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Giuliani questions Obama's love of US; Democrats cry foul

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Some posters may be splitting more than hairs...they may be splitting the scene. Stay on topic.


You are out of touch at to what is going on in America. You did take notice of the mid term elections where the Democrats LOST control of the Senate, the number of Democrats seats in the U,S. were reduced by Republican replacements, U.S. State Legislatures have turned Republican along with the Governor's seat ... state governments are now a super majority of Republican control ... Elections have consequences ... Now that a respected Republican leader has said it ... dozens more will say it in a few short days and weeks. Why? Because it is the Truth. obama has no allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, to traditional America, he openly shows his allegiance and favoritism to Islam... I could write a list ten pages long... All this plus obama is a Narcissistic pathological liar, who lies about lying, who lies even when the truth would serve him better. Sure signs of the depth and pathology of his mental state.

You did take notice of the mid term elections

The mid-term election of 2014 is the most recent election the US has had, yes...yes indeed, and the conservatives who accuse Prez Obama of "no allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, to traditional America" love to cite this election and in fact eat, sleep and live by this most recent election. American political conservatives cite the recent mid-terms to verify among themselves that they are right.

However, from January 20th 2009 thru 2012 the same political group refused to accept the result of the 2008 general election.

The same political group have further refused from January 20th 2013 to accept the results of the 2012 general election.

To be respected at all, the conservatives of US politics and society need to be consistent and accept the results of all elections and every election.

Democracy does have minimum standards and norms and they need to be honored and respected. Otherwise the system does not work and cannot succeed. The vast majority of Americans want our democracy to be viable and to succeed.

It is called being civil

Edited by Publicus for spacing.

What are you going on about?

"To be respected at all, the conservatives of US politics and society need to be consistent and accept the results of all elections and every election."

Talk about not accepting elections, see the following quote:

"Eight years later in 2000 the only way the same political party and the same family was able to get back into the White House was to hang a bunch of ballot chads in Florida.'

Following that little exchange you close out with an appeal for civility thusly...

"Democracy does have minimum standards and norms and they need to be honored and respected. Otherwise the system does not work and cannot succeed. The vast majority of Americans want our democracy to be viable and to succeed.

It is called being civil"

Permit me to throw some quotes, taken from this thread alone, into the civility arena.

1. "Giuliani needs to tend to his own false and cynical self-promotion which also involves trying to assail the character and integrity of Pres Obama."

2. "Giuliani is a propagandist not a messenger, and Giuliani is a fraud extraordinaire...a cheap political hack."

3. "There's no valid reason for the extent of the extremism against him which originates from one quarter and that is the tea party extreme intemperate lunatic far right."

4. "The R party is a bankrupt asylum that has been taken over by the inmates. The lunatics are running the asylum."

5. "Any time a partisan political hack comes out from under his rock to spew venom he's going to expose himself to an equal and opposite reaction so that's what Giuliani is and that is what Giuliani has done."

I'm guessing we can expect some more civility aimed at this post now?

The truth shall set you free....

One should be so conscientious in defending democracy and democratic processes such as elections and voting.

And one needs to include the posts to which the quotes you gather respond to make a fair measure of the disputes presented at the thread by the topic and the principal character who is Rudy Giuliani and Co.


@ post # 111 Publicus

Not accepting the election results of presidential elections is quite normal - the Democrats wailed about both terms of GW BUSH ... In fact the Democrat Liberals and Leftists almost had strokes each and everyday for 8 years... your remarks reflect the normal tunnel vision you always show.

And in regards to your previous remarks about being Civil ... the actions and words of liberals and leftist Democrats flung against GW BUSH for 8 years was some of the most uncivilized in American history.

G.W.Bush & WMD = Words of Mass Deception....

Then Bush appointed Giuliani deputy attorney general in the Justice Department where Rudy justified a pension for himself.

And the conservatives are raising the roof the past several years about Eric Holder as AG

Giuliani loved the Iraq war and thinks ISIS is a tax exemption while before that he told the NYPD to shoot first and ask questions later.

Then Rudy went to Ferguson and now the president is not like the rest of America because Barack is not a Republican....the hits just keep on comin'


69.5 million Americans voted to elect Barack Obama president....that's a whole lotta liberals so maybe the conservatives should throw in the noose towel.

