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Makha Bucha Day in Thailand on March 4, 2015


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It was 9 full months after the Buddha got the Enlightenment, on the full moon day of 6th lunar month, 45 years before the Buddhist era. On the full moon day of the 3rd lunar month, Makha, of the year, 4 special events happened:

1. There were 1,250 Sangha followers, that came to see the Buddha that evening without any schedule.
2. All of them were "Arhantas', the Enlightened One, and all of them were ordained by the Buddha himself.
3. The Buddha gave those Arhantas the principles of the Buddhism, called "The Ovadhapatimokha". Those principles are: - To cease from all evil, - To do what is good, - To cleanse one's mind;
4. It was the full moon day.

Another important event, which happened on the same days (the full moon day of the 3rd lunar month) 44 years later, the last year of the Buddha's life, he decided to 'Parinibbhana', nirvana, leave the mind from the body or die. 3 months after that day (on the full moon day of the six lunar month -- we known as 'Visakha Bucha Day').


'TUM BOON': Making merit by going to temples for special observances, making merit, listening to Dhamma preaching, giving some donations and join in the other Buddhist activities.

'RUB SIL': Keeping the Five Precepts, including abstinence from alcoholic drinks and all kinds of immoral acts.

'TUK BARD': Offering food to the monks and novices (in the alm bowl).

Practice of renuciation: Observe the Eight Precepts, practice of meditation and mental discipline, stay in the temple, wearing white robes, for a number of days.

'VIEN TIEN': Attending the Candle Light Procession around the Uposatha Hall, in the evening of the Vesak full moon day.

-- 2015-03-02

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Please do not forget:

Makha Bucha , Wednesday , 04.March 2015, Makha Bucha celebrates the Buddha's first sermon in to his disciples.

Historically always mandatory bar closure (or no alcohol allowed) on this day

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Waiting for the "waaa waaa - this is going to kill the tourism industry in Thailand" posts that usually follow any announcement that there will be a (one day) ban on alcohol sales.

Not sure what surprises me more, that the tourism industry in Thailand hasn't died, despite all of the different "no alcohol" days that happen every year, or the number of people who get so upset over the idea that the government won't let them buy booze on those days (and they apparently are totally unable to buy any in advance themselves). The horror, the HORROR !!

It is none of my business if people complain about the alcohol ban, remain silent or if they prefer to stock up. It is a personal decision if they observe the day or not. It is also a personal decision to keep ones horror lamentations to ones self or share them with others.

Live and Let Live.

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Waiting for the "waaa waaa - this is going to kill the tourism industry in Thailand" posts that usually follow any announcement that there will be a (one day) ban on alcohol sales.

Not sure what surprises me more, that the tourism industry in Thailand hasn't died, despite all of the different "no alcohol" days that happen every year, or the number of people who get so upset over the idea that the government won't let them buy booze on those days (and they apparently are totally unable to buy any in advance themselves). The horror, the HORROR !!


ONLY Alcoholics will have heart failure

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Waiting for the "waaa waaa - this is going to kill the tourism industry in Thailand" posts that usually follow any announcement that there will be a (one day) ban on alcohol sales.

Not sure what surprises me more, that the tourism industry in Thailand hasn't died, despite all of the different "no alcohol" days that happen every year, or the number of people who get so upset over the idea that the government won't let them buy booze on those days (and they apparently are totally unable to buy any in advance themselves). The horror, the HORROR !!

So Wat (Temple wai.gif ) is the big deal, just take a few bottles home like a good Christen and do not drink and drive bah.gif

If you are a Buddhist, may the good Lord protect you and please do not drink and drive. coffee1.gif

Win facepalm.gif

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Waiting for the "waaa waaa - this is going to kill the tourism industry in Thailand" posts that usually follow any announcement that there will be a (one day) ban on alcohol sales.

Not sure what surprises me more, that the tourism industry in Thailand hasn't died, despite all of the different "no alcohol" days that happen every year, or the number of people who get so upset over the idea that the government won't let them buy booze on those days (and they apparently are totally unable to buy any in advance themselves). The horror, the HORROR !!

More postings are showing more often and getting vocal about nasty, negative messages on this venue. It is past time for the owners of it to simply crack down on worthless negative blather.

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OK, I'm a little late coming to this but I went to the temple yesterday with my niece and "tam bun." Every year. But this year I finally noticed this is supposed to be celebrated on the full moon day of the THIRD lunar month, and according to my calendar yesterday was the full moon day of the FOURTH lunar month. Can anyone explain the discrepancy? Is the Chinese Lunar Calendar one month off from the Indian Lunar Calendar? Whats going on here?

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