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Chinese women shock travelers with bathroom strip acts

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Good she didnt wash her clothes and hang them over at the boarding lounge

My Chinese guests tonight have just washed their undies in the basin and hung them out to dry over the plants in my beautiful garden (they didn't want to use the clothes dryer/hangers outside their guest-room).

Since all the guests tonight are Chinese, I decided not to 'do a Basil', but to open a cold beer and retreat inside my room - I'll venture out after 2am when they've all gone to the airport....

Maybe they didn't know they were clothes hangers !!!


Will the Thais do something seriously about their naked women on the public street (worse than in the women's rest room) during their Songkran holidays?

Can they spell hypocrisy

What street please?

Songkran is coming

  • Like 1

Back in 1900 that's how they dressed here, she was likely just trying to go native.

They were not ashamed of it, back then....but the Western World was in Shock.

Now it is the exact opposite, eh?


The problem with this news report is that there are many men and might i add older men reading this forum. Unless the women are really old, ugly etc they wouldn't mind. Comeon admit it which one of you were thinking show her front when you saw that picture.


Same thing happened here in Chiang Rai and the perp was a western man. Had to warn him as the lady cleaner frequently comes to the men's room. Furthermore, he was standing right in front of the door and had someone come in, would have treated the gym goers to the Full Monty.

somehow when a western man does it he gets away with it.


On the flip side of the coin, what's the deal with having female cleaners mopping the floor at your feet while you're taking a pee at a urinal in a Thai mall public toilet.

I mean, I don't mind sharing the toilet facilities with women in a gogo bar (the more the merrier). But I do take exception to the Thai equivalent of a middle aged housefrau sloshing her mop between my feet at Central Festival while I'm contemplating the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Recently I was in a Mall before it opened. Got in from the carpark. The cleaner started chatting to me as I went for a Tom Tit. Even when I was doing the act she carried on the conversation. I think she fancied me.

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Many Thais are quick to judge foreigners without looking in the mirror.

They did not learn to look in mirrors.


The problem with this news report is that there are many men and might i add older men reading this forum. Unless the women are really old, ugly etc they wouldn't mind. Comeon admit it which one of you were thinking show her front when you saw that picture.

And that is a problem why? News is news I suppose.

btw-- "which one"? prob every one!

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The problem with this news report is that there are many men and might i add older men reading this forum. Unless the women are really old, ugly etc they wouldn't mind. Comeon admit it which one of you were thinking show her front when you saw that picture.

Naaaa, I think you're wrong.

I recon more people where thinking:

"Where's the video ?" smile.png

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The Thai woman who took the photos must be one frustrated prude.

All the stalls were occupied, and her fellow traveler had a plane to catch.

And where was her sense of Sisterhood?

The cardinal rule is - what happens in a Ladies' Bathroom remains in the Ladies' Bathroom.

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Many Thais are quick to judge foreigners without looking in the mirror.

I've seen Thai guys pissing while standing on the sidewalks many times in the heart of HiSo Thonglor.

People walking by, never saying anything.

And what about carrying on a casual conversation while this is going on:



Good she didnt wash her clothes and hang them over at the boarding lounge
My Chinese guests tonight have just washed their undies in the basin and hung them out to dry over the plants in my beautiful garden (they didn't want to use the clothes dryer/hangers outside their guest-room).
Since all the guests tonight are Chinese, I decided not to 'do a Basil', but to open a cold beer and retreat inside my room - I'll venture out after 2am when they've all gone to the airport....

What is it I do??? whistling.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh my god the human body is such a horrible, disgusting, pornographic thing that the very sight of one shocks people, even one of their own sex.

Oh I don't know.

The human body can indeed be horrible and disgusting.

I think I might be a little upset if some 250 kg Chinese guy were to end up b o l l o c k naked in the Gents if I was washing my hands.

Call me fussy if you like.......................wink.png

Here we are talking about a 160 cm 50kg female. Hardly the same category.


But of course Thai women get born with clothes and how they get children is not known....not with sex that is sure.

That must be the logic reason why Thai babies usually have no fathers, only mothers and grandmothers.


Thais are the last people on earth who should be debating moral relativism. I wonder what their reaction would be to someone breastfeeding their child in the open. Time to grow up Thailand.

They do it all the time. Where do you hang out?


Some people just have too many hangups

Nothing wring with a naked person in the washroom

Maybe she was just upset because the chinese girl had bigger boobies than her

  • Like 1

At least the picture was taken from the back out of compassion since Chinese women are known to have no breasts.


On the flip side of the coin, what's the deal with having female cleaners mopping the floor at your feet while you're taking a pee at a urinal in a Thai mall public toilet.

I mean, I don't mind sharing the toilet facilities with women in a gogo bar (the more the merrier). But I do take exception to the Thai equivalent of a middle aged housefrau sloshing her mop between my feet at Central Festival while I'm contemplating the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.

Recently I was in a Mall before it opened. Got in from the carpark. The cleaner started chatting to me as I went for a Tom Tit. Even when I was doing the act she carried on the conversation. I think she fancied me.

I had to look that one up. It is new.

tom tit

Shit. New cockney slang

I'm off to take a Tom Tit!



Women shock travelers with toilet strip acts

Strip act?

Or just changing her clothes?

That's a big difference.

Last time in Swampy i saw a guy washed his dick after pee in the hand basin.

Not big thing at all.

What? 'Not a big thing at all'?

Do you mean his dick or the fact that he washed it in a basin for all to see, but you didn't care? laugh.png


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Oh my god the human body is such a horrible, disgusting, pornographic thing that the very sight of one shocks people, even one of their own sex.

Oh I don't know.

The human body can indeed be horrible and disgusting.

I think I might be a little upset if some 250 kg Chinese guy were to end up b o l l o c k naked in the Gents if I was washing my hands.

Call me fussy if you like.......................wink.png


Not only that, not all Chinese women are going to look as appealing as in the OP photo.

Imagine seeing some 60 or 70 something, fat gross old granny doing a striptease in front of your eyes. The same applies to the men`s rooms. No, I agree, this sort f thing should be done in private , not in full public view.

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