Rudy ran for prez in 2008 and the voters threw the towel at him then gave him the bum's rush.

Rudy ain't been the same since.

  • Like 1

This kind of trashing Obama talk is red meat for the right wingers but very alienating to more moderate people especially nonwhites. So bring it on more and welcome Prez Hillary!

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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It must be very confusing, for those reading this thread who aren't mainlining the Fox News koolaid. Where does all this hatred of Obama come from? The United States is doing so well.

Let me try and explain. You see, first of all, Obama is a negro...

You seem obsessed by Fox News. Since Fox News is not offered by satellite TV, I doubt many in Thailand, have an opportunity to watch their programming.

"Where does all this hatred of Obama come from?" I doubt if many people hate Obama but their dislike for him probably stems from being a narcissistic pathological liar, being inept, unable to accept responsibility and blaming others for his failed policies, naive, socialistic and maybe even leaning towards communism. Some dislike Obama because he acts as if he is the Messiah or maybe its his total lack of leadership skills (leading from behind).

Many liberals say Obama is disliked because of the color of his skin. Obama is half white so I'm not sure where that idea comes from. I believe besides the dead people and welfare recipients that voted for this moron, many liberals voted for him because he looks more black than white. That probably explains why liberals tend to bring up the color of Obama's skin so much.

Giuliani spoke the truth about Obama, and that appears difficult for most liberals to grasp.

How about me? I am not a liberal , dont even like the word, in my mind it has negative connotations I conciser my self ,

socially progressive, economically conservative (cheap laugh.png )

but that's not really true also, Like most people and most of you we live in the middle,

conservative in some , progressive in others

So it is not "liberals" who cant grasp this, I am sure most Americans,cant grasp this, or in fact they see it for what it is.

an attempt to polarize.

remember the old saying, "divide and conquer" division is not good for me it is not good for you and it is not good for America and as such is unpatriotic!!!

So who does not love America? Obama or those who use the politics of division for personal gain?


It must be very confusing, for those reading this thread who aren't mainlining the Fox News koolaid. Where does all this hatred of Obama come from? The United States is doing so well.

Let me try and explain. You see, first of all, Obama is a negro...

You seem obsessed by Fox News. Since Fox News is not offered by satellite TV, I doubt many in Thailand, have an opportunity to watch their programming.

"Where does all this hatred of Obama come from?" I doubt if many people hate Obama but their dislike for him probably stems from being a narcissistic pathological liar, being inept, unable to accept responsibility and blaming others for his failed policies, naive, socialistic and maybe even leaning towards communism. Some dislike Obama because he acts as if he is the Messiah or maybe its his total lack of leadership skills (leading from behind).

Many liberals say Obama is disliked because of the color of his skin. Obama is half white so I'm not sure where that idea comes from. I believe besides the dead people and welfare recipients that voted for this moron, many liberals voted for him because he looks more black than white. That probably explains why liberals tend to bring up the color of Obama's skin so much.

Giuliani spoke the truth about Obama, and that appears difficult for most liberals to grasp.

How about me? I am not a liberal , dont even like the word, in my mind it has negative connotations I conciser my self ,

socially progressive, economically conservative (cheap laugh.png )

but that's not really true also, Like most people and most of you we live in the middle,

conservative in some , progressive in others

So it is not "liberals" who cant grasp this, I am sure most Americans,cant grasp this, or in fact they see it for what it is.

an attempt to polarize.

remember the old saying, "divide and conquer" division is not good for me it is not good for you and it is not good for America and as such is unpatriotic!!!

So who does not love America? Obama or those who use the politics of division for personal gain?

obama has used the politics of division to an extreme ... pitting one group against another in every category obama has made social divisiveness into an art form ... If you are not aware of this you are a Liberal Progressive in more ways than you think. And blind to reality.

Two wrongs do not make a right.

