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7 eleven and family mart on the left and right side before coming to soi lengkee, when you come from soi diana, they like to fool you, at least when you are drunk, has happened multiple times when I switch money, not enough with it but they ask even though tips sometimes. tip tip tip

but farang are billionaires so it's certainly okay to fool us.....whistling.gifwhistling.gif

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you are short changing yourself by not having a 7card if you live here

Is that the name to ask for: "a 7 card"?

Easy really you stop shopping there or you buy a rechargeable debit card card, load your cash on it, that's what our boys do .

The card is swiped through the till monies deducted and you have no problems.

Is the rechargeable debit card the "7 card," or is/are there other types of debit card/s that can be used at 7-11?

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you are short changing yourself by not having a 7card if you live here

Is that the name to ask for: "a 7 card"?

Easy really you stop shopping there or you buy a rechargeable debit card card, load your cash on it, that's what our boys do .

The card is swiped through the till monies deducted and you have no problems.

Is the rechargeable debit card the "7 card," or is/are there other types of debit card/s that can be used at 7-11?

fairly certain they will understand 7 card. also if you indicate the point where the card is read in front of the till to the right of the cash register at about waist height should help with understanding.

7 cards are just hold on the reader, wait for "purse" to show on the display. no messing about with anything. much more convenient than a normal bank debit card transaction. never seen anyone use another type of card but they have got other card readers there.

i got mine on a special but i think normal they are 200 baht or under, and three year validity. it has given me much more than this in rebates and my card is only about a year old. no additional fees anywhere. also think there is a refund for expired cards. not 200 baht refund about 50 baht i think.,

yes rechargeable debit card is the "7 card,"

​main appeal is the convenience. not having to count out money not having to count change. still check the receipt though. if there are queries, they can void the transaction and redo it.

when they have stamp promotions they are auto added to your card

Edited by koo wallety tourist
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