will find it difficult to enter through the drain system.

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In the U.S. they have little traps that they can walk through. Then go back to their nest and eliminate the family. There is also this stuff it is like tooth paste. You put little here and there. It lasts very long and if you see one of those creatures, they're usually on their backs and just need to be tossed.

Though the flame thrower idea and the lizard idea, opt for the lizzard. The flame thrower isn't at all energy efficient and can't tell the difference between your roach and the rest of the world. Good luck mate.

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There is no secret to keeping your home free of cockroaches (and ants). It's called 'domestic hygiene'. This insects will invade your home if you give them feeding opportunities, so the solution to that is don't! Keep your home clean and keep all food in sealed containers and/or in the fridge.

You will never eliminate them completely. There will always be the occasional exploratory visitor, this is how they operate. These insects lay chemical scent trails and can quickly attract their mates to a food source. If there's no food on offer, they will not come in their droves.

OP, if you're only getting 1 or 2 'roaches a month, you needn't be worried. You're on top of it. Just whack 'em with a flip flop or spray 'em with insecticide if you're squeamish! You're doing just fine.

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