I oppose the politics of division regardless of political affiliation

I am an independent voter, and on an other thread I am in opposing Obama's current immigration policy

You must agree though that the Republicans excel on the issue, Take Giuliani, Tramp , Pelin, etc

if the democrats want to be in par with the Republicans on the division game, they have a lot of work ahead of them


Its a false assertion that one "hates" Obama because they despise the essence of his policies. The essence of his polices reflect the character of the man; in this regard it is fair game to personalize the sum total of his efforts. Obama is simply a radical in the nature of someone intent on revolution. Not a radical insofar as he has significantly deviated from any path that can remotely be called an American Path; he is radical by virtue of his words, his mentors, his associations with communists and terrorists, but mostly his destructive policies. I dont like Obama but it would be narrow minded to presume then that I like republicans, or any other party for that matter. There have been good pro American democrats and good pro American republicans. There have also been bad pro American republicans and democrats. There is simply nothing in Obama's words nor accomplishments which reflect a better tomorrow for America or her allies- pro American. Does Obama hate America? I think it is self evident that he despises America. Indeed, even his wife conceded some years ago [that] was the first time [she] felt proud of her country. What I state is self evident to me and if not to others, the totality of his policies, in spite of overwhelming opposition, should demonstrate contempt for America. Its also obvious our enemies realize this fact regarding Obama. Irrespective of our different takes today, Obama will be judges by history to be a destructive agent in the polity.

She said something stupid, like you or me never have? she did not stand by that statement, do one defended it and said it was a correct statement.

on the other had , Giuliani's statement was calculated, he stands behind it, people like you defend it.


Its a false assertion that one "hates" Obama because they despise the essence of his policies. The essence of his polices reflect the character of the man; in this regard it is fair game to personalize the sum total of his efforts. Obama is simply a radical in the nature of someone intent on revolution. Not a radical insofar as he has significantly deviated from any path that can remotely be called an American Path; he is radical by virtue of his words, his mentors, his associations with communists and terrorists, but mostly his destructive policies. I dont like Obama but it would be narrow minded to presume then that I like republicans, or any other party for that matter. There have been good pro American democrats and good pro American republicans. There have also been bad pro American republicans and democrats. There is simply nothing in Obama's words nor accomplishments which reflect a better tomorrow for America or her allies- pro American. Does Obama hate America? I think it is self evident that he despises America. Indeed, even his wife conceded some years ago [that] was the first time [she] felt proud of her country. What I state is self evident to me and if not to others, the totality of his policies, in spite of overwhelming opposition, should demonstrate contempt for America. Its also obvious our enemies realize this fact regarding Obama. Irrespective of our different takes today, Obama will be judges by history to be a destructive agent in the polity.

She said something stupid, like you or me never have? she did not stand by that statement, do one defended it and said it was a correct statement.

on the other had , Giuliani's statement was calculated, he stands behind it, people like you defend it.

You make a fair point, in a neutral state. This is not that state. Context has value. Obama just won the presidency. They are known to have suspicious associates. They are known to be pew sitters in a militant theology church. He is known to have been a member of a local communist party. He's known to have been Hosted by a convicted American hating terrorist. Context matters.

No, most normal people say something stupid about the boss, a coworker, their spouse, mother in law, sexual innuendo, stereotyping, and general conversation stupidity. Such a deep, poignant, succinct statement is pregnant with intention and meaning. This was no off the cuff remark. It's the status quo equal of Obamas frequent anti American rehetoric when he skips TelePrompTer and goes off the reservation. When someone nationally disparages their nation this can hardly be called unintentional.

Lastly, I don't defend Gulliani, I preempt him! I've been asserting for years comments similar to The Roots of Obama's Rage. It's simply a Malcolm Gladwell Blink issue for me. For me... it's self evident.

Otherwise, skip all the commentary from pundits or Obama and measure Obama's actions.

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Obama is nothing but a crap talking mouthpiece that has lost control of some very serious world issues. He must just like to hear the sound of his voice when he talks a big game involving hard ball tactics because no one else (Putin, ISIS, Iran, Egypt, China and etc.) listen to it care what he says as he never, ever backs it up. What kind of leader telegraphs his every move in the first place? Obama does. No one else.

Don't threaten actions and say when its going to happen. Just do it. Don't threaten sanctions and tell everyone how you are really going to get tough this time. Just do it and and be silent. Actions, not words are a sign of strength. Obama has zero back bone, has completely lost control and is a joke to real world leaders.

  • Like 2

The hits just keep on comin' clap2.gif

Most American conservatives and most in the Republican party and beyond it have completely lost the plot.

For instance, a major reason Prez Obama and his administration do not say "Islamic terrorists" or "Muslim jihadists" and the like is because the US is trying to develop viable working relations with the leaders and the peoples of Sunni majority countries in the ME and in places like Indonesia in SE Asia. Sunnis are the Muslims directly threatened and already being harmed by IS.

