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Daily Mail


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Has the ban on the Daily Mail been lifted?

I was browsing through Facebook this morning and came across an interesting article posted by the Daily Mail.

When I clicked on it I was directed to the Daily Mail online instead of the usual green banner telling me this site has been prohibited.

Quite a surprise.

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Depends on the link. If the link is to the homepage or certain articles then it is banned. Otherwise it does seem a little random and seems to be based on the referring page in some way. They slammed the ban in place on a certain date but new content is being indexed and linked so is available.

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Also depends on the ISP.

On my notebook, my ISP works fine for some of the sections (e.g. News/US/Sport) but not others (e.g. Home/Money). But works just fine on all sections on my iPhone. No change since initial clampdown last year - following the UK news story that caused the (partial) block.

When I try at the airport (different ISP), can't connect to any sections on my notebook. So, seems to be pot luck.

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I'd never heard of the Daily Mail until it was banned. Made me want to read it regardless.

Having read it however, maybe I was better off in my ignorance of this esteemed publication!

Oh and it does seem to be unblocked now, don't need VPN to access the root homepage

Edited by GinBoy2
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I read it every morning with my first and second coffee, here in Europe. If i wanted to read The Times or the Telegraph i would have to pay.

I also read my local papers, too.

I actually like it, in a sort of odd way.

And you lot that put it down, why should you be at all interested in it being there or not? Or are you secret readers, but would never admit it?!!

Edited by Patsycat
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So funny to watch that they are not even able to implement a consistent blocking.

Its about the 6th (?) thread about DM that I read.

Sometime it is unblocked (mishap).

Today only MICT

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I read it every morning with my first and second coffee, here in Europe. If i wanted to read The Times or the Telegraph i would have to pay.

I also read my local papers, too.

I actually like it, in a sort of odd way.

And you lot that put it down, why should you be at all interested in it being there or not? Or are you secret readers, but would never admit it?!!

Until the 'ban' I would never have known about it. It's a weird combo in my mind. Tabloid, xenophobic, titillation.

If I had to compare, it's like a print version of Fox News, but without the chiseled jaws, pouting breasts and manic shouting!

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From what I can tell the internet controls here are put in place by the ISP. Add to this the methodology employed to block access (i.e. they don't appear to use wildcards) and you can see why it appears incredibly arbitrary. To track a constantly evolving, content centric, website like the Daily Mail requires a fair amount of processing power and human intervention. Why would our ISPs want to do any more of this than they have to?

Just tried the following

dailymail.co.uk - blocked (including with www. and without)

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/index.html - available

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/auhome/index.html - (Australia) blocked

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/index.html - blocked

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/index.html - blocked

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/index.html - blocked

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/index.html - available

In fact, on investigation, it appears that they have blocked a number of sections, but not the news ?!?!? Bizarrely THAT video IS available!!!!

It would seem the ball was dropped on this one a while ago. Whether the Daily Mail simply moved the article out of the blocked regions I don't know.

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