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90 Day Online Chiang Mai

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Has anyone had their 90 day online report finalized/completed?

In reference to the above post, it appears a number of members have submitted reports that are "pending"

I'm due to report next week and am favouring EMS unless online has been successful for members.

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Do your report by mail. The online reporting is not working yet it is just a work in progress.

I wouldn't even trust them to get that right,go in person and treat it as a little trip.

We are talking about Chiang Mai immigration which is more than 'a little trip'. 90 day reporting can take a few minutes to hours to do depending which way the wind is blowing. I started mail in with them 2 reports ago and turn around from sending it to receiving it at my home was 3 days. Last report by a member who contacted Chiang Mai immigration was told they were not doing online yet. Estimation may be March/April when it is active but no guarantees. The immigration website says "work in progress". smile.png

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Immigration have absolutely NO interest in making this online 90 day reporting Work ... Same same as the agents the stand in line every morning from 04.00 - its a business for both so dont expect online 90 days to Work ever ...

Amazing Thailand !

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  • 1 month later...

I have successfully completed the on-line 90 day check-in today. I applied at around 1 pm and received the approval email at 5:15 pm. For anyone that is interested, I used the "Chrome" browser on my Mac.

Use the following site: http://extranet.immigration.go.th/pibics/online/tm47/TM47Action.do and disregard the statement about "IE" being the only supported browser and just press "OK and continue on"


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I am in favour of going in person.

The immi guy will have no one to torture if you guys go online or mail it in.

They need that.

Yep, certainly the preferred option for you if life really isn't worth living for you without a fix every 90 days of prolonged staring at the walls and ceiling at Chiang Mai Immigration!laugh.png

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  • 1 month later...

I have successfully completed the on-line 90 day check-in today. I applied at around 1 pm and received the approval email at 5:15 pm. For anyone that is interested, I used the "Chrome" browser on my Mac.

Use the following site: http://extranet.immigration.go.th/pibics/online/tm47/TM47Action.do and disregard the statement about "IE" being the only supported browser and just press "OK and continue on"

I am still getting a " ... contact the nearest immigration office ..." popup after submitting the info on the first page. Has anyone else been successful with it?

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I have successfully completed the on-line 90 day check-in today. I applied at around 1 pm and received the approval email at 5:15 pm. For anyone that is interested, I used the "Chrome" browser on my Mac.

Use the following site: http://extranet.immigration.go.th/pibics/online/tm47/TM47Action.do and disregard the statement about "IE" being the only supported browser and just press "OK and continue on"

I am still getting a " ... contact the nearest immigration office ..." popup after submitting the info on the first page. Has anyone else been successful with it?

That message means your record cannot be found. Myself and people from sll areas of the country are getting the same message.

When was your last entry? If years ago that could be the problem. Have you gotten a new passport since you last entry? If none of these are the problem it means their could be an error in the record.

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I have successfully completed the on-line 90 day check-in today. I applied at around 1 pm and received the approval email at 5:15 pm. For anyone that is interested, I used the "Chrome" browser on my Mac.

Use the following site: http://extranet.immigration.go.th/pibics/online/tm47/TM47Action.do and disregard the statement about "IE" being the only supported browser and just press "OK and continue on"

I am still getting a " ... contact the nearest immigration office ..." popup after submitting the info on the first page. Has anyone else been successful with it?

That message means your record cannot be found. Myself and people from sll areas of the country are getting the same message.

When was your last entry? If years ago that could be the problem. Have you gotten a new passport since you last entry? If none of these are the problem it means their could be an error in the record.

OK and thanks, that should then be an error

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