Using the name of the religion in a war on terror strongly implies war against all of the religion. Yes, this is what some want, on each side Muslim and Christian.

Most or almost all leaders of Western nations deliberately avoid putting the word Islamic or Muslim in the same breath as terrorist, terrorism, jihad, jihadist and the like. Leaders of Nato governments use these words separately and apart from one another. Leaders of Nato governments say only "terrorism" but normally do not also say with it "Muslim" or "Islamic." There are no crusader prime ministers or other leaders of governments in the Nato member states that I know of.

Anyone who might think the prez does not know who the enemy is, what the enemy is trying to do, and how, would be deaf, dumb, blind due to partisan and other comprehensive biases and prejudices. Many of these people are also those who believe the earth is 6000 years old.


  • Like 1

The hits just keep on comin' clap2.gif

Most American conservatives and most in the Republican party and beyond it have completely lost the plot.

For instance, a major reason Prez Obama and his administration do not say "Islamic terrorists" or "Muslim jihadists" and the like is because the US is trying to develop viable working relations with the leaders and the peoples of Sunni majority countries in the ME and in places like Indonesia in SE Asia. Sunnis are the Muslims directly threatened and already being harmed by IS.

Using the name of the religion in a war on terror strongly implies war against all of the religion. Yes, this is what some want, on each side Muslim and Christian.

Most or almost all leaders of Western nations deliberately avoid putting the word Islamic or Muslim in the same breath as terrorist, terrorism, jihad, jihadist and the like. Leaders of Nato governments use these words separately and apart from one another. Leaders of Nato governments say only "terrorism" but normally do not also say with it "Muslim" or "Islamic." There are no crusader prime ministers or other leaders of governments in the Nato member states that I know of.

Anyone who might think the prez does not know who the enemy is, what the enemy is trying to do, and how, would be deaf, dumb, blind due to partisan and other comprehensive biases and prejudices. Many of these people are also those who believe the earth is 6000 years old.


At least there is one Democrat that ain't buyng the BS. Too bad there aren't more like her.


  • Like 1

The hits just keep on comin' clap2.gif

Most American conservatives and most in the Republican party and beyond it have completely lost the plot.

For instance, a major reason Prez Obama and his administration do not say "Islamic terrorists" or "Muslim jihadists" and the like is because the US is trying to develop viable working relations with the leaders and the peoples of Sunni majority countries in the ME and in places like Indonesia in SE Asia. Sunnis are the Muslims directly threatened and already being harmed by IS.

Using the name of the religion in a war on terror strongly implies war against all of the religion. Yes, this is what some want, on each side Muslim and Christian.

Most or almost all leaders of Western nations deliberately avoid putting the word Islamic or Muslim in the same breath as terrorist, terrorism, jihad, jihadist and the like. Leaders of Nato governments use these words separately and apart from one another. Leaders of Nato governments say only "terrorism" but normally do not also say with it "Muslim" or "Islamic." There are no crusader prime ministers or other leaders of governments in the Nato member states that I know of.

Anyone who might think the prez does not know who the enemy is, what the enemy is trying to do, and how, would be deaf, dumb, blind due to partisan and other comprehensive biases and prejudices. Many of these people are also those who believe the earth is 6000 years old.


The truth of the matter is that what ever Obama does The Barackophobes would find fault with. It has less to do with the issues and more to do with latent racism. simply , they cant get over the fact that a black man can not only be as good as them, but can even be better.

The likes of Giuliani,Pallin , Tramp . know this very well and they are exploiting it to further their agenda, Barackophobes are being used and as such are tools.

to be fair

conversely there a latent guilt some whites feel towards blacks, this is also exploited by smart African american players

If you are going to be a tool be a hammer don't be a nail, being a nail could give you an awful headache tongue.png


The hits just keep on comin' clap2.gif

Most American conservatives and most in the Republican party and beyond it have completely lost the plot.

For instance, a major reason Prez Obama and his administration do not say "Islamic terrorists" or "Muslim jihadists" and the like is because the US is trying to develop viable working relations with the leaders and the peoples of Sunni majority countries in the ME and in places like Indonesia in SE Asia. Sunnis are the Muslims directly threatened and already being harmed by IS.

Using the name of the religion in a war on terror strongly implies war against all of the religion. Yes, this is what some want, on each side Muslim and Christian.

Most or almost all leaders of Western nations deliberately avoid putting the word Islamic or Muslim in the same breath as terrorist, terrorism, jihad, jihadist and the like. Leaders of Nato governments use these words separately and apart from one another. Leaders of Nato governments say only "terrorism" but normally do not also say with it "Muslim" or "Islamic." There are no crusader prime ministers or other leaders of governments in the Nato member states that I know of.

Anyone who might think the prez does not know who the enemy is, what the enemy is trying to do, and how, would be deaf, dumb, blind due to partisan and other comprehensive biases and prejudices. Many of these people are also those who believe the earth is 6000 years old.


The truth of the matter is that what ever Obama does The Barackophobes would find fault with. It has less to do with the issues and more to do with latent racism. simply , they cant get over the fact that a black man can not only be as good as them, but can even be better.

The likes of Giuliani,Pallin , Tramp . know this very well and they are exploiting it to further their agenda, Barackophobes are being used and as such are tools.

to be fair

conversely there a latent guilt some whites feel towards blacks, this is also exploited by smart African american players

If you are going to be a tool be a hammer don't be a nail, being a nail could give you an awful headache tongue.png

I used to say the same thing ON HERE about those opposed to Bama and then I woke the F up around the Syria red line, Snowdem Putin showdown, IRS, Benghazi and AP wire Tap time frame, all which seemingly happening around the same time.

Since then, everything he has done has been a disaster and he has completely lost control of very sensitive world issues that could cause long term security and financial impacts on the US.

News flash, the world is a freaking disaster right now. Putin has no respect for anything Obama does or says and Putin is about to go on a rampage in the Baltic region.

What has Obama handled well? Did his withdrawal from Iraq work out well? How well did he do in Egypt? How well has he done in Iran, Lybia or Syria? Our relationship with Israel is shaky, yet the Muslims don't particularly like us either. The US's relationship with China, Russia and South Anerica are as bad as they have been in many years.

The US economy turned around on his watch, but that was going to happen regardless who was in the White House. The recovery and stimulus programs had zero to do with Obama and were not Obama created. I had high hopes for Obamacare and I voiced ON HERE how in theory Obamacare should work, but somehow he managed to screw that up and it is a disaster for anyone that is middle class.

Candidly, I just hope Obama does not cause potential irreversible damage before the next election.

You guys seriously need to pull your head out of the sand and realize what Putin is doing. This is about to get bad and he may start messing with some of the NATO countries in the region because he knows Obama wont do anything.

This could get real ugly real fast and all we get is a lot of grandstanding, double talk and hollow threats from Obama. That may work for Obama supporters, but Putin, China, Iran, South America, Syria, Egypt, ISIS et al. are taking notes and they are getting bolder and bolder.

  • Like 2

The hits just keep on comin' clap2.gif

Most American conservatives and most in the Republican party and beyond it have completely lost the plot.

For instance, a major reason Prez Obama and his administration do not say "Islamic terrorists" or "Muslim jihadists" and the like is because the US is trying to develop viable working relations with the leaders and the peoples of Sunni majority countries in the ME and in places like Indonesia in SE Asia. Sunnis are the Muslims directly threatened and already being harmed by IS.

Using the name of the religion in a war on terror strongly implies war against all of the religion. Yes, this is what some want, on each side Muslim and Christian.

Most or almost all leaders of Western nations deliberately avoid putting the word Islamic or Muslim in the same breath as terrorist, terrorism, jihad, jihadist and the like. Leaders of Nato governments use these words separately and apart from one another. Leaders of Nato governments say only "terrorism" but normally do not also say with it "Muslim" or "Islamic." There are no crusader prime ministers or other leaders of governments in the Nato member states that I know of.

Anyone who might think the prez does not know who the enemy is, what the enemy is trying to do, and how, would be deaf, dumb, blind due to partisan and other comprehensive biases and prejudices. Many of these people are also those who believe the earth is 6000 years old.


The truth of the matter is that what ever Obama does The Barackophobes would find fault with. It has less to do with the issues and more to do with latent racism. simply , they cant get over the fact that a black man can not only be as good as them, but can even be better.

The likes of Giuliani,Pallin , Tramp . know this very well and they are exploiting it to further their agenda, Barackophobes are being used and as such are tools.

to be fair

conversely there a latent guilt some whites feel towards blacks, this is also exploited by smart African american players

If you are going to be a tool be a hammer don't be a nail, being a nail could give you an awful headache tongue.png

I used to say the same thing ON HERE about those opposed to Bama and then I woke the F up around the Syria red line, Snowdem Putin showdown, IRS, Benghazi and AP wire Tap time frame, all which seemingly happening around the same time.

Since then, everything he has done has been a disaster and he has completely lost control of very sensitive world issues that could cause long term security and financial impacts on the US.

News flash, the world is a freaking disaster right now. Putin has no respect for anything Obama does or says and Putin is about to go on a rampage in the Baltic region.

What has Obama handled well? Did his withdrawal from Iraq work out well? How well did he do in Egypt? How well has he done in Iran, Lybia or Syria? Our relationship with Israel is shaky, yet the Muslims don't particularly like us either. The US's relationship with China, Russia and South Anerica are as bad as they have been in many years.

The US economy turned around on his watch, but that was going to happen regardless who was in the White House. The recovery and stimulus programs had zero to do with Obama and were not Obama created. I had high hopes for Obamacare and I voiced ON HERE how in theory Obamacare should work, but somehow he managed to screw that up and it is a disaster for anyone that is middle class.

Candidly, I just hope Obama does not cause potential irreversible damage before the next election.

You guys seriously need to pull your head out of the sand and realize what Putin is doing. This is about to get bad and he may start messing with some of the NATO countries in the region because he knows Obama wont do anything.

This could get real ugly real fast and all we get is a lot of grandstanding, double talk and hollow threats from Obama. That may work for Obama supporters, but Putin, China, Iran, South America, Syria, Egypt, ISIS et al. are taking notes and they are getting bolder and bolder.

I guess it's a matter of perspective,

Bush put as in this situation, He was told that attacking Iraq would create more terrorists not less.


was told that Iraq would disintegrate


was told that war would cost too much


were told it would be impossible to get out


In comes Obama, I did not agree with all the measures they took but the proof is i the pudding. Given the situation we were in when he came in, things could have being a lot worst.As it is we are in better shape than most countries in the world, if Obama is bad then what about the leaders of these other countries? they faced less challenges, yet are in worst shape.

As for Putin , Russia is a paper tiger, a cleptocracy, It's economy is dependent on oil, Oil price goes down, they are dead.all these other misadventures on it's boarders are a distraction from the above facts.

I will tell you one thing, my business is overheating, we have two buildings going up right now, one 56 flrs in Brooklyn, an other , a 26 flr hotel in Manhattan, In four weeks we starting the fourth tower at te Edge in Brooklyn with every million dollar condominium sold , Have a 50 flr building in LIC and just signed an other building to start next year .

The Manhattan skyline is dotted with cranes .

If the industry is on steroids now, next year it will be on steroids with red bull. just look at the air right purchased in Manhattan

The smart money is investing in the US , if you want to know how things are going follow the money

Dont watch Fox, listen to Bloomberg news, the numbers never lie.

if you really want to know what is really going on watch the financial news CNN, Fox, MSNBC are just news entertainment networks.


It would be nice to ban from the discussion, FOX and MSNBC viewers so we could have a reasonable discourse.

When the extremists speak, I go deaf.

You'd have to be pretty stupid to watch that crap and think you are informed.


The hits just keep on comin' clap2.gif

Most American conservatives and most in the Republican party and beyond it have completely lost the plot.

For instance, a major reason Prez Obama and his administration do not say "Islamic terrorists" or "Muslim jihadists" and the like is because the US is trying to develop viable working relations with the leaders and the peoples of Sunni majority countries in the ME and in places like Indonesia in SE Asia. Sunnis are the Muslims directly threatened and already being harmed by IS.

Using the name of the religion in a war on terror strongly implies war against all of the religion. Yes, this is what some want, on each side Muslim and Christian.

Most or almost all leaders of Western nations deliberately avoid putting the word Islamic or Muslim in the same breath as terrorist, terrorism, jihad, jihadist and the like. Leaders of Nato governments use these words separately and apart from one another. Leaders of Nato governments say only "terrorism" but normally do not also say with it "Muslim" or "Islamic." There are no crusader prime ministers or other leaders of governments in the Nato member states that I know of.

Anyone who might think the prez does not know who the enemy is, what the enemy is trying to do, and how, would be deaf, dumb, blind due to partisan and other comprehensive biases and prejudices. Many of these people are also those who believe the earth is 6000 years old.


The truth of the matter is that what ever Obama does The Barackophobes would find fault with. It has less to do with the issues and more to do with latent racism. simply , they cant get over the fact that a black man can not only be as good as them, but can even be better.

The likes of Giuliani,Pallin , Tramp . know this very well and they are exploiting it to further their agenda, Barackophobes are being used and as such are tools.

to be fair

conversely there a latent guilt some whites feel towards blacks, this is also exploited by smart African american players

If you are going to be a tool be a hammer don't be a nail, being a nail could give you an awful headache tongue.png

Geez Doc, I think I would ask for a refund on that Psych Degree.

  • Like 1

Billionaires Rupert Murdoch and Sharia Prince Al-waleed bin Talal own Fox news. They are playing all you Obama haters in attempt to put their puppet in the White House next. Wealthy right wingers funded hater spokesmen to win enough elections for Congress and some states. Follow the money trail.

  • Like 2

69.5 million Americans voted to elect Barack Obama president....that's a whole lotta liberals so maybe the conservatives should throw in the noose towel.

Rudy ran for prez in 2008 and the voters threw the towel at him then gave him the bum's rush.

Rudy ain't been the same since.

Besides dead people, dead beats, and liberals casting their vote for Obama, there were many normal people who voted for him too. I suspect most of the normal people who voted for Obama, actually believed his lies. Being a pathological liar worked well for Obama, but it is certainly nothing to be proud of.

  • Like 2

The hits just keep on comin' clap2.gif

Most American conservatives and most in the Republican party and beyond it have completely lost the plot.

For instance, a major reason Prez Obama and his administration do not say "Islamic terrorists" or "Muslim jihadists" and the like is because the US is trying to develop viable working relations with the leaders and the peoples of Sunni majority countries in the ME and in places like Indonesia in SE Asia. Sunnis are the Muslims directly threatened and already being harmed by IS.

Using the name of the religion in a war on terror strongly implies war against all of the religion. Yes, this is what some want, on each side Muslim and Christian.

Most or almost all leaders of Western nations deliberately avoid putting the word Islamic or Muslim in the same breath as terrorist, terrorism, jihad, jihadist and the like. Leaders of Nato governments use these words separately and apart from one another. Leaders of Nato governments say only "terrorism" but normally do not also say with it "Muslim" or "Islamic." There are no crusader prime ministers or other leaders of governments in the Nato member states that I know of.

Anyone who might think the prez does not know who the enemy is, what the enemy is trying to do, and how, would be deaf, dumb, blind due to partisan and other comprehensive biases and prejudices. Many of these people are also those who believe the earth is 6000 years old.


At least there is one Democrat that ain't buyng the BS. Too bad there aren't more like her.


Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii twice voted for Barack Obama for president. The Democrat and only Hindu member of Congress supports Prez Obama across the board but voted against arming rebels in Syria.

Rep Gabbard agrees with Prez Obama that the US and ME allies must destroy ISIS, that a political solution must be found in the ME blah blah. Gabbard is a captain in the Army National Guard from Hawaii who served in two ME tours of duty, in Iraq and Kuwait. She says "We need to go in and hit hard" against IS to which many of us agree. After all, everyone knows the way to win wars is to "go in and hit 'em hard." coffee1.gif

She also sees the conflict in ideological terms, to which Prez Obama responded at the White House conference on extremist violence....

“There’s been a fair amount of debate in the press and among pundits about the words we use to describe and frame this challenge,” he said. “I want to be very clear about how I see it: al Qaeda and ISIL and groups like it are desperate for legitimacy. They try to portray themselves as religious leaders, holy warriors in defense of Islam ... We must never accept the premise they put forward.” -----President Barack Obama.

The same is 100% true of the extremists rhetoricians on the right of US politics who advocate religious holy war against Islam itself and against all Muslims everywhere until Islam is destroyed and all Muslims who aren't already killed throw their hands up in surrender to the Holy Bible. All one billion of 'em